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posted by Kitsune32
Here's Part 4. Mood roller-coaster is ahead so keep your arms and legs inside the ride at all times. Enjoy.

Princess' POV

I woke up that morning in a bad mood from yesterday's events. It made me feel awful yelling at Hutch even though he didn't do anything to deserve it. The frustration of him telling me to talk with King just made me snap at him. I wanted to say I was sorry to Hutch when he woke up.

Realizing that a walk might help me clear my mind, I decided to head out of the den. I was parched so, I decided to head to the pond for a quick drink. The scenery sort of helped me relax, but I still couldn't get the thought of King out of my head. To be honest, a part of me really wanted King to die after he threatened to kill Runt. How could he have wanted to do that to an innocent pup?

Shaking my head, I stopped thinking about him. It took me a few minutes, but I arrived at the pond. There I was surprised to see Runt licking up some the water.

"Good morning Runt," I said. This caused him to jump a little. Runt looked at me and smile.

"Oh, good morning Princess," he sinabi adorably.

I walked over to the water as me and Runt drank some of it. Once we quenched our thirsts, we began to talk. The conversations were mainly about how we slept and if we had any dreams. Then Runt asked me where Hutch was, so I told him that he was at the yungib sleeping.

I frowned at the memory of me yelling at him and us not snuggling susunod to each other that night. Noticing my distraught expression, Runt had asked if something was bothering. I decided to tell him everything. Once I finished, Runt looked at me with a slightly disappointed face.

"How could you do that Princess," he scolded lightly.

"I know I messed up, but Hutch was frustrating me about my fathe... I mean King," I sinabi with guilt.

"Well he was just worried about you," Runt said. "Are you at least gonna apologize to him?"

"Certainly," I answered. "The minuto he wakes up, I'll tell him I'm sorry for what I did last night."

"Good," Runt said.

Me and Runt went back to madami casual chatting until we went back to our respective homes. Once I arrived at the den, I saw that Hutch was eating a piece of meat while a whole caribou was at the back of the den. I walked in as he continued eating.

"Good morning," I sinabi to him.

"Hi Princess," he sinabi with a tone filled with despair.

My puso ached when Hutch sounded sad. I never truly realized how much I hurt him.

"Hutch, look. I'm sorry about last night," I said. Hutch lifted at my statement. "I shouldn't have yelled at you because you were worried. I can only hope you can forgive me."

Hutch walked over to me and hugged. "It's alright Princess. I already forgave you." Me and him snuggled for a while until we stopped.

"Thanks for not holding a grudge Hutch," I said.

"Why would I ever do that to my wife," He said. "I knew that you were just frustrated."

After that, Hutch gave me a piece of caribou as I filled my stomach. Once I ate the meal up, me and Hutch talked about our plans for a honeymoon.

Later in the afternoon, one of Hutch's friend Cando came sa pamamagitan ng our den.

"Oh uy Cando. How's Reba," Hutch asked.

"She's good. Janice and her are out picking berries," Cando said. Something that was strange was the manner of his smile.

I decided to ask Cando is anything was wrong. When I did, he sighed and bore a distraught look on his face.

"Ok look, Kate and Humphrey wanted me to inform you about King's execution," Cando said. "It's scheduled for today."

My puso skipped a beat at Cando's announcement. King was going to be executed today. When I asked what time he'll be killed, Cando sinabi later at sunset.

I stood there shocked. Emotionless was probably the right word to describe my face.

Cando left as me and Hutch were left alone. He decided to change the subject to what we should do today. I myself wanted to dropped the discussion so I played along. But on the inside, I was torn apart.

During the araw I felt depressed as I could barely smile. Hutch tried to cheer me up, but nothing really helped.

It was an oras until sunset when I was alone in my den. A few minutos ago, Hutch sinabi he needed to do something so he left the den. While in solitude, my feelings were conflicted. I should be glad that King was going to be rid from my life and won't hurt any other innocent wolf, but all I felt was despair and regret.

All of a sudden Hutch returned to our yungib with... Runt?

"Runt what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your family for King's execution?"

"He's here to help me talk some sense into you," Hutch said. I was confused as to what he meant sa pamamagitan ng that until I realized it was about King.

"Princess look, what you're doing isn't good for your psyche," Runt said.

"What are you talking about," I sinabi irritated.

"Hutch told me all about how depressed you were today after hearing about King," Runt said. "All you're doing is repressing your feelings about your dad."

"He's right. If you keep this up, you might be mentally and emotionally damaged," Hutch said.

"How do you know that might happen," I sinabi defensively. "Plus Runt why do you care about me talking to my father if you know how much of a bastard he is?"

"Don't get me wrong. I still think your father's an awful lobo and I hate him for wanting to kill my family," Runt exclaimed. "But I care about you and I don't you to be like this forever."

"Just shut up both of you," I sinabi with fury. "None of you know it's like to be in this position."

"You're wrong," I was surprised to find the words come out of Hutch's mouth. "I know what's like to be in this situation."

Third Person POV

Hutch began to tell Princess about how his father, Hans, left him and his mother, Carol when he was only a pup. Years later when Hutch was a teenager, Hans had returned only to be struck with a fatal illness. Carol had wanted her son to reconcile with his father, but Hutch only thought of Hans as a dead beat dad.

Hans' condition was getting worse as he was closer to death. Luckily, Runt's grandfather Winston talked to Hutch about mending his relationship with his father. During Hans' last few days, him and Hutch talked to each other as they began to reconcile with each other.

One araw however Hans was on his death. Though not before he told Hutch to be a good mate and father and become like Hans. Hutch told him that he forgave him for leaving him and his mother all those years ago. Hans smiled before passing away at that moment. Carol cried as Hutch comforted her while tears ran down his eyes as well.

Since that day, Hutch was devoted to fulfill his late father's wish of him being a great mate and an even greater father.

Back to Princess' POV

Once Hutch finished his story, he had started to tear up about as well as Runt. It struck me that my words the other night had hurt Hutch madami than I thought. He's been through the torment of not being able to over come the terrible situation he was in.

After he wiped his eyes dry, Hutch spoke again, "I don't know how miserable my life would have been if I didn't reconcile with my father."

"Hutch I'm sorry," I sinabi with extreme guilt. "I never knew you went through something like that."

"It's alright Princess," Hutch sinabi as I nuzzled his chest.

"I understand now , you were didn't want me to have a life full of regret," I said.

"Exactly," Hutch said.

"Hutch and I care about you a lot Princess," Runt sinabi with a smile.

"Yeah you're right," I said. I stood up and went towards the entrance of the den. "Now I know what I have to do. Can you two come with me for support?"

"Certainly," they both sinabi as we ran towards the yungib my father was being kept in.

When we arrived, it was close to sunset. The two mga lobo that were guarding my father noticed us, prompting them to walk over to us.

"What is your business here," the tan lobo asked.

"I'm here to visit my father before the execution," I said.

"Fine you may enter," the mga lobo went aside to allow us to go in.

Once we were inside, we saw my father in the back of the den. He was curled up in a ball with his head down.

"Father," I sinabi to him. He turned around and was shocked to find us there.

"Princess, Runt? Are you doing here," Father asked.

"I'm here to talk to you," I told him. "But first I wanted to introduce you to my mate, Hutch."

"Oh so you must be my son-in-law," King sinabi walking up to Hutch and extended his paw to him. "It's a pleasure to meet to you Hutch." The two shook their paws. King looked at Runt as there awkward silence. Runt looked a bit mad at King, but I didn't blame.

"Umm hello Runt," my father said.

"King," Runt said.

"Look, I'm sorry for causing a lot of trouble for you and your family," Father sinabi with immense guilt.

Runt sighed heavily before speaking, "Look, I'm still hate you for trying to kill my family. The only reason I'm helping you is for Princess' sake."

My dad looked sad at Runt's response, but nonetheless understood Runt's anger towards him.

After that, me and my father talked.

"Princess, I'm sorry that I never acted like a dad to you," he said.

"No father, I know that you were only trying to take care of me sa pamamagitan ng yourself," I told him. "I was just being an ungrateful brat."

"What I did back at pasko was not justified at all," Father said. "All I wanted was power."

"Why did you want power in the first place," Runt asked.

"I just wanted a better place to live for Princess," King said.

"So doesn't that mean that you wanted power to protect Princess," Runt added.

"All I wanted was for my daughter to have a good life," Father said.

"You see father, you tried to protect me," I said. "I pag-ibig you know matter what, even if I lied to myself."

My father's face lighten as I told him I loved him.

"Princess," King sinabi as he began to cry. "When my plan failed, the idea that I would never see you again horrified me."

"Daddy," I sinabi as I cried as well. The two of hugged as we cried together.

After we finished letting out our emotions, we pulled out of the hug as we were relieved to have resolved our problems.

"It's good to get that off my chest," I sinabi to my father.

"Ditto," he sniffed.

"What are we gonna do now," Hutch asked. "I mean we can't really have King be executed now, right?"

At that moment, the realization that my dad was going to be executed soon struck me hard. I had forgotten all about it when we reconciled.

"Oh no, what are we going to do," I asked a bit scared.

"I have an idea," Runt said.

"Really? What is it," I asked.

"Well it could get us in trouble," he said.

"Well we are desperate," Hutch said.

"Okay here's the plan..."

22 minutos later

Two mga lobo came into the yungib to take my father, "Hey King, it's time to pay your dues."

Me, Hutch and Runt stood in front of my father as we growled at them.

"The hell is this," one of them asked.

"We're not gonna let you kill my father," I sinabi with determination.

"Well we really don't give a damn about what you want. So I think it's best if you get out of the way," a brown lobo snarled.

"Dude wait," a grey lobo said.

"What," the brown one said.

"The pup with them is one of the Kate's and Humphrey's son. If we attack him we'll be exiled," Grey lobo said.

"Aghh dammit. Well just tell them what's going on they'll sort it out," Brown lobo sinabi as the two of them exited the den.

We all relaxed as we prepared for the segundo part of the plan.

A few minutos later Kate and Humphrey rushed into the yungib with looks of frustration.

"What's the meaning of this you guys," Humphrey sternly said.

"Kate, Humphrey look. My father can change if you give him a chance," I stated.

"She's right mom and dad. Even if he did some awful things he can still change," Runt followed.

"Runt you too," his mom questioned.

"King is actually a nice guy. He just made some horrid mistakes," Hutch said.

"Look I'm sorry you guys but King needs to pay for what he's done and him being alive can pose a threat to the packs," Humphrey stated.

"If there were rogues very loyal to him then he could possible tell them to stop," I objected.

"Sirs if I may intervene," a voice said. To our surprise, it was the golden furred lobo that was guarding my father.

"Ethan!? Now you're defending King," Kate said.

"While what he did was downright awful, what he sinabi before might be proof he at least has a heart," The lobo named Ethan said. I was surprised this lobo defend my father. Ethan proceeded to tell Kate and Humphrey our entire conversation with my father earlier. Suffice to say, Humphrey and Kate were surprised sa pamamagitan ng what Ethan told them. "Plus, all sentient life has the right of freedom as long as they have not Nawawala the right or at least regained it."

They looked at King before breathing in and sighing heavily. "I'm guessing what Ethan told as is that King fully regrets his actions and deeply cares about Princess," Kate said.

"And he apologized to Runt," Humphrey added.

"Fine, King will be spared," Kate sinabi as we cheered. Though she cut it short sa pamamagitan ng added another part. "But he will be kept under surveillance until enough suspicion is lifted. Plus he only eat left overs."

"And Runt," Humphrey sinabi causing Runt to seem a little nervous. "Just come tahanan soon."

Runt sighed a little in relief.

"I won't make you regret your decision," Father said.

"The only reason we're letting you live is because of Runt and Princess you got it," Kate said.

"I understand," King said.

Kate and Humphrey left the den.

"Well that went smoothly," Runt said.

"You bet," I sinabi with extreme glee as I hugged my father. "I was worried they were going to kill you dad."

"Yeah I can agree on that part," my father sinabi embracing my hug. We stayed that way for a good half of a minuto until we broke off.

We turned to Ethan to thank him for helping, "It was no trouble."

"Why did you help us," Runt asked.

"By the sounds of it, it seems King has at least one person who cares about," Ethan answered. "And it seemed wrong to let them suffer a great loss."

"Still think you should have let him be executed," the grey lobo said, earning himself a manuntok from Ethan.

"You know it was the right thing to do Drake," Ethan said. patong lalaki proceeded to mumble something under his breath.

After around twenty minutos of talking, me and Hutch left to take Runt home.

We again thanked Ethan for his help as I gave my dad one madami goodbye hug. I couldn't be happier to be honest.

When we arrived at Runt's family's den, Humphrey and Kate were outside.

They told Runt to head inside as we were left with them.

"Thanks Runt for everything," I said.

"No problem," he sinabi before he was inside.

"So are we gonna be punished for insubordination," Hutch asked.

"No you guys and Runt didn't do anything wrong actually," Kate said.

"The reason we actually didn't kill King immediately was for the sake of your feelings, Princess," Humphrey said.

"Really," I asked.

"Yeah. When we saw how indifferent you were to meeting you father, we assumed you no longer cared for him," Kate said.

"Oh," was all I could say.

"Well all we can hope is that we made the right choice," Humphrey said. "Have a good night you two."

We all sinabi our goodbyes as me and Hutch left for our den.

"Hey Hutch," I said.

"Yeah," he said.

"Thanks," I sinabi licking him before we nuzzled.

"No problem darling," He said.

All I could say was that the world seemed completely peaceful that day.

So that was Chapter 36. I want to thank BlondLionEzel for some help on the idea's of this chapter. Also Hutch's backstory with his father was inspired sa pamamagitan ng and spoilers for Persona 4 the Sun Social Link with Yumi Ozawa. Pretty much what happened in the chapter happened to her in the game with a few alterations. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and I will cya guys later
added by SentinelPrime89
una at wakas
added by SentinelPrime89
posted by AlphaClub
Did you hear about the new 4k beast...? the GTX Titan X? (Or GTX 990 as it's number name, but actually named Titan X, big brother to the Titan Z)

Well, I saw live video benchmarks... at 4k, this powerhouse was able to go through the startup screen/PhysX screen on firestrike, at around 60 FPs... and played the game at 4k at around 20-30, not as good. But I think it was battle field 4... I THINK... it hit around the low 100 FPS at 4k... never done before. On a 1 ms 4k monitor... at a 60 Hz refresh rate. Gave it screen tearing... lol, this thing is a beast... here is a link to the vid: link

Halfway through the video, this guys, Jayztwocents, realizes his packing mga mani are edible, and starts eating them XD

It's funny, because that's what two GTX 780 Ti's can do in SLI, massively overclocked, and this is a single card...
posted by AlphaClub
All of your wind has gone
And all of the paths you've drawn
Have sunk to the ocean sand,

Where no one can see you stand

And under the dark embrace,

Cower the dreams you chase,

Under the rust, and blood,

Don't let yourself,

Give up

And all these steps,

These steps that we take,

Are leading us far away,

And all these years,

Passing each day

Since then we are far away

From where we were

We did what we could,

We are years away, from where we stood,

The road goes on,

Far from it all.

We will start from the start
We will start from the start
We will start from the start
We will start from the start
We will start from the start
We will start from the start
We will start from the start

Kyle just laid there and looked at me with an evil grin. "Well it's nice to meet you again little brother." he replied

Before I could say anything back, he push me off sending me flying through the air. I landed hard on the ground knocking the air out of me. I looked up and saw Kyle charging at me. I got up ready to take the hit when Jackson and Kate hit Kyle to the ground. They then got in front of him making sure he couldn't attack.

"Honey, could you please ilipat so I could kill this stupid wolf." Kyle sinabi trying to get pass them

"No, first of I want to what this is about." Kate replied...
continue reading...
posted by DancingHumphrey
If you don't want to create drama, then don't post anything offensive to others in the future.
I did, but only because some of you did it first.
This isn't even a website rule (The WHOLE fanpop site is broken anyway).

It's a fact that if you don't want to start causing people to uproar the place, then don't post anything that hurts others.
Those comments on sanman7's artikulo was offensive, and what causes fights. Same with posting anti-relationship rules (Redwolf blames I start it or ruin everything when I stand up against dictation, another victim blame).

If you all were sorry for what you've done...
continue reading...
Chapter Five - Echoes of the Past

Ok, here is the fifth chapter to my popular story, A Lonely Omega. Now a lot will happen as the story progresses, so enjoy the new chapter. The susunod story that I will update is Alpha and Omega. Since this story is halfway done, I will end this story with a bang and have an emotional ending as three beloved characters from Alpha and Omega say their final farewell in this story. The song, The Last Goodbye, will make a debut in this story and will return in my other stories.

Humphrey's POV

We were slowly following the scents, carefully looking out for any attacks...
continue reading...
posted by skyrim2244
One bright morning Winston awoke in his yungib empty with nothing but some Buto and leaves. This was because of the new law in the pack which allowed mga lobo to divorce their mates. He divorced eve and told her it was over. This was because she was sleeping around all single wolf's he could smell the other wolf's scents on her. Plus he wasn't getting any nookie. He told her this was his yungib and he won't be kicked out of his yungib over a slutty wolf. She took her caribou Buto and scraps and left.

The susunod Day

Winston went to visit Kate and Humphrey. As soon as he walked he saw that Kate was mad....
continue reading...
posted by Kitsune32
Sup guys. Sorry for the wait. This chapter takes place the morning of the nakaraan chapter. Enjoy.


For a third time, Nars found himself in the void that only existed within his dreams. He knew that he would meet Maya again. Though he was confused as to why he was summoned.

Speaking of the devil, the ghostly she-wolf appeared once again in front of Nars.p

"Hello Nars," Maya spoke with her goddess-like voice, "it's a pleasure seeing you again."

"And I could say the same," Nars replied, "why am I here again?"

"I summoned you here to meet someone," Maya answered.

"Meet someone," Nars was confused by...
continue reading...
"Nabara? Can I ask you something?" asked Zelian.

Nabara looked up. "Sure, anything," she said.

"Okay. So, I ended the battle sa pamamagitan ng killing John, right? Well, the rest of his band got mad and ran away. One of them sinabi they were going and telling their government. I don't think their government will believe them. So, I am going to prove them wrong. I'm going to the human's government, and I am going to ipakita them what I can do. Now, WE live in Canada. Those humans lived in the United States. sa pamamagitan ng paw, it will take me a while to get there. But, I have a secret that even YOU don't know. On tuktok of my...
continue reading...
added by katewolf22158
added by SexyAlpha
Source: Me and Disney
posted by jhilton0907
A prebiyu of my new epic Alpha and Omega story, Jasper Park. A new story that focuses on the past of Jasper Park, leading to the birth of the Pack Law and seeing the ancestors of our paborito characters.

Set in a madami dangerous world... a young Omega sa pamamagitan ng the name of Alex, takes a stand against his wicked brother Norman for the freedom of his fellow Omegas after they were enslaved sa pamamagitan ng the Alphas. What he didn't know, his actions set course a series of events that will change the history of Jasper Park forever. Alex did not just set the course for Jasper, but created the bloodline that will lead...
continue reading...
posted by Rockowolf123
Rocko layed in kama looking at Daria as if she was staring back
I never told you how I Nawawala my eye'' Rocko said
What happened'' she replied
I was on a mission in Cuba before I was taken prisoner and someone stabbed me in my eye'' Rocko said
Were you scared'' Daria asked
Yes I was'' Rocko replied
*in the morning *
Candu was never to found of rocko
He just followed orders
Hay candu'' Rocko said
Candu just grunted
What's the matter'' Rocko asked
SHE WAS BLI-'' candu was cut off when Rocko punched him
Fucking yell at me again you mother fucker'' Rocko said
continue reading...
posted by LillyOmega2
Okay, YouTube is being a pain and I can't upload this there without it being blocked, so I put it on dropbox instead.


I wanted to make at least one A&O video that just used clips from the fourth movie cause of how it's the first sequel to be better than the original movie. The idea behind this one is that Daria (the blind white-colored she-wolf and pup in the video, for those who haven't seen it yet) can't forget about her past in her old pack and how she was exiled for being blind. I kinda tied that idea in with the screamed part:
I won’t forget—I cannot forget this!
I won’t forget—I’ll...
continue reading...
Is hutch OK'' Rocko asked
He's fine he lead your squad to victory'' Winston said
Wow its over'' Rocko sighed
He could live happy now but he liked having a job
Rocko looked in the news paper
Local pizzeria needs night guard
This will work'' he said
You must be Rocko'' the manniger said
Yes sir'' Rocko said
Let's see you served in the US armed forces
You Nawawala your right eye
Lost your right arm
The manniger looked at his silver arm
You got your Carrie and conseal and FOID card
You are 5'11
178 lb
Birth petsa is ... 1987
You are known to smoke
And injury's
Shot multiple times
And you escaped forms...
continue reading...
posted by Rockowolf123
Now before we start this involves another movie balto
Let's start
Rocko woke up in a garage
Wake up wolf'' reznove said
The blood drizzled down rocko's face
Step 8 my friend step 8 is freedom'' the Russian said
Rocko then woke up in kama susunod to his mate
It was only a dream'' Rocko sinabi with relief
Are you ok '' Balto asked
Yeah yeah I'm fine uncle balto'' Rocko said
The plains were being loaded with bravo alpha wolves
In uniforms
Rocko whent over seas a buwan ago
To Rocko balto was a true hero
But to balto Rocko was the bravest lobo he has ever seen
Rocko is still recovering from a buwan nakaraan which is why
He's not their now
Man I wish I could be with them'' Rocko sinabi to kodi and alue
Why'' kodi said
Because thay wouldent be as nerves'' Rocko said
The b-17 started and took off
Let's get something to eat cuzz'' alue said
OK'' Rocko said
Okay. So I got a anouther.

Detrimenal Reasons, sa pamamagitan ng Lightening Phoenix.

He mentions that he feels he may not have enough reviews..

But.. Dude.. Are you friggin kidding me.

I would fucken kill some someone that many reviews..

The most I ever got in my entire time of Fanfiction.. Is 57 reviews.

But then again.

I never made such a long asno story, lol..

Seriously though.

I thought I made it clear how I feel about overly long stories, and not always having the attention span for it.

Anything over 30 or 40 thousand words, will usually freak me out, XD.

But.. I already made the promise of pagbaba it.

Soooo.. Onto...
continue reading...
posted by Rockowolf123
Rocko backed up from Kate and smiled "it's good to be home'' Rocko sinabi ''well I'm sure you want to see Lilly'' Kate sinabi Rocko knew how she wold be poor Rocko wold leave for ten minutos and get greeted with a bare hug from Lilly ''I wold like to see her'' Rocko sinabi as they walked that way Rocko got tackled sa pamamagitan ng lilly ''ouch'' Rocko sinabi out of breath ''I missed you so much I hope your OK are you hurt'' Lilly sinabi energeticly ''no I'm fine'' Rocko sinabi putting on his leather dyaket ''hay rocko '' Garth sinabi ''hay Garth '' Rocko said
''Morter strike get down'' Rocko yelled and pushed...
continue reading...
added by BeautifulKate