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posted by Lanalamprouge
After watching enough anime we all have those scenes that seem to stick with us because of how memorable, relatable, interesting or emotional they were for us and I'm going to share 10 that have stayed with me ever since I saw them. I'm only going to do one per series and the ones who made the tuktok are the ones that the madami I think about them the madami important they are to me.

To note that in Pagsulat about these scenes means slight spoilers so if you haven't seen these shows take caution

*Sket dance (not really i mean it happens in the first episode)
*Attack on Titan
*Hunter x Hunter 2011
*Gurren Laggan
*Death Parade
*Skip Beat
*Code Geass
*Ao Haru Ride
*Inou battle within everyday life

Honorable mentions:

Deadman wonderland
Ganta ipinapakita why I adore him as a character

 if you hated your mother so much why did you grow up to be just like her?
if you hated your mother so much why did you grow up to be just like her?

Honey and Clover
A simple yet effective opening that I relate to a lot
 One araw while I was riding my bike I wondered...
One araw while I was riding my bike I wondered...

Honey and Clover
memorable imagery of a heartbreaking character arc
 i understood how uncle felt
i understood how uncle felt

Ore Monogatari
reminding you that harassing a girl is never ok and no she was not "asking for it"
 wearing that short palda she was asking for it
wearing that short palda she was asking for it

And now on to the list!

{Number 10} Sket Dance: it means everything to the victim

Sket dance is an underrated anime. It's hilarious with memorable characters and actually a decent amount of puso when they explain why the quirky characters are the way they are. And the scene that actually shocked me was in the very first episode where they are trying to help someone who is being bullied and confront the bully. The bully tries to shrug it off because "it was just a joke" and our bayani shut that down real quick.

 The bully always says it's a joke...
The bully always says it's a joke...

I think that entertainment media in general is very bad at portraying bullying. There is madami than one manga I've read that sinabi it's the victim's fault for not being able to stand up to their bully while trying to absolve the bully sa pamamagitan ng saying "you'd pick on someone so annoying too, it's obviously not my fault" and it eternally bothers me how abuse is mostly brushed under "they did it because they loved the M.C" but Sket Dance is one of the few that sinabi HECK NO! and didn't let them pull any excuses. Bullying is wrong and this show's straightforwardness when addressing this stunned me. so kudos Sket Dance. You did good.

{Number 9} Attack on Titan: I want weak people caught up in the flow to be considered human too
 to be considered human too...
to be considered human too...

Here to bring us something to ponder is Annie Leonhart. It's so terribly easy to condemn people who did horrible things. Annie contributes to a rather horrifying act in the ipakita that has everyone up in arms ready to take her down. But despite having done horrid things and seemingly has no regrets for doing those horrid things, she actually has respect for people who try to do good things and are generally good people who want the world to be right, which is madami than can be sinabi about the rest of the army. This is depicted quite well in a scene where they jeer at a member who tries to stand against corruption within the ranks only for him to end up without anything to ipakita for his bravado. Annie bluntly and honestly respects him for trying. She doesn't consider herself a good person but thinks that they are necessary in this life. But not everyone can be bravo or honest or just, so what about those people just trying to survive? Are they not worth saving? Not everyone can be a pinnacle of virtue and she wants for it to be ok that she's not a "good person" and I don't know that just made me think and still constantly has me thinking about it.

{Number 8} Hunter x Hunter 2011: Kurapika vs Uvogin

Revenge is such a popular motive and usually has two outcomes.

A} You achieve it only to learn that now you are hollow inside due to your fixation on revenge leaving you with nothing to ilipat on to

B} You can't go through with it since you now understand that it's not worth it

Kurapika is the lone survivor of a clan that was hunted down due to their eyes which glow a beautiful red when their emotions are high resulting in too many sickos thinking that those beautiful red eyes are the perfect priceless collectibles....
Dedicating his life to hunt down the gagamba gang, as they were the ones who did the deed, it's actually fascinating what happens when he finally catches one. It leads to a one sided fight with Kurapika being in advantage and this is usually depicted with the person in complete dedicated and righteous fury but while there is anger the scene highlights madami that he hates it. It sickens him to be doing this. He hates the blood, the fact that it's not even really a fight, the knowledge that this is how it went for his people, asking Uvogin how he could have done something so horrible. But he goes through with it. He knows exactly what revenge is going to do to him and this is his first taste of it. Even knowing the result of this quest he is determined to go through with it at the price of doing something he hates. In this fight all of the emotions and thoughts are interesting to me.

{Number 7} Gurren Laggan: Believe in the me who believes in you

Believing in yourself is hard. and that's alright because Kamina knows! So Kamina saying this phrase is great because sometimes you need a reminder that even if you don't believe in yourself there is someone who cares for you and believes in you. This line was the perfect pick me up and I just really like it for that positivity. I also think this line has the perfect evolution since it varies a couple of times in the ipakita until it means you believing in the you that that person believes in. Just a real self worth quote that never fails to cheer me up.

{Number 6}Death Parade: Humans aren't complex

You always hear how characters aren't good if they aren't multilayered and complex with unique agendas of their own and all that lovely analysis talk, which is why sometimes simple characters aren't the ones that tend to be people's favorites. Although this isn't the reason Chiyuki starts the speech to Decim it crossed my mind as a side note. After a particular game at the quindecim drives a good older brother type to completing a cruel revenge against someone, Chiyuki talks about a truth that lots of people don't admit, people aren't complex and that because we aren't complex is the reason we're unpredictable, we're interesting, and we're just so full of life.This scene is so emotional and in context is fantastic since it's noting just how fragile we are as people and that it should come to no surprise that when someone tries to push us over the edge sometimes we fall. Just a great scene.

{Number 5} Bleach: I know I can't save everyone

I wonder if it would be wrong to piggyback of the quote in the manga which is kinda like so
 madami or less what was sinabi
more or less what was said

this sums up my feelings on how a main character should be, i don't really have much to say about Ichigo since i'm pretty neutral about him as a character but this quote is so spot on. It's the ideal thinking of a main character since most shows either are so happy go lucky that basically nothing is sacrificed vs. shows that bash people for wanting to believe in the good in life and thus employ the "break the cutie" trope *cough* Tokyo Ghoul *Cough* (don't worry I still like you TG :p)
The quote really stuck with me since it acknowledged to extremes that a character could go and tried to work a middle road.

{Number 4} Skip Beat: I Nawawala an important emotion

Say hello to Kyoko Mogami, a girl out to get revenge on some jerk who took advantage of her pag-ibig for him sa pamamagitan ng joining the business, only problem is that she is rejected from the ipakita biz at first due to there not being a desire to pag-ibig or be loved sa pamamagitan ng her potential future audience. After accepting this reason she goes tahanan and rips a poster to shreds blaming him for her new inability to love. Which ends with her crying her puso out. There's something so heartbreakingly honest about this scene. She used to be someone who loved with all her puso but after so much rejection (not just from the jerk but from her own mother) she just doesn't want to be hurt again unable to see the merit in being the person she was and realizing that just hits her so hard that she breaks down and so do I.

 because of you I Nawawala an important emotion
because of you I Nawawala an important emotion

{Number 3} Code Geass: Is it good to be strong?

As i mentioned with Bleach there are some shows that dwell in grey morality and this means treating "nice" characters with an amount of disdain due to their naivety. Code Geass is not one of those shows. Despite being a ipakita with an anti-hero as our protagonist, innocent or nice characters are actually treated with a sort of respect since they personify the goal that the main wants to achieve which is the rather idealistic world where everyone can be happy (via bloodstained hands but hush that's not the point). The scene combining both his idealism and disdain for a world that doesn't accept the weak, giving you a different sides of the same coin feel since it's a speech shared sa pamamagitan ng Lelouch's foil in the show, his best friend Suzaku who wants to change the system from within. I just pangkalahatang was taken sa pamamagitan ng surprise sa pamamagitan ng Lelouch's answer to how he feels about the "Survival of the fittest" mentality.
 is it good to be strong?
is it good to be strong?

Is it good to be strong? Is it bad to be weak?
Just pangkalahatang great speech, giving you a feel for how the character works while also giving you some pagkain for thought.

{Number 2} Ao Haru Ride: I wanted to be ibingiay permission

This is such a great tear jerking scene. After his mom's death Kou is at a standstill in life. This is due to feeling guilty that he didn't spend enough time with her. He thought studying to get a good job so he could take care of her was a priority so he ends up spending less and less time with her to study up. He's horrified when she dies and it seems that he wasn't actually able to do anything at all for her. So he just kinda meanders through life without making much of an effort to connect with anyone or really do anything, stuff happens (as of course it would in a show)
leading to him to a revelation where he delivers these puso breaking lines

"i see, to let my puso be moved
to laugh from the bottom of my heart
to find meaning in everyday life...
I wanted to be ibingiay permission"
 i wanted to be ibingiay permission
i wanted to be ibingiay permission

Just really well done guys, leaves me in tears every time.

{Number 1} Inou Battle within everyday life: I don't understand

Honestly I hope the voice actress won some kind of award because she did great. This scene is packed with so much emotion and so much to think about that you feel like you need to take a breath when you're done.
Hatoko is the best friend of Andou, a chuuni, someone who lives in their own world of imagination. As his best friend she has to put up with a lot of from him and she does her best to listen since she is in pag-ibig with him. Lately though it's obvious he is madami compatible with this other girl who understands his Chuuniness and gets along pretty well with him. So after he dismisses her when she tries to open a conversation, she just can't take it anymore and lets him hear her honest opinion.
 I don't understand a single word you've ever sinabi at all!
I don't understand a single word you've ever sinabi at all!

this scene is so great, out of context it could be taken as commentary on how people are growing unable to connect with each other due to an inability to talk with each other frankly about their emotions, in context it's amazing because Hatoko just lets her constant smile slip to give Andou a heartfelt cry where she wants to honestly understand him but admits she can't always be in sync with him and how much it hurts to be dismissed without him trying harder to communicate with her just because it's easier to just assume she won't understand.

And that's all folks!
I'm still not sure if I did an adequate job telling you why these scenes are important to me but I tried and no one can fault me for that.

So any anime scenes that stuck around with you or are just really important to you?

Thank you for reading!
added by Gyroball13
PLEASE NOTE this listahan only contains noteworthy characters introduced in episodes 1-104 since that's all I've seen if you feel I missed someone let me know in the comments and puwang permitting I'll put them in because it's been a while since the last time I saw the series

Kiyo Takamine: Zeno Robinson
Zatch kampanilya and Zeno Bell: Lindsay Seidel
Suzy Mizuno and Ponygon: Monica Rial
Megumi Oumi: Amanda Lee
Tia: Kira Vincent-Davis
Parco Folgore: Ricco Fajardo
Kanchome: Aaron Dismuke
Wonrei: Ian Sinclair
Li-en: Trina Nishimura
Naomi and Rops: Caitlin Glass
Dr. Riddles: David Wald
Kido: Brittney Karbowski
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There's a lot of animes out there. It can often be hard to decide which animes are worth watching. In my opinion, Code Geass is one of the greatest animes of all time.

Here are some of the reasons why Code Geass is worth checking out:

1. It's both brilliant and exciting

Exciting shows and films often have to rely on lots of twists and cameos to throw the audience off-guard. Code Geass is madami exciting than the average blockbuster, and it does so sa pamamagitan ng having characters, with conflicting goals and complex feelings on morality, fighting against one another.

2. A protagonist that's one of a kind

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