Blair & Chuck Club
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 It feels amazing and it's awesome to be recognized for it!
It feels amazing and it's awesome to be recognized for it!
I'm happy to present our February FOTM with the amazing Julia, very loyal CB tagahanga since the very beginning spreading the pag-ibig for them everywhere she gets and greatly contributing to this spot. So well deserved! Without further ado, here's her interview. :)

1. Congrats on winning Julia! How does it feel to be a Chair FOTM?
It feels amazing! I've been a huge Chair tagahanga for years, but it's only recently that I started getting involved in the spot, and it's awesome to be recognized for it! I'm so happy that a bunch of us contributed to making the CB spot active again!

2. Standard question: Tell us something about yourself that we don't know yet.
Well, I live in New Jersey in the United States and I was born on May 21, 1995, making me a sophomore in high school and probably one of the youngest people here on the CB spot! Haha. That's pretty much it, lol.

 I watched the pilot and I was hooked.
I watched the pilot and I was hooked.
3. What got you hooked on Gossip Girl?
In December 2007, my sister told me about this amazing new ipakita that I had to start watching, Gossip Girl. I watched the pilot and I was hooked. It was winter break, so I was able to stay up late and watch all the episodes. I was completely hooked. Then I was able to watch live when School Lies aired!

4. How did you become a Chair fan? Which scene made you a hardcore shipper?
I remember watching 1x03 and thinking that CB could be a really good couple when they were scheming together in Blair's bedroom. I think I became a shipper during 1x08, but I know I was a hardcore tagahanga sa pamamagitan ng the time 1x18 came around. I know I was rooting for CB during that episode.

 They are my OTP, and no other couple comes close.
They are my OTP, and no other couple comes close.
5. Where do CB rank at on your listahan of paborito TV couples?
#1. They are my OTP, and no other couple comes close.

6. What's your paborito thing about them as individual characters?
For Chuck, I think that he has a really big puso once you peel away all his layers. I also pag-ibig that he does not judge the people he cares about at all- for example, he was the person Eric first felt able to come out to. And he'll never judge Blair for her scheming nature, because he's the same way! As for Blair, her loyalty is her best trait sa pamamagitan ng far. No matter what's going on, she will always be there for those she cares about. I pag-ibig that about her.

 The chemistry between Ed and Leighton makes them totally different (and better!) from other couples. [...] it's unbeatable.
The chemistry between Ed and Leighton makes them totally different (and better!) from other couples. [...] it's unbeatable.
7. What's the thing that makes Chair different from other couples?
They are totally different from a typical teen couple. Usually you have the bad guy and the good girl, or the good guy and the bad girl. Chuck and Blair are the bad boy and the bad girl. Yet as the ipakita progresses and their relationship progresses, you see that these labels are just labels and there is madami to their characters. Also, the chemistry between Ed and Leighton makes them totally different (and better!) from other couples.

8. Would you rather have different actors playing Chuck and Blair or Ed and Leighton being a part of a different ipakita not written sa pamamagitan ng JS&SS?
Ed and Leighton being a part of a different ipakita not written sa pamamagitan ng JS&SS. First of all, JS/SS have basically destroyed everything I loved about this show, so I would be happy to watch a ipakita not written sa pamamagitan ng them. Also, I think CB would be a shell of itself if different, lesser actors played Chuck and Blair. EL have to pull off the most ridiculous lines sometimes, and I don't think other actors could do it. And their chemistry is unbeatable.

 "There's nobody for each other but them." Enough said.
"There's nobody for each other but them." Enough said.
9. Which is your paborito quote sinabi sa pamamagitan ng Ed or Leighton about CB?
Leighton: "I can really relate to it- not necessarily because it's this dramatic, tumultuous relationship, but because the way they pag-ibig each other is very real, and not for the sake of being dramatic. It's actual love. There's nobody for each other but them "
Enough said.

10. The most...
Emotional moment: Train station scene
Saddest moment: 2x13, "Because I pag-ibig you." "Well that's too bad."
Happiest moment: 2x25 ILY too!!!
Funniest moment: 4x08, Chuck emerging from the covers
Sexiest moment: LIMO SEX.
Cutest moment: The end of the hospital scene when Chuck kisses her on the head and says "Thank you"
Unexpected moment: Man, I've been pagbaba spoilers for forever so nothing is unexpected for me at this point... I guess the whole Victrola striptease (the start of it all)? I wasn't expecting it.
 I wasn't expecting it [the whole Victrola striptease].
I wasn't expecting it [the whole Victrola striptease].

 Lion- it's the king of the jungle, and Chuck and Blair are the King and reyna of NYC.
Lion- it's the king of the jungle, and Chuck and Blair are the King and reyna of NYC.
11. Define Chair in...
One word: Inevitable
One song: 'Butterflies' sa pamamagitan ng Sia. (total credit to Courtney for finding the song!)
One movie: Gone With the Wind
One color: Purple
One season of the year: Summer
One object: Limo
One place: The Upper East Side? LOL idk
One food: tsokolate cake- it’s sinfully good
One animal: Lion- it's the king of the jungle, and Chuck and Blair are the King and reyna of NYC

 [Favorite] Kiss: 2x25 ILY halik
[Favorite] Kiss: 2x25 ILY kiss
12. Your favorite...
Kiss: 2x25 ILY kiss
Hug: 2x13- No words needed
Hand holding: 2x14- Chuck clutching Blair’s hand as she helps him down from the roof
Look: The look at Rufly’s wedding, 3x05
Hot moment: Limo sex, 1x07
Quote: “In the face of true pag-ibig you don’t just give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you to.”
Episode: 2x13
Season: 2

13. This or that...
Chuck bass or Ed Westwick? Chuck Bass
Limo sex or piano sex? Limo sex
'O Brother Where Bart Thou' episode or 'I pag-ibig you too' scene? Oh this is impossible… O Brother Where Bart Thou sa pamamagitan ng just a little.
Nair or Dair (must pick)? Nair
 Grown up or old school CB? Both, but since season 2 was my favorite, I’ll go with old school.
Grown up or old school CB? Both, but since season 2 was my favorite, I’ll go with old school.
Fluff or angst? Angst
Wearing matching outfits or scheming? Matching outfits
Grown up or old school CB? Both, but since season 2 was my favorite, I’ll go with old school
'In the face of true love...' or 'I'll ALWAYS be your family' quote? In the face of true love
CB look at Rufly's wedding or Chuck looking Blair after fulfilling her prom reyna dream? CB look at Rufly’s wedding
Snowflake Ball dance or 'It's just a game' angst? AH I can’t choose!!! Um… I guess “It’s just a game.” But only sa pamamagitan ng a little.
'It wouldn't be my world without you in it' or 'I'm not Chuck bass without you' quote? It wouldn’t be my world without you in it.

 Best hot scene: Limo sex, 1x07
Best hot scene: Limo sex, 1x07
14. Favorites per season...
Season 1;

Best cute scene: “Something this beautiful deserves to be seen on someone worthy of its beauty” scene, 1x08
Best hot scene: Limo sex, 1x07
Best quote: “In the face of true pag-ibig you don’t just give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you to.” 1x18
Best angst: Chuck seeing Nair, 1x10 (even though the Nair was disgusting, Chuck’s face showed how much he loved Blair)
Best episode: 1x08
Scene/moment/anything that pissed you off: Blair softening when Nate gave his stupid speech about the puso pin and Chuck overhearing, 1x10

 “I pag-ibig you so much it consumes me.”
“I pag-ibig you so much it consumes me.”
Season 2;
Best cute scene: Snowflake Ball dance, 2x12
Best hot scene: The halik during the blackout, 2x03
Best quote: “I pag-ibig you so much it consumes me.” 2x25
Best angst: “It’s just a game.” 2x23
Best episode: 2x13
Scene/moment/anything that pissed you off: Basically every Nair scene during Nair 2.0

 “You carry people. You carry me.”
“You carry people. You carry me.”
Season 3;
Best cute scene: The hug in 3x22… if only Jenny wasn’t there! Their faces were so cute.
Best hot scene: Were there any hot scenes in season 3? Um, I guess the 3x14 halik before sex
Best quote: “You carry people. You carry me.” 3x12
Best angst: 3x17 breakup… it was so awful and depressing, but man, Ed and Leighton are so good at angst!
Best episode: 3x12
Scene/moment/anything that pissed you off: 3x18 scenes. All of them. You don’t even want to get me started on that episode. God it pissed me off so much.

 [Best angst] Train station scene!
[Best angst] Train station scene!
Season 4 (so far);
Best cute scene: The last scene of 4x08 (Chuck carrying Blair up the stairs!)
Best hot scene: Piano sex, 4x07
Best quote: “It wouldn’t be my world without you in it.” 4x02
Best angst: Train station scene!
Best episode: 4x09
Scene/moment/anything that pissed you off: Do I even have to say it? EVERY SINGLE MOMENT IN THE segundo HALF OF THIS SEASON. (not that I actually watched any of it… but I’ve read enough recaps).

15. Would you still be watching Gossip Girl if they never happened?
Probably not. Honestly, sometime during the segundo half of season 2 I realized that I was only watching for Chair. I really couldn’t care less about what happened to the other characters. So if Chair hadn’t happened, the ipakita would not have held my interest for very long.
 I really couldn’t care less about what happened to the other characters.
I really couldn’t care less about what happened to the other characters.

 Deal with it.
Deal with it.
16. How do you feel about Chair/Chuck haters? What do you have to say to them?
I’m going to have to quote Mean Girls here. “I’m sorry that people are so jealous of me, but I can’t help it that I’m popular!” Face it, DBers/CB haters/Chuck haters. OUR COUPLE IS BETTER THAN YOURS. WE ARE madami POPULAR, NO MATTER HOW MANY FAKE ACCOUNTS YOU MAKE.WE ARE GETTING ENDGAME, NOT YOU.
Deal with it. And stop trolling our spot.

 CB > any other couple (excuse to use a pretty icon here)
CB > any other couple (excuse to use a pretty icon here)
17. You can "borrow" one scene from each one of the Gossip Girl couples. Which one do you choose?
Serena and Nate: sopa sex/assgrab (from 3x13)
Dan and Serena: The “I pag-ibig you because” scene. Just change it around to make it fit CB.
Nate and Jenny: Fashion ipakita halik (2x09)
Blair and Nate: Wow, they really have nothing worth stealing… I’ll go with the 2x19 talk (“I don’t know who I am anymore”)
Nate and Vanessa: 2x12 kiss
Carter and Serena: The forest scene in 3x01

18. BlanD endgame or Chuck bass dying a painful death? You must choose or you'll be obliged to watch the Ban halik scene EXTENDED VERSION (which includes DB raunchy sex at the end) for a week 24/7. MWAHAHAHAHAH.
 Might as well spare myself the pain of knowing BlanD are endgame.
Might as well spare myself the pain of knowing BlanD are endgame.
NAT!!! How can you make me choose?!?!?!?!?!? Okay, I’m so sorry Chuck… but you’re going to have to die a painful death. Here’s my logic: if BlanD get endgame, Chuck would kill himself because he’d be so distraught. So I’ll just choose Chuck dying a painful death because that would also happen with the DB option. Might as well spare myself the pain of knowing BlanD are endgame.

19. You have a chance to talk JS&SS into changing something in CB's story, would you; and what would you change?
I think everyone knows what I’m going to say- GET RID OF BAN!!!! This storyline killed any enthusiasm I had for the show. I’m contemplating not watching live ever again because Dan and Blair, while they won’t turn romantic, will continue to be “best friends” for the rest of the show. I have no interest in watching those scenes. Also, I would probably get rid of the IP, just so people wouldn’t be able to say CB are emotionally abusive.

 Blair’s face was not the face of a woman getting raped.
Blair’s face was not the face of a woman getting raped.
20. What's the most laughable thing haters have said?
The piano sex was rape. LOLOLOLOL. I mean… what? I think they might want to watch that scene again. Blair’s face was not the face of a woman getting raped.

21. Have you ever cried on a Chair scene, if so on which one?
Yes, many times. I was basically crying during every CB scene during 2x13, lol. I cried during the rooftop scene in 2x14. The “It’s just a game” scene in 2x23. And then I was crying happy tears during the ILY scene. No joke. I teared up during the hospital scene and during the train station scene.

22. What's your paborito thing about this spot?
I pag-ibig that we try to keep this spot alive sa pamamagitan ng making fun and interesting picks and through things like the ICAW club. I also pag-ibig our loyalty- we’ll stand sa pamamagitan ng our ship to the end!
 I want a CB wedding in the series finale. The foreshadowing has been insane.
I want a CB wedding in the series finale. The foreshadowing has been insane.

23. What would be the perfect ending for them?
I want a CB wedding in the series finale. The foreshadowing has been insane.

24. We're close to GG being back from hiatus; how would you balutin up season 4?
End DB, and make CB mga kaibigan again. Then they could slowly build up to a relationship.

25. Biggest slap in the face to any CB hater (as in some cast/crew quote saying how much CB pwn; biggest endgame hint; etc)?
Leighton Meester: "I can really relate to it- not necessarily because it's this dramatic, tumultuous relationship, but because the way they pag-ibig each other is very real, and not for the sake of being dramatic. It's actual love. There's nobody for each other but them "

Suck it.

26. To finish this off, any last words?
Thank you so much for voting for me! I really appreciate it! I pag-ibig this spot so much and I hope we’re able to keep it active during the dark days that lie ahead! CB FTW!
 "In the face of true love, you don't just give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you to."
"In the face of true love, you don't just give up, even if the object of your affection is begging you to."

Congrats again, Julia! I'm so glad I got to interview you. Disclaimer: I take no credit for any of the arts.
added by Nibylandija
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added by iLoveChair
Source: issa @ fanforum
added by LaPiccolaFra
Source: Me (LaPiccolaFra)
added by livelovelaugh
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Source: niestereotypowa
added by chameron4eva
Source: cocaine_dancer.
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Source: dansedesuburbia
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Source: winter-baby
added by ChuckBlairLuvA
Wow. Just wow. Thinking back on our “In Defense of Blair Waldorf” post, this episode really didn’t help our case. Looks like Blair was a bit premature in saying she hit rock bottom in 5.19. NOW she has nowhere to go but up–please don’t consider that a challenge, GG Writers. What we saw in the newest episode was Blair at, quite possibly, the craziest point she has ever been. It seems that Claire Carlyle and Blair Waldorf are internally struggling to be the dominant persona, and the result is kind of a hot mess.

On the plus side, it’s good to see that the Waldorf in her is making...
continue reading...
Because we pag-ibig you, we took one for the team and settled in to watch this episode of–supposedly–Gossip Girl. Before we get into actually reviewing the episode, can we just say that we’re confused as to which ipakita we’re watching since the two main characters did not share a SINGLE scene together? We’re not exaggerating — Blair and Serena failed to be in the same room at any point during 5.18. The closest thing we got to a Serena/Blair scene was Blair bitching to Humps about Serena walking into their shared magical bathroom and interrupting their terrible sex. How dare Serena use...
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 serena's present
serena's present
GG: wow who would have thought 4 months would have passed so soon. you upper east siders havent give me any gossip for them past 4 months. when did you all get so boring, but today is graduation and i plan to have my cake and eat it or gossip and post it. come on i know you're hiding something.

St. judes and constance high school:
(Chuck, blair, nate and serena all sitting in the courtyard and ready for graduation)

B: can you belive it finally high school is over and i get to find some new people to terrorise.
S:(laughs) B you never change. although i dont think im going to go to brown.
B: what?...
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 ...then, I watched the scene in Blair's bedroom in 1x03 and I fell in pag-ibig with them completely. After that, my pag-ibig for them only grew stronger with each episode.
...then, I watched the scene in Blair's bedroom in 1x03 and I fell in love with them completely. After that, my love for them only grew stronger with each episode.
I am proud to pass on my crown of fotm to the one and onlylink You are an amazing CB tagahanga and you so deserve this! Congrats Girl!

All right, now let's dive right into the good stuff...

1.Hey Cintia! First of all tell us something about you.

Hey!! Umm.. I'm not the most interesting person, really.. I'm a bit of a weirdo, although I think the term unique would be madami politically correct. ;) I also have an unhealthy number of obsessions and I have a passion for the pantasiya and sci-fi genres.

2. How does it feel to be the new CB tagahanga of the Month?

Awesome!? I think it's pretty cool, considering how...
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 Grown up...?
Grown up...?
This is Season 2 of Chair Tales.
Catch up: Blair, Serena and Dan are at Yale unibersidad and it is set in their final taon at Yale. Nate is not around as he is travelling the world. Blair's mother is still living in their house in Manhattan. Lily still lives in Manhattan. Eric and Jenny both attend other Universities. Rufus has moved out of Brooklyn to Jersey City.
Due to the fact that they have all moved away from the Upper East Side, unfortunately there will be no Gossip Girl Blasts anymore, in fact Gossip Girl isn't around any madami so this season is based on their futures after High school...
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blair & chuck
gossip girl
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gossip girl
blair waldorf
chuck bass
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gossip girl
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Source: packageofgirlyevil at tumblr