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Chair Tales S02E05 - Would I Lie To You?

Blair is at home, she wakes up to an empty kama wondering where her boyfriend is. She had a bad feeling that he had left her and she immediately gets on to the phone to speak to Serena.

Serena's phone is answered sa pamamagitan ng Dan as Serena is busy.

D: Hello, Serena's phone.
B: Dan?
D: have the wrong number...
B: Dont be stupid! It's Blair!
D: I know...
B: Where is Serena i need to speak to her now!
D: She's kind of busy what do you want?
B: Its really important Dan i need to ask her something!
D: Maybe i can help? Unless of course it's girl stuff....thats not really my expertise!
B: Dan! This is serious! i need to know where Chuck is or if she's spoken to him lately.
D: Well have you tried calling him?
B: No.
D: Well that would be a good start.
B: No! You dont understand....we had an argument before i left on my trip and i only got back yesterday....he didnt come tahanan last night.
D: Oh....well he came to our's yesterday...looking for Serena...
B: Really?
D: But she wasn't tahanan so he left. He did say he needed to speak to her about something related to you.
B: you know if they spoke?
D: No they didnt, look im sure it's no big deal...he probably just wanted to ask her if she'd been in contact with you.
B: What if....what if he's left me....i need to see Serena!
D: Look it cant be that just need to call him and talk to him. I'll get Serena to call you back later.
B: ....ok....thanks...bye. (she hangs up)

madami worried than ever Blair still feels reluctant to call Chuck as she feels he may still be angry with her and she didnt want to make things worse, she knew he liked to have his space, but they'd been apart for too long, he'd had enough space.

* * * * * * *

Chuck wakes up in his office. He had drank himself to sleep and now had a banging headache. He still had to meet H.G to do the Deal, which meant going to New York today.

He kept thinking to himself that once the deal was done and he had some money everything would get better. He wouldn't be so stressed out, he could return tahanan and finally talk to Blair. He wasn't going to tell her the whole truth, he didnt want to burden her with his troubles. But he could at least apologise for being a bad boyfriend and for neglecting her.

His problems with his father and the business had strained their relationship. Everyday for the past few months was like hell for him, stuggling with the business, going back and forth from tahanan and NYC, the confrontations with his father, trying to prove his worth, all the stress and the pressure he felt araw in araw out, he had no way of expressing that to anyone, especially Blair. She always thought so much of him, so highly of him, she always told him how proud she was of him, she was the only person in the whole world who had such high opinions of him. There was no way he could be honest with her and let her down, he didnt want to lose what he had with her, he didnt want her to know how much he was struggling because he needed her to be proud of him and he needed her to think so highly of him.

Everytime he went tahanan to her, that was when he felt at ease, he could let go and forget about his troubles and just be with her, being comforted sa pamamagitan ng her and making pag-ibig to her was what had kept him going, it was all he wanted, everyday when he was going through crap, knowing that at the end of the araw he'd be going tahanan to his amazing girlfriend, knowing that he'd get the affection and pag-ibig that he so desperatley needed, that was what got him through the day.

Hearing her accusing him of neglecting her, of taking advantage of her, of only wanting sex from hurt....because it wasn't true, but thats how it came across to her...he felt guilty for letting his feelings of despair ruin their relationship...

He recieves the phonecall he had been waiting for.
H.G gives him the details of the deal and gives him instructions to leave for New York.

After putting the phone down, he gets up and fixes his clothes and hair.
sa pamamagitan ng tomorrow evening he'd return to Connecticut and his money problems would temporarily over, then he could finally resolve his problems with Blair and go back to her.

* * * * * * *

That night.
Blair is again alone in bed, she hasn't seen or heard from Chuck and is going out of her mind thinking up all sorts of theories of why he hasn't been in touch. Her phone rings and she jumps up on her bed, it's Serena.

B: S! Omg ive been trying to contact you for so long!
S: I know Dan told me everything, B, Have you heard form him yet?
B: No S! Im so scared.....he's left me hasn't he!
S: No! of course not...he wouldn't.
B: He's been drinking....i've seen all the bottles in the trash...when i got back there was no alcohol left....and we had lots...he's been drinking so worried about him!
S: B, come sure everything will be need to call him.
B: I cant! If he wanted to speak to me he knows where i am!
S: But B, maybe he doesnt know your tahanan yet...just call him.
B: But where could he have been staying for the past few days...what if he's with....someone else?
S: No B, he wouldn't....he's not like that anymore...have you tried calling in at the office...or The Rocket Club...Danny should surely have heard from him.
B: I haven't....maybe ill try the office tomorrow...yeah, ill do that.
S: Ok, good. just dont worry ok, and let me know what happens.
B: Sure, goodnight S.
S: Goodnight hun. (they hang up)

Blair falls asleep, a little less worried than before.

* * * * * * *

The susunod Evening. Chuck has returned from completing the sale of a big drugs package and has had his payment transferred to his business account. This means he has raised the funds necessary to last the business until they find a new sponsor. Estatic about finding the money Chuck invites a few of his mga kaibigan from the office out as a treat, he takes them to The Rocket Club, which is owned sa pamamagitan ng a close friend of his, Danny.
They spend the evening enjoying themselves and celebrating. He wanted to return tahanan in a good mood that night so that he and Blair could finally sort things out.

* * * * * * *


Blair had called into Chuck's office first thing in the morning and was told that Chuck's whereabouts were unknown but that he had been in and out of the office over the preceding days, proving that he was well and just avoiding her.

Not knowing what to do, Blair becomes suspicious of Chuck thinking that there could only be one reason that Chuck bass would be avoiding her...he must have found someone else.
The madami she contemplated the thought that he was cheating on her, the madami she believed it was true....if she could hide her friendship with Zane from him so easily then Chuck would definately be able to hide another girlfriend from her.

Spending all araw trying to get Chuck off her mind, she finally decided that if she was right about him going back to being the old Chuck Bass, there was only one place where he would be right now...out partying.

She decides to go to The Rocket Club that night, if he was there it would prove her right and if he wasn't she would just speak to Danny and find out if he'd heard from him or seen him.

* * * * * * *

At The Rocket Club.

Blair arrives and walks in, immediately looking around to try and find Chuck.
She spots him, drinking at the bar, surrounded sa pamamagitan ng a group of barely dressed women...she approaches him angrily pushing away one of the women.

C: Blair...(shocked to see her there, he puts down his drink)
B: (looks at him in disgust) I've been wondering where you were...i was hoping i wouldn't find you here.
C: I can explain...(he stands up off his stool)
B: Really? You can explain why you haven't been tahanan over the past few days....why you haven't slept in your own bed...
C: It's not what you think Blair.
B: I never thought you'd return to your old makes me sick! Seeing you here...getting drunk...flirting with these sluts! (raises her voice) Is it because of what i said! That you wouldn't be getting it from you had to find someone else?!
C: (grabs her arm) Blair, lets go outside and talk about this...
B: (pulls herself free of his grasp) Why! (raises her voice) Are you ashamed of being a cheat! Dont you want people to know who you really are!
C: Blair (gets angry) You need to leave...your talking rubbish! (grabs her arm again)
B: Who is she? (points to the group of girls who were stood sa pamamagitan ng him before) One of them? (looks back at Chuck) Who!
C: (raises his voice) Blair your making a fool of yourself!

Blair slaps him on the face and Chuck's mga kaibigan gasp, one of them walks up to Blair and tells her that she needs to cool off, he advises Blair and Chuck to take their argument outside.

C: That was out of order Blair! (whilst touching his cheek, where she'd slapped him)
B: You're out of order! I hate you! (she runs off and he follows after her)

Outside the club, Chuck catches up with Blair and grabs onto her arm once more.

C: That was unbelievable! How dare you do that infront of all those people! They were my collegues, my friends! You made a fool out of me!
B: (in tears) This is all your fault! Your the one who has ruined everything! I hate you for this! And i'll never forgive you! let go of me! (she frees herself from his hold)
C: You dont even know what your talking about! Even after everything you still dont trust me! Why do i even bother!
B: Your still the same! I thought you'd changed but you haven't! You still a cheating sleazebag and i hate you!
C: Fine! go! Get lost....I've had enough of you! I've had enough of your drama and im done with this! I've got enough going on already and i dont need you screaming down my hear me! Im done!

Chuck storms off leaving Blair on the sidewalk in tears. feeling Nawawala and not knowing where to go, she decides to go to the only place she knows she'd be welcome.

* * * * * * *

At Serena's house.

Serena and Dan are watching a movie, Dan foced Serena to have a break and relax for the night so they have cuddled up under a duvet on the floor to watch a movie, when the doorbell rings. Dan goes to answer the door and returns to the room with a teary Blair who runs over to Serena and falls into her arms sobbing.

S: B?! Omg what happened? What's wrong? B? (she lifts Blair's head up)
B: It's over....(crying) It's over S!
S: Hey...sssshhh it's ok...

That night, Dan and Serena talk and comfort Blair until she stops crying and finally begins to tell them what happened. Dan suggests that she should stay with them for as long as she needs to and she agrees. After Dan goes up to bed, Serena and Blair both fall asleep on the floor where they had been sitting in front of the telly.

Meanwhile, Chuck finally returns home, furious that Blair accused him of cheating and made such a fool out of him in front of his friends. He falls into his bed, alone again, and eventually falls asleep.

 Cheat or no Cheat?
Cheat or no Cheat?
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