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Hot New Couple!
Dont get bored with the building up a storyline....and also trying to get madami of the characters involved!

Episode 05- East Side Story

Gossip Girl: # Rumour has it that Chuck bass and Blair Waldorf are going steady? Is there such thing as a happy ending? We surely hope not...otherwise there would be nothing to gossip about! You know you pag-ibig me xoxo #

Nate and Chuck are hanging out.
It's the araw after Blair and Chuck got together. They had spent the nakaraan night together, their first time as a couple, so this is their official segundo araw as a couple and they haven't really had the chance to "announce" it! but don't worry Gossip Girl Kinda has!!

C: There's something i need to tell you.
N: Ye? What is it?
C: It's about me...and.....Blair.
N: What about you?
C: We've kind of....well...we're dont mind do you?
N: (shocked) your joking? you and Blair....together? are didnt think you were her type? No offence or anything.
C: None taken...and im not joking....we've been hanging out for a while....and we kinda just ended up liking just happened....and she likes hard as that is to believe...but we really like each other. I just thought id tell you....incase you had a problem or something with me dating your ex.
N: No....why would i have a problem? She's all long as....your happy....and your both serious then...?
C: Very.
N: And your not like....using her....
C: No! Is it that hard to accept the fact that Chuck bass might actually care about someone!?
N: No of course just asking....thats all.
C: Well we are serious....and i really like her....and she really likes me....i know she was your ex.....but we're together now and i know things are probably awkward between the two of you but i would really appreciate it if my best friend and my......girl...friend could get along...
N: Ummm ye sure....i dont have a problem with her....i never have....i just dont think she's forgiven me yet thats all.
C: Well thats ancient history....i dont want no friction.
N: There wont be.

Dan and Vanessa are sitting in the Humphrey lounge.
They have just been talking about their lives in general, catching up and talking about old times.

V: Actually Dan, there is something i wanted to talk to you about...
D: Ye? what?
V: My Dad.
D: Your dad? Didnt he ditch you when you were in pampers?
V: (confused smile) Ummm ye...i guess...
D: Well what about him?
V: I've been thinking about him lately.....a lot......I wanna find out who he is....
D: (surprised) Re-ally....
V: Yes really....i just .....i dont know anything about him...i dont know his name....where he lives...what he looks like...
D: Well thats part of finding out right?
V: Ye...but i dont know how....i mean theres just too many tanong and no one to answer them...
D: Well there is one way you can find out....i know who would have the answer to all those questions...and many more....just think...who would know all that?
V: God?
D: No silly! Your mother.......duh?
V: Oh...(looks down) i....guess.
D: Well she would wouldn't she? Im presuming she would...well assuming actually...although the difference in meaning between the words assumption and presumtion are widely debated...(interrupted)
V: Dan! can you not drown me your analytical trying to have a serious conversation here!
D: Oooops...sorry! Well back to your dad.....why cant you just speak to your mum about it?
V: I can't sure if she wanted me to know she would have told me about him....and anyway i dont want her to find out..not yet.
D; can i ask why?
V: Just she wouldnt like it ok....i need to find another way of finding out who he is...
D: Well, im not exactly sherlock holmes....but if you need my help with it i dont mind lending a hand...or an arm....or both arms...or (interrupted)
V: DAN! stop it!
D: (laugh) sorry i was doing it on purpose! (vanessa shoves him)
V: what is wrong with you! ....anyway look...i have to go.
D; dont go cuz of me i was just kidding.....look we can talk....
V: No i was gonna go anyway....i have to work. ill see you tomorrow or something ok. (turns to leave)
D: Ok see ya.....and remember im here if you need me.

Vanessa leaves. She heads to the cafe/diner to work. it's quite dark, around 7pm.
On the way she bumps into Chuck.

V: Isn't this district too poor for the likes of you?
C: Well of course it with Nate...he was here looking for you.
V: Where is he?
C: In there (points to the diner)'s life on the....lower East Side?
V: Better than yours will ever be....
C: Actually my life is pretty great right now...
V: Oh Ye, i heard...who would have thought....Chuck and Blair a couple....if you ask me it's a match made in heaven...your both the same.
C: In a good way right?
V: Actually i was thinking in a bad way.
C: (laughs) I'll take it as a compliment glad you envy us.
V: Envy! (laughs) who sinabi anything about envy? im happy for you....maybe not her....but you...after how you tried to help me with saving the bar, i guess i've stopped hating you. a little.
C: Well you might find that i'm sort of a different person now....we might actually get along.
V:'ve gone soft?
C: Soft? still Chuck just madami open to being my friends. and mga kaibigan of that includes you.
V: I'm getting the idea that this has something to do with you getting with Blair?
C: (smiles at the thought of blair) i guess....

Nate comes out of the diner

N: There you are? how long have you been standing out here?
V: I just got here a couple of minutos ago...chuck sinabi you wanted to see me...?
N: Ye...
C: I'll leave you guys to it...Nate i'll catch you off.
N: ye, bro, see ya.

Chuck climbs into his limo and heads off...

At the waldor Residence.
Blairs bedroom.

there is a knock on Blairs window.
Blair goes to the window and moves the curtains, she sees chuck on her balcony and opens the window to let him in.

C: Hi (kisses her and immediately grabs her into his arms)
B: Hi (they halik again)
B: Ever heard of a door?
C: Ye but i was taught about windows first.
B: My mother wouldn't be happy if she knew i snuck you in here.
C: (kisses her) Well she'll never know (kisses her again)
B: I pag-ibig this...(they kiss)
C: I pag-ibig you.
B: (looks shocked that he actually sinabi the 3 words so easily) I pag-ibig you too.

they fall on to her kama and halik for a while.
They then talk, whilst also kissing.

C: How was your araw gorgeous?
B: Great....i thought about you all day...
C: Really?
B: I missed you....last night was amazing (recalling last night, the first night they spent together as a couple)
C: It was...wasnt were amazing....and beautiful...
B: And you drive me crazy...
C: I know (they both laugh as they toss and turn while kissing)
B: You know....your the only guy i've ever slept with...
C: I know.
B: Hopefully the only guy i'll ever sleep with right?
C: Of course....i'd better be!
B: What i meant was....that we'd be together for ever right?
C: I hope so....talking of forever....(he takes a small box out of his jacket)
B: (blushes and smiles) omg what is it..?
C: (hands the box to her) open it...
B: (takes the box and opens it. inside is a very expensive looking ring)'s beautiful....i dont know what to say...
C: Say yes...
B: (blair looks at him...shocked...) Are you.....proposing?
C: (laughs) no...i was just kidding....dont worry im not asking you to marry me....not yet anyway....its just a ipakita you that i pag-ibig you.
B: Oh....(smiles) i pag-ibig it....(puts it on) and i'll never take it off! (kisses him)

They continue to halik and eventually have sex.

It's been a couple of weeks.
Everything is going great with Chuck and Blair....they are as happy as can be!
Serena and Dan have managed to get over their differences and are going strong.
Vanessa is at a dead end with her paghahanap for her father.

Vanessas apartment.
She is pagbaba the paper.
She comes accross a news artikulo about a boy who was re-united with his birth parents after the death of his adoptive parents. The boy was an intern at a Government led educational organisation. There he managed to get hold of information about his personal life, including his original birth certificate which had information about his birth family and he used this to locate them.
She then reads a footnote which gives out the details of the educational organisation that the boy was an intern at....the organisation is co-owned sa pamamagitan ng none other than....Bass Industires.
Vanessa looks at the name "Bass", an idea occurs to her....

Later that day....
At school Vanessa and Dan are in the school yard.
Vanessa tells Dan about the article.

D: Bass?
V: Ye.
D: You want to get the Bass's involved in your business...?!
V: No....not involved....i just need some information thats all....after i get it...its over.
D: And you think you can walk into Barts office and he's going to happily oblige to your request.
V: I wasn't thinking about bass Senior.
D: Woah! No....nothing is worse than Chuck....please dont tell me you were thinking of asking him for help! After everything he's done?!!
V: Look...he's helped me before
D: Helped call him and blair manipulating you as part of their game, helping you?
V: No....he really did want to help me....
D: Look if you want my advice...stay well away....ok....he's dangerous....just promise me you wont get him involved....please...
V: Dan...
D: NO vanessa....i hate him ok and i dont trust remember all the things he's done right....with serena....and my own little sister...! and you too....promise me you wont go near him! if you have any respect for yourself you'll stay away ok!
V: Ok! i wont go to him....i promise
D: Thankyou.....look im sorry ok...but there has to be another way....(looks at watch) anyway i have to go now so ill see you later.

Dan leaves.

Later that afternoon.

Chuck's limo, Chuck gets in....surprised sa pamamagitan ng who he finds already inside.

C: What did you....... and madami importantly why?
V: I need your help with something. you owe me right?
C: I owe you? since when?
V: Since you used me.
C: Oh ye....that was pretty clever right?
V: No it wasn't ....but i dont care...i just need you to help me with something.
C: I'm sorry Vanessa, but it's too late, i'm taken....(grins)
V: (frowns) Chuck! this is serious ok!
C: Ok ...what do you need help with?
V: I know your dad owns the Education and Training Department.
C: He's a share holder.
V: Whatever, he runs the branch in New York?
C: So....
V: I know the department is linked to other goverment departments and your father probably has access to certain information?
C: And what information might you require?
V: Personal information.
C: Well....if you dont tell can i help you....?
V: (short silence) It's really personal....i will tell you but you have to promise not to tell anyone...
C: What could be that personal....?
V: You have to promise me! I cant let anyone find out yet....not until im ready....which could be never.
C: Are you gonna tell me or do i have to guess?
V: left me and my mum when i was....1......and.....
C: You want to hunt him down and get revenge?
V: No! I'm not like you! .....i do want to find him...but only because i want him in my life...
C: What if he doesn't want you?
V: I've thought about that....and i'll deal with that.....if it happens.
C: You could always have my sure he wouldn't notice if we swapped places.
V: (looks at him, confused) Anyway....are you gonna help me or not...?
C: I'll see what i can do....but i dont think i can keep this a secret....from Blair....she is my girlfriend now and we dont keep secrets.
V: But it's not your secret to tell...please you cant tell her!
C: look you can trust her.
V: No i cant....she's mga kaibigan with serena and i dont want Dan finding out that i came to you for one else can know chuck please!
C: But shes my girlfriend i cant keep things from her....
V: I dont's just one favour and i might let you tell her later on but right now i dont want anyone else knowing.....please Chuck!
C: So you want me to sneak around with you behind Blair's back...?
V: It wont be like that.... i just need one favour from wont take up too much of your time...please im sure if she ever finds out she would understand..chuck....can you do this for me or not?
C: (looks at her, short silence) Fine....i'll keep your owe me.
V: Thankyou soooo much have no idea how much this means to me. I should probably go now, here take this (hands him a piece of paper) it's my number....let me know if you find anything.
C: Adios.

Vanessa exits limo. Limo drives away but they did not go un-noticed!
There's always someone flashing a camera for scenes like these...

Gossip Girl # Spotted; V leaving C's Limo so late at night? Has bass returned to his old ways? And with Miss. Nobody.....I wonder what storm will brew when Upper East side meets Lower East Side... You Know You pag-ibig Me xoxo Gossip Girl #

susunod part will be posted in a couple of days, dont forget to rate and review! thanks for reading, there's madami episodes to go, your not even half way through yet!

In fact here's a spoiler true Gossip Girl style, from the susunod episode, a bit of a conversation between chuck and vanessa...

V: So what have you found?
C: Plenty.
V: Oh my gosh! Tell me how!
C: I'll give you the who and the where, the how stays with me...
V: Fine, i just wanna know who he is... Tell me now!
C: (pulls out some documents) this is him (points to a picture)
Lester Cahill, a Lawyer, married, 3 kids and the most shocking of all......

You'll have to wait till susunod time to find out!
 V Leaving C's Limo??
V Leaving C's Limo??
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VIDEO CREDIT: iiSimpliiJane
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