Buffy ang bampira mamamatay-tao What Really Shocked You On The Show?

Pick one:
Xander falling in pag-ibig with Buffy
Buffy died & came back
Buffy's totally attitude adjust in the beginning of Season 2
Willow fallen for a werewolf
Slayer fallen in pag-ibig with a vampire with a soul
Buffy sacrificed Angel to save the world
Willow got Angel's soul back
Drusilla killed Kendra
The slayer line
Buffy accused for murdered
Spike's strange alliance with Buffy
Joyce kicked Buffy out
The history between Spike & Angel
Buffy left Sunnydale
Angel's back
Faith the new slayer that turned to be a killer
The new test when ever slayers reached there 18th Birthday
Willow & xander's chemistry in S3
Buffy found out about Mother..Read on the icon
Angel broke up with Buffy to give her life meaning
Buffy gave her life to Angel to save his
a chip on Spike
Buffy has a sister
Buffy learned the meaning of her gift
Buffy's back and feels this is hell
Spike fallen for Buffy
Buffy's addictive relationship with Spike
Spike is now a vampire with a soul
Buffy was always there for Spike
Buffy chose Spike her championed and save the world
Tara's death
Joyce's death
Vengeance for Willow
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