Cardcaptors (English dub) Club
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uy guys.
I worked very hard on this chapter.
Hope u enjoy. xo

Chapter 13:

Finally tomorrow came and everyone was pumped to go see the new pool that had taken place up street. They heard the pool took up the whole room and that there were over 5 waterslides that hung above the ceiling. It was a new project and it had only come out last week. Everyone was talking about it and this would be the perfect opportunity to get Felicia out of her little depressed mode and to get her to have some fun.
It was hard to get her off the sofa and to actually go with them but Kasey knew if waterslides were involved she defiantly couldn’t say no.

“ Ohhh I’m so excited!” Sakura squealed.

Sakura, Madison, Kasey and Felicia were all walking to the new building where the pool was and were all very pumped. Felicia still hadn’t sinabi very much but Kasey knew she would eventually living up.

“I wonder if the Pool is as big as they say.” Madison questioned, looking towards the sky.

“I’m sure we will have fun either way.” Kasey grinned, looking at Felicia.

Felicia did a tiny smile.

When they arrived at the building, it was filled with people and the mga kaibigan didn’t really know where to go.

“Wow it’s packed today...” Sakura said, observing all the people in line to pay.

“How about you girls go get in your swimsuits and I’ll wait here and pay.” Kasey said, being a gentlemen as always.

“Are you sure Kasey?! We don’t mind waiting with you.” Madison added.

Kasey just smiled at them.

“No it’s fine. You guys go get a head start, il be out there soon.” Kasey beamed.

“Il stay with you.” Sakura said, smiling.

Kasey blushed a tad.

“It’s seriously okay Kasey. I don’t mind waiting with you.” Sakura added.

She then turned towards Madison and Felicia.

“We will be right out! Go and have some fun.” She exclaimed while wicking at Felicia.

Madison looked over at Felicia and grabbed her arm. She was determined to put a smile on her face.

“Come on Felicia. Let’s get change.” Madison grinned.

She started dragging Felicia to the girls changing room.

“I wonder when Li and Meilin are going to get here.” Madison said, while putting her things in the locker.

Felicia turned a shade of kulay-rosas and looked towards the ground not saying anything.

Madison noticed this and started to giggle.

“I’m sure Li is very excited to see you in a swimsuit.” She teased.

Felicia now started turning the color of red and started to stand up.

“That’s not true.” Felicia stammered, finally speaking.

“Felicia. There has been a great difference in Li since we got out of that lair. He doesn’t act like his on his guard anymore. The way he acts towards you is very sweet and gentle and he looks at you with so much passion.” Madison sinabi softly, smiling away.

Felicia was now red as a tomato.

“I don’t know what your talking about...” Felicia mumbled and went into the dressing room.

Madison could only giggle.

Whenever Felicia got out of the dressing room, she looked at herself in the mirror.
She was wearing the new white swim suit that Kasey had gotten her. She didn’t have the time to try it on yet.

“wow... I actually look good.” Felicia thought.

The white bathing suit certainly went good against Felicia dark hair.

Was it just her, or was she growing a bit? She felt different since they had left the lair.
She looked in the mirror again and saw that she was glowing.

“EEK!” Felicia shirked.

The glowing suddenly stopped. Felicia stared at the mirror for the longest time. Maybe she was just imagining things.

“Felicia you look great!” sinabi a voice.

Felicia turned around to see Madison in her blue swimsuit all ready to go with her video camera sa pamamagitan ng her side.

“You brought your video camera?” groaned Felicia, now blushing.

Madison got stars in her eyes.

“Yes! I wanted to film this special araw with our special friends. Kasey is also going to be in a swimsuit!” Madison beamed, smiling a dreamy smile.

Felicia stared at Madison for a moment.

“Do you have a crush on my brother?” Felicia smirked.

Madison was now the one who was blushing uncontrollably.

“Not a crush. I pag-ibig him Felicia...” she confessed.

For some reason Felicia wasn’t surprised. She didn’t know what to say though because she was sure that Kasey had a crush on Sakura.

“I know that he loves someone else but I’m not going to give up. I think deep down he has some feelings for me.” Madison sighed.

Felicia went over to Madison and put her arm around her.

“Well I think that’s very sweet Madison.” Felicia said.

Madison just smiled at her. The two had developed a very strong friendship in the last few weeks.
The two girls darted for the door witch lead to the pool.

“Are you ready for this?!” Madison asked.

Felicia just smiled and nodded as Madison opened the door.

“WOAH!” Felicia exclaimed.

There in front of them was possible the biggest pool they have ever saw. It filled most of the room and there was tons of people swimming and having fun. Even if there were lots of people swimming, there were still lots of room because the pool was so big.

“Felicia look!” Madison shouted.

She pointed to nine waterslides of all shapes and sizes that were all basically on the walls or the ceilings. It seemed like they were put there sa pamamagitan ng magic. This whole place was a dream to Felicia.
Felicia’s eyes started to sparkle as she seen the waterslides!

“WATERSLIDES!” she shirked and started running towards them.

“WAIT UP FELICIA!” Madison laughed, putting her video camera on a stand-up stand so she could record everything but yet still be a part of the fun.

Felicia was already on tuktok of one of the waterslide and was full smiles. She looked down, everyone all looked so little and she seen Madison was still climbing up the stairs. She then saw Kasey and Sakura who were just about to go pato into the pool. Sakura was wearing a very cute kulay-rosas swimsuit.

“ KASEY! SAKURA!” Felicia shouted, while waving.

Kasey and Sakura looked up to see a very happy Felicia.

Kasey grinned. He knew that this would cheer her up.

He started waving his arms excited, along with Sakura.

Felicia grinned then looked at the waterslide. It was her favourite color green and it seemed like it went in a lot of circles until it actually made its way down!! Felicia was now getting really excited.

She sat down and made herself comfortable. She could feel the water start to rush beneath her feet.

She looked down and saw Kasey and Sakura having a splashing fight. She smiled at the sight, she really liked seeing those two together. It seemed Kasey was happiest whenever she was around.

“ KASEY!” Felicia shouted.

Kasey looked up.

“CATCH ME!” Felicia shouted with a smile.

Kasey started to laugh and nodded his head. Whenever Felicia was a little girl Kasey used to catch her whenever she would slide down the waterslides. It used to make her feel safe, now that they were older Felicia of course didn’t need anyone to catch her but she liked to joke about it from time to time.

“HERE I GO!” Felicia shouted.

She soon was gliding down the slide, going from turn to turn, to corner to corner, laughing and having the time of her life.

Kasey and Sakura stopped playing in the water to watch her. Kasey was right. She seemed so free and alive and Kasey could of sworn she seen her glowing for a moment. He squinted his eyes; maybe it was just the sun.

Felicia was getting close to the end of the slide.

“ HERE I COME!” She shouted, she went flew through the air for a moment, waiting to hear herself crash into the water but she didn’t hear anything. Instead she felt arms around her.

She opened her eyes to see Li holding her in his arms blushing like mad. He had caught her, but sa pamamagitan ng mistake.

“AHH!” Felicia shouted, startled and with that she fell out of his reach and landed into the water with a big splash.

Kasey and the others ran towards them.

“ Heyy! Are you ok?” Li asked nervously.

Felicia sat in the water, feeling like an idiot.
“Yeah I’m fine.” She laughed nervously.

“FELICIA! ARE YOU HURT?!” Kasey shouted, running over towards her and glaring at Li.

“Kasey! I’m fine? Why would I be hurt?” Felicia asked puzzled.

“You were flying pretty high in the air, if Li wouldn’t have catched you I think you would of hurt your head pretty hard.” Sakura explained while smiling at Li.

Li didn’t say anything he just kept blushing. He just so happened to arrive at the scene as it was happening. He had just gotten here and already he found himself flustered.

Kasey could only grunt, he felt like he should have been the one to save his sister not this kid but oh well as long as she was save.

Felicia stood up with a smile.

“I wanna go again!” She exclaimed.

Li eyes grew wide as he seen her in her new white swimsuit. She looked so beautiful, you could tell she was a bit older than he was though and it made him feel like he wasn’t good enough for her.

“She’d never like me... I’m probably just a kid to her.” Li thought.

Embarrassed sa pamamagitan ng his thoughts of actually liking someone, he took a step back and started burning up. He was sure he was now the color of a tomato.

“Now Hold on Felicia...” Kasey sinabi sternly. He didn’t want Felicia hurt again.

Felicia didn’t even wait for an answer from Kasey, she was already going back up the stairs to go for another go.

“Kasey she’ll be fine.” Sakura reassured him.

Kasey wasn’t so sure.

“Come on, let’s go to the sauna over there and warm up.” Sakura suggested.

“I’m sure Li will take good care of Felicia. Go have some fun Kasey.” Madison said, while winking at Li.

Kasey glared at Li.

Li glared back and started to stammer.

“Since when is it my responsibility...” Li stuttered.

Just then Felicia was almost at the end of the slide and Li rushed, pushing people aside, making his way in between people to make sure she was ok.
Madison and Sakura started to laugh.

“I rest my case...” Madison giggled.

In the Sauna it was rather warm and relaxing. Just as Sakura had said. She wanted Kasey too relax a little and to enjoy this trip. He was always taking care of Felicia. Sakura decided that he needed a break and to just let loose. She knew that Felicia was capable of taking care of herself and that Li was there to make sure nothing would happen to her. She also knew Kasey blamed himself still for Felicia being missing cause he wasn’t on his guard but they were all ligtas now and they needed to have a bit of fun. Worrying all the time isn’t a healthy thing.

“Feel better?” Sakura asked, while turning to Kasey.

Kasey sighed and smiled at her.

“Yeah. It’s rather relaxing in here.” Kasey said.

The two mga kaibigan kept glancing at each other and blushing like mad. It was only the two of them in there and it was getting madami hotter sa pamamagitan ng the moment.

“I don’t know why they put these things so hot...” Kasey stammered, trying not to make eye contact with Sakura.

“Yeah I know ,” Sakura laughed nervously.

The heat between them got only hotter and hotter.
They exchanged looks, they both found each other very attractive and they wanted madami than anything to be in each other’s arms.

“ Sakura-a-a” Kasey stammered.

Sakura looked up at him; he made his way towards her and sat nearer to her. He could almost feel her leg against his.

She started blushing while looking up towards him.

“Sakura there is something I wanted to tell you for a very long time now.” Kasey whispered.

He gulped. He didn’t know how to say this. He didn’t even know if it was the right time.

“Sakura I ....” Kasey stuttered. He was having a hard time to even get the words out.

Sakura stared at him, listening curiously.

He then touched her face lightly, she had such soft skin.

Sakura’s eyes started to glisten, as she made her way towards him slowly.

They just stared at each other for a very long time in silence. It seemed like time had stopped for them.

“GUYS! Come quick Meilin and Felicia are racing!” Madison exclaimed, while opening the door to the sauna.

Sakura and Kasey must have jumped ten feet into the air. They were so startled. Luckily Madison didn’t notice anything.

“Racing?” asked Kasey, clearing his throat.

“Yeah! Meilin challenged Felicia to a swimming race. Whoever gets to the end of the pool wins.” Madison exclaimed.

Sakura and Kasey slowly got out of the sauna, following Madison and glancing at each other.
They then saw Meilin and Felicia at the end of the pool. Li came up towards them groaning.

“Is this a little competition for you?” Sakura teased, smiling at Li.

Li blushed and started shaking his head quickly.

“No! Meilin just been a pest all araw and has been following me everywhere I go! She just randomly demanded to have a race with Felicia.” He sighed.

“Yeah. She’s basically been your shadow all day. You can’t even spend like two minutos alone with Felicia without her butting in.” Madison laughed.

Li just crossed his arms, blushing while turning towards Meilin and Felicia.

As if Madison could read his mind she calmly said. “I don’t think Felicia minds Li. She was smiling whenever Meilin demanded her to race. I think she thinks this is all just for fun.”

“Not to Meilin...” Li groaned.

Li knew how competitive Meilin was and he was quite worried that Felicia might end up getting hurt or something.

Meilin and Felicia were soon racing against each-other. Meilin took off with the speed of lightning at the first; Felicia was just taking her time with a smile. Meilin looked like she had a determined look on her face. Soon Felicia catched up to Meilin and they were neck in neck.

“Wow Felicia is a fast swimmer!” Sakura exclaimed.

Kasey smiled.

“I always used to call her a isda underwater.” He laughed.

Li looked in amaze. He never saw anyone beat Meilin in a swimming race before or even become close.

Meilin was getting fed up, so she used all her strength and made it to the end of the pool first sa pamamagitan ng just a few itches.

“I WIN! I WIN, I WIN , I WIN!” Meilin shouted.

Kasey and Sakura groaned while Madison clapped to be nice.

Felicia just continued to smile. She didn’t seem to care one bit.

Meilin raced out of the pool and towards Li.

“ Li! I won! Did you see me?!” She shirked, hugging him, and bringing him down towards the ground.

“ Meilin! Get off.” Li groaned.

Felicia then got out of the pool as well, still smiling.

“Good try Felicia.” Sakura sinabi encouragingly.

Kasey gave her a pat on the back.

“ Oh ! it was fun! It’s all good.” Felicia grinned.

Felicia then went over to Meilin and held out her hand towards her.

“Congratulations Meilin! You an excellent Swimmer!” Felicia exclaimed.

Meilin backed away from her and crossed her arms.

“Yeah well that will teach you to ever want to race me again!” She growled.

“ Meilin... you wanted to race her?” Sakura questioned.

“OH! Be quiet.” She groaned.

Li got up and stared at Felicia for a long time like he wanted to say something.

They all looked at him, wondering what was up.

“You did good.” He blurted.

Felicia smiled with a tint of kulay-rosas in her cheeks.

“Thank you Li.” She sinabi softly.

Li blushed and turned away.

“She did GOOD? What about me Li! I’m the one who won!” Meilin shouted, not liking the way she seen Li blush and turn away from Felicia.

Everyone just sighed.


After a half and oras of swimming they all decided to leave and go tahanan for the day. They were all popped.

“That was so much fun!” Sakura declared, while twirling outside in the fresh air.

Felicia smiled.

“I agree! We must go back there again!? Can we please come back tomorrow?” Felicia begged, looking at Kasey with tuta eyes.

Kasey started to laugh and embraced his little sister into a hug.

“I don’t think we can go tomorrow but sometime soon I promise sis.” He said.

Felicia smiled up at her brother. Oh how she loved him so much. He did everything for her.

Just then they saw Meilin and Li come out of the building.

“ Meilin! Li!” shouted Sakura.

They all raced towards them.

“Did you guys have fun?” Madison asked with a smile.

“Oh yes! It was great!” Meilin exclaimed, but glaring at Felicia.

“What about you Li?! Did you have fun?” Sakura asked.

Li looked towards Felicia who was smiling directly at him.

He looked towards the ground, trying to hide his flustered cheeks.

“Yea. It was good.” He mumbled.

“ You guys should walk tahanan with us!” Sakura declared.

Kasey groaned.

“ Why?” he huffed.

Felicia nudged him.

“ Ow.” Kasey grunted.

Li and Meilin eventually decided to walk tahanan with them considering they didn’t live to far away from each-other.

Sakura’s house was the first one to ipakita up. They all walked up to her doorstep, saying their goodbyes to her. Suddenly the door opened and there stood Sakura’s older brother Tory glaring at them all.

“You having visitors Squirt?” He asked.

“Oh no, we were just dropping her off. We had a great time at the pool.” Kasey smiled.

Tory looked at Kasey and smiled back. Tory and Kasey had always gotten along well. At first Tory was being rather protective of Sakura whenever Kasey was around her but he had gotten to now Kasey and he realised that Kasey was trying to protect Sakura as much as he was. Kasey was a good guy and Tory really enjoyed his company.

“Didn’t know the Squirt could swim.” Tory laughed.
Sakura made a fist up towards him.

Tory just continued to laugh. He then started to sense something; his eyes directly went to Felicia.

He just stared at her for a very long time. He could see everything that she was, and he could see her golden puso shinning underneath her skin.

Felicia was beginning to get kind of scared, she backed away two steps.

Li looked towards Tory who wasn’t saying anything but just staring at Felicia.

He automatically got in the front of Felicia and started glaring at Tory. He knew Tory was around Felicia’s age madami than him, and he couldn’t help but get jealous, thinking Tory was staring at her beauty.

Tory stopped staring and started glaring at Li.

“Oh and ya brought the little brat...” Tory sneered.

Li was about to say something whenever Sakura sinabi a quick goodbye and dragged Tory into the house while slamming the door.

“ Tory, do you always got to be so rude.” Sakura sighed, while putting her shoes away.

Tory didn’t say anything; he just made his way towards the Kitchen.

Sakura made her way to the kusina to get something to eat. She was starving and all that swimming made her exhausted.

“Sakura... was that your new friend?” Tory asked.

Sakura got started but replied with a simple “Yes.”

“Interesting. Where she from?” He asked.

“She’s from Kasey’s hometown. Kasey and she are like brother and sister. They are very close.” Sakura replied.

Sakura looked up to Tory’s worried face.

“She’s very sweet.” She added.

“What’s her name again?” Tory asked.

“Felicia.” Sakura said.

She didn’t know why Tory was asking all these questions.

“Squirt. I want you to bring her here tomorrow.” He muttered.

Sakura looked at him strangely.

“ Uh sure? But why.” She asked.

“Just do it.” Tory grunted and went up to his room.

Tory wasn’t sure if this new girl Felicia could be trusted. He sensed something very powerful about her. He wanted to make sure if she was good or bad.
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
uy guys , I'm back :) Sorry for the absence. This chapter may not be as good as my other ones because I was sick and was going through a few tuff times, also my computer laptop is getting fixed right now, so bare with me. :/ hope u like it anyways.

Chapter 28:

As people were congratulating Kasey on his new job and asking him lots of questions, Felicia felt the need to slip away and go gather her thoughts. She was very excited for her brother but she was also feeling extremely down and didn't want him to feel upset during his most glorious moment. She would make him a cake later on, but right...
continue reading...
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added by Momo_Hinamori
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added by raikagebee
added by AnimeFan66
added by AnimeFan66
added by Momo_Hinamori
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added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by raikagebee
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by raikagebee
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors
added by Momo_Hinamori
Source: CardCaptors