cynthia-selahblue (cynti19) Club
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Layer One: On the Outside
Full Name: Cynthia Therese L. del Rosario    
Birthday: December 28, 1993    
Current Location: Parañaque City, Metro Manila, Philippines    
Eye Color: dark brown    
Hair Color: black    
Righty or Lefty: Lefty    
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn    
Layer Two: On the Inside
Your Strengths: faith, honesty, exciting
Your Fears: impatient, they ruining me    
Your Weaknesses: been a stress    
Ambition in life: to be a media artist    
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up: going to bathroom or kitchen
Your bedtime: usually, 10 o'clock in the night    
Your most missed memory: anything
Layer Four: Pick Your Choice
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: both    
Single or Group dates: Single    
Adidas or Nike: depends
Lipton tsaa or Nestea: Nestea
tsokolate or Vanilla: both    
Cold Coffee or Hot Coffee: none    
Layer Five: Do You
Smoke: no
Have a current crush: eww...    
Think you've been in love: illness    
Want to get married: not now    
Believe in yourself: yes    
Think you're a health freak: no    
Layer Six: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol: no    
Gone to the mall: yes    
Eaten Sushi: no    
Gone skating: no    
Dyed your hair: no
Layer Seven: Have Your Ever?
Played a stripping game: no    
Gotten beaten up: I'm almost going be beaten up with those my optional people    
Changed who you were to fit in: right fit
Layer Eight: Getting Old
Age you are hoping to be married: not now    
Layer Nine: Perfect Mate
Best Eye Color: something blue
Best Hair Color: brunette or dark brown    
Short or Long Hair: long hair    
Layer Ten: What were you doing...
1 minuto Ago: preparing to what going to do    
1 oras Ago: doing some important tasks    
1 araw Ago: change topic of myself
1 taon Ago: [all of the above]    
Layer Eleven: Finish the Sentence
I Love: blue, cute animals, gadgets and more
I Feel: excited for the Christmas
I Hate: optional people    
I Hide: my secret things
I Miss: old times
I Need: to see God and He is always with me when I ever to go somewhere even I'm alone.
added by cynti19
Source: Google
added by cynti19
Source: birago
added by aNNalovechuck
added by cynti19
Source: DesktopNexus
added by cynti19
Source: desktopnexus
added by cshores1
added by flowerdrop
added by cynti19
Source: desktopnexus
added by cynti19
Source: desktopnexus
added by cynti19
Source: desktopnexus
added by cynti19
Source: desktopnexus
added by cynti19
Source: desktopnexus
added by cynti19
Source: desktopnexus
added by cynti19
Source: desktopnexus
added by cynti19
Source: desktopnexus
added by cynti19
added by yorkshire_rose
Source: photobucket
added by yorkshire_rose
Source: photobucket
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