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 Child recites from the Koran
Child recites from the Koran
First of all, let me preface this artikulo sa pamamagitan ng saying that I am far from an expert on Islam. The only thing that qualifies me to write this artikulo is a handful of research and experience with Muslims. I feel that maybe a Muslim would be better equipped to tackle this issue, however it is so important to me that the Western World understand the difference between islam and Radical islam that I felt compelled to write this article.

In this article, I will clarify that normal islam is as peaceful as any other mainstream religion, like Judaism and Christianity. However, that does not mean that radical...
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added by DrDevience
Source: Lori Leidig
added by ThePrincesTale
She was cancelled for this lmao
kanselahin culture
I found myself watching CBN, (Christian Broadcasting Network) because... Well, I just was. And at first, I wrinkled my nose at it, but the remote was too far away, so I watched it.

Surprisingly, I was impressed, specifically sa pamamagitan ng the may-akda of "UnChristian."

I've always tried to differentiate between the true Christian and the "true Christian," or rather, those who follow Christ's teachings, and those who claim to follow Christ's teachings. But this guy, this author, says he interviewed my generation and found that most of them-- Christian and non-Christian alike-- had six major negative ideas...
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added by AudreyFreak
added by ThePrincesTale
 ok, obviously that's not gerado, but still.
ok, obviously that's not gerado, but still.
85 percent of the time, I like to think the world's a wonderful place. we have tecnology and nature all rolled into one delicious sushi-package, we all have different place to visit and new things to learn. most of the time, the world's a very pleasent, innocent place to be. But 15 percent of the time, horrible things happen. people crash planes into buildings, tecnology is faulty, nature is being destroyed and the odd teenager sometimes drops a baby bomb on her parents and boyfriend. but only very ocassionally...
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I was going to call them the "Ten Commandments" but felt someone might be offended sa pamamagitan ng that (either a religious person thinking I'm blasphemous or a secularist thinking I'm ipinapakita a bias towards religion. Lose, lose, you see). Also, I couldn't come up with ten rules.

So instead, observe the Golden Rules of the pagtatalo Spot.

1) RESPECT your fellow debaters. They believe what they do for a reason just like you do. As opposed to simply trying to explain why they're wrong, explain your point of view and LISTEN to theirs. If you find you simply just cannot understand their views, or that they will...
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added by Cinders
Source: FunnyJunk.Com
posted by tvman
There are a lot of things that are in the world today that are right. Wars are going on in the world, Africa is a mostly poor nation, and Global Warming exists. What was that last one, Global Warming exists? Yes, but not to the extent that the United States government and the media want you to believe. Now you’re probably thinking, why would the US government tell such a lie. Why would they get some of the tuktok rated scientists in the world to agree with them, and why are there not madami scientist speaking out about this elaborate hoax. This artikulo will explain the reason why Global Warming...
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Could a single-payer, government-run health care system work in the United States? We already know the answer, because America already has single-payer, government-run health care. may-akda and commentator Pete Hegseth explains.
health care
single payer
united states
department of veterans affairs
pager unibersidad
added by Cinders
added by Cinders
Source: FunnyJunk.Com
 Alex Webster and the Gods
Alex Webster and the Gods
Is there a link between capitalism and Christianity, a god of the markets? Some experts think so. There is growing evidence that kristyanismo gave birth to the global economy.

Max Weber, the German sociologist, developed the idea that Protestantism is a pillar of the profit system. He introduced the idea that piety and profits can live together. Weber outlined his theory in 1905 with “The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism”.

Calvinism and the Protestant sects, Weber argued, depend on outward signs of salvation. The main ones were diligence, sobriety and success. Thrift was also...
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added by KarbonKopy
added by ThePrincesTale
added by ThePrincesTale
Predicting AI Over The susunod 10 Years For Filmmakers - Russell Palmer via
artificial intelligence