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 This stunning picture got Ariel her segundo best picture credit to ryky
This stunning picture got Ariel her second best picture credit to ryky
Previously on DNTM: Some mga model feel uncomfortable at a swimwear patakbuhan ipakita and Belle and Merida struggled but Merida was deemed the worst and was sent home. Only 6 princesses remain who will be eliminated next?

Confessionals After Elimination:
Rapunzel: Merida was eliminated and she was so funny. I wish she could have stayed.
 Rapunzel in the confessional
Rapunzel in the confessional

Belle: I was in the bottom two and was so nervous. I have to improve.
 Belle in the confessional
Belle in the confessional

Elsa: I had a great photograph this week. This means I am doing well.
Ariel: I had best picture! The judges see something special in me.
 Ariel in confessional
Ariel in confessional

Pocahontas: I loved my picture from last week and I feel like I can do that again this week.
 Pocahontas in confessional (She looks stunning in this image BTW)
Pocahontas in confessional (She looks stunning in this image BTW)

Snow White: I realised that I am the only one in this group not to get best picture yet. Need to get it at some point!

At the house:
Elsa: Mickey Mail! Tomorrow you will go to a high fashion party with some of the industries most important people. Remember to dress appropriately and be ready sa pamamagitan ng 6:30pm. Until then the araw is yours. pag-ibig Mickey.
Rapunzel: araw off tomorrow!
Ariel: At least today's Mickey Mail is direct and too the point.

The susunod day:
Pocahontas to confessional: Today we went in groups of two around where we lived to do what we wanted. Elsa and I went shopping and then we went ice skating which she loved.
Ariel to confessional: Rapunzel and I went to clothing shops to see if we could find a classy outfit and then we bought some food
Rapunzel to confessional: Best araw Ever! Me and Ariel had so much fun!
Belle to confessional: Snow White and I found this quiet little restaurant for breakfast then went shopping for outfits. I found this great yellow outfit.

At the party:
Snow White to confessional: at 6:30 we went to a party with fashion people. It was a big party at someone's house, with lots of famous people
Minnie: Hello everyone. Today is your chance to talk to everyone in the fashion world and just have fun. Enjoy yourselves.
Minnie to confessional: The mga model don't know that today is actually challenge to see how well they can interact with everyone. It is not just me judging them but I will be receiving everyone else at the party's feedback on each of them.
Belle to confessional: Today we met some famous people like Goofy and uri ng bulaklak Duck, Donald's wilk.
Goofy to Elsa: Hello, I pag-ibig your hair colour.
Elsa: Thanks
Elsa to confessional: I am not good at socialising since I didn't do much when I was growing up so being at the party was nerve-racking.
Rapunzel to confessional: So exciting! Loved meeting everyone.
uri ng bulaklak to Rapunzel and Pocahontas: Hi
Rapunzel: You look very pretty
Pocahontas: Yeah
uri ng bulaklak to confessional: I felt like Rapunzel was very out there and flamboyant while Pocahontas was quiet and shy.
Snow White to confessional: I pag-ibig talking to everyone.
Belle to confessional: I thought I was going to be nervous when I was at the party but I just tried to have fun.
Goofy to confessional: Snow White and Belle had great attitudes and just were themselves and had fun which left a good impression. Ariel was good during the party as well but it was obvious she was nervous and shaking.
Ariel to confessional: I have never been to a fashion party like this so I was obviously nervous.
After the Party:
The 6 mga model stand in front of Minnie
Minnie: I hope you all had fun tonight. However you might not have realised that tonight was a challenge to see how well you interacted with others.
The mga model looked shocked.
Minnie: I will read out your feedback. Ariel you were good to talk to but you were obviously nervous. Elsa and Pocahontas were very anti-social and bland. Belle and Snow White you were fun and just had a good time and were yourself. Rapunzel you had good energy and you portrayed a confidence but some people thought you were over acting. However I can only pick one winner who will get two expensive dresses from Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo Fashions and will pick one friend who will also get a dress.
Minnie: The winner of the challenge is
Snow White
Snow White Really? Yes!
Minnie: Pick a friend
Snow White: Belle

At the house:
Snow White and Belle come tahanan and see their dresses
Elsa to Belle: This is so pretty
Belle: I know, thanks Snow White for picking me.
Snow White: No problems. These dresses are great.
Pocahontas: Mickey Mail!Tommorow it is time to go live pag-ibig Mickey
Rapunzel: What does that mean?
Ariel: Maybe we are doing live TV

At the litrato shoot:
Elsa to confessional: Today instead of going to the usual litrato shoot studio we drove to this beautiful kastilyo with pools and a great forest susunod to it and a bridge and so much. It was pure Disney Magic.
Donald: Today we are going to have a special litrato shoot and each of you will be being photographed at different places around the castle.
Ariel: Cool!
Donald: And one extra thing. You will be in live action.
Snow White: What?
Rapunzel: How does that even work?
Donald: It works with Disney magic. While being in animation is great a lot of animated mga model have to sometimes pose as live action mga model on some occasions. Now go and become live action and get your hair and make-up done.
Snow White: Wow I feel so round.
Rapunzel: I always feel this round.
Donald: Elsa was first and she did good but not great. She had to pose against a white background on the back of the castle
Elsa: I did good so I am happy.
Donald: We had two mga model posing in the forest and both of them were bad. Firstly Pocahontas was meant to be running in nature but she just looked awkward. Snow White tried posing on the ground susunod to some birds but it didn't look high fashion enough.
Pocahontas: I did badly today and I am concerned.
Snow White: I don't feel like I represented the classic princesses well today.
Donald: Belle stood sa pamamagitan ng the bridge of the kastilyo with a male model and most of the film was beautiful and she knew how to look good with a partner.
Belle:I did well so I did better than last week and I improved.
Donald: Rapunzel was stunning today, just like during her first litrato shoot. We shot sa pamamagitan ng the tower of the kastilyo and she was perfect.
Rapunzel: I did great today I am so happy!
Donald: We shot Ariel in the kastilyo lake which was difficult for us but she obviously was a natural at it. She knew great ways to ipakita of her beauty.

At the house
Pocahontas to Ariel: I have never been live-action before.
Ariel to Pocahontas: It was so weird and I am glad I am back to normal.
Rapunzel: Mickey Mail! Tomorrow you will meet with the judges. Only 5 will continue on in the hope of becoming Disney's susunod tuktok Model pag-ibig Mickey.
Snow White to Elsa: I am so nervous for tomorrow
Belle to Snow White: Me too, hopefully we will both stay.

Judging Panel
Judges Mickey Mouse, Magic Mirror, Minnie and Donald pato sit at a large judging desk. The 6 princesses are standing on a small platform in front of them.
Mickey: Hello. Today we will evaluate the pictures where you did a litrato shoot in live action. First up is Ariel

Minnie: The wonder in your face is beautiful.
Mickey: I pag-ibig the shape of the body and the wonder in the eyes.
Magic Mirror: I agree.

Mickey: susunod is Elsa

Mickey: I like the connection with eyes but the pose is a bit bland.
Minnie: I agree with Mickey.
Donald: I felt you could have done madami high fashion poses.

Mickey: Belle is next

Minnie: Much like Ariel I pag-ibig the wonder in your eyes.
Donald: You worked with the male model very well.
Belle: Thanks
Magic Mirror: Great photo, I pag-ibig it.

Mickey: Pocahontas is up next.

Donald: You were awkward throughout your entire litrato shoot.
Minnie: You look like a weird robot.
Pocahontas: I will improve
Mickey: I don't think it is as bad as that, I like the motion of the shot.

Mickey: susunod is Rapunzel.

Magic Mirror: Stunning image
Mickey: I pag-ibig you in this shot
Rapunzel: Thanks
Donald: Everything about this shoot was perfect for you.

Mickey: Lastly Snow White

Mickey: The face is quite harsh.
Donald: This definitely wasn't your best shoot.
Snow White: I will improve
Minnie: I do not like this shot at all.
Mickey: Thanks so much everyone. The judges will deliberate in private and we will decide who is eliminated

Private deliberation sa pamamagitan ng the judges
Mickey: It is time for the difficult decision to eliminate one of these lovely princesses. First lets discuss Elsa
Magic Mirror: I pag-ibig her she is so high fashion.
Minnie: I feel like she is inconsistent with her pictures though.
Magic Mirror: She has taken great pictures in the past
Donald: Ariel and Rapunzel impressed me this week.
Mickey: I felt Belle improved from last week when her litrato wasn't that great.
Magic Mirror: I felt Snow White was a disappointment just what I thought last week.
Minnie: I felt Pocahontas was a disappointment this week. Her litrato was just awful.
Mickey: We have to make a decision.....

After Deliberation:
Mickey: Every week judging is even tougher than the week before and deciding who is going tahanan is always an argument between the judges. However one of you has to go home. I have 5 mga litrato in my hand and the mga litrato represent the 5 mga model who will still be in the running to becoming Disney's susunod tuktok Model. The princess to get best picture is:
Rapunzel: Wow!
Mickey: You did great!
Mickey: Great job Ariel
Elsa: Thanks I thought I was going home.
Mickey: Well you are not, good job.
Only two mga model remain Pocahontas and Snow White
Mickey: Would Pocahontas and Snow White please step forward. Pocahontas you have had good weeks and bad weeks and your inconsistency worries the judges. Snow White this is the segundo week that we have been worried about your performance and we wonder if you can improve and still do well. The model still in the running towards become Disney's susunod tuktok Model is:
Snow White
Snow White is shocked and Pocahontas holds in tears. Snow White collects her litrato from Mickey. Pocahontas hugs the remaining princesses.
Pocahontas to everyone: Bye everyone.

Pocahontas' Last Words:
Pocahontas: I am sad to be going tahanan but now at least I can go tahanan and go to England to see if John Smith was really killed sa pamamagitan ng Ratcliffe. I will definitely pursue modelling after that.

Photo Montage:

Next Time on DNTM: The mga model travel to an international location and pose with male models.

(Authors note: I hope you liked it and don't mind that the larawan are live-action. I also hope you don't mind that Pocahontas was sent home. MalloMar,MissAngelPaws,dclairmont and misscindyspice will be getting pagpaparangal for guessing correctly who was eliminated. I hope you liked pagbaba this article.Who do you think is getting eliminated next? Who do you think will win now? What do you think of everyone's photos? Write what you think below in the comments)
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