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Okay, so we've literally been working on this collab for madami than four months, so all of our lists are super outdated, but Macy made such incredible pictures that we couldn't just give up on this! So yeah, I hope you enjoy pagbaba this and all picture creds go to the incredible MacytheStrange. It was super fun doing this with both you and Prussia :)

13. Ariel

dclairmont: There are points in the movie I think she can look beautiful, namely during "Part of Your World", but other times, she can look poorly animated and I bit ditzy. Also, I prefer Merida's hair color. Ariel's hair looks madami artificial. I pag-ibig her blue eyes, but sadly she's too much on the cutesy side to go up any higher.

MacytheStrange: A lot of people say Rapunzel is cute at best… in my opinion Ariel is just that: cute at best. Her eyes have a weird shape that I don't like much, she's got a cute but unremarkable button-nose, and her lips seem like the lips of a teenager, but they aren't stunning or anything. And I never liked her hair, the color seems like it comes from a bottle.

prussiaducky: The same situation as Snow White, Ariel has big round lively eyes that are of a child's, face shape of a child, nose of a child. I feel as if the animators were trying to make Ariel beautiful, but she looked like a child in most cases. Sometimes, however, she looks WOW but most of the time she looks like a kid. Also, too skinny...not good for bearing sons. Cute Ariel is cute though.

12. hasmin

dclairmont: I find hasmin very, very pretty. At times she's absolutely beautiful to me, but at other times she can look a little strange. I pag-ibig her black, thick hair, and I absolutely pag-ibig her smile. Her eyes don't bother me too much, but at times they can bother me. I absolutely pag-ibig her nose as well! Sadly I just find the ones above prettier.

MacytheStrange: It was really hard to pick my least pretty Disney Princess, because they're all so beautiful! But hasmin never impressed me as much as the others. Although I pag-ibig her hair, I think her face is sort of bug-eyed and almost alien, and I don't really like her complexion.

prussiaducky: I used to think hasmin was the PRETTIEST princess, but now I'm not so sure. She is gorgeous, but her facial features are too blown up for her slender face most of the time. She has a lot of shots where she got this hair, and these eyes, and her smile WOW! But sometimes she looks pretty alien-like (as Maisie sinabi lol Ben 10 or what). Gorgeous character though!

11. Pocahontas

dclairmont: Pocahontas is so gorgeous. Her body is the best of all the princesses. I actually pag-ibig her smile, her hair, her eyes, everything. I don't know how someone can see "fish" when they look at her face, when I look at her I just see "gorgeous". While she's very gorgeous, no one comes close to my number one.

MacytheStrange: With her there's a lot going for her, but a lot that works against her too. Her body is just DAYUM and her hair is wicked awesome, but her face is… weird. In one or two shots her face looks pretty, but most of the time her lips are over the tuktok bee-stung, her nose is invisible and her eyes are lifeless.

prussiaducky: Now, I am not being biased when I say she is unattractive. She is not ugly sa pamamagitan ng any means, but she isn't very pretty in my opinion. She has great hair, but her hairline is just "what"?! Her nose is kind of like Voldemorts, her lips look like a fish's lips, and her eyes are nice but don't have strong emotion. Her eyes are lifeless. Her smile is also quite...unnatural, like she's constipated or she REALLY doesn't want to smile. She has a few moments where she is WOW and then most of the movie it's like haha wut happened to you though.

10. Snow White

dclairmont: Snow White is gorgeous. She seriously looks like an angel to me. Her hair, her eyes, her skin, her smile, it's just all so beautiful. I pag-ibig her mature, yet childish beauty. I think you ever see it or you don't, and with Snow White I definitely see it, though she was last susunod time I made this list! Though my tuktok is untouchable, and have stayed the same after all this time!

MacytheStrange: You know how I think Ariel is 'cute'? Well, Snow White is cute too, but she pulls off being cute so well that I had to place her this high. I mean, she has hair as black as ebony, skin as pale as ivory, and lips as red as blood, doesn't she? And I actually really like her hairstyle, at least on her I like it. Only thing I don't like is that the animation can get borky sometimes.

prussiaducky: Snow White is absolutely ADORABLE! Like I could hug her all day, but she is somewhat inconsistently drawn and looks like a COMPLETELY different person in a few scenes. She is cute, but not pretty. Her eyes are a child's eyes, her face shape is that of a child's, her cute button nose and her smile is also that of a child's. She is only 14, after all, and I'm sure she'd climb up my listahan if I saw her a few years older.

9. Merida

dclairmont: I really don't want to have to put Merida here, but someone had to go here! I absolutely pag-ibig her hair; the color is so warm and rich, and I also pag-ibig her piercing blue eyes, but sadly I just can't put her any higher. If her head was just stretched out a little madami I'm sure I'd be able to put her higher, but for now, she's towards the bottom.

MacytheStrange: I don't get why she's always put last in these lists. She looks different, madami Pixar, than the rest of the DPs, but even so she's still pretty. And her hair! Oh, what would I give to have hair like that? Besides, she's got cute freckles, and I pag-ibig freckles.

prussiaducky: Wow what a cutie and if you say otherwise YOU ARE NOT MY FRIEND. EVER. She has a great neck like wow and those EYES and ah that HAIR CAN YOU NOT MERIDA BYE. Actually coming back her head shape is beautiful and y’all are jealous okay JEALOUS.

8/7. TIE Rapunzel and Mulan

dclairmont: Rapunzel is a strange case for me. There are many shots of her that I find absolutely gorgeous. Her eyes, hair, and lips are all really great, though her eyes can bother me at certain times (the end of WWMLB Reprise), but the color is my favorite. I pag-ibig how warm her skin is, though it can look a bit too artificial to me. She's really pretty, but at times just leans towards "cute".

Mulan is so, so, so, so, soooo pretty! I can't believe I didn't see it before. Her eyes and her hair are both absolutely perfect! I pag-ibig her subtle beauty, and how she doesn't have to try hard to look beautiful. The fact that they made her passable as a man, yet so beautiful is astounding to me. I almost considered moving her higher, but my tuktok is just a tad prettier to me.

MacytheStrange: SHE'S SO CUTE I JUST WANNA DUNK HER IN MY COFFEE! Seriously, one of my paborito things about Rapunzel is the way her personality shines through her looks. I pag-ibig her big green eyes (only green-eyed princess FTW), her cute button nose dusted with freckles, and of course her long, blonde hair. I also like it when it's short, like Snow White, Rapunzel can really work the short hair!

Before anything else, I want to say Mulan is WAY too underrated as far as looks are concerned. She's really pretty! I like her nose (it reminds me of Tiana's a bit), and her eyes, while they're plain black, look better on her than the black looks on Pocahontas. And her beanpole body is rather unique among the other DPs. But I just sort of felt that the others deserved a higher place. Wish she could be higher though, she's been slipping down all my lists lately.

prussiaducky: Ohhhh Rapunzel, how I wanna dunk you in coffee with Maisie and eat your limbs. JUST SO FREAKING ADORABLE!!! Her beauty is immature, but she is definitely beautiful. Her smile is gorgeous, her eyes are so lively and have a rich color, but most of the time, she is just adorable. In the end, though, with her short brown hair, she looked absolutely gorgeous. In Gusot Ever After, we see madami of her with short brown hair, and she looked...just...woooahhh. Most of the time she is cute, but sometimes we see her mature beauty surface.

Mulan is a subtle one, I'll give you that. But to me, she is definitely flawless in beauty. Her skin color is rich, her eyes are full of emotion, her lips are full, and her smile is to die for. Even as a male, she is gorgeous. I wish I could put her higher, but I feel as if the ones above are prettier.

6. Anna

dclairmont: I find Anna so beautiful. Her hair, her eyes, her freckles. It all just comes together perfectly to me. She has a bit of an "everyday look" that some might not find too stunning, but I think it fits her personality perfectly and wouldn't want her any other way!

MacytheStrange: Obviously she has to be pretty high up, I mean just look at her sister! Anyway, I like her eyes, I think they're a pretty unique shape, and like Rapunzel her personality sort of shines through her face. Also, braids and freckles always rack up bonus points in my book.

prussiaducky: Dear mother of french fries and tsokolate ice cream save my tortured soul from this big malaking piraso of cute oatmeal. She has a great smile, great skin tone, nice realism, WOW eyes, what’s not to love? She has a perfect balance of cute scenes and subtle sneak ins of WOW YOURE REALLY PRETTy.

5/4. TIE Sinderella and Tiana

dclairmont: Sinderella is so beautiful. I pag-ibig her eyes and smile. They're just so perfect. I also pag-ibig the color of her hair. It's very unique. There's just nothing wrong about her whatsoever and her looks are just perfect ahh. I especially pag-ibig it when she's getting out of bed! She looks gorgeous!

I'm slowly starting to appreciate Tiana madami for her looks. I still don't pag-ibig her hair or nose, or even her eyes at times, but I'm starting to appreciate everything more. I think her lips are very beautiful, and I pag-ibig her skin tone too. She's very pretty, but not prettier than those above her.

MacytheStrange: I think Sinderella is really pretty, and lovely, but I wouldn't exactly call her stunning or beautiful. I pag-ibig her presa blonde hair (why on earth did they change it for the merchandise?), her striking eyes, which are a really pretty shape, and her pink-red lips which can create a lovely smile. But her hairstyle is a bit boring, and I find her nose a bit ugly, to be quite blunt.

I don't see how she doesn't deserve segundo place, at least sa pamamagitan ng my beholder's eyes. She's got a beautiful face, beautiful complexion, and really beautiful hair although I do wish she'd let it down. She's just so beautiful!

prussiaducky: She has beautiful lips, murky blonde hair and pili shaped blue eyes. She has a lot of great scenes, and such a precious smile. Her pangkalahatang looks are definitely complimented sa pamamagitan ng her voice, and I find to her be such a classic beauty.

From her strands of loose curls to her perfectly animated feet, she is a gorgeous woman. She has a beautiful smile, a great sense of style, and amazing eyes and hair. The bounce in her stride and the air of protection she holds also makes her so much madami pretty than she already is.

3. Belle

dclairmont: No doubt that Belle is beautiful. I pag-ibig her eyes and her lips, but there's just nothing very special about her to ilipat her any higher. I think at certain times in the movie she can look absolutely stunning, like towards the end of the movie with her loose hair, but at other times the animation can make her just look average.

MacytheStrange: I've kind of been finding her less and less beautiful lately, but she still totally deserves number four! Her face is so lovely, especially her eyes and lips, and she's the only brunette DP if you don't count Rapunzel. Honestly this cliche explains it all: her name means beauty!

prussiaducky: Let me get this straight you lil piece of fanpop, Belle has a great look to her once she is drawn to her full potential. She has the “average girl” look that really hits home, and she brings this average look to a new standard. With subtle little sneak ins of enhanced features, her beauty sneaks in and attacks you like a hurricane.

2. Aurora

dclairmont: Aurora though. Like I can't with her. I pag-ibig her hair. The color is so unique and I pag-ibig how it bounces when she moves, and the unique curls. I pag-ibig her eyes, her smile, and her nose. They're all just perfect. Her chin doesn't bother me in the least. She's just perfect to me. She has a goddess-like beauty that puts her above the rest to me.

MacytheStrange: Hey, Aurora! Aphrodite called, she sinabi she wants her heavenly beauty back! Seriously though, from the beautiful and rather unique face to the unsurpassable platinum hair, I couldn't have put her any lower.

prussiaducky: She dropped a lot since then, but I still do appreciate her perfect golden locks, smirking facial expressions, and pangkalahatang color scheme.

1. Elsa

dclairmont: Elsa is gorgeous, no doubt. I find her madami gorgeous than most of my list, but I find her eyes a little too far apart. Maybe it's just me that thinks that, but something about her eyes has always bothered me. I absolutely pag-ibig her hair though, and the color of her eyes is beautiful...HER HAIR THOUGH AH <3

MacytheStrange: Is it wrong of me to wish I was Elsa? I mean, she's got a tragic past and all, but she also gets ice powers, Idina Mezel's voice, and the pamagat of MacytheStrange's Prettiest DP, to tuktok it all off! Elsa's face is just stunning, her hair is amazing with all it's pretty styles and gorgeous color, although I wish she'd let it down, and her icy blue eyes especially are definitely my paborito DP eyes! I really can't think of a single DP madami worthy of my first place.

prussiaducky: Elsa is gorgeous, end of story. Her subtle freckles and pale skin along with her pale hair and contrasting make up just goes big. Her facial features are incredibly cute, especially her nose, and her face shape is my favorite. She is just so incredibly gorgeous I can’t begin to explain her gorgeousness.

Soo, there you have it! I had an amazing time working with MacytheStrange and prussiaducky and I hope you enjoyed pagbaba this! (or skimming, I could see why you would do that, it is rather large XD) Thanks for reading! :D
 Dreamygal Productions
Dreamygal Productions
18. The Virginia Company
 "This one is a great scene and I pag-ibig everything about this movie. But having to choose a least paborito scene and this would be it. The others are just better. pag-ibig Meeko and Percy! Can't believe people don't like them! :( "- AnnaKay19
"This one is a great scene and I pag-ibig everything about this movie. But having to choose a least paborito scene and this would be it. The others are just better. pag-ibig Meeko and Percy! Can't believe people don't like them! :( "- AnnaKay19

It’s kind of odd that the opening scene in the movie is last in our countdown. Here is where we meet our hero AND our villain. They are setting sail from England to the new world in paghahanap of the three G’s; Glory, God and Gold. We also meet Thomas, a young clumsy boy on the road to becoming a man. He immediately strikes...
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added by IsisRain
Source: disney.co.jp
added by peteandco
added by PrincessFairy
Source: Disney
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Disney
added by PrincessFairy
Source: https://www.trendtoys.ch/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=vaiana
 Type Two, "The Helper"
Type Two, "The Helper"
Hello, everyone! This is the first installment of my new series analyzing the DPs' personalities according to the Enneagram system.

Introduction: Understanding the Enneagram

So, the Enneagram is a pretty complicated system of classifying personalities. Basically, everyone has a core type, expressed as a number of One through Nine. This is the most straightforward paglalarawan of someone’s personality.

Here’s a basic rundown of each type:
1: perfectionistic, rational, idealistic
2: generous, warm-hearted, nurturing
3: ambitious, image-conscious, charming
4: sensitive, dreamy, moody
5: cerebral,...
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This was reposted due to an unwanted and frankly annoying troll spamming my last article

Over the years, I've noticed that people really HATE Aurora in Keys To The Kingdom from Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams. I've honestly never understood the hate she received, mainly because no one ever freaking EXPLAINS it! I've always asked and they just say "SHE SUCKS," or "SHE'S A GIRLY STEREOTYPE," or "SHE HAS A POP VOICE," and all that but they don't EXPLAIN! The reason this version of Aurora is so hated is even less explained than the plot holes in Frozen. First of all, Enchanted...
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added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
Awhile ago, linkabout which Houses the Princesses would be in, and several of you requested that I do one about the princes as well. I’m pleased to announce that this is it!

But before I begin my analyses, it’s time for some disclaimers…

1. About the Houses. Here’s how I tend to think of the Houses of Hogwarts. (Note: I will be saying the most about Slytherin, since Slytherin is most often distorted.)

Gryffindor: values bravery, daring, bold decision-making, rule-breaking, following one’s dreams, standing up for one’s friends, and being pangkalahatang “fun”/pleasant/courageous.

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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://www.pg.cz/en/produkt/2983-w-disney-princezny-poznamkovy-kalendar-2015-30-x-30-cm
So, I haven't been around for the past few weeks mainly because of school... but also because I've had been concentrating my Disney and creative efforts on making this video.

I linked the video in well, er the video section but I decided to put the lyrics here just so people could see it all at once... This might not be the place for it but I'm not much of a fanfic prose writer but I do like crossover lyrics.


My apoy shines bright in the black of night
Only embers to be seen
A pyre of desolation
And I fear that I’m its Queen
The blaze is burning like this raging pain inside
I ignited the spark...
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added by jessowey
Source: divertart
added by MirandaAlivia
added by alexon31
Source: alexon31 (images from disneyclips.com)
added by emilypenguin55
Source: vegasprincess on devianart
added by ppgbelle4
Source: sa pamamagitan ng amypaulson on dA