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posted by SarahCorine
~PART ONE~The girls I respect
~PART TWO~The girls I love

The final two on my listahan consist of the girls I adore because they represent qualities of what I want to have. They are my paborito but they have flaws that I can't stand of them. What's funny about these two is that while one, has always been my favorite, the other was once my least favorite. For a while, I couldn't decide how to rank them. Who to put first. Who to put second. Then I realized I didn't have to rank these two. They are tied because I pag-ibig them both that much.
I did something a little different with this part. I pag-ibig music and listening to songs that hold special meaning to me so I included songs for every point I make. I think the princesses here could relate to the songs and relate to the lyrics. However, after posting the artikulo I discovered the clicking on the iugnay won't work correctly as they won't take you straight there. Fanpop is making us work. If you'd like to view the video I posted with the link, copy, open a new tab and paste. Thank you.

 Some people just use their imagination.
Some people just use their imagination.

When I was young and naive, I believed in love. I once had a boyfriend just because he liked me. I once had another boyfriend just because he sinabi he loved me. Belle was lonely in her town but Gaston was there. He's big and strong, actually very good looking and attractive. But he is a jerk. A controlling sexist douchebag. Walking through the town hand in hand with Gaston, Belle wouldn't have been seen as weird. The town adores Gaston. They basically worship him. Had she sinabi yes to him and dated him, she would have maybe even found a friend in that town. Then while Gaston was out hunting and ignoring Belle, she would have had someone to talk to. She would have improved her pamagat in that town just sa pamamagitan ng having the pamagat of Gaston's girlfriend. I've been lonely enough to jump at the chance to be someone's girlfriend just because I'm lonely, even if they were my own little Gaston. But she didn't jump at that chance because while it may have improved her title, it wouldn't have improved her. Despite his obviously good looks, Belle resisted him because it wouldn't have been right to compromise her feelings of loneliness just to have something.

This was years nakaraan but when my grandma lived with us, her boyfriend of many years lived with us. Sometimes, we would hear him yelling at her for whatever reason. They're better now. Going through stuff, but they got better. Well one night, it was so loud and no one knew what to do. My brother was about 15 at the time. He didn't bother knocking. He opened the door and sinabi "Stop yelling at my grandma". Gaston completely laughed off just the mention of Maurice's name. Belle didn't stand for that. She stood up for her family. She wasn't scared. She wasn't intimidated. She went in without knocking. Sometimes, there are people who can't defend themselves. Not because they are weak. Because they are scared or don't know how. Belle knows what it takes to defend someone and she doesn't need to make a dramatic stand about it. Sometimes, all it takes is a simple "Hey bully, shut the hell up and try being a decent person instead." Okay, well everyone finds their own way of saying it. Defend the people who don't know how. Who are to scared to. Kindness is not the only thing that's contagious. Every good quality is contagious. When someone sees you being brave, they will follow. When they come to a place in their life, when they need to be brave, they will remember what you did and take that memory from inside them and use it to fuel their own bravery.

 Come into the light.
Come into the light.

I've heard some people say that Belle is a snob because nothing is good enough for her. They take it as her looking down on everyone in that town. Like she's better than them. As someone who loves books, just as much as Belle I know how Nawawala she got in them and how that pag-ibig for the words can make you wishing for more. Can make you want to go inside those books to get away. Belle is not a snob for wanting more. She didn't have a bad life. She was a little lonely and confused why people viewed her the way she did, but it was far from a bad life. She's a dreamer because she knows there's something amazing for her beyond that life. She could see it, she just couldn't see what it was exactly. It's important to appreciate the good things in your life, but you are not a snob or a bad person for dreaming of something madami and wanting madami out of life.

Belle doesn't turn the other way to injustice, no matter who it is. Even if someone was treating Gaston badly or if he was hurt, she would have helped him. Had she left Beast there in the woods after the mga lobo attacked him, he most likely would have died, but she would have escaped. Being bravo doesn't mean you're fearless. It means you face those fears. When Beast came into the light, she was terrified. And she could have listened to her father and left him there. But she stayed to face her fear and set her father free. When we're afraid of the dark, we turn on the light. We come into the light just as Belle did. We sleep with nightlights and it doesn't rid us completely of the dark, but it makes us capable of facing that fear. Yes, Belle was her father's hero but she was always her own hero, from facing the town to facing Gaston and to even facing Beast.

 I pag-ibig you.
I pag-ibig you.

The thing that I really don't like about Belle is how she went into Beast's private things and almost ruined his rose. We never did find out what would have happened if she had touched it, but I think it's ligtas to say it would have been a disaster for Beast. Sometimes Belle doesn't think before she does something. She reads so many books. So many stories. It sets up this idea that no matter what happens, everything turns out right in the end because that's how stories happen. It's easy to do without thinking because of that. What she did was wrong. She made a mistake. She knew she was wrong but she made it right. She didn't let Beast yell at her for it. She fought back because sometimes the greatest forgiveness is forgiving yourself for your mistakes. Learning from them. Beast isn't dumb. He held her prisoner. As she was healing his wounds, he knew she could have left him for dead and escaped but she didn't. It's that moment when he felt worthy for the first time in his life perhaps. Beast couldn't stand to even look at himself. At who he use to be. He tore his litrato because he thought it was ugly. It's not him anymore. But Belle took him back not just to his human form, but to his puso inside. It takes a big person to see the good in others, no matter how bad they seem. She even saw the good in Gaston at some point. I strive to see the good in everyone no matter who they are. Because heres the simple truth. Of all the good in this world, it is also filled with so much bad. If I don't see the good in others, I'd have no reason to see the good in myself. That's why Belle isn't a snob. She sees the good in people when they can't see it in themselves and that is a beautiful thing. She forgave herself. She forgave Beast

I posted something on the pader the other day, just wondering what a DP would do is she was in pag-ibig with her prince but nothing was happening with him. It's a long story with that one. I see the good in him though we've been through times when I was hurt and confused. And maybe him too. Well, Belle sagot that tanong for me. It's true that she sees the good in everyone but she will chase the good in the people who need to see it for themselves. Gaston didn't need that. He thought he was perfect. Beast saw he had no good in him so he embraced the bad that he did see. You can look at the same cloudy sky with someone. They might see dark ugly weightless things that are just going to bring rain. But you might see the light that shines through them that will bring water to the bulaklak below, that will bring a much madami obvious beauty to the world. Beast is Belle's cloudy sky. She asked him to come into the light, and when he did, she helped him bring growth to his bulaklak so that the whole world can see it too. She was hurt and confused but when she saw the good in him, she didn't care the risk. She decided to follow it because even if she came out of it heartbroken in the end, the end result of Beast seeing his good kind pure puso would have been worth it. It's hard to fully see the good in someone who has hurt you and even harder to pag-ibig them. But as hard as it is, there is something amazing coming. So Belle answered my question. I'll see the good in him so he can see it too.

 I sinabi how do you do?
I sinabi how do you do?

Snow White use to be my least paborito princess and I was so set on my negative view on her that nothing was going to change it. But then something did. First, I want to say why she was my least favorite. To be honest and a bit superficial, her voice is a little annoying. Her only desire is a prince. She breaks into a tahanan and is kinda repulsed sa pamamagitan ng the mess of it. It's their life. She tells grown men what to do sa pamamagitan ng telling them they can't eat until they watch their hands. Once again, it's their life. She basically forced a halik on Grumpy, then bakes him a pie. What about her prince? She annoyed me beyond belief. There was a moment in my life when I noticed one thing about her that slowly changed everything else I thought of her. I was smelling weed on my dad and he knew why I hated it and was against it. When I asked where it came from, he sinabi the smell was the neighbors who lived upstairs in our apartments. Okay so I believed him. I had a half araw at school, and when I came tahanan there was a bag of it in the living room. I was so angry sa pamamagitan ng that and the lie, I immediately left. I ended up taking an 8 oras walk to a mountain. There's a lot in Arizona. It was a small mountain. Like a burol top, but I climbed it and sat there and stared down below at the cars that drove by. I was 16 at the time. I had spent the last taon coming to God, being forgiven, learning, praising. Then something hurt me badly enough that I questioned everything. God wasn't my best friend anymore. I didn't have endless conversations with him in my head anymore. Those conversations got me through school when I had to sit in those classrooms and feel alone. I watched Snow's movie and was shocked. When she prayed, I thought "Snow, someone wants you dead and you're praying?" but then I realized, "Snow, someone wants you dead and you're praying."

It's not just that she prayed. It's what she prayed about. Her prayer was not "God, please kill the reyna so she can't hurt me. Please don't let her come for me. Please protect me." There's nothing wrong with asking God to protect us. In fact, he wants us to trust Him enough to ask Him for His protection. The first thing she asked of God was for Him to bless the men who have been so kind to her. She asked for her dreams to come true. It's okay to ask for what you want. God wants to help us with that too. Then she asked for Grumpy to like her. That was her prayer. As simple as that. She didn't ask for madami than what was ibingiay to her. She didn't tell Him how to make her dreams come true. After coming to this realization, I saw that she did this a lot madami than when she prayed. She met her prince, but she ran away and though she probably didn't even know if she would see him ever again, she didn't cry. She close the curtains with a smile on her face. She picked flowers. She was happy. When there's a chance for heartbreak, she doesn't let it get her down. She sings through a meadow of flowers. She cried from the fear of that traumatic forest. All the creatures that wanted to hurt her. Those logs that look like alligators straight from the swamp always especially scared me. She takes a moment and cries, then she wakes up and sings. She even apologizes for the fuss she made. She did technically break into a home, but when she came into the forest and made a fuss, she apologized for causing such a stir in their home.

 Bless the 7 little men who have been so kind to me.
Bless the 7 little men who have been so kind to me.

Something that many users on this specific page of Fanpop know is what happened almost three years ago. On Aug 23, 2013 my cousin passed away. It was a time that was so unbearable, I couldn't cope. Ever since then, every time August comes around, I try to feel extra special on my birthday because it's the only thing that makes me feel like the buwan is okay. Then until the buwan is over, something happens that makes me sad and I get paranoid that something bad is going to happen just because it's August. Someone threatened Snow's life, but she didn't give up. She didn't want to lay down and drown in the fear and the sadness. She played. She told stories. She danced. She sang her song. She heard the reyna play her music of hate and murder, so she sang her song loud enough to silence it. Her greatest hope. Her only hope was to be take care of the men who blessed her with a ligtas home. Just like her prince, Snow had one song and she let it play because it was her hope. In times of traumatic grief, hope is all we have. When hope is all we have, we don't need anything else. My cousin is never going to come back and it still pains me to say that or to even think it, but Snow inspires me how important it is to pray even when life is not a meadow of flowers.

The things that I use to find unbearably annoying about Snow are now things that I pag-ibig about her. Despite being the youngest princess in the lineup, she possesses the best motherly qualities. She knows how to be strict and discipline without being rude or overbearing. She knows how to have fun and bond but she isn't just a simple toy. She'll do what it takes for someone to pag-ibig her if she cares about them, but she isn't pushy about it. She has a kind of caring spirit about her that just makes me happy. It makes me feel good. She turns cleaning into a song. Cleaning! I wish life was a musical and Snow just makes it so sa pamamagitan ng turning anything into a song. She adds a melody to life in a way that no other princess or even Disney girl does.

 Why Grumpy, you do care.
Why Grumpy, you do care.

They left her alone but they told her not to let anyone inside. Not to trust anyone. And she probably knew they were right. Snow isn't naive because she let the old woman in. She needed help. And in the end, Snow did fall into the sleeping curse. Into death basically because they didn't know the mansanas was just cursed and not poisoned. Snow knew how important it was to stay safe, but she understands the real value of life. The real value of life isn't making sure you get to keep yours forever. The real value is different for everyone. For Snow, it was pag-ibig and caring no matter the cost. Even death. When we die, no one is going to remember us for how much money we had, or how big our house was or how nice our car was. They remember us for how we pag-ibig and how much we care. To this day, I still remember my cousin for her perfect love. The dwarfs didn't know Snow that long, but it broke their puso when they thought she was dead. They knew her and remember her for her pag-ibig and care. It breaks my puso to see them cry, especially Grumpy and Dopey. Grumpy is always so angry, how can he be so sad? Dopey is always smiling, how can he hurt so much? Another one of my paborito DP scenes because the emotion is real and comes from a very dark place inside them. It breaks my puso watching that scene. When someone dies, you see just how big their impact was on everyone when you see their hurt and pain from the whole experience of it all. Everything from finding out about the death, to the funeral, to learning to accept and cope with it.

I can understand why some people would find her voice annoying because I once did too. But I find her voice to be very, sweet, gentle, and caring. It's angelic just like her. Every happiness that she got, she deserved. Every triumph. Every joy. Every love. Every happy ending. She's the bituin of my paborito DP movie and my paborito DP movie ending. I can understand why some people don't like her. A fandom means respecting every different opinion while remaining strong to yours but open to others. When Grumpy runs into the door and she laughs, that use to bug me about her. But when I saw her for being the perfect mother, I thought that's perfect. Your child is going to fall down, stumble, trip, get hurt. Sometimes badly. Laugh it off. The reason Snow laughed it off is because she finds it endearing when someone stumbles like that. We become our strongest version of ourselves when we come out of the deadly forest pag-awit our song. She knows this. When we get hurt, it's important to understand the pain so we can work through it, but we must take it in stride as well. If we don't, then one araw something will hurt us so much that we'll just lay down and never get up again. Be like Snow. Find your song so when people ask to hear your story, you can sing it for everyone to hear. For you to hear.

When the time comes to say goodbye to those you pag-ibig and go to a better place, Snow does it perfectly because it's okay to do so. It's okay to let go of life and go to Heaven. Everyone you leave behind will miss you, but if they take it like Snow, they will sing again with your melody playing. When spring is here, the birds will sing.
~JUST LIKE SNOW~ <3 <3 <3
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