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 Here's some villains. Not necessarily the ones in the lineup, but you try getting a picture that has just them in it. >:I
Here's some villains. Not necessarily the ones in the lineup, but you try getting a picture that has just them in it. >:I
I'm in an artikulo mood now.
I've been a girl of the villain since I was little. No matter how much I loved Batman, I always loved the guy he'd just roundhouse kicked through a building too. Equally so, I pag-ibig Disney villains. The ones matched with the princesses aren't generally my favourites, but at least they're easy to order and rant about.
Yes, I swear a lot. But this is about villains, so it's going to be some badass shit anyway so it doesn't matter half as much.
A lot of people had a go at me for commenting in my last artikulo that I'm not a very funny person. Rather than let that deter me, it has merely made me repeat it in the hope that you will listen. I'm not funny, I just tell it how it is because I'm a asong babae that doesn't hold back. See, that was telling it how it is. I do not understand this concept you call "feelings".
Anyway, let's get on with before I get distracted or lose my video-maker's block.

9) reyna Grimhilde

What a surprise, Snow White's villain came last. And she's always so popular in these lineups!
Meh, I never liked her much. First off, wtf is that thing she's wearing on her head? When her hair comes flying out in mania, IT'S FUCKING AMAZING. She wipes the floor with Snow White's boobless undeveloped body. That mirror has it all wrong. Does it have a sense of humour hidden in there or what?
Mainly, I wish this woman had both a villain song and madami screentime being beautiful. I haaaaate her as a hag. Her villain song would have been amazing. Every time I see that bit where she's making her witchy spells I think "YOU COULD FUCKING SING ABOUT THIS WOMAN. PLEASE, JUST DO IT!" but she never does. D:
Also, she could have had madami scenes with Snow White. Like, when she's a servant. Ordering her around and being bitchy. I don't feel like the audience is influenced to hate her enough at the beginning.

8) Lady Tremaine
 Bitch, please, I'm a fucking aristocrat.
Bitch, please, I'm a fucking aristocrat.

This woman is an A-class asong babae and for all the right reasons but I never really liked her much. She irritated me because she didn't really have a goal as such. I was like "WTF DO YOU WANT?" at her all the time. Even if she just had a little "I want to be rich!" moment that would have been enough for me. Everyone needs a motive, unless they're being 90s. And seeing as Sinderella is a 50s film, I very much doubt that they were going for Millenium-Mania.
Apart from that, I quite like this woman's other traits. That aspect really dragged her down for me. First off, there's her voice. The same voice actor as a certain dark fairy still to come, and it's a voice that really works well for a villain. It isn't an ugly voice and is a very feminine and sultry one but still has that bitchy edge to it. I like. Also, she has great taste in everyday wear. I don't know what that thing she wore on her head to the ball was supposed to be, or indeed why she attended seeing as she isn't the sort of elligible bachelorette that the prince was after, but her outfits themselves are quite nice. They suit her and have that nice Victorian sophistication to it. That "Bitch, please, I'm a fucking aristocrat" level of sophistication. Her whole image just oozed that. Plus, she has the cat that ultimately proves they are evil unloving fuckers and that Aso are the way forward. They are man's best friend after all.

7) Governor Ratcliffe
 Which one is madami of a gay douche? Oh, decisions, decisions... Who am I fucking kidding? It's Rolfe. No amount of kulay-rosas bows is going to change that.
Which one is madami of a gay douche? Oh, decisions, decisions... Who am I fucking kidding? It's Rolfe. No amount of kulay-rosas bows is going to change that.

Seriously, what sort of villain ties his hair in kulay-rosas bows? This guy could probably have been like third if it wasn't for his awful image. He's such a sleazebag that you can't help but pag-ibig him. BUT SERIOUSLY. IT MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE ALICE IN WONDERLAND GREW A FUCKING BEARD, GOT FAT AND DYED HER HAIR.
Let's take a look at exactly what this first-class douche does throughout a film and a shitty sequel. Well, he goes to the New World in paghahanap of ginto and is prepared to kill any "savage" in his way to get it. Yawn, so did every other white guy that went to America. He basically acts like a typical greedy fat white guy until the end where he almost kills John Smith, albeit sa pamamagitan ng accident. No, wait, still typical greedy white guy. Cue the sequel. It appears that shooting a guy in the stomach isn't enough and a large number of guards need to be sent to his house to arrest him for treason. Now this is madami like it. He's evaded the soldiers and is holding onto a roof for dear life? Here comes the evil fat guy, tells him that he wished he seen him hanged and stamps on him until he falls into the totally disgusting and cold waters of the Thames. Seriously, that river is rank. You do not want to swim in it, particularly in the Stuart era when it was noted for being so badly smelling that Parliament made it a matter of great importance just because it was reeking out their building. Yes, moving on. He generally sneaks and plans his way around like another typical white guy, has some madala baiting. But then he gets interesting again and starts running around on ships and other stuff. He gets beaten up and ridiculed and thrown off a ship. Ah, justice is served as King James I strolls up and claps him in irons for high treason. High treasons to fashion indeed. I hope he gets a stingy prison diet because he needs it.

6) Shan-Yu
 Don't worry boys, I've got us covered. If I talk to them, they'll be too amazed to fight back.
Don't worry boys, I've got us covered. If I talk to them, they'll be too amazed to fight back.

No, could it be? This badass guy has sunk all the way to SIXTH? Not only is he at a sexily scary level of badassery, he has a voice to end all villain voices. HAVE YOU LISTENED TO HIM? OMG, IT'S LIKE MAGICAL BUTTERCUPS HAVING A PARTY THAT ENDS IN A LARGE MASSACRE OF SHOTGUNS, TANKS AND CHAINSAWS BEING ACCOMPANIED sa pamamagitan ng AURORA'S 50S OPERATIC AWESOMENESS.
Anyway, yes. This guy is the leader of the fucking HUNS. He has an army that is still respected as one of the most kickass unbeatable groups of motherfuckers ever to have lived. He has a balahibo amerikana that puts the princesses to shame. HE IS SO FUCKING FEARLESS that he wants to play soldiers with China. CHINA. THAT'S LIKE A VELOCIRAPTOR TAKING ON A FUCKING T-REX. Wait, wasn't that the end of Jurassic Park? Didn't the T-Rex win against TWO velociraptors? Well, this film ended the same way too with a little help from the cute blonde girl that was hiding in the kitchen. And some fireworks. And a nice fan. Anyway, Shan-Yu. He epic-failed so badly at the end that he had to fall down. Beaten up sa pamamagitan ng a firework display and a fan? Srsly? Your badass uwak was turned into roast chicken? YOU HAVE AN AMAZING ZIGZAG SWORD AND YOU CAN'T EVEN STAB SOMEONE RIGHT? You suckkkkk. But you're still badass.

5) Jafar
 Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how epic this wolpeyper of Jafar is.
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how epic this wolpeyper of Jafar is.

A guy so badass that he has a magical snake sceptre that shoots magical red lightning.
Unfortunately, his outfit isn't amazing, he's bald, and he's stupid. What sort of fucktard wishes to be a genie because a streetrat told them to? If he told you to jump off a cliff, would you? Why didn't you wish for hair or a palamigan outfit? >:I
Anyway, leaving that point behind, he's pretty epic. He hypnotises the sultan so well that his own daughter can't tell. Or maybe she's just stupid. Y'know, she probably is. Aladdin could tell in like a segundo and he doesn't even know the fucking guy. Maybe Jafar isn't that great a hypnotist after all. Though you have to admit, for an old guy he has great eyesight. He could see Aladdin crawling along a walkway that was quite far away in the reflection of a crown that had fallen on the dusty floor and not been wiped. Plus, he turns into a snake. A FUCKING SNAKE. HOW BADASS IS THAT? VERY. Not only that, but a snake in a ring of fire. A RING OF FUCKING FIRE. Epicness, it just went through the roof.

4) Maleficent
 You didn't invite me to your fucking party? You didn't invite me to your FUCKING PARTY? WTF IS THIS BULLSHIT?! YOUR DAUGHTER IS GOING TO FUCKING DIE, BITCHES!
You didn't invite me to your fucking party? You didn't invite me to your FUCKING PARTY? WTF IS THIS BULLSHIT?! YOUR DAUGHTER IS GOING TO FUCKING DIE, BITCHES!

SHE'S NOT FIRST? Ok, so three villains are better than her, sue me. I already have about 3 other claims going on regarding my outlandish opinion.
Personally, I fucking pag-ibig this evil fairy. Without her, the film would have SUCKED. She's sexy, bitchy, almost funny, has a cool crow. A lot of things going for her...
But her motive? Funny it should come to this again. She isn't invited to a party so she goes batshit and tries to kill the princess. Y'know, as you do. Maybe that makes her madami badass, but whatever. She didn't have a cool villain song. If she had had a villain song... she may even have been top. DO YOU HEAR THAT DISNEY? THAT FILM WAS A FAIL BECAUSE MALEFICENT DIDN'T SING. SO THERE. Maleficent singing... The mere thought produces a douse of epicness that would have made the roof nonexistent.

3) Ursula
 Those poor unfortunate souls. So sad. So true. This one longing to be thinner, that one wants to get the girl, and do I help them? LOLNO.
Those poor unfortunate souls. So sad. So true. This one longing to be thinner, that one wants to get the girl, and do I help them? LOLNO.

I just rewatched The Little Mermaid today and I was pretty much in a level of squee at how much I pag-ibig Ursula. She has that little sexy attitude even though she looks like a horse's arse and she's so bitchy and snide. I just pag-ibig her. AND HER VOICE, OMG. Pat Carroll = love. Big bouncy villain love. HER LAUGH. THE LAUGH TO STRIKE FEAR IN A MILLION MERMAIDS. Her laugh is epic. This really started to piss my Grandma off sa pamamagitan ng the end of the film and she was like "CAN WE JUST WATCH FUCKING CASPER ALREADY?!"
I can't think of anything else to say because this octopus creature thing leaves me speechless with her epicness. But srsly, she is stabbed sa pamamagitan ng a ship when she dies? That's just pathetic. You get third place.

2) Gaston
 "Why, hello you sexy pot. If you turned into a human at the end, I might think against suicide. We could make beautiful music together. I've heard that if you bang a pot hard enough the sound is magical, if you get what I'm saying. Hurrhurrhurr."
"Why, hello you sexy pot. If you turned into a human at the end, I might think against suicide. We could make beautiful music together. I've heard that if you bang a pot hard enough the sound is magical, if you get what I'm saying. Hurrhurrhurr."

One of the best Disney villain songs ever. Ever. Everrrrrr. He's probably the best character in BatB, though Lumiere does come awfully close at times. He runs around looking in pots and pans like narkisus in a room full of mirrors. He isn't even that good looking and he's all gross and hairy and he's pretty stupid...
But you have to pag-ibig a character that starts out as creepy and is fuelled sa pamamagitan ng passion to become the evillest motherfucker you ever did see. Plus, his death is one of the funniest epic fails ever. It makes me lol every time. See, if he'd had a braincell and just had some threesome with the bimbettes like he was destined to (I mean, they're perfect for each other. He loves himself and they pag-ibig him) then none of this shit would ever have happened. Stupid man.

1) Doctor Facilier

Oh, wasn't it just INEVITABLE? :'D
The most Clopintastic villain since ever in just about one of the best Disney films in forever. The best Disney Princess film for certain. Where to begin? This may take some time to get through. Depends on how speechless I get.
HIS HAIR. IT IS MADE OF FUCKING EPIC WIN. HAVE YOU SEEN IT? It's like this cute curly sticky-uppy thing. He keeps it under a hat made of awesome that has a skull and crossbones on it. AND IT HAS A FEATHER. Remind you of anyone? ;)
HIS BODY. He's a stick with a staff. He has tails on his dyaket that make lions look silly. HIS kuwintas IS MADE OF EPIC WIN.
HIS GODDAMN OBJECTS. He has a magical staff, some tarot cards, some magical powder, a sacred amulet, a bunch of other stuff such as "voodoo" and "stuff he ain't even tried" AND HE'S GOT mga kaibigan ON THE OTHER SIDE. Shadow Facilier is made of epic win.
Did I mention that he's so similar to Clopin? That makes him amazing. It's like, if he and Naveen sort of morphed together, YOU'D HAVE CLOPIN. How much madami epic win and awesomesauce could he be?
Ok, so he's defeated. BUT EVEN HIS DEFEAT IS AN EPIC WIN MOMENT. Drums and masks and lights and portals. Oooooh, it's amazing.
This is why he draws with Frollo to be my favourite animated villain OF ALL FUCKING TIME. TIMEEEEEE. THAT'S A LONG FUCKING PERIOD TO SELECT FROM. AND FACILIER TOPS IT. Ok, so Frollo's there too, but the podium's big enough.

That's your lot. Be happy with it.

I was thinking, something to post... Let's just be unrelated and give you a nice little picture of the original version of The Little Mermaid.
 I drew this a few days nakaraan from sheer boredom. It's not very good, sorry. AND IT'S VERY RANDOM, but whatever.
I drew this a few days ago from sheer boredom. It's not very good, sorry. AND IT'S VERY RANDOM, but whatever.
bituin paruparo is the bituin of a Disney animated ipakita called bituin vs. the Forces of Evil. bituin is my paborito Disney princess despite not being a part of the official Disney princess lineup.

1. Disney princesses have been accused of not being able to fight for herself, but no princess kicks madami butt than Star. She has defeated Ludo and his henchmen several times. Marco often helps her, but he's madami of a sidekick to her than her knight in shining armor.

2. bituin is easily the funniest Disney princess. Her and the ipakita have a unique style of humor that makes it stand out. The only Disney princess...
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added by tiffany88
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: WiR2 sneak peek
added by Sparklefairy375
Source: Wreck it Ralph 2 trailer
added by PrincessFairy
Source: disney.com
posted by deedragongirl
 Draco Malfoy in disguise, I bet!
Draco Malfoy in disguise, I bet!
Well, since nobody has come up with this topic (or so it seems), I'm going to be Pagsulat about what really happen to Prince Adam's parents in the original 1991 version of Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

They Died Overseas

As royalties, I guess they died while they were doing their state visit. They were either assassinated or died from an unknown plague, leaving the servants to spoiled their only son Prince Adam!

They Ran Away

Upon believing that the Beast had killed their son when they return from their state visit, they ran away in fear.

The Beast Killed Them

Okay, I know this sounds morbid and...
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added by tiffany88
posted by princesslullaby
Moana's listahan is another interesting one because unlike Anna and Snow White I really don't think Moana would care much for the Disney Princesses save for her favorites. Tiana, Jasmine, and Ariel were particularly tough to place and if you have suggestions on how Moana would feel about them, please feel free to share.

11. Aurora

I actually originally was going to group all the classic princesses together in one picture because frankly I don't think Moana would give them the time of day. Aurora and Moana have nothing in common and wouldn't even be remotely interested in each other.

10. Cinderella...
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Hi guys! Very much inspired sa pamamagitan ng deedragongirl’s post, I decided to write this artikulo coz pasko is fast approaching. I am so thankful to deedragongirl for letting me use the idea, this is an excellent concept! Now let’s start this artikulo right away

Cooking – Snow White, Tiana and Rapunzel
Snow white can whip up a pie and make some sopas in no time at all! She is an excellent cook! We can leave the pasko pie to Tiana, although we would enjoy her beignets and delicious gumbo! And Rapunzel can cook well, she’ll prepare tasty mansanas pie and some tsokolate chip cookies! Yum!
Writing a...
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added by PrincessAyeka12
Source: Doll Divine's Arabian Nights maker
added by snowflakerose
Source: DeviantArt
added by KataraLover
My paborito princess listahan has been change in some placement since I wrote link several months ago. I was inspired with link, so I would include Anna, Elsa, and Moana too in my list. Although they aren't official, but the madami the merrier!
Okay, here's my latest paborito Disney Princess list:

Bottom 5

14. Jasmine

She’s still on my least favorite, ever. I don’t get what’s so special about her, all other Princesses at least have their own uniqueness, except for her. She’s nothing madami than a princess who was forced to marry, and again it’s really common. She shown sassiness but just...
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posted by deedragongirl
 Go ahead and get the soundtrack!
Go ahead and get the soundtrack!
Hi guys, since I had done a poll earlier, now it's my turn to write down 3 motivational songs and the reasons why.

1) Let It Go (Frozen)

Since this song has been overplayed, I'm very glad that Disney release an international version and it became an international anthem! It teaches me to let all of my anxieties go, and this is why I always listen in the car while driving sometimes.

2) Strong (Cinderella)

The other song that I love, it motivates me to write down the singers who sang Let It Go and ipakita it to them on their Facebook. I was very happy that some of them thanked me for it!

3) How Far I'll Go (Moana)

As Belle says, I want adventure in the great wide somewhere, so this is how the song inspires me to travel around the world on my own!

Get Inspired!

So here are my reasons on why these 3 songs are motivational, do you agree?
 Hello Ella
Hello Ella
 I want to get the soundtrack!
I want to get the soundtrack!
added by RoseRapunzel
Source: likeadisneysir.tumblr.com/
added by LorMel