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This is the final results for the disney prince articles. I don't really need to re-explain myself. Big thank you to PPGBELLE4 for all the help!!

10.Prince Charming
Coming in last is Prince Charming. Very unsurprising. We see the least of him, a lot of people conside him shallow, and in a way you can tell the least about his personality. Only 1 person had him in their tuktok 3.

Top-Rank (1-3):
KataraLover (3)

Mid-Rank (4-7):
boolander25 (6)
fhghu (6)
sweetie-92 (6)
disneyfan500 (7)
Straggy (7)
ppv (7)

Low-Rank (8-10):
tiffany88 (8)
FullMoonFever (8)
ALetterToElise (8)
cromulanfav (8)
princesslullaby (9)
CuteDiana (9)
ppgbelle4 (9)
Mongoose09 (9)
Pocahontas1Fan (9)
SailorM91 (9)
firegirl1515 (10)
percyandpotter (10)
VGfan30 (10)
phantomrose89 (10)
CodyVenusTrent (10)
lepetitsouris (10)
madisonsavanna (10)
BelleAnastasia (10)
JonnaSe (10)
pretty_angel92 (10)
DreamyGal (10)

All the mga panipi about Charming were hateful, so I'll write a neutral comment.
Charming is...well, he's shallow yes. He sees Sinderella and likes her because she's beautiful, but hasn't anyone considered that maybe it was also pag-ibig at first sight? Then of course, he's entirely a lazy bum for not going after Sinderella and instead sending the duke to do his work. But he makes me laugh when he rolls his eyes at Anastasia & Drizella, I always rewind that scene and replay it. And you can't deny that he is a little romantic. (princesslullaby)

9.The Prince
Same as Charming, he's just not in the movie enough. But madami people seem to like him. They find him madami romantic, madami loving, and madami funny. I also think we can tell madami of his personality. Some people say he's creepy for climbing over the pader because he heard Snow White's voice, why is that any creepier than Phillip suprise-dancing with Aurora? Much madami people have the Prince in their middle rankings and tuktok rankings than Charming.

Top-Rank (1-3):
fhghu (2)
sweetie-94 (2)
DreamyGal (2)
cromulanfav (3)

Mid-Rank (4-7):
princesslullaby (4)
VGfan30 (4)
KataraLover (4)
FullMoonFever (4)
disneyfan500 (5)
pretty_angel92 (5)
BelleAnastasia (6)
ppgbelle4 (7)
madisonsavanna (7)
ALetterToElise (7)

Low-Rank (8-10):
JonnaSe (8)
firegirl1515 (9)
percyandpotter (9)
phantomrose89 (9)
CodyVenusTrent (9)
lepetitsouris (9)
Straggy (9)
Maria7Potter (9)
ppv (9)
boolander25 (10)
CuteDiana (10)
tiffany88 (10)
Mongoose09 (10)
Pocahontas1Fan (10)
SailorM91 (10)

"The Prince. Sadly underrated I think, sa pamamagitan ng many people. I mean, he was willing to sing to her and didn't care if she thought he was a fool. He just wanted to let her know how he felt about her. He loved her because she was pag-awit a song he felt in his heart. He truely loves Snow White he was searching the entire kingdom for her. I know he wouldn't do that just for any beautiful girl. Plus he was a hero in the end, because he bring her back to life with true loves kiss." (Kataralover....with punctuation sa pamamagitan ng princesslullaby)

8.Prince Phillip
Well, let's just knock the three classic princes out of the way. Poor Phillip, last ranking he was #5. I do feel bad for him; despite me putting him in last place I think he should be higher. He is bravo and daring, though I think he has the least personality of the princes. I should point out that only me, and the two people I chat with the most on here, my two closest friends, put him last. Coincidence? I think not. Great minds think alike >:)

Top-Rank (1-3):
disneyfan500 (1)
VGfan30 (1)
lepetitsouris (1)
FullMoonFever (1)
ALetterToElise (2)
Mongoose09 (3)
sweetie-94 (3)
ppv (3)

Mid-Rank (4-7):
CodyVenusTrent (4)
JonnaSe (4)
phantomrose89 (5)
boolander25 (7)
percyandpotter (7)
fhghu (7)
KataraLover (7)
pretty_angel89 (7)

Low-Rank (8-10):
firegirl1515 (8)
CuteDiana (8)
Straggy (8)
Pocahontas1Fan (8)
Maria7Potter (8)
SailorM91 (8)
Madisonsavanna (9)
tiffany88 (9)
DreamyGal (9)
princesslullaby (10)
ppgbelle4 (10)
cromulanfav (10)

There were no comments on Phillip, so I'll try my best to write something:

"Phillip is a prince" (princesslullaby)

NOO! Why did he drop so low? He was #4 before. I think this one is just a matter of personal taste. If you want the fun, cocky princes, then you won't like Shang. Those who pag-ibig him adore his bravery, smarts, and espeically selflessness. But those who don't think he's too serious (which I'm still confused about, he's leading a GOD DAMN WAR) and someone sinabi he wasn't necessary to the movie (I guess they would prefer a magical fairy to train Mulan). LOL but in all seriousness, I guess they would rather Shang be an older general training Mulan, with no romance to the story. Shang had a pretty broad range of ranks, but only one person put him as first.

Top-Rank (1-3):
princesslullaby (1)
ppgbelle4 (2)
cromulanfav (2)
fhghu (3)
lepetitsouris (3)
BelleAnastasia (3)
FullMoonFever (3)

Mid-Rank (4-7):
phantomrose89 (4)
CuteDiana (4)
pretty_angel92 (4)
boolander25 (5)
firegirl1515 (5)
percyandpotter (6)
VGfan30 (6)
Straggy (6)
madisonsavanna (6)
tiffany88 (6)
SailorM91 (6)
ppv (6)
CodyVenusTrent (7)
Pocahontas1Fan (7)
Maria7Potter (7)

Low-Rank (8-10):
disneyfan500 (8)
KataraLover (8)
Mongoose09 (8)
DreamyGal (8)
JonnaSe (9)
sweetie-94 (10)

"He is so awesome. With Shang, you have to dig deeper to see madami than just his serious side. He has a joking side too ("Yao! Thank you for volunteering!"), and he is incredibly selfless (pays his respects to his father for a moment, but then immediately focuses back to his troops and the war.) He is also incredibly determined and persevering (fighting Shang Yu still, even though he has nothing madami than a tiny kutsilyo at one point.). So yeah, Shang is epic win. " (ppgbelle4)

6.John Smith
Okay, this one was very unsurprsing. John Smith has a healthy dose of followers but certainly has a lot of people who don't like him. Again, I think this is a matter of personal taste. I remember one user comparing him to "Charming from Shrek" lol, which I suspect is a bad thing. Personally I like him, but I can see why others don't. Only one person put him as #10, no one put him as #2..?!?!

Top-Rank (1-3):
madisonsavanna (1)
Pocahontas1Fan (1)
Maria7Potter (1)
princesslullaby (3)
disneyfan500 (3)
Straggy (3)
JonnaSe (3)
tiffany88 (3)

Mid-Rank (4-7):
firegirl1515 (4)
percyandpotter (4)
Mongoose09 (4)
CuteDiana (5)
ppgbelle4 (5)
DreamyGal (5)
KataraLover (6)
FullMoonFever (6)
ALetterToElise (6)
lepetitsouris (7)
sweetie-94 (7)
cromulanfav (7)
SailorM91 (7)

Low-Rank (8-10):
fhghu (8)
phantomrose89 (8)
CodyVenusTrent (8)
BelleAnastasia (8)
VGfan30 (9)
boolander25 (9)
pretty_angel92 (9)
ppv (10)

No one nagkomento about John Smith, so time to put my excellent describing skills to the test.

"John Smith is not a prince" (princesslullaby)

Well, he rose from last time, when he was #7 (out of 9), and I think rightfully so. He's an interesting character, madami interesting than most of the princes, and I was somewhat surprised he wasn't higher before. But I think there is a clear reason: Most people don't seem to like Beast after he turns nice. Now, that isn't true of everyone. But since I am one of those people, I'll explain. I have no problem with Beast becoming sweet and kind. But he loses his backbone and dignity as well, at least in my opinion.

Top-Rank (1-3):
ppgbelle4 (1)
DreamyGal (1)
ppv (1)
VGfan30 (2)
phantomrose89 (2)
boolander25 (3)
SailorM91 (3)

Mid-Rank (4-7):
fhghu (4)
BelleAnastasia (4)
sweetie-94 (4)
percyandpotter (5)
CodyVenusTrent (5)
KataraLover (5)
Pocahontas1Fan (5)
CuteDiana (6)
lepetitsouris (6)
pretty_angel92 (6)
cromulanfav (6)
Maria7Potter (6)
firegirl1515 (7)
JonnaSe (7)
Mongoose09 (7)

Low-Rank (8-10):
princesslullaby (8)
madisonsavanna (8)
disneyfan500 (9)
ALetterToElise (9)
Straggy (10)
FullMoonFever (10)

lol, I think ppv will kill me for quoting Straggy for the Beast, but I think it summarizes well how most people think.
"I'm going to go ahead and mention the Beast. Y'know, at the start of the film, I'd go as far as to say that I pag-ibig this guy. He's not the only prince that starts out with faults, but this guy just takes the heavily flawed biscuit. He's so bitchy and angstface, I sort of can't help but adore him. ...But then Belle turns up. It was inevitable that he was going to change, but REALLY Disney? Did you have to take his balls away too? He becomes such a pussy! I can't stand him past like the start of Something There. Really, Beast is the main reason that I VASTLY prefer the sequels to the original. Because in the sequels {if we can really call them that, actually}, the Beast is still a total dick. And that's all I ever really liked about him." (Straggy)

I can hear Kataralover praising Hesus (myself) that Naveen isn't first, or even in the tuktok 3. There was definitely Naveen fever going around when Princess and the Frog first came out, but it has definitely died out. It will be interesting to see if the same happens for Flynn (most likely). Some people pag-ibig Naveen's palikero antics and charm, others see him as shallow, selfish, and rude. He's certainly one of the least heroic of the princes, so generally those who like the madami heroic, kind princes aren't huge Naveen fans.

Top-Rank (1-3):
Mongoose09 (1)
sweetie-94 (1)
boolander25 (2)
percyandpotter (2)
lepetitsouris (2)
Straggy (2)
tiffany88 (2)
Pocahontas1Fan (2)
VGfan30 (3)
phantomrose89 (3)
madisonsavanna (3)
pretty_angel92 (3)
ALetterToElise (3)

Mid-Rank (4-7):
Maria7Potter (4)
ppv (4)
cromulanfav (5)
SailorM91 (5)
princesslullaby (6)
firegirl1515 (6)
CodyVenusTrent (6)
JonnaSe (6)
DreamyGal (6)
CuteDiana (7)
FullMoonFever (7)

Low-Rank (8-10):
ppgbelle4 (8)
fhghu (9)
BelleAnastasia (9)
disneyfan500 (10)
KataraLover (10)

Well, all comments about Naveen are negative, so I didn't really get to see positive view. Once again I'll apply my describing expertise here.

"Naveen's name starts with the letter 'n'" (princesslullaby)

3.Prince Eric
*angels sing*
Okay, I'll try my best to keep my bias out of this one. I'll just say I'm very happy with this ranking and leave it at that. Eric seems to be universally liked, at the very least people are neutral toward him. He's a very sweet, genuine guy. Some people consider him bland. *itching to argue* No one put him as their #9 or #10, and he's the only prince no one ranked below #8.

Top-Rank (1-3):
firegirl1515 (1)
fhghu (1)
CuteDiana (1)
princesslullaby (2)
KataraLover (2)
SailorM91 (2)
CodyVenusTrent (3)
DreamyGal (3)

Mid-Rank (4-7):
disneyfan500 (4)
ppgbelle4 (4)
lepetitsouris (4)
ALetterToElise (4)
cromulanfav (4)
madisonsavanna (5)
Straggy (5)
JonnaSe (5)
tiffany88 (5)
Mongoose09 (5)
FullMoonFever (5)
sweetie-94 (5)
Maria7Potter (5)
phantomrose89 (6)
Pocahontas1Fan (6)
VGfan30 (7)
BelleAnastasia (7)

Low-Rank (8-10):
boolander25 (8)
percyandpotter (8)
pretty_angel92 (8)
ppv (8)

"IMO he's PERFECT, he fell for some girl who saved his life, he heard her singing, hasn't actually seen her, so obviously didn't care about her looks, how is that shallow?, he just wanted to marry the who saved him, he accepted Ariel for all her flaws, if he IS shallow then he would have fell for someone like Belle, not who has the most flaws like Ariel. he's sweet, kind, faithful, has a lot of personality, brave, truthful, and doesn't let the girl he loves be Nawawala again, and of course, HOT. Honestly, i can't find a single flaw in Eric, some people have him in the middle because they pag-ibig the tuktok better, and when asking they don't seem to have anything bad on him. personally i don't like the characters that looks TOO PERFECT, because simply they don't exist, but because of the personality that Eric has makes me know that there is possibly someone like him. (and i'm gonna find him and never letting him go)" (CuteDiana)

You should know he Nawawala VERY VERY closely to the #1 prince. In fact, only sa pamamagitan ng two points. And I think after the hype has died down for the other prince he will be first again. Well, most people seem to like Aladdin, a few people don't, but he is very charismatic, flawed, with a good heart. He's relatable. Some people don't like the lying aspect of his personality and find him shallow. Only one person put him at #10.

Top-Rank (1-3):
Boolander25 (1)
SailorM91 (1)
KataraLover (1)
BelleAnastasia (1)
JonnaSe (1)
tiffany88 (1)
pretty_angel92 (1)
ALetterToElise (1)
cromulanfav (1)
disneyfan500 (2)
CuteDiana (2)
CodyVenusTrent (2)
Mongoose09 (2)
firegirl1515 (3)
percyandpotter (3)
ppgbelle4 (3)
Maria7Potter (3)

Mid-Rank (4-7):
madisonsavanna (4)
Straggy (4)
Pocahontas1Fan (4)
ppv (5)
princesslullaby (7)
phantomrose89 (7)
DreamyGal (7)

Low-Rank (8-10):
VGfan30 (8)
lepetitsouris (8)
FullMoonFever (9)
sweetie-94 (9)
fhghu (10)

"Aladdin- this guy is amazing and relatable. I don't see why some people think he's arrogant and only like hasmin because of her looks. Well, I don't see him as arrogant because he just makes fun of the guards, and that's just a typical thief guard relationship. An arrogant thief such as Sinbad and Flynn steal valuables for themselves, while Aladdin only steals pagkain so he and Abu can survive. And he sometimes he runs into someone less fortunate than him, he gives it away. If you wanna talk Arrogant than what about prince snooty pants, when he was about to wip the little kids to grabs the wip, and tells the prince horse face off. As for him not truely loving hasmin I mean HELLO he goes back to the palace and fights a giant snake. A GIANT SNAKE! I don't think he would risk becoming snake pagkain for just any beautiful girl even if she is a princess. Also for those of you saying he was a jerk for not setting Genie free like he promised, he was just scared, I mean, we do stupid things when we're scared. That's the reason he didn't tell hasmin that Prince Ali is Aladdin. Besides he sets Genie free in the end, so it's not that big a deal. " (kataralover....punctuation sa pamamagitan ng princesslullaby)

Oh, big shocker here. I guess I'll have to REALLY bite my tongue for this description. People find Flynn really funny, brave, and smart. They think he's romantic and has a really great personality. (lol I'm struggling) No one gave him a #10 ranking and most people have him in their tuktok 3.

Top-Rank (1-3):
percyandpotter (1)
phantomrose89 (1)
CodyVenusTrent (1)
Straggy (1)
firegirl1515 (2)
madisonsavanna (2)
BelleAnastasia (2)
JonnaSe (2)
pretty_angel92 (2)
FullMoonFever (2)
Maria7Potter (2)
ppv (2)
CuteDiana (3)
Pocahontas1Fan (3)

Mid-Rank (4-7):
boolander25 (4)
tiffany88 (4)
SailorM91 (4)
DreamyGal (4)
princesslullaby (5)
fhghu (5)
VGfan30 (5)
lepetitsouris (5)
ALetterToElise (5)
disneyfan500 (6)
ppgbelle4 (6)
Mongoose09 (6)

Low-Rank (8-10):
sweetie-94 (8)
KataraLover (9)
cromulanfav (9)

"I absolutely pag-ibig Flynn, and both of his sides. The cocky "Flynn Rider" attitude is hilarious and hot, and the "Eugene Fitzherbert" attitude is incredibly sweet and exactly like a guy I'd want to date. He's all-around nice, has a good sense of humor, and is pretty darn sexy. " (percyandpotter)
added by jlhfan624
Source: Disney
added by WhiteLagoon13
Source: @axelmalibu on Instagram
Here is an artikulo I wrote expressing my opinions on the 3D animated Disney Princesses and how they are in their featured films of Tangled, Brave, Frozen, and Moana. Since Raya and the Last Dragon is coming out on Saturday, I'll try to do an artikulo on her too to see if she's another one of our paborito badass heroines? Or just a damsel in distress waiting to be saved. But anyway, let's get down to brass tacks, shall we?

5. Rapunzel

When I was little and the first trailer for Gusot was advertising ipinapakita another badass heroine who can fight and somewhat heal people's wounds and injuries with...
continue reading...
In this artikulo I will be posting which Princess do I relate to the most. This took a few days and it was extremely hard to do but I think it's accurate for me. Since I'm a guy, I relate mostly to their personalities and relationships with their families. Hope you enjoy pagbaba it! ^^

#12 – Tiana
I have big dreams; I think I'm quite good at cooking too. But other than that, zero in common.
Differences: Her relationship with both of her parents is better than mine. I'm madami romantic and not as mapait as her when it comes to finding love. I don't think it all depends on...
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added by JaDangerz
Source: Disney
added by tiffany88
Source: Written and illustrated sa pamamagitan ng Amy Mebberson
added by tiffany88
Source: tiffany88
added by JaDangerz
Source: Disney/Pixar
This idea just kinda popped into my head. Basically as the pamagat suggests, we take a scenario from a DP movie and analyze how the other princesses would behave or react in that situation. Today, our scenario is...

Entering the West Wing
Belle is considered sa pamamagitan ng many to be one of the "good girls" of the DP lineup but she does have a bit of mischievous side and that shines through when her curiosity gets the better of her and she disobeys the Beast's direct orders to stay out of the castle's west wing.

Snow White-She'd gladly follow the Beast's rules and she wouldn't really tanong them either. While...
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added by PrincessFairy
Source: http://kawacy.tumblr.com/post/182036397925/princess-jasmine-doodle
posted by avatar_tla_fan
Yes, we're back again then we'll disappear, I promise!

Hello! This is our fourth collab artikulo on here (we pag-ibig doing these, despite some of the complaints we’ve gotten), and we thought it would be fun to do another one. This time, we’ll be ranking the most attractive Disney Princes (or pag-ibig interests). This artikulo is with me, former Fanpop user Sk8er__grl, and link

DISCLAIMER: This can get kind of hard to read sometimes and we're sorry, but we did spend time editing it to make it easier to read. Also, there's a lot of bad language, but hey, Fanpop changed their age to sixteen so...
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posted by AdelitaI
Snow White - Princess Vera Wang

I chose this parfume for Snow White because it consists mansanas notes and mansanas is a symbol of this character. It also consists tsokolate and it's another why this parfume fits Snow White so much. I think that prutas and gourmand notes fit her the best because of her warm, sweet, nurturing personality and her culinary skills.
I think that Anna and Su from Mulan II( the princess in yellow) would have this parfume as their paborito too. These three are quite similiar personality-wise.
Other parfumes that would fit Snow White - Sring bulaklak Creed which was originally...
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So this was a topic that was brought up a couple weeks nakaraan that brought on a big debate. There were people who sinabi a fat princess wouldn't be a good role model, that obesity kills people, that just because there's only thin princesses doesn't mean kids are going to worry about it, that the princesses have to be beautiful, etc.

I used to read a lot of books and watch a lot of tv growing up, mostly Harry Potter and Disney. As much as I pag-ibig the Harry Potter series and Disney movies, the way fat people are depicted is really upsetting. I mean there's Dudley who's described as being as fat as...
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Okay we've officially finished the countdown so as promised here's the artikulo featuring the results! This artikulo will not only ipakita the results, each scene will include my thoughts, the thoughts of the participants, and there will be comparisons to the last time I did this countdown!

Here we go!

10. Merida crying and saying sorry to her mom
Original placement: none (it wasn't in the last countdown)
I've had mixed comments about this scene. There were people who sinabi they thought this scene was sad because Merida thought she Nawawala her mom forever but then other people sinabi that Merida should...
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People tend to get caught up in preconceived notions of a character based on their appearance or other surface level factors.

A prime example of this would be Snow White, people see her soft petite features, hear her high pitched voice and listen to her sing about a finding love, and they automatically assume she’s a docile weak passive shy individual. While Snow White is definitely a bit calmer and madami carefree, she’s far from the most passive princess. After surviving a deadly encounter and knowing her life is still in danger, she gets picks her herself up rather quickly. Once she finds...
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Here is a listahan of my best DP role models. The most important thing to note here is that this is very much a subjective, rather than objective, list. Rather than trying to rank the princesses according to who I think is the best role model for children or other people in general, the ranking is purely according to how they serve me personally as role models.

11. Aurora

Perhaps not surprisingly, Aurora lands herself at the bottom of this list. She is gentle and kind, which are definitely qualities I appreciate, however she has little else to offer in terms of being a role model. Let's say...
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Thanks to the ones who have recently nagkomento on my artikulo :D. So, despite I have a lot of interests, I never get bored on picking mine and my friend’s Zodiac sign traits. I’m Sagittarius because I was born on 8th December. So now, let’s get started!

Snow White – Cancer

Popular Opinion, duh! She is Def a Cancer girl! Cancer people are kind, sweet, plucky, loyal, emotional and motherly. Emotionally grounded and fair to all, Snow White inspires us to always make the best out of a bad situation. The way she cares for the dwarves represents Cancer’s kind, cute and compassionate...
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added by yorkshire_rose
Source: wallpapercave
posted by Lavendergolden
Tiaras....tiaras.....tiaras. Real princesses have crowns, what are even they without that? Sorry, it was a bit sassy. Only tiaras here, so yea, the females who don’t have a royalty status didn’t get into this ranking. This is an artikulo about prettiest DP tiara!

11.    Tiana's after wedding tiara
 First kill me, then I'll wear it
First kill me, then I'll wear it

Sure it suited Tia’s brown complexion and is extremely unique. But, meh, does unique always has to mean pretty? I don’t think so. It isn’t very nicely shaped for my taste and this tiara is too small. Ugh, I felt it’s a weird shape...
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