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added by drewjoana18
Source: House Of mouse Parking Packers Pack The Level 3
added by Uppy21
Source: House Of mouse Parking Packers Pack The Level 3
added by cruella
added by BelleRose829
added by BelleRose829
added by cruella
added by peterslover
added by cruella
added by cruella
added by BelleRose829
added by BelleRose829
posted by GypsyMarionette
Disclaimer: A listahan I found online. Not mine. Also no offense intended to those who disagree with the list.

12. Tiger Lily is a princess. Wendy is a white nobody.

11. Tiger Lily has a cuter voice than Wendy. Even though her voice is only really heard when she says "HEL-*gurgle*", it's much better on the ears than one sentence out of Wendy's mouth...

10. She has a cool wardrobe that she can be proud of, which would be a nicely made dress from .... most likely a deer, and a pretty cool feather, which looks simply SMASHING with the dress. Wendy gets stuck with a blue nightgown and a simple bow hair...
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added by cruella
added by BelleRose829
added by cruella
added by peterslover
added by cruella