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posted by Renegade1765
 Oh music! What would we be without you?
Oh music! What would we be without you?
Well,it's been a while since I wrote an article.
You have to forgive me but there was the holidays as well as my personal life so I wasn't really in the mood for Pagsulat articles.But now I'm back so let's start.
If you read my nakaraan artikulo then you might have seen that I'm a huge tagahanga of music.I can't live without it.Disney,throughout the decades,has produced some timeless songs,but in instrumental and vocal form.They’re meant to tell us the thoughts of a character and progress the story in musical form.
Everyone has they're favorites,and here are mine.
But first,some ground rules.
First,this is all opinion based so you all feel free to agree or disagree with me,but I will respect your opinions.
Second,I decided to chose only 5 because I,while Disney has produced many great songs,I decided to chose 5 because I didn't want this to be an oras long,and there are only a few songs from Disney that I enjoy listening to.
Third,I'm only gong to include songs from Disney animated movies.The ones from Snow White to Big Hero 6.So you won't be seeing any songs from Marry Poppins here.
All right,that was enough,let us begin:

5."You'll be in my Heart" sa pamamagitan ng Phil Collins from Tarzan.
Personally,I pag-ibig this song.
Now,even though I really don't like in Tarzan how Phil Collins is pag-awit in the background and he's the one who tells us the emotions of the characters instead of letting the characters emote.The songs in the movie aren't bad,but it's really distracting.However,this song,is really special to me.
While I can be a very grumpy person at times as well as very forgetful (most of that has to do with that ADHD of mine),I have a really soft spot in my puso for children,especially for infants.They're so innocent and cute that I can't help but warm up to them.
When I become a father,one promise of mine that I will never break is to be as kind,gentle and caring to the baya as possible,no matter how frustrating it would be.I know that raising a child can be very difficult,but if I posses the skill an discipline needed to do it,then I know I can be a great father.
What I'm trying to say that this song perfectly reflects my beliefs and ideals of what a great parent is like.It could be work as a lullaby while we're at it.
Also,Phil Collins nails it and the musical accompaniment is very well done and it helps the song stand out from the others in my opinion.
An amazing song,but not amazing enough to be placed higher on my list.

4."I See the Light" from Tangled.
Rapunzel and Eugine are freaking hilarious!
I actually used to have a somewhat reluctant disposition towards liking this movie because it seemed that the only reason people liked it was because it appealed to that "Tumblr Quirky" side of people.Rapunzel and Eugine kind of felt tailored to the people that would yell, "Omg, that's soooo me! Rapunzel is literally my fave." It also didn't really seem to be doing anything that original or inventive on the surface.But when I looked past those flaws,I saw a really funny,really entertaining Disney movie.
As factory produced as the two leads can be at times,they are still well written.Sure,they feel like products,but the machine did a damn (sorry about that) good job.They are so likable and each represents a different side of traditional Disney characters.Rapunzel is a perfect giddy alternative to the traditionally classy princess role and Eugine is an interesting take on a dashing hero with a perfect backstory.He's not really the dashing thief;he's an orphan who wants to live the life of his fictional hero (which is actually something I can quite relate to).
Then comes "I See the Light".
The animation is beautiful here.I pag-ibig the shot when the lanterns are reflected on the surface of the water and it’s almost like the gondola is floating in space. And um... this song is the most adorable thing I've ever seen in my live.Yes,even madami than "Do You Want to Build a Snowman". It's just so sweet that my puso can't help but melt,and yet there actually is a serious (albeit 1st world problem) message being delivered.A lot of pelikula focus on following your dreams,but Gusot is one of the first to talk about what happens when your dream actually comes true. Where do you go from accomplishing everything you ever wanted to? It addresses the, "Now what," factor. In this case,both Rapunzel and Eugine discover that their new dream is found in each other.It also briefly talks about the fear of having your dreams coming true,yet having them not be what you thought they would be.
Also a bonus,it is beautifully song and both actors do a wonderful job.I sometimes listen to it when I want to calm myself down.
This song is madami than enough to forgive any flaws this movie could have... even back when I actually thought Gusot was, "too meta."

3."Beauty and the Beast" sa pamamagitan ng Celine Dion from Beauty an the Beast.
I honestly don't have words to describe this song.It's just so beautifully song,the instrumental,the singing,the lyrics,I pag-ibig it!
While I'm not a romantic person,that doesn't mean I don't listen to songs about romance.I just enjoy the music.And this one is no exception.
When I was a little boy,whenever I heard this song at the end credits of the movie,I always cried.And...how can you not,it's so perfect.
Alright,I apologize if I sounded like a fangirl,but I can't help it.
This is,without a shred of a doubt,the best romantic song I ever heard.If I would get married,this would be the song I would want to play at the wedding,as cliched as it sounds.
There's just something magical about this song that draws me to it,but I don't know what it is? The singing?Yes,Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson are amazing in this are a great addition to it,but it's not really the ONE thing that makes me pag-ibig so much.The musical accompaniment? Yes,the instruments are great here and work with the singers beautifully.But it's still not.Is it because it's from my paborito childhood movie? Don't get me wrong,I pag-ibig this movie to death,but it's still not.So what is it? Honestly,I don't know.Much like song "Flying Without Wings" sa pamamagitan ng Westlife,there's something about it that just makes it magical for me.And yeah,as corny as it sounds,but I think "magical" is the best way I can describe it.
What can I say,it's a song as old as time,but it will never be dated.

2."Bells of Notre Dame","God Help the Outcasts" and "Hellfire" from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I know it's kind of a cheat for me to put 3 songs at the same spot,but I'm sorry,I pag-ibig these songs so much that I have to put them here.
Now,I'm sorry if I sounded to enthusiastic throughout the review,but I can't help it,I'm a huge sucker for music.
Alright,let's begin:
"Bells of Notre Dame":In my opinion,the best opening sequence in any Disney movie,ever.The movie starts out with quiet choirs in the backgrounds with bells sounding,but then,it turns into one of the most epic compositions in Disney history.That choir,not just in the song,but throughout the movie,is just awesome.It makes everything seem so massive and gigantic.Which is very fitting since the movie itself is just huge.This song basically tells the story and explains what the characters and why/how everything happened.The scene with the Notre Dame's towers being in the clouds,getting closed in while that massive choir is pag-awit in the background makes the Notre Dame feel like it IS the house of God,the movie treats it with importance,as something massive and powerful but not vengeful,which how many people describe God himself.What I also pag-ibig about it is what comes next.Clopin describes Paris to be reliant on the bells.That before the Eiffel Tower,the Notre Dame cathedral was Paris' symbol.And the fact of how grand it makes it seem it gives the impression that the people being reliant on the bells is basically them believing in God.
That scene when Frollo appears riding on his horse with Clopin pag-awit gives us the idea of who Frollo is and it does it beautifully.Clopin describes him as "a figure who's clutches were high as much as the bells of Notre Dame",that "Frollo saw corruption every where,except within". This basically describes Frollo's character in a clever way that Frollo is a high athoritarian person who's words can be powerful to the people and he doesn't see evil within him,but within everything else.
And that scene when the statues of Notre Dame are literally starring at him,again,gives us the idea that this place is indeed powerful because this is the "House of God".
And that ending with Clopin hitting the high notes at the end always gives me goosebumps.
If I have to choose a word to describe this song,it would be "Epic".
"God Help the Outcasts":This song is really spectacular.Let me give you a little bit of a story first.Back inn my 7th grade,my classmates were accusing me of taking a few pictures of a girl that I had a crush on.They looked at me like I was a rapist or a criminal when I couldn't help it.I felt so insulted,that when I got home,I listened to this song while crying because I thought of myself as an outcast,that nobody wanted me.
Demi Moore NAILS this song.
It's a really beautiful song and I hope people will give it madami attention.
"Hellfire":Granted it's in a children's movie and a Disney one at that,but this song really took chances and explored the torcered mind of Disney's best villain.
It's centered around Judge Frollo,who has fallen into an uncontrollable lust with the gypsie fugitive Esmeralda.And even though he's not a priest in this version,he still considers himself to be very religious.And his unpure thoughts about the woman sends him into an ethical battle from hell.
I think the people in the red and shady robes are one of the best parts of it.They symbolize the jury and court.Remember,Frollo is a judge,and in the song,he considers himself to be the "victim". I think a lot of children got scared at this part and I don't blame them.
It's an interesting song too because he doesn't sing about how evil he is but rather asarol he slips slowly into deep madness brought out sa pamamagitan ng his sexual desire.And the only cure for that is to destroy the obsession itself,or rather herself.
As far as children's films go,it has all the no-noes.Half-naked women,sexual cravings,religious taboos and all under the name of the mouse.
This is the most well thought out of and dramatic one of the songs in the movie and its visuals match the lyrics and music perfectly.
What also works very well is that the song right before this one,Heaven's Light (also an underrated song),which had a very similar meaning to it,except that in this song,Quasimodo nakakita her as an angel who will end his years of torment,while Frollo nakakita her as a demon who tries to trick him and must be destroyed.
I pag-ibig that these two songs are together.Both of them are in pag-ibig with Esmereda,but Quasimodo's is a pure and selfless love,believing it to be sent from heaven.Frollo on the other hand is filled with hateful and selfish desire,and thinks it's sent from hell to destroy him.They both want her,but the way they ipakita it just is an amazing contrast between the two characters and their natures.
All three are amazing pieces of music,and deserve all of the praise that they get.

1."Let it Go" from Frozen.
Yes,this was expected.If you read my old analysis of Let It Go,then you must have known that this is going to be my favorite.Not only is it my paborito Disney song,but one of my paborito songs of all time.
I've explained my pag-ibig and respect for this song in that artikulo so if you want madami information about it you should go check that one out,but I'll try to explain my point about the song here as well as some things I didn't say.But I warn you,it will be long.
Yes,the song is about empowerment,but there is also tragedy,anger,bitterness,and self-deception in it,in even greater measure.It doesn't mark Elsa's claiming of her identity or her apotheosis-instead,by the end of the song,she is in severe danger of losing herself.The song does lift her up,but only to set her perched atop a high precipice,with slippery slopes falling into a despair event horizon on one side and a moral event horizon on the other.The potency of the song derives not from how uplifting or positive it is,but rather how it perfectly fits into the pangkalahatang narrative,and how much it does into develop Elsa into a compelling,relatable character.
First,consider the placement of the song in the whole movie.Elsa has just run away from her own coronation,and has brought an eternal winter upon Arandelle.The song itself only marks the end of the first act.The story has just begun,so this cannot be end of the end of the character development for Elsa-it is actually the end of the beginning,and the primary function of the song is to set down the conflicts that Elsa must go through-the demons she must face-before the story is over.In fact,much of the rest of the story will be played out to specifically reverse many of the most triumphant lines of her song.
Consider the following:
Elsa sings several times"Let the storm rage on",referring to her stormy puso and mind.(The weather itself is quite calm for most of the song).She also signs that now she's free.She is trying to convince herself that she can live with the turmoil inside.But,in Elsa's susunod scene(For the First Time in Forever(Reprise)),she's confronted with what she's done with Arendelle and sing "Oh,I'm such a fool,I can't be free/No escape for the storm inside",driving her further into despair.So she takes back what she had said,in her very susunod scene.She is,in fact,not yet free and is not fine with the storm raging on inside her.
In Let It Go,the line "Let the storm rage on"is followed by"The cold never bothered me anyway"-a line many people remember,as it's sinabi twice,sung in a different style,and is the last line of the song.Of course,as the Snow Queen,Elsa isn't bothered sa pamamagitan ng the low temperatures in the literal sense.But in the other senses of the word"cold",she is still frightened of it.Uncontrolled release of her powers still remains the primary problem of the story,and after building her ice palace she is never again happy while using her powers,until the end of the movie.
Most importantly,"cold"as an isolation from other people,is still bothering her in the core.Think about what she does after she finishes the song,right after she sings the last line"The cold never bothered me anyway":she turns around and slams shut the door to her new castle,as she had done in Arendelle.Her way of dealing with her problem it's still the same as it was before her coronation:she thinks as long as she shuts people out-and if that doesn't work,as long as she's far enough away isolated and alone-she'll be okay.But this is diametrically opposed to the central message of the film-that instead of not being bothered sa pamamagitan ng the cold of isolation,she needs to be embraced sa pamamagitan ng the warmth of love.The can't end until she recants this sly,subtle line,which she does only at the climax.Until then,Elsa is lying to herself.
Another line in the song that's a self deception is when she says"You'll never see me cry".Both this line and"The cold never bothered me anyway"are the kind of things sinabi sa pamamagitan ng people who are trying to convince themselves,they're not usually sinabi sa pamamagitan ng people for whom this is simply true.Of course,we do see Elsa cry over Anna at the end,as a statement to the pag-ibig that Elsa loves for her.Again,by negating this very line in the song and shedding tears,she is finally becoming a person who she wants to be.Elsa finds her identity and finally comes into her own character,not in embracing the message of these lines in Let It Go,but in rejecting them in the climax.
Additional actions abound.Elsa sings"Here I stand and here I 'll stay"and"I'm never going back".But of course,she does go back to Arendelle.She eventually abandons the ice palace(while keeping the hair and the new dress).She sings "That perfect girl is gone",but in the end,she does become the perfect girl she always wanted to be-fully in command of her powers,and on tuktok of the beloved sa pamamagitan ng her sister and her subjects.She sings"The past is in the past",but her final salvation comes from her relationship with her sister,stemming from Elsa's deepest past.
Lastly in the matter of lyrics,consider the pamagat of the song itself,Let It Go,which is sung repeatedly.What is she letting go of?Firstly and most obviously,it refers to Elsa letting go the restrains of her powers,to"See what [she] can do/To test the limits and break through".This is the positive element in the song,and what most listeners unfortunately latch on to,the exclusion to other elements.Personal empowerment is obviously good.If you look closely at Elsa expressions while she's singing,the few tens of segundos around this line is the only time she's genuinely happy.But personal empowerment,though good,is fraught with danger,as indicated in the susunod line:"No right,no wrong,no rules for me".
Seriously,how many characters say that and not become evil?These are probably the most telling lines for picking up on the narrative meaning of the song.And that is the segundo thing that she's letting go of:her sense of right or wrong,and the restrictions the being the"good girl"imposed on her releasing her powers.Now obviously some of the rules restraining her before were restrictive and counterproductive,but they were also the safety of others.How much of that is she letting go?Only some specific rules?All of it?The entire concept of goodness?We don't know,but her singing"No right,no wrong,no rules for me"should have set off alarm bells in the audience's heads.Let It Go was originally meant as a villain song,and Disney wanted the possibility of Elsa being a villain to be alive in the audiences minds.We are supposed to be worried of Elsa's soul at this point,and the rest of her character development is how she is saved from her precarious position.
Elsa is letting go any hope or desire of companionship with people.This is the third meaning of Let It Go indicated an erosion of Elsa's goodness,this meaning also indicates and erosion of her hope.The segundo meaning pushes Elsa towards evil,the third meaning pushes Elsa towards despair.The segundo meaning may lead to villainy,and the third meaning may lead to tragedy.She has decided to stay away from all that she loves,and she has tried to convince herself that she's fine with that.
Look again at Elsa's expressions when she sings Let It Go,especially during the lines I've mentioned above.Look for the emotions fitting across her face almost frame sa pamamagitan ng frame.She switches quickly between resignation,bitterness,giddy happiness,genuine smiles,sorrow weighting down her brow,anger,resolve and many mixtures triumphant lines.The animators,songwriters,and the singer did a remarkable job of conveying all this in this beautifully crafted,intricately complicated song.
Let It Go informs the audience of the evil and the despair that Elsa has the potential to fall into,while keeping her a completely sympathetic character.Her empowerment,while clearly a good thing,also raises the danger that she may fall one way or another.It makes the audience able to relate to her while at the same time causing us to wary of her and worried for her.who hasn't felt that they could become madami powerful if only they let go of other people and their restrictions and morality?Who hasn't felt that there is nothing they could do in certain helpless situations,powerless despite their abilities?And who hasn't felt soul imperiled sa pamamagitan ng these feelings?For all these reasons,despite being the only human with superpowers,Elsa is the most real,relatable character in Frozen.
After setting up this remarkable character in Let It Go,the rest of the film is about ipinapakita how Elsa successfully navigates these potential ruins and comes to be a wholly good person,worthy to be heroine in one of my paborito Disney movies.She has some close calls-she nearly became evil in rebuffing the visitors and intruders in her castle.She did despair when she thought Anna was dead.But from Anna's deep pag-ibig and help from the others,she earns her happy ending.
I think if you take Let It Go simply as an uplifting empowerment song,you rob Elsa of a great deal of her intricate characterization.You collapse her into a two-dimensional character.If the song was entirely positive,if her soul was not in actual danger of ruin when the song ended,then she looses her agency for character development.She simply become someone nice and powerful who reacts to what happens in her environment.She would not be fundamentally all that different in the end than she was in the middle.To be a fully fleshed out character,Elsa's empowerment must also imperil her.
It has to be this way because it's true in real life.We have heard that"With great power comes great responsibility"(obviously from Spider-man). We have hear that"nearly all men can stand adversity and,but if you want to test a man's character,give him power". We know that "power corrupts". Unfortunately,this is not a sentiment I hear often among many groups who have recently became empowered.There is much talk about how good,progressive and positive personal empowerment is.But not many are saying to these people that power is not a right or a privilege,but a sacred charge,to be used for doing and becoming good.
What I also pag-ibig about it is that even if you think this song is bad,look up the instrumental version,the music box version,the dubstep version,each version of the song is better than the other.Meaning that this song,even if you don't see it as good,is still fixable.While other song like Nicki Minaj's "Stupid Hoe" can't.

Again,I really appreciate the attention you people have payed me and I'm really thankful for that.
I pag-ibig music.My life cannot be complete without it.These songs are examples of that,especially "Let It Go". To me,music is one of the most effective ways of expressing emotions.Weather it is vocal or instrumental,music is big part of our lives.Other listen to it for entertainment,while some listen to them because they mean so much to them.And I'm both of those.
The music company,Two Steps From Hell have quote..."Music Makes You Braver". And this literal.Music can be used for entertainment,to inspire people,to express emotions,to make them think.Music is a massive part of my,or madami specifically,our lives.And I'm unable to imagine our lives without it.
As always,Smell ya' later!
 This is one of the things I believe in.
This is one of the things I believe in.
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