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So, a while nakaraan I wrote this artikulo on my tuktok ten paborito and least paborito Disney characters (in comments) and, as always, felt this needed an update, since a lot has changed in my lists. My hate and pag-ibig has grown for some of these characters, some have just made it on my list.

My opinion has changed undoubtably, and I have decided to rewrite this artikulo to fit my new opinions!

As always lets start with my least favorites out of the way, so I can get you pissed off, and get it over. Oh, and I don't want to see any bullying over my opinion. Okay? Okay.

10. Honey Lemon- Big Hero 6

This, is the one I'm most ashamed of, and it's not even that I dislike her. Making a least paborito character listahan is so much harder than making a paborito character list- as you want to pag-ibig characters.

Getting back on topic! I guess what puts her on this listahan is something I'm very shameful of. Ready for it? I really don't know why I put here on here. Something about her sets me off about her. She is very Rapunzel and Anna like, both of which are on my tuktok ten list, but I guess I just found her to be very unrealistic- and I like realistic characters.

She's just so perfect from her looks to her personality, and maybe if she was presented more, I wouldn't see her as a sue-ish character. I mean look at her: she's hot, she is sweet, really smart and is multilingual!(at least, it is implied she is) I guess most of these makes a good role model, but I don't like perfect characters.

But, if you read my last artikulo I HATED her, so my opinion definitely has changed about her. I expect it to change madami with the new series coming out soon!

9. Aurora- Sleeping Beauty

Yep. We're still on characters that I don't dislike, but I dislike very few Disney characters, so there are characters I neither like nor dislike on here.

Yet, quite honestly Honey limon is lower, because of my own personal preference of characters. Aurora, however, in my opinion, is the most boring Disney protagonist to me, and has been one of the few protagonists that have actually been my least paborito character in the movie. I understand why she couldn't be in the movie that often, but I still think the Three Faries should be considered madami of protagonists.

I do like her personality, but she is still one of my least paborito characters.

8. Fix it Felix Jr.- Wreck it Ralph

Okay....know we're getting down to the characters I dislike, and Felix is one of them. So what can I say about Felix? He's just an average good guy- a too average good guy. I felt like he was a little selfish a little too often.

I mean, he did things for the sake of others, true, but it seemed madami out of duty than anything else. Did it bother anyone else that he didn't once defend Ralph against the people who were hurting him because he is the "bad guy"? Yet, he rushes to find him the segundo it effects him to find him and starts to claim he's important to the game.

I know he's better sa pamamagitan ng the end, but I just have a hard time forgiving him.

7. Mabel Pines- Gravity Falls

I know, she is such a popular character in the Gravity Falls universe, but quite honestly, I dislike her. I find her super annoying, and although she is described as the "most selfless and kind character" very often, within the series, yet all too often she is seen putting her own needs before others.

She always guilts Dipper into ignoring everything he wants, to give her what she wants. I get she got a little better at it, but even after that I found her really annoying.

6. Turbo/King Candy- Wreck it Ralph

I think he is the worst villain in the Disney Revival Era, Hans being an easy competitor for that spot. However, I actually liked Hans up to that point, so I did not place him on this list.

King kendi or Turbo or whatever you want to call him was the first in the series of "surprise villains", and to be honest, I felt they didn't do good at hiding the fact he was one. Sure, I didn't know he was Turbo, but I kind of predicted he was going to be the villain. I believe the other movies, Disney did a somewhat better job.

Aside from that, he was such an annoying character! He was like some creep on a sugar high. Oh wait....he is.

5. Wendy Darling- Peter Pan

I can't stand Wendy, honestly, although everyone loves her so much. I found her to be overdramatic and possessive over Peter at times. Also, I don't know, she was just Miss Perfect and such a know-it-all at many times...so yeah. Really not much I can say about my hate for her.

4. Joy- Inside Out

Okay, so we're getting to the characters I really hate, starting with Joy in fourth. Joy....I like her as an emotion, but looking at her as a person, which I do all characters, I can't stand her. She is such a asong babae (pardon my language) and cares about absolutely nothing but herself.

Okay, she cared about Riley, but she always had to be the center of attention when it came to her. She was just so "me, me,me" and I'm just like, okay, we get it you're so great and important and you make Riley happy, She bullied Sadness because she was sad all the time which pissed me off. People can defend that she saw Sadness as a threat to Riley, but it seemed the madami she bullied her, the madami sad Riley got. But Joy was so revolved around everything being about her she neglected to see that.

Yes, she had character development, and she was nice at the end, but I still hate her every time I watch the movie.

3. Gabriella Montez- High School Musical

Well the first and only live action person on my list, makes people wonder why Sharpay isn't on this list. Simple, Sharpay, as well as everyone else in HSM, made me feel like I was watching a real person. Gabriella didn't. Gabriella made me feel like I was watching an annoying Mary Sue.

Okay, yes she has stage fright, but it wasn't even that big of a flaw to make her seem real. She just seemed like a forced good guy, who can't do anything wrong because she is so perfect.

Plus her story in every movie is like: Loves Troy. Hangs out with Troy against the wishes of others. Gets mad at Troy for something he did. Distances herself from Troy. Troy says he's sorry. They sing a duet and everything is better, yay! Exactly one thing from that listahan is taken out each movie which makes her story sooooo different.

2. Gaston- Beauty and the Beast

He is sa pamamagitan ng far the worst Disney villain, in my opinion. Actually he was a good villain, but a bad character. So he gets upset because a girl turned him down....I get that. But no, he threw a huge tantrum, tried to hurt her father, tried to kill the person who she really did love. It's just like...psychotic much?

There are many girls who pag-ibig him, but noooo, he has to have this one girl that didn't like him. He even planned a wedding assuming she'd say yes. I mean wow. Hate him so much.

And last and least...

1. Elsa- Frozen

I cannot express how much I HATE Elsa, because there aren't enough words to describe it, but there is hardly a thing I like about her. Okay, she runs away from her kingdom, builds an ice castle, "lets it go", basically saying she is happy that she doesn't have responsibility anymore. But when Anna comes and tells her what happens, she blames everyone and everything for a mistake she made, and refuses to come back.

Before you sinabi "oh she was scared she'd make things worse" and all that shit, her people were already dying and suffering as it is shown in that one scene. They were completely unprepared for the winter. They were going to die eventually, so how worse could it get? Yes there was a blizzard, but again, people were already dying.

But what really annoys me about Elsa is that her depression and anxiety is supposed to excuse every damn mistake she made. Excuse me? Do you realize how insulting that is to someone with those things? Very.

But I already have enough artikulo ranting over Elsa, so I am not going to listahan all the reasons I hate or I'd fill a book. Let's start with my paborito characters!

Now, for this one I think less has changed, a few have been added, but only a little bit of the order has changed. A lot of characters that were on here originally are still on here, and the ones that aren't, they are off the listahan because I decided I liked other characters more, and madami has come out since then.

Okay, so here are my tuktok ten!

10. Rapunzel- Tangled

Now, as I sinabi before, I like realistic characters, and Rapunzel is no doubt realistic. Okay, I do feel as though she has little flaws, but she is just so realistic in so many other ways.

Growing up, Rapunzel was abused, and didn't even know it, and yet, she still remained kind to everyone, except to maybe Eugene. She is very strong, only using a frying pan to defend herself. She just has this childlike innocence, that I find adorable and sweet. She is creative, funny and pangkalahatang tuktok ten listahan worthy.

9. Hades- Hercules

Okay, he has got to be my paborito Disney villain ever! Probably because he is hilarious and could put a smile on someone's face, while still managing to be a legitimate villain who does legitimately evil thing. I could also somewhat understand his intentions. I mean I can for many villains, but still.

He is like the one villain that I do like the heroes, but I never really get that terribly pissed off when he hurts them. I mean, I get upset of course, but everything he does seems incredibly horrible, but incredibly light hearted as well.

8. Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider- Tangled

Yes, I like him madami than Rapunzel, but not sa pamamagitan ng that much. I get he was a typical jerk at the beginning, but honestly Rapunzel was kind of mean to him as well. Nonetheless, I pag-ibig them both.

He manages to learn from horrible things he did, which in his case was stealing. Despite doing this, he was able to recover, with the help of Rapunzel of course, and was able to become a better person and he made better decisions. I guess I just prefer his story over Rapunzel's. Mainly because I find his story madami unique.

7. Belle-Beauty and the Beast

I really pag-ibig Belle a lot. She is smart and adventurous, and loves to read. I really pag-ibig how books can easily take her on adventures, which is my experience with books. But most of all, I like how she teaches lessons about judgement.

I mean, she was judgemental toward the Beast at first, but she soon fell in pag-ibig with him. Yes, she fell in pag-ibig with a monster covered in balahibo instead of the handsome Gaston. So yes, Belle is my seventh paborito Disney character.

6. Ariel- The Little Mermaid

Despite what people say, I think Ariel was a nice and kind princess, even if like most princesses, she had her not-so-kind moments. She made mistakes, she argued with her father, rebelled against her father and had a crush on a guy she just met. So in other words, she's like the typical sixteen taon old, which made her really realistic. Again, characters I liked.

I also adore an admire her curiosity and her thirst for learning things about humans. Also, she saw the good in the humans when her father didn't, and believed they weren't so bad.

5. Sadness- Inside Out

Okay, so Sadness isn't the most positive of Disney characters, but I found her to be one of the nicest and cutest. She helped me a lot through my time of depression. Hearing her say it's okay to cry really helped me.

Also she was kind to everyone else, even Joy despite being basically bullied sa pamamagitan ng them their entire lives. I really hate seeing the hate Sadness gets from fans for "getting in Joy's way" , because it really makes me feel like they missed the whole point.

4. Mulan- Mulan

Mulan is both my third paborito princess, and is also most commonly known as the most badass Disney Princess. She is no doubt one of the most selfless, and is the strongest heroine, in my opinion.

She is my paborito of the hand drawn characters, as my tuktok three are CGI. I think taking her father's place in war is the most selfless thing any character has done in Disney, which earned her a spot in my tuktok four.

3. Moana- Moana

At third place we have the newest Disney Princess, Moana. Moana is very strong and demanding, even if at times she isn't very convincing when she is trying to act tough. Yet, when it comes down to it, Moana really is strong. She does everything she does for others, while still doing things for herself occasionally.

She is pangkalahatang interesting, creative and hilarious. I could go on but I really don't know how far I'd go on.

2. Anna- Frozen

Again, at number 2 is Princess Anna, the sister of my least paborito character Elsa. Unlike Elsa, Anna risked her life for her people and her sister, because she is simply that kind of person who loves everyone. Despite what people say, I think Anna is one of the strongest Disney Princesses, maybe physically, madami so emotionally. She misses her sister, and is shut out sa pamamagitan ng her for years, rudely turning her away, and ignoring her, but she never lets this cause her to hate her sister.

Anna also is awkward and doesn't care about being "ladylike", but does so in a way that she's not a bitch. Anna cares a lot about others and their well-being, making her my favorite.

Honorable Mentions (would have done this to my least favorites but there isn't enough characters I don't like

Vanellope von Schweetz(Wreck it Ralph)
Nick Wilde (Zootopia)
Genie (Aladdin)
Maui (Moana)
Baymax(Big Hero 6)

1. Hiro Hamada- Big Hero 6

Last but not least is Hiro Hamada, my paborito Disney character. Hiro is probably the most complex Disney protagonist, and still being one of the most realistic. He is relatable for people who have Nawawala someone important in their lives, and although he made questionable decisions, he managed to learn from his mistakes.

I also like bayani that have similar motives as the villains, because it's really interesting seeing one person coming from the same place, helping others, and another not.

So that's it, and please don't get mad if one of your favorites was on my least paborito listahan or vice versa.
This is the part 2 of Disney Vs Disney, But this time is Alice In Wonderland Vs Peter Pan.

*Best Protagonist: Alice (Alice In Wonderland), Because She is madami Kind-Hearted, Polite and Mature than Peter Pan.

*Best Antagonist: Captain James Hook (Peter Pan), Because He is Hilarious, Suave, Charismatic and He has a very Good Reason to get revenge on this Arch-Nemesis than The reyna Of Hearts.

*Best Location: Neverland (Peter Pan), Because it is a beautiful Tropical Island, and it is better than the crazy Cloudcuckooland called Wonderland.

*Best Song: The Unbirthday Song (Alice In Wonderland)

*Best Story: Peter Pan
added by rupsa
posted by deedragongirl
 Hello there you guys!
Hello there you guys!
Hi guys, what I'm going to write are 2 highest grossing pelikula that took the world sa pamamagitan ng the storm and they are The Lion King and Frozen. Are you ready?

The Lion King

I started watching this movie for the first time in 1994 on video tape, one of my first impressions at that time was that movie really tell us a message about forgetting the past and ilipat on, like how Les Miserables was being told.
When I first learn madami about the movie later on, I came to realise that the movie itself is base on Shakespeare's Hamlet: Prince of Denmark. So is it's sequel, The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride, on which...
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added by ace2000
Alright,as you may all know back in December of 2014 I wrote an artikulo about "My tuktok 10 paborito Disney Movies" in which I listed off the 10 animated pelikula made sa pamamagitan ng Disney that I liked the most.
Ever since then,opinions have changed and there are things that I haven't sinabi in that article,so I'm making this artikulo as an updated version of it like I did with my "Getting to Know Renegade1765 (Updated Version)" article.
Plus,because March 4th is near and that will be the premiere of the new Disney animated movie "Zootopia" (which does look like a really nice and fun movie) I decided to make...
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Source: madamdisney on tumblr
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Source: http://cystalreeds.tumblr.com/post/136706796749/list-of-favorite-movies-7-wreck-it-ralph-2012
posted by WinterSpirit809
I also posted this on the nagyelo fanclub.

I never really liked this ship, which is why I've happily ignored it for months, and successfully have done so until recently. I've seen several fans rumoring how Jelsa "has" to happen in nagyelo 2. They even started a FUCKING PETITION to put Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians in nagyelo 2.

I am fine with crossover shipping with Disney and Dreamworks, I even ship Elsa with Hiccup in How to Train Your Dragon. It's true I have many issues with this ship, but I don't care if you ship Jelsa.

But just because a ship becomes popular, does not mean it will...
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Mickey mouse
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mickey mouse
animated film
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So I recently did a countdown and it was originally planned to be the main characters. But of course, I forgot Callaghan the main villain of the film. So instead I did main NON VILLAIN characters.

There was a total of seven rounds and I will be aiming up each one down below.

Warning: Although I did vote in these presinto I myself didn't create the order of the countdown.

7. Wasabi

Now, nobody who voted for Wasabi actually commented, but luckily I did a least paborito character poll before this countdown so I will reference that. Based on the nakaraan poll, I think the main reason people voted...
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added by glelsey
Source: dwanimations.tumblr.com
added by glelsey
Source: dwanimations.tumblr.com
added by glelsey
Source: dwanimations.tumblr.com
added by glelsey
Source: dwanimations.tumblr.com