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Vaas: (shoots Grant in the throat).
Jason: (desperately tries to save him).
Vaas: (his voice is barely heard over Jason trying to save Grant) What, you want to run? Huh? You want to run, you want to disrespect me? You want to fuck with me? I mean, you come here, with your... with your pretty-boy face, right, and your pretty-boy phone, your dimwit brother, and you want to fuck with me. *You want to fuck with me.* I like that - no, I *respect* that. I'm gonna give you thirty seconds, and if the jungle doesn't eat you up alive... I will.
Jason: (realizes Grant is dead and looks at Vaas).

Vaas: Did I ever tell you what the definition of insanity is? Insanity is doing the exact same fucking thing over and over again expecting shit to change. That. Is. Crazy. The first time somebody told me that, I dunno, I thought they were bullshitting me. So, boom, I shot him. The thing is... he was right. And then I started seeing, everywhere I looked, everywhere I looked all these fucking pricks, everywhere I looked, doing the exact same fucking thing. Over, and over, and over, and over again thinking, "This time is gonna be different. No, no, no please... this time is gonna be different." I'm sorry, I don't like the way... (punches malaking kahon aside violently) ...you are LOOKING at me!.. Okay, do you have a fucking problem in your head? Do you think I am bullshitting you, do you think I am lying? Fuck you! Okay? FUCK. YOU. (beat) It's okay, man. I'm gonna chill, hermano. I'm gonna chill. The thing is... all right? The thing is I killed you once already, and it's not like I am fucking crazy. It's okay. (beat) It's like water under the bridge. Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?

Jason: Fuck you.
Vaas: You are angry, Jason. You... are angry. Okay, I get that. I get it. I mean without family who the fuck are we? There was a time I would do anything for my sister, I mean the first time I ever killed was for my sister.... Not enough for her, no, no, no, no, no, please. You see the thing about our loved ones, right, our FUCKING loved ones, they come and they BLINDSIDE you every fucking time. So they say to me, they say Vaas, Vaas... who the FUCK is it going to be?! THEM or ME?! (violently beats his chest) MEEEEEE!!! OR THEM?! (chuckles) Like... like you know... like they fucking think that I need to make a fucking choice. (beat) sa pamamagitan ng the way, this lighter really sucks.

Vaas: You enjoying my sisters company?.. Come on Jason! Shoot me!.. Pull the trigger!.. END THIS MISERY!!...... Take me into your heart. Accept me as your saviour. Nail me to the fucking tumawid and let me be REBORRRRRRN!

Vaas: You boys think you're crazy, huh? Jumping out of airplanes... flying like birds? (chuckles) That is crazy! I like this phone. This is a nice fucking phone. So, what do we have here? Grant... and Jason... from California, huh? Well, I hope your mama and papa really, really pag-ibig you, cause you two white boys look expensive! And that's good because I like expensive things... (Grant mumbles) I'm sorry, what did you say? What did you say? DO YOU WANT ME TO SLICE YOU OPEN LIKE I DID YOUR FRIEND!?.. Hmm? SHUT THE FUCK UP! Okay? I'm the one with the fucking dick! Look at me, look me in the fucking eye. HEY! YOU FUCK! Look me in the eye!... You're my bitch.. I rule this fucking kingdom. Shut the fuck up... or you die. (Jason mumbles too) What is it, Jason? Jason, what is it? Why aren't you laughing now like you did back there? What, is this not fun any more? Have I failed to entertain you? You see, thing is, up there, you thought you had a chance. Waaaay, up in the fucking skies, you thought you had your finger on the pussy trigger. But hermano, down here... down here? (beat) You hit the ground.

Vaas: The world is a diagonal... I am the balancing point.

Vaas: Surprise motherfucker. You didn't think I knew you were coming right?
[laughing] I am so DISAPPOINTED! You showed so much PROMISE Jason, so much FUCKING PROMISE. Now here you are, trapped like a fucking rat.

Vaas: Who gave you that ink, hmm? I asked you a question: who give you that ink, hmm? Citra give you that ink, my sister give you that ink, huh? You think that makes you one of us? You think that makes you like me, huh? California boy has got a hard-on for jungle fever. I'm gonna drive (whistles) a bullet through my sister's skull... like I did your brother Grant.

Vaas: Peek a boo motherfucker!

#10: Vaas: (player shoots at him) Do you have any idea how fucking rude that was?



Hoyt: (standing susunod to furnace, that has prisoner held inside it as he talks to a crowd) Ahhh.. My rosy cheek new employees... I'm not gonna lie. Were all here to make a buck.. But it's the happiness of my people that gets me up, each morning.. My father.. Rest his sole.. Was a diamond minor.. Got up at sunset, smoked a cigarette, and down into the earth he went... For that wonderfu- (interrupted sa pamamagitan ng the prisoner screaming and trying to get out of he furnace).. Wonderful man.. The company, was, God!... I gave that same presence, to my grand business "here"... And I expect all of you to do the same... Now.. There are only 3 company rules you have to follow... (sits on the furnace) First.. Protect my product... You can fuck them boys but be gentle, (crowd cheers)... Second.. Kill any Native on sight!... Finally.. All profits go to "me"... (gets off the furnace), I'm an understanding boss.. (lights match) but if you break even "one" of these rules... (sets the furnace on apoy horribly killing the man inside it)... I'll roast you in the furnace til you skin crackles, like chicken...

Hoyt: Lovely weather we're having.
Vaas: Why boss, you planning a parade?
Hoyt: (laughs hard) That's why I pag-ibig you Vaas, you make me laugh. Everything in business is so goddamn serious. But you. So... what about Snow White?
Vaas: You know, I don't give a fuck about him. I don't give a fuck.
Hoyt: Really? Then why am I here?
Vaas: Once you got the ransom money, his mga kaibigan are gonna be sold like that. I shot his older brother. I did what you wanted with his younger brother. Except it's my sister... she's inking that white boy.
Hoyt: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR FAMILY!... It is sa pamamagitan ng my grace that your head isn't impaled on the antenna of my car! Therefore, I would like it if you gave a fuck about Jason Brody!
Vaas: Okay, Hoyt. Okay, alright.
Hoyt: Fantastic! (beat) I am really loving this weather. What's the name of the village down the road? Beras Town? A bunch of native sympathizers. They estola a transportation manifest that's close to my heart. I'd like to pay them a visit. Nice to see you, Vaas.

Hoyt: What a job, poker. Ask anyone on the kalye and they'll call it a game of chance. Or talk to Sam here, and he'll say it's about bluffing, won't you, Sam?
Sam: Ja.
Hoyt: Ja! But it's not, is it? It's about keeping you playing until the house collects. (Hoyt deals cards before he suddenly grabs a kutsilyo and shanks Sam on the neck) Sorry, house rules! Ah! Look at that, we have the same cards. So let's raise the stakes a little, shall we? (beat) Foster, Jason Brody, whatever your name is, it's slipped my mind. HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK I AM?!... We should keep playing. Dealer's on the left, right? Guess he's sitting this one out...

Hoyt: Some guys, they don't get it!... See that bangka out there?... I'm holding it, and the people on board for ransom... But the customer., He just doesn't want negositate outside his country... (turns on the song Ride of the Valkyries, before pushing a trigger that blows up the boat).. Hahaha!

Hoyt: I'm very disappointed in you Jason.. You didn't check up on your little brother Riley.
Jason: WHERE IS HE!?
Hoyt: Don't worry... I sold him to someone VERY special... He likes them young!
Jason: (swings knife) I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!
Hoyt: Hahaha.. I have very powerful friends, who will hunt you down.

Hoyt: So, name your price. Everybody has one. You're all puppets and we're the one pulling the strings. The system was designed to work that way.

Hoyt: We have a special on this month; your very own island, for the head of Jason Brody..

Hoyt: (cuts off Jason's finger) Oh Jason, now we can't get married. Hahaha!

Hoyt: (is stabbed and wounded) You can't win! I HOLD ALL THE CARDS!!
Jason: Than why are you afraid!?

Hoyt: Vaas.. Stop scaring the hostages... I need you to take care of the rejects!
 Hoyt Volker
Hoyt Volker
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added by Dreamtime
DON'T watch this if you haven't watched the anime yet -my best part is the song it made it madami awesome xD
added by Dreamtime
added by Dreamtime
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added by Dreamtime
added by Dreamtime
Like the real Trevor. He is a sociopathic, murdering, thieving, sadistic, angry, drug taking, alcoholic, foul mouthed, hypercritical, pervert.
But UNlike the real Trevor.
He is also shown to be quite immature, as he seems to act as if he's a disobedient teenager.
He is also known to break the fourth pader on several occasions, as is Michael.
Trevor loves violence, too the point that he gets sexually aroused when being shoot at with Franklyn and Lamar during the failed drug deal.
As part of his immaturity, he has a large obsession towards the band ANDREW WK, and would literary...
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