Eridan Ampora Club
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Ok. Sweet mamajamma criscrockity Hesus dick.
I've been seeing a few roleplayers here and there(especially on HERE...) that make me want to just... screech and jump out of a window.
Most of you here rp Eridan completely wrong.

First off, THIS is his typing quirk:
"all of her FRAUDULENT MAGICS cannot come close to posin threat to my mastery ovver the TRUEST SCIENCES"

As you can see, on words ending with "ing" he only puts "in".
Ex; Pleading would be pleadin
madami obviously, w's and v's are doubled. Hopefully you can gather that.

I feel I MUST enforce this one. Sweet fuck.
If you roleplay Eridan like this:

That's too fuckin bad, landwweller.

It's wrong. No periods, no commas. No nothin.

Third; This is something I saw. Something I really wanted to rant about, but I couldn't.
Eridan does not use emoticons.
He doesn't. He does not. It's not a thing he does.
No "o3o" no "-_-" ABSOLUTELY NO "u3u"
I do not give 10 flying fucks about your personal preference. Eridan is not a kawaii desu teenage girl that's texting on her phone using emoticons.

Fourth; His personality. Please regard his personality. If you're going to rp Eridan, please respect his character.
Eridan is not a pail-crazy idiot that only cares about filling quadrants.
Nope, that's not him.
In all honesty, Eridan is a lonely seadweller looking for someone to be sa pamamagitan ng him.
Being a highblood, he grew up very lonely. He's not a promiscuous man-whore looking for someone to fill a pail with. PLEASE DON'T DEPICT HIM AS SUCH.
There's nothing that rustles my jimmies madami than seeing an Eridan roleplayer eager to hope on Sollux's bulge. For Goodness sake, if you like Eridan enough to rp him, give him some dignity!
Another depiction I hate as the perfectly sane moe character that only wants the best for his friends.
**SPOILERS** Uhh... remember when Eridan killed Feferi and Kanaya out of pure jealousy? Yeah.
Eridan is a douchebag. A really big douchebag who has a thing for GENOCIDE and "science".
He has a royalty complex, too. (Keep in mind this is coming from someone whose paborito troll is Eridan. I pag-ibig him, but even I can see this. It's not that hard to see.)
All these traits need to be addressed.

If you are an Eridan Rper that has committed any of the crimes listed above, I Nawawala all respect for you and presume you have not read the comic, and have no respect for Eridan's character. None. At all.
Thank you.