malagas boy Club
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added by JoeysBabyGrL
Source: portrait magazine
added by meme6
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
Pete Wentz is a compulsive attention seeker in a way that makes him a perfect rock bituin and completely annoying. That's why, as he was gaining a wife and son, he almost Nawawala his band.
By Josh Eells

It’s not every araw you get to watch a rock bituin pee.

Fall Out Boy are in Philadelphia, the segundo stop on a back-to-basics club tour to promote their new album. They drove down from Boston this morning in a rented Dodge minivan and are currently lounging in the makeshift dressing room of a North Philly dive bar, across the kalye from Floyd & Diann’s Tire Service. A camera crew from Fuse is...
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added by Rihanna312
added by Miraaa
Source: tumblr
added by nikibella
Source: tumblr
added by naley_4ever
Source: naley_4ever
added by marwi
Source: FriendsOrEnemies
added by marwi
Source: FriendsOrEnemies
added by marwi
Source: mga kaibigan or Enemies
added by marwi
added by naley_4ever
Source: naley_4ever
added by naley_4ever
Source: naley_4ever
added by marwi
added by LeviTheAckerman
added by LeviTheAckerman
added by kwilson0715
added by LeviTheAckerman
added by LeviTheAckerman