Fanpressions A Request Of the Underdog

Cinders posted on Nov 21, 2008 at 09:00AM
I remember expressing this qualm of mine with debs a while back when she posted a link to this (very lovely) spot on the Fanpop Users Spot. Back then, I dropped it, because I wasn't too worried but browsing at the (again, very lovely) content that has been added, I do find myself wrinkling my brow slightly.

My confusion is this: Before this spot was created there was the "link" spot, which was made with the same principals in mind as this spot. The creator aimed it more towards writing, but I have always considered it as a place for artwork of all kinds, otherwise I would have criticized that spot for being too much like the writing spot.

So you can understand why I'm confused, as so little is added and/or rated in the Creative Outlet Spot, even though it has more fans. Maybe this is saying something about that spot, but I feel like a lot of the content here would be more applicable over there, like original artwork and photography.

I asked debs originally if this had a "fan-work" focus, as in works of fan art, fan fiction, or fan videos, and she said it was basically everything... I know I'm being kind of a killjoy here and I really don't mean to, it's just I feel bad for my lonely Creative Outlet spot, as a contributer to it, and I guess what I'm saying is... all the cool kids decided to go sit at another table when we already had a perfectly good table.

This really is a lovely spot. I'm not saying it should be taken down or anything. I'm just asking for someone to clarify what exactly makes this different than the Creative Outlet Spot, and a plea to give the poor fella a fighting chance and add some of your stuff over there, too. I know at least one underdog fan who would appreciate it.

Always rooting for the underdog,

Fanpressions 1 reply

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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas Snerkie said…
well i think what made me never really go to the Creative Outlet spot is that it does seem way more towards writing. Even looking at it now i don't see a welcome or note to things other than writing.

"This is the spot for anyone who wants to read or share poetry, lyrics, plays, stories, or other creative writing. Dream, Create, Express"

There's nothing wrong with that spot, just it's an all writing spot.

As for what makes this spot different to that's a welcome to all creations and has a focus on anything people create, not just writing as that spot is based around and i would say solely based on (which nothing wrong with that, just everything about it is only saying for it to be a writing spot) If some where on there in my face was showing and telling me to share my creations of photography and graphic art then it would be a different argument but it doesn't.