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posted by Knowitall123
I`ll post this in parts because it`s too long to upload all at once


Á Bao A Qu (Malay) - Entity that lives in the Tower of Victory in Chitor
Aatxe (Basque) - Evil spirit that takes the form of a bull
Abada (African) - Small type of unicorn reported to live in the lands of the African Congo
Äbädä (Tatar) - Forest spirit
Abaia (Melanesian) - Huge magical eel
Abarimon (Medieval Bestiaries) - Savage humanoid with backward feet
Abath (Malay) - One-horned animal
Abatwa (Zulu) - Little people that ride ants
Abumi-guchi (Japanese) - Furry creature formed from the stirrup of a mounted military commander
Abura-akago (Japanese) - Oil-drinking infant
Abura-bō (Japanese) - Spectral apoy from Shiga Prefecture, in which the shape of a monk can often be seen
Abura-sumashi (Japanese) - Ghost of oil thieves
Acephali (Greek) - Headless humanoids
Acheri (Indian) - Disease-bringing ghost
Achiyalabopa (Puebloan) - Rainbow-feathered birds
Achlis (Roman) - Curious elk
Adar Llwch Gwin (Welsh) - Giant birds that understand human languages
Adaro (Solomon Islands) - Malevolent merfolk
Adhene (Manx) - Nature spirit
Adlet (Inuit) - Vampiric dog-human hybrid
Adroanzi (Lugbara) - Nature spirit
Adze (Ewe people) - African vampiric forest being
Aerico (Macedonian) - Disease demon
Afanc (Welsh) - Lake monster (exact lake varies sa pamamagitan ng story)
Agathodaemon (Greek) - Spirit of vinefields and grainfields
Agloolik (Inuit) - Ice spirit that aids hunters and fishermen
Agogwe (East Africa) - Small, ape-like humanoid
Ahkiyyini (Inuit) - Animated skeleton that causes shipwrecks
Ahuizotl (Aztec) - Anthropophagous dog-monkey hybrid
Aigamuxa (Khoikhoi) - Anthropophagous humanoid with eyes in its instep
Aigikampoi (Etruscan) - Fish-tailed goat
Aigamuxa (Khoikhoi) - Man-eating Ogres
Aitu (Polynesian) - Malevolent spirits or demons
Aitvaras (Lithuanian) - Household spirit
Ajatar (Finnish) - Dragon
Akabeko (Japanese) - Red cow involved in the construction of Enzō-ji in Yanaizu, Fukushima
Akamataa (Japanese) - Snake spirit from Okinawa
Akaname (Japanese) -Bathroom spirit
Akashita (Japanese) - Giant beast
Akateko (Japanese) - Tree-dwelling monster
Akhlut (Inuit) - Orca-wolf shapeshifter
Akka (Finnish) - Female spirits or minor goddesses
Akki (Japanese) - Large, grotesque humanoid
Akkorokamui (Ainu) - Sea monster
Akuma (Japanese) - Evil spirit
Akupara (Hindu) - Giant pagong that supports the world
Akurojin-no-hi (Japanese) - Ghostly flame which causes disease
Al (Armenian and Persian) - Spirit that steals unborn mga sanggol and livers from pregnant women
Ala (Slavic) - Bad weather demon
Alal (Chaldean) - Demon
Alan (Philippine) - Winged humanoid that steals reproductive waste to make children
Al Basti (Turkish) - Female night-demon
Alce (Heraldic) - Wingless griffin
Alicanto (Chilean) - Bird that eats ginto and silver
Alicorn - Technically a unicorn's horn. In modern times is commonly misapplied to winged unicorns
Alkonost (Slavic) - Angelic bird with human head and breasts
Allocamelus (Heraldic) - Ass-camel hybrid
Allu (Akkadian and Sumerian) - Faceless demon
Almas (Mongolian) - Savage humanoid
Al-mi'raj (Islamic) - One-horned rabbit
Aloja (Catalan) - Female water spirit
Alom-bag-winno-sis (Abenaki) - Little people and tricksters
Alp (German) - Male night-demon
Alphyn (Heraldic) - Lion-like creature, sometimes with dragon or goat forelegs
Alp-luachra (Irish) - Parasitic fairy
Al Rakim (Islamic) - Guard dog of the Seven Sleepers
Alseid (Greek) - Grove nymph
Alû (Assyrian) - Leprous demon
Alux (Mayan) - Little people
Amaburakosagi (Japanese) - Ritual disciplinary demon from Shikoku
Amala (Tsimshian) - Giant who holds up the world
Amamehagi (Japanese) - Ritual disciplinary demon from Hokuriku
Amanojaku (Japanese) - Small demon
Amarok (Inuit) - Giant wolf
Amarum (Quechua) - Water boa spirit
Amazake-babaa (Japanese) - Disease-causing hag
Amefurashi (Japanese) - Child-like monster
Amefurikozō (Japanese) - Child-like weather spirit
Amemasu (Ainu) - Lake monster
Ameonna (Japanese) - Female rain spirit
Amikiri (Japanese) - Snake-bird-lobster hybrid
Amorōnagu (Japanese) - Tennyo from the island of Amami Ōshima
Amphiptere (Heraldic) - Winged serpent
Amphisbaena (Greek) - Serpent with a head at each end
Anakim (Jewish) - Giant
Androsphinx (Ancient Egyptian) - Human-headed sphinx
Angel (Christian, Islamic, Jewish, and Zoroastrian) - Heavenly being, usually depicted as a winged humanoid.
Angha (Persian) - Dog-lion-peacock hybrid
Ani Hyuntikwalaski (Cherokee) - Lightning spirit
Ankou (French) - Skeletal grave watcher with a lantern
Anmo (Japanese) - Ritual disciplinary demon from Iwate Prefecture
Antaeus (Greek) - A giant who was extremely strong as long as he remained in contact with the ground
Antero Vipunen (Finnish) - Subterranean giant
Aoandon (Japanese) - Spirit summoned at the end of a story-telling contest
Ao Ao (Guaraní) - Anthropophagous peccary or sheep
Aobōzu (Japanese) - Blue monk who kidnaps children
Aonyōbō (Japanese) - Female ghost who lurks in an abandoned imperial palace
Aosaginohi (Japanese) - Glowing heron
Apkallu (Sumerian) - Fish-human hybrid that attends the god Enki
Apsaras (Buddhist and Hindu) - Female ulap spirit
Aqrabuamelu (Akkadian) - Human-scorpion hybrid
Ardat-Lili (Akkadian) - Disease demon
Argus Panoptes (Greek) - Hundred-eyed giant
Arikura-no-baba (Japanese) - Old woman with magical powers
Arimaspi (Greek) - One-eyed humanoid
Arion (Greek) - Extremely matulin horse with a green mane and the power of speech
Arkan Sonney (Manx) - Fairy hedgehog
Asag (Sumerian) - Hideous rock demon
Asakku (Sumerian) - Demon
Asanbosam (West Africa) - Iron-toothed vampire
Asena (Turkic) - Blue-maned wolf
A-senee-ki-wakw (Abenaki) - Stone-giant
Ashi-magari (Japanese) - Invisible tendril that impedes movement
Asiman (Dahomey) - Vampiric possession spirit
Askefrue (Germanic) - Female puno spirit
Ask-wee-da-eed (Abenaki) - apoy elemental and spectral fire
Asobibi (Japanese) - Spectral apoy from Kōchi Prefecture
Aspidochelone (Medieval Bestiaries) - Island-sized balyena or sea turtle
Asrai (English) - Water spirit
Astomi (Hindu) - Humanoid sustained sa pamamagitan ng pleasant smells instead of food
Aswang (Philippine) - Carrion-eating humanoid
Atomy (English) - Surprisingly small creature
Ato-oi-kozō (Japanese) - Invisible spirit that follows people
Atshen (Inuit) - Anthropophagous spirit
Auloniad (Greek) - Pasture nymph
Avalerion (Medieval Bestiary) - King of the birds
Awa-hon-do (Abenaki) - Insect spirit
Axex (Ancient Egyptian) - Falcon-lion hybrid
Ayakashi (Japanese) - Sea-serpent that travels over boats in an arc while dripping oil
Ayakashi-no-ayashibi (Japanese) - Spectral apoy from Ishikawa Prefecture
Aziza (Dahomey) - Little people that help hunters
Azukiarai (Japanese) - Spirit that washes azuki beans along riversides
Azukibabaa (Japanese) - Bean-grinding hag who devours people
Azukitogi (Japanese) - Spirit that washes azuki beans along riversides

Baba Yaga (Slavic) - Forest spirit and hag
Backoo (Guyanese) - Malevolent little people
Bagiennik (Slavic) - Malevolent water spirit
Bahamut (Arabian) - Giant fish
Bashe (Chinese) - Elephant-swallowing serpent
Bai Ze (Chinese) - Sheep-like animal
Ba Jiao Gui (Chinese) - saging puno spirit
Bake-kujira (Japanese) - Ghost whale
Bakeneko (Japanese) - Magical cat
Bakezōri (Japanese) - Animated straw sandal
Bakhtak (Iranian) - Night demon
Baku (Japanese) - Dream-devouring, tapir-like creature
Bakunawa (Philippine) - Sea serpent that causes eclipses
Balaur (Romanian) - Multi-headed dragon
Bannik (Slavic) - Bathhouse spirit
Banshee (Irish) - Death spirit
Barbegazi (Swiss) - Dwarf with giant, snowshoe-like feet
Bardi (Trabzon) - Shapechanging death spirit
Barghest - Yorkshire black dog
Bar Juchne (Jewish) - Gigantic bird
Barnacle Geese (Medieval folklore) - Geese which hatch from barnacles
Barong (Balinese) - Tutelary spirit
Basajaun (Basque) - Ancestral, megalith-building race
Basan (Japanese) - Fire-breathing chicken
BasCelik (Serbian) - A powerful and very evil winged man whose soul is not held sa pamamagitan ng his body and can be subdued only sa pamamagitan ng causing him to suffer deydration
Basilisco Chilote (Chilota) - Chicken-serpent hybrid
Basilisk (Medieval Bestiaries) - Multi-limbed, venomous lizard
Batibat (Philippine) - Female night-demon
Batsu (Chinese) - Drought spirit
Baubas (Lithuanian) - Malevolent spirit
Baykok (Ojibwa) - Flying skeleton
sitaw Nighe (Irish) - Death spirit (a specific type of Banshee/Bean Sídhe)
Behemoth (Jewish) - Primal, gigantic land animal
Bendigeidfran (Welsh) - Giant king
Bennu (Egyptian) - Heron-like, regenerative bird, equivalent to (or inspiration of) the Phoenix
Berehynia (Slavic) - Water spirit
Bergrisar (Norse) - Mountain giant
Bergsrå (Norse) - Mountain spirit
Bestial beast (Brazilian) - Centauroid specter
Betobeto-san (Japanese) - Invisible spirit which follows people at night, making the sound of footsteps
Bhūta (Buddhist and Hindu) - Ghost of someone killed sa pamamagitan ng execution or suicide
Bi-blouk (Khoikhoi) - Female, anthropophagous, partially invisible monster
Bies (Slavic) - Demon
Binbōgami (Japanese) - Spirit of poverty
Bishop-fish (Medieval Bestiaries) - Fish-like humanoid
Biwa-yanagi (Japanese) - Animated biwa
Black Annis (English) - Blue-faced hag
Black Dog (British) - Canine death spirit
Black Shuck - Norfolk, Essex, and Suffolk black dog
Blemmyae (Medieval Bestiary) - Headless humanoid with face in torso
Bloody Buto (Irish) - Water bogeyman
Bodach (Scottish) - Malevolent spirit
Bogeyman (English) - Malevolent spirit
Boggart (English) - Malevolent household spirit
Boginki (Polish) - Nature spirit
Bogle (Scottish) - Malevolent spirit
Boi-tatá (Brazilian) - Giant snake
Bolla (Albanian) - Dragon
Bonnacon (Medieval Bestiaries) - Bull-horse hybrid with flaming dung
Boobrie (Scottish) - Roaring water bird
Bozaloshtsh (Slavic) - Death spirit
Brag (English) - Malevolent water horse
Brownie (English and Scottish) - Benevolent household spirit
Broxa (Jewish) - Nocturnal bird that drains goats of their milk
Bokkenrijders (Dutch) - Damned bandits
Bugbear (English) - Bearlike goblin
Buggane (Manx) - Ogre-like humanoid
Bugul Noz (Celtic) - Extremely ugly, but kind, forest spirit
Bukavac (Serbia) - Six-legged lake monster
Bukit Timah Monkey Man (Singapore) - Forest dwelling immortal primate
Bunyip (Australian Aboriginal) - Horse-walrus hybrid lake monster
Buraq (Islamic) - Human-headed, angelic horse
Buruburu (Japanese) - Spirit which causes the shivers
palumpong Dai Dai (Guyanese) - Spirit that seduces and kills men
Byangoma (Hindu) - Fortune-telling birds
Bysen (Scandinavian) - Diminutive forest spirit
added by glelsey
Source: Superb mga wolpeyper
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added by glelsey
Source: Superb mga wolpeyper
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