Full Metal Alchemist RPG Club
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“u've been taught tht the truth is ez 2 hide.” I growl at Bradley as we fight. “just like a human...but the truth is ez 2 c if u look...”
“just like a human, u say? Y is THT!?” he attacks me with the sword and I fade 2 the left, easily avoiding him.
“simple.” I reply, ducking his sword with my hands casually behind my bak. “tell me Bradley, was there any point in time in ur life u actually told the truth?”
“y aren't u fighting bak?!” he snaps, thrusting is sword at me again and I leap over it and over him, landing on the other side of him.
“y r u avoiding the question, Bradley?”

Needless 2 say I never did get an answer. The moral is tht the truth will always reveal itself...no matter how well u think u lied...the tanong tht has no answers...u can lie ur way thro them but in the end it's all the same...life is full of toro shit and u have 2 b able 2 detect and avoid it at all cost. What exactly do u want me 2 b, Bradley....? Another mindless drown, I suppose? I refuse...

Phase 2...Mustang “kidnaps” Bradley's wife, knowing the rest of the military would b ordered 2 keep him alive and kill the rest...he was needed 4 “Father's” plan but the rest were useless 2 him, so they could b killed. Tht went just as we planned...and we announced it along with Bradley's fall and presumed death on a radio station we invaded. We knew he wasn't actually dead...but it would b likely if he was human which every1 assumed he was. Only a few of us kno Humunculii r even rll so only a few of us kno his tru identity. Tht was actually helpful...because then we had Martel tell what actually happened at Ishval...
Of course, tht made the military call the station and they pretended 2 b hostages...while we went 4 a trip 2 central. In this case, we were playing the part of the special opps. This made things very interesting...we used the tunnel Sloth dug and made places off of it. Not only did it disturb the bilog but it gave us access 2 the entire country...
“and as u all sit free and well, another soldier had 2 yell 'tell my wife and children I pag-ibig them!' in his last breath and every1 turned a blind eye 2 it!” Martel says with force on the radio. She's speaking from the heart...something no1 has done 4 a long while. “sometimes....sometimes the only thing tht kept them alive was the thought of family...and tht wasn't enough...it was just another night in Hell...and another child tht wouldn't live 2 another day...can u imagine being a mother, father, grandmother, even just a friend....having 2 kno tht...but no1...NO1 HAD THE GUTS 2 SAY ANYTHING 2 STOP IT!!! every1 was pointin' fingers instead of accepting tht they, 2, were 2 blame! Some1 once told me tht if u can stand the pain then u can withstand anything...but then y is the truth the 1 thing most people can't stand up 2?”
Breaking in2 the military base was ez with the Armstrongs there. It was obvious they were listening 2 the radio. And hey...they had 2...it was threatening 2 them...however, Olivier had clearly taken control here.
“r all the mannequin soldiers down and out?” Cylon asks.
“i only wish...” Alex replies. “but we did get them all in 1 room, like u asked.”
“perfect...” I smirk slightly. Me and Cylon make eye contact, nod, and look at them.
“take us 2 the room.” we say at the same time. They both look confused.
“what do u plan on doing there?” Olivier asks.
“we're going 2 kill them, isn't it obvious...?” I reply.
“all of our people couldn't kill them and u think u 2 kids can?” Alex asks.
“KIDS!?” I snap.
“now sis...” Cylon grabs my arm.
“well she has Edward's temper...” Olivier remarks casually.
“yeah yeah...the vertically challenged, golden-haired alchemist with the automail arm and no knowledge of keeping cool in fights...” I grumble.
“vertically challenged, hu? Tht's a new way 2 say it!” Alex laughs.
“well I do enjoy being original.” I smile “but rlly, we need 2 kill the mannequin soldiers...”
“if u rlly wanna give it a try....” Olivier trails off. “but i'm not holding my breath...” and we start walking down a hall.
“hey this building is military only!” a guy growls when he walks up.
“r u questioning my lead, soldier?!” Olivier retorts, glaring at the guy, who shrinks bak slightly
“n-n-no sir...” the guy stammers. “b-b-but we're only suppose 2 have military in here and...”
“QUIET!!” she snaps “u do ur job and i'll do mine!”
The guy gets wide-eyed, then tries 2 go on boldly. “w-w-we were under strict orders 2...”
“orders change, soldier!” she growls.
“U kno, I don't care what u do or who u r, u won't look very strong when ur shaking like a drunk and stammering with every 1st word....” Cylon mutters softly, just loud enough 4 people 2 hear. The guy gets red and walks away, clearly ashamed 2 have been scared sa pamamagitan ng a girl and called out sa pamamagitan ng another 1...i can c where tht might b embarrassing...eventually we reach the room and we open the door and step in, making sure none of them get out.
“ready, sis?” I ask.
“yes, of course.” Cylon smiles.
“make it theatrical, ok? Just because we're killing doesn't mean we can't do it with a little flare.” I pull a gun out.
“tht won't...” Alex starts, Olivier puts her hand up 2 quiet him. I smile and pull the trigger. Using the sparks made from the fact that it's got not projectile, only some gun powder, I make flames shoot out of it in what look like rose-vines. They shoot out at half of them and burn them 2 ashes.
“my turn?” Cylon asks as they all start running at us.
“u bet.”
“ok...” we jump up just b4 they get 2 us and she snaps her fingers and shoots what look like flame dragons at them. 2 apoy dragons tht eat all the rest of the soldiers in tht room, but there's still the room across from this entrance...a smaller room crammed with them. Alex and Olivier stare, befuddled.
“hey, sis...what-du-ya say we do a musical number 4 the rest?” I ask, looking at her.
“oh, can we do New Orleans sa pamamagitan ng Kid Rock?!”
“sure.” I laugh slightly.
“do what sa pamamagitan ng who...?” Alex looks at us.
“oh...u wouldn't kno because....” my sister starts.
“not a very known band.” I interrupt b4 she tells our secret. “now come on!” I grab her hand and run across the room 2 the doors on the other side b4 she can object. “let's start out here so we have the beat.”
“right.” she opens the door and we start snapping 2 the beat we kno so well, shooting flames at them 1 at a time. “I'm goin' down 2 New Orleans 2 c about a friend a' mine.”
“I'm goin' down 2 New Orleans an' leavin' alla this behind.” I sing the susunod line as we keep the beat, alternating lines and pag-awit some of them 2gether as well, also doing the whistling parts. Alex and Olivier stare.
“well I suppose it's a good song...” Olivier mutters.
“good song?! It's a great song! I just wish we could hear the original!” Alex replies. “they're pretty good singers 2...and they haven't missed the beat once!”
“how would u kno, u've never heard the song...” Olivier facepalms. “and what the hell is gumbo?”
“i'm madami wondering how they're using flame alchemy...supposedly mabangis na kabayo was the last flame alchemist...no 1 else was suppose 2 b able 2 learn it because the secrets were destroyed...”
“yes but they seem 2 have even madami control over them then he does....” she replies.
“yeah...” just as he agrees with her, we finish both our song and the soldiers.
“great...where's Sloth...?” I ask, knowing he's either here already or going 2 b. however, the tanong was madami 2 myself then 2 them.
“who...?” Olivier asks as there's a loud boom and crushing sound, followed sa pamamagitan ng a deep voice saying something tht couldn't b made out.
“never mind...” I sigh as me and Cylon take off 2 where the sound came from. They follow along as well...
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon
added by zutaradragon