Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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We all know Bella over-reacted in New Moon. That's a common aregument. But now some Twilight fans say Lily over-reacted when Sevrus called her mud-blood compared to how Hermione took it from Draco. But personally I think Lily didn't over-react.

Sevrus and Lily's friendship was rocky for a while. She despised his mga kaibigan and his ideas for the future. He despised the fact James fancied Lily. They had areguments (Lily says "I've made excuses for you long enough" in Deathly Hallows, so we know he had already done mean things). And when Sevrus was being bullied sa pamamagitan ng James and Sirius Lily tried to HELP him. Imagine, helping a friend who's being bullied only to be called one of the worst insults. And although she was shocked, Lily did keep calm
"Fine" she sinabi cooly "And I'd wash my pants if I were you" (Quote taken from Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix)

So how is that over-reacting? True, she ended their friendship but hell, if I was Lily I would of ended the friendship ages ago. Afterall "You call everyone of my birth mudblood. Why should I be any different?" (Quote taken from Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows).

Bella did over-react. I mean moping for four fricking months!!!! WTF, nobody should do that! If Bella loved Edward so much she would of got on with life and leave Jacob out of the picture. But don't get me started on that.

Anyway, Lily and Sevrus chose their way. They were too different to be friends. It was a good thing Lily ended it. Good for her anyway.
added by lakota_spirit
added by youknowit101
Source: moviemistakes.com
added by youknowit101
Source: moviemistakes.com
added by youknowit101
Source: moviemistakes.com
added by MissKnowItAll
Source: f***yeahtwilightsucks
added by MissKnowItAll
Source: f***yeahtwilightsucks on Tumblr
added by Gred_and_Forge
Source: Tumblr
added by harrypotterbest
added by LoveforSeverus
First of, Bellatrix is TOTALLY better looking! I mean, siriusly, Bella dresses in dime-a-dozen clothes that look like they came from a hobo who shops at goodwill. BellaTRIX is in kickass awesome black one in a million dresses. She shows that evil can be totally hot, while Bella shows how easy it is to be blah.

Also, BellaTRIX is played sa pamamagitan ng Helena Bonham Carter, the best actress EVER! Kristen Stewart is an abomination to the world of acting. Shes so ugly and has no fashion sense whatsoever! she just dresses in shit hobo clothes, and cant look pretty to save her life. helena at least dresses interesting...
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1. Sparkles.
2. Lust.
3. Super-whiny Mary Sues
4. Renestard, err I mean, Renesmee.
5. Swan. (no, not just BELLA Swan! Don't forget the better Bella, BELLATRIX!!!)
6. Jacob (no, not Jacob BLACK, because the surname of Black is in HP too!)
7. madami of Romeo and Juliet.
8. Edwart, *cough*, Edward Cullen.
9. Rosalie Hale.
10. Jasper Hale.
11. Alice Cullen.
12. Emmett Cullen.
13. Vampire Baseball.
14. Thesaurus Rape.
15. Stephenie Meyer (The asong babae who wrote it all)
16. The Volturi.
17. Tyler's Van.
18. Imprinting.
19. Rated R-ness.
20. Unreal werewolves.
21. Horrible vampires.

That's all I got. So, there's 21, so what if that's kind of a whole lot? HP has Severus Snape! Beat that, Toilet!
posted by Swhit2
Okay, so Is anyone else as tired of the Twilight vs. HP argument? Well, I personally prefer Twilight, but Harry Potter is also very good. I think that people should just shut the hell up over it! Every once in a while, someone will talk badly about Twilight and I will defend it, but it is still ridiculous to argue over such nonsense.
added by cassie-1-2-3
Source: amaranuestroantojo-twilight@tumblr
added by youknowit101
Source: nickjoker526@tumblr
added by RonGetYourWand
Source: ReasoningWithVampires
added by RonGetYourWand
Source: ReasoningWithVampires
added by youknowit101
Source: twifans.com
posted by HaleyDewit
While Bella was still gazing at her welcome tahanan present, Charlie took out her luggage and dragged them to the house sa pamamagitan ng which he collided to Bella, making her fall.
“Aah!” she screamed. But before she hit the ground she felt a firm grip around her arm pulling her up. She looked right in Gerard’s face and gasped. Wow, talking about reflex. “Thanks” she mumbled.
“You’re welcome” he nodded. He was still holding her arm.
“Ehm, you’re hurting me” Bella sinabi trying to free her arm.
“I’m sorry” Gerard replied and he let go of her. He glanced at the house. “Maybe we should...
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added by youknowit101
Source: drappleluv.tumblr
added by youknowit101
Source: drappleluv.tumblr