Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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posted by Renesmee_XD
The artikulo is not mine I only used it cause everyone has always wrote artikulo aganist Twilight how about Harry Potter now
I finished pagbaba Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows a couple of days back. In my view, the book is much madami tightly written than the last two books. And that itself is a relief. Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley are much better etched out in Deathly Hallows, and there are quite a bit of surprises, disappointments, revelations.

But when someone asked me today what I thought about it, I replied, “Decent.”

Why just decent?

The book is fantasy, and just like in the case of science fiction books, pantasiya books attempt to create a separate universe – which is very similar to ours, but with certain critical elements that operate differently. And these worlds have their their own logic, which should be consistent. The fantasy, or sci-fi, itself is an exception – and their cannot be exceptions within exceptions. Rowling sometimes fails in creating a consistent pantasiya universe and the rules sa pamamagitan ng which the universe works are often ad-hoc. (By the way, the Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows pelikula are gonan be in 3D )

For example, there is the spell Accio - it brings the object you demand to you. Accio walis brings you your broom. But this spell has been such a problem – if it works as advertised, you should be able to grab anything from anywhere. So Rowling had to introduce counter-spells, which would negate the effect of this one. So there are things that cannot be accio-ed.

Expelliarmus – One of the first spells taught to the novice wizard and witch. Almost everyone in the Harry Potter series makes liberal use of this. Unlike Accio, this always works. So even a Draco Malfoy can disarm Dumbledore – the only wizard who even Lord Voldemort fears. Is this really likely? It is a spell a kid can do – any serious wizard worth his spells should be automatically protected against this even in his sleep. With such a handy spell around, and in the middle of a massive fight like in the Central Hall of Hogwarts, there would be wizards expelliarmusing left, right and center – and no one manages to get strip Lord Voldemort of his wand! Why? In the book, there is no mention of a counter-spell against Expelliarmus. A man can operate only in 360 degrees where he is standing, and someone is bound to hit you with an Expelliarmus or an Avada Kedavra. However, no one manages to do this, even in the heat of the battle. Not even when their lives are in danger of Voldemort Avada-ing you. Why? Don’t tell me everyone wants to be a saint even when fighting Voldemort for their lives.

And then the curious direction-specificity of the spells. Often, people jump out of the way of a spell. Come on, we have read magical books before – and we have read Mandrake the magician too. There was never any mention, anywhere, that when a curse comes towards you in its red-or-green coloured glory (why are curses / spells coloured?) you just had to dance your way out of its way. Spells were never like that! But Mandrake andhis enemies used to hit people in the face with a mental manuntok – and that was direction-specific. Point your hand at the enemy, and Pow! And sometimes the enemy would save himself sa pamamagitan ng jumping out of the way. So Rowling’s spells are like Mandrake’s powers.

Then, there are the idiocies of the You Know Who. Arrogance or not, no evil man worth his dark soul would confirm, doubly, that the enemy you have been tracking is indeed dead. You know, really, really check. Send a couple madami spells for good measure. Yea, sure, James Bond villains used to be quite careless about leaving Bond to his death. Voldemort seems to be in the same class.

And then in jubilation, when Harry is pretending to be dead, Voldemort uses the Cruciatus curse on him and Harry rises in the air like a rag doll. Then Voldemort drops him on the ground. Curiously, the evil wizard drops him on the ground gently – he doesn’t make Harry fall on his head and break his neck for good measure, break an arm or a leg – nothing! Have you ever fallen on your back from a height of 6 feet? Harry manages to keep his dead-body act so easily – it happens only in Bollywood movies.

And there is the whole monologue sa pamamagitan ng Harry about how he is the true master of the Elder Wand and all that. True, Harry has a point. Because he disarmed Draco, the Elder Wand, which Voldemort now possesses actually considers harry its master. Assume that this is true. How can Harry be so sure? Dumbledore did not tell him that. Olliwander did not tell him that. Harry is no expert in wandlore. How did he figure it out? How did this clueless nitwit suddenly work it all out sa pamamagitan ng himself?

Okay, say he worked it out. How can he be so sure? He can’t be. It is a theory. It may be wrong. Harry’s confidence may be bravado, but nothing indicates that. It is just another theory – and Rowling wants it to be true to she can make Voldemort lose. Sorry, not convincing enough!

There is more. The Elder Wand belongs to whoever defeats its current master. So, it was Draco who is the real owner of the Elder wand the moment he disarms Dumbledore. Fine. But when Harry takes Draco’s wand, that is Draco’s normal wand which he takes. He has just taken a regular wand. So if a wizard takes any wand that belongs to the owner of the Elder wand, the wizard is considered defeated, and Elder Wand switches loyalties? Sorry, Rowling has not thought this through well enough.

And then there is the curious case of Grendelwald. Seems he did not defeat or disarm Gregorovich. He estola it first, waited at the window, and then hit Gregorovich with a stunning spell. That will do? Steal and attack, not attack and own?

And the Deathly Hallows themselves. Rowling has, again and again, established that Voldemort’s knowledge of the history of wizardry is astounding. His skill is super-super, and so is his knowledge. But he has never heard about the Deathly Hallows. Seems it is a story which every boy knows, but not poor Tom Riddle! Okay, poor unfortunate orphan that he was, no one may have taught him that. But it is still quite an unlikely chance.

So you have spells that hit you only if you are in their way, you have Accio that doesn’t work sometimes, you have Expelliarmus that works every time, you have dumbo Harry suddenly turning into Harry Potter Poirot and Harry Potter 007, you have Voldemort who does not even now how to confirm if his enemy is truly dead and crucios him nice and gentle…

Sure we can all come up with ways in which it all might make sense. But a book SHOULD make sense sa pamamagitan ng itself. The world should work. The world created sa pamamagitan ng Rowling is ad-hoc.

But yeah, suspend your disbelief and enjoy pagbaba it. It is definitely an entertaining read. Just don’t go around saying “Rowling is King” and all that.

website: link
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added by KateKicksAss
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added by KateKicksAss
Source: Polyvore
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added by Gred_and_Forge
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added by youknowit101
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added by Brysis
***NOTE: I did not write this but found it online! No credit to me***

From link

The Twilight vs. Harry Potter pagtatalo : Team Potter and Team Twilight take on tanong #1

December 24, 12:44 AM
sa pamamagitan ng Michelle Kerns, Book Examiner

If you haven't met the members of the Twilight versus Harry Potter pagtatalo Team, cast your eye on their qualifications here.
Now, on to the debate! If you've got your own opinions (and what self-respecting Twi-hard or Potter head doesn't?), feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of the page. However, let's remember we are civilized witches, wizards, vampires, and werewolves...
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posted by mariella721
Okay guys, I know everyone's got their own opinion and not everyone has the RIGHT opinion, but as a Twilight fan, can one of you Potter fans explain what you guys see in Harry Potter? Honestly, I haven't read all the books, but I've seen all the pelikula and they just don't make any sense. And another thing, the plot is bland and there's no real depth to it, like in Twilight. Harry Potter, also has no pag-ibig in it, which makes for a boring story. Anyways, I just wanted to know what you crazies see in those books and stuff...

See ya :D

1. its just all thrown together and the pelikula leave out way to much.
2. it has no meaning just a girl falls in pag-ibig then is a vampire the end.
3. is just plain stupid.simple as that
4. theres nothing to figure out. its to predictable.
5. it dosent have enough back story which goes back to # 1
6.and stephine myer wants to keep all the good players while j.k. isnt afraid to for the sake of the book
7.why doesnt she mentention why bellas parent got seperated which geos back to #4
8. it has no plot
9. the problem is the same all the way throughout the sires as h.p. faces many problems.
10.its down right boring hmm lets read the same boring thing over and over! yea! NOT!
posted by i-am-mariella
I’ve seen articles, like bri-marie’s, comparing Bella, Twilight’s “heroine” to the girls and female role mga model of the Harry Potter books like Hermione and Ginny. I agree with them whole-heartedly and I am happy to follow in the footsteps of strong women from Harry Potter – like Ginny, who is fierce and pretty bad-ass and just pangkalahatang a strong female, and Hermione, who is studious and smart and witty and the boys often rely on her skills and “genius.” Because let’s face it – and Ron says it himself – where would they be without Hermione?
So I wanted to make my own because...
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"This halik between Hermione and Ron is highly anticipated, it's been building up for eight films now. And Harry Potter is not Twilight, you know; we're not selling sex." - Emma Watson

If you think Emma Watson is stupid for quoting this, you are outta your mind. You think Twilight's not selling sex? Irony. Irony how some twi-hards reason out "BECAUSE EDWARD CULLEN IS SO SEXY!!!" if asked why Twilight is better than Harry Potter.

For me, Twilight is just popular 'cause it has sex appeal. Wait for several years, no one will be talking about Twilight anymore.. Harry Potter won't be talked about that much but it will never be forgotten.In my case, I know Harry Potter will be a future classic.

Twilight fans go ahead and attack me, whenever you're ready.
Obviously, this spot is about debating Harry Potter and Twilight, and I realised I've never written an article, so I decided to put down all my reasons for Harry Potter being better than Twilight.

Firstly, the 'love' in Twilight is not love. It is over powered lust. To my memory, Edwrad and Bella never have a conversation about from who loves the other more. Edward likes Bella because she smells good, Bella likes Edward because he's 'handsome' (which can't even be proven, he's a book character, we never see him).

The pag-ibig in Harry Potter is shown as an amazing, all powerful thing that can sace...
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posted by harrypotterbest
Harry woke up the susunod morning with a feeling as though there was a heavy block in his stomach. He got ready and dressed and went downstairs. Ginny was already at the table, waiting for him. She smiled nervously at him, and he sinabi to her ‘Don’t worry; compared to what we’ve been through, this is practice.’
Ginny laughed, and Harry felt pleased. They got their children ready, and dropped them off at the wizard araw care, as every adult wizard would be in the battle.
Harry and Ginny apparated with Ron and Hermione to the Cullen backyard, where the battle would commence. When they got...
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posted by ABDCFan-
'Good Morning Voldemort' - The HP Version on 'Good Morning Baltimore', from the Musical, Hairspray.

Oh, oh, oh
Woke up today
Feeling the way i always do
Oh, oh, oh
Hungry for Magic
That i can't eat
Then i hear that beat
That rhythm of Voldie
Starts calling me down
It's like a message from
High above
Oh, oh, oh
Pulling me out
To the smiles and the
Streets that i love

Good morning Voldemort!
Every day's like an evil encore
Every night is a fantasy
Every sound's like a death to me!

Good morning Voldemort!
And some araw when i take to the floor
The world's gonna wake up and see
Voldemort and me!

Oh, oh, oh
Look at my wand...
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So I surfing the web when I ran into one of the pages from this site. It was a tanong asking which would you rather be, a vampire or a wizard? I immediately answered wizard and I added 3 quick reasons why. That was several months nakaraan and now I wondered if my answer was reasonable enough. I also read other people's reason and I admit some of them sounded very childish and naive.

Now I will start sa pamamagitan ng defining the two sa pamamagitan ng their origins. Bampira and wizards, because that was the question. Not Twilight Bampira or HP Wizards, but since that poll was under those topics I'm guessing I will talk...
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added by mr-cullen