Harry Potter Vs. Twilight Club
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posted by SpeedyGonzalez
I Speedy Gonzalez did not write this I merely copied and pasted it. The original may be found link.

I got Breaking Dawn on the araw that it came out and was hoping that Meyer would somehow redeem the steadily deteriorating quality of the Twilight series. What a huge disappointment. I was even madami disappointed when I found out how Meyer was responding to the criticism towards it. Then I discovered that she was Pagsulat Midnight Sun. I looked pasulong to that because, even though all of the books suck, they are a guilty pleasure and Twilight was the best of all of them. Then she stopped Pagsulat it! So, here I am, complaining about how these incidents are further proof of Meyer's suckage.

Breaking Dawn turned many Twilighters anti. A lot of them remained fans but refused to acknowledge it as canon. And then there are others who just eat up everything that Meyer craps out. There are many reasons as to why Breaking Dawn is the biggest literary fail produced sa pamamagitan ng Meyer so far.

- Renesmee. Stupid name. Shouldn't exist. You sinabi Bampira couldn't have kids. WTF.
- Jacob imprinting on Renesmee WHEN SHE HAS JUST BEEN BORN. Paedophilia. To the max. And Jacob was in pag-ibig with her mum, her dad his rival for her love. WTF.
- The "fight." No fight. No conflict. Just... WTF.

I'll stop there because this rant is about Meyer being horrible and infantile. The point is, there are damn good reasons to hate Epic Fai- uh, I mean, Breaking Dawn. However, Meyer has sinabi that people will get used to it, like they got used to Pattinson playing Edward, and that some people are just impossible to please. No. You are saying that nothing is wrong with what you've written. You are saying that it is the fault of your fans if they don't like it. You are being a bitch. She seems to think that she is a good writer with wonderful books and, if anyone doesn't like them, it's because they're weird and wrong.

Now, I think, is the time to introduce Seth Morgan. Seth is Stephenie Meyer's brother. He runs her site and also comes off as arrogant. He does not allow any emails to reach his sister that say anything short of OMG STEPHANEI U R MAZNG A LIETRARY J3SUS AND GOD!11!1 LOL I LUV UR BOKS TH3Y R MASTERPEC3S!1!!!1!1!, preventing Meyer from receiving any kind of criticism, which is not helping with her apparent case of narcissism. A big example of this is this petition:


If this is a case of TL;DR (too long; didn't read) for you, the petition demands an explanation for the fail that is Breaking Dawn. Actually, all these people want is to be acknowledged sa pamamagitan ng Meyer, as she brushes off everyone who doesn't like it as a "minority" who will either "get used to it" or are "impossible to please." It points out the flaws in the book. When it got 1000 signatures, this letter was sent to Seth:


I completely understand that you are not the whipping boy for Stephenie Meyer, but she has ibingiay us no address to reach her directly, so sadly, I have few choices- and one of them was to send this to you.

My name is Heather Faust, and I have written a letter to Stephenie and to Little, Brown. As suggested sa pamamagitan ng a number of others on message boards, I posted this letter as a "petition." Today we reached a thousand signatures. (It has only been live for a few days.) We will continue to leave it live and see how it grows.

I feel that it is well written and respectful, and I would hope that you would take a few minutos to read it. If it gets through to Stephenie, well, I'd be thrilled. We are not looking to hurt her, we aren't looking for her to rewrite it... We just want our opinions acknowledged, and we'd like to no longer be referred to as a "vocal minority." We'd also pag-ibig it if she'd be able to answer our concerns with madami than just "it's fiction," "I'm not a biology major" or other brush offs. We don't, of course expect that at all. But just a simple "Yes, I hear you, I'm sorry that you were disappointed" would be enough for us.

Anyway, sorry that you are in the middle of all of this. That must suck for you.

Thanks for your time

I like the above letter. It's polite, and clearly all they want is for Meyer to stop ignoring the people who have some well founded criticism for Breaking Dawn. Here is Seth's response:

First, let me assure you that I will not pasulong this email to Stephenie. You say that you are not looking to hurt her, but it would be ignorant to believe that criticism of any kind does not hurt the person to whom it is directed. I didn't even pasulong any of the 35 emails that I received today telling me (or Stephenie) how much they loved Breaking Dawn, how the series changes their lives, etc.
There are a few other reasons why I would not pasulong the link to this "petition." (By the way, you have heard that online petitions never generate results, right?). I disagree that it is "well written." Besides the grammar mistakes (which are not hard to overlook), you address the letter to Stephenie, but sa pamamagitan ng the end of the first paragraph you refer to "Meyer" in the third person. I am not sure if you are speaking to her or not. Also, the "signatures" (which are completely invalid) are not just names, but a discussion board. I went to one page and found three people defending Breaking Dawn and saying things like "I am surrounded sa pamamagitan ng self absorbed teenagers or adults that think they can write better books and never do!"
And, although I got very bored and wasn't able to read the entire "petition," I want to try to answer a few of your main points (although I'm sure that Stephenie's sagot would be a lot better than mine):
#1 and #2: At the end of Eclipse, Alice specifically says that nobody has ever made the conscious decision to become a vampire, and so none of them had any idea how Bella would handle the entire process.
#3 and #4 (and everything else in your : These books are fiction. They are filled with FICTIONAL characters that Stephenie made up all sa pamamagitan ng herself. In an attempt to keep the books clean and not make young girls think about things that they don't need to think about, no other book mentioned anything about reproductive systems. They are Stephenie's characters, she can decide anything that she wants.

And finally, Heather, your letter is not respectful at all. It is libelous in many instances. I would be embarrassed to say such things about someone who I have never met.

What. A. Fucking. Asshole. He's not allowing any criticism to reach Meyer because it's 'hurtful.' Criticism is necessary when you're in the public eye as a goddamned writer. Not everyone is going to bow down at your sister's feet. This is one of the reasons why she's so up herself. He's not letting her get criticism that makes her think "Hm, okay, I could do that better" but, then again, I think Meyer's most likely a hopeless case. Then he says "Oh, sa pamamagitan ng the way, you're an idiot for voicing your opinions because who gives a crap about them." I pag-ibig how he says that he disagrees that it's a well written letter then says TL;DR. Lolwut? Even better is the line "FICTIONAL characters that Stephenie made up all sa pamamagitan ng herself." Really? All sa pamamagitan ng herself? Who's a clever wittle Stephie Wephie! He also explains everything away as it being fiction. These two really annoy me with the way that they think about fiction. "Whatever, it's not real." That doesn't mean that it's allowed to not make sense. He proceeds to insult the letter that Heather sent. You look at her letter and tell me what's libelous in there. He is threatening her. She explained herself and apologised and, my god, I quite possibly hate you madami than your sister. You are encouraging Meyer's childishness, idiot.

Hey, everybody, remember Midnight Sun? It was Twilight told from Edward's point of view, and was put on hold indefinitely sa pamamagitan ng Meyer after the first few chapters were leaked on the internet. The issue that I have with this whole Midnight Sun business is that Meyer has just refused to write any more, letting down all of her fans, then expected to be coddled. Here are some choice mga panipi from her statement after Midnight Sun was leaked:

"I think it is important for everybody to understand that what happened was a huge violation of my rights as an author, not to mention me as a human being."

Whoa, your rights as a human being?

"...I control the copyright and it is up to the owner of the copyright to decide when the books should be made public; this is the same for musicians and filmmakers."

The only difference is that musicians and filmmakers don't turn around and say "Oh, music/film isn't like Maths, you know. We're too sad to continue working now, so we'll put it on hold indefinitely."

"My first feeling was that there was no way to continue. Pagsulat isn't like math; in math, two plus two always equals four no matter what your mood is like. With writing, the way you feel changes everything. If I tried to write Midnight Sun now, in my current frame of mind, James would probably win and all the Cullens would die, which wouldn't dovetail too well with the original story. In any case, I feel too sad about what has happened to continue working on Midnight Sun, and so it is on hold indefinitely."

Midnight Sun is a rewrite of Twilight. You know what happens in Twilight. So how can you screw up your own story so badly as to make the bad guys win and the 'good' guys die? That is a ridiculous argument to make. I get that Pagsulat can sometimes become a chore instead of a hobby, which is what happened to Rowling. But Rowling didn't decide "I feel pressured to write, screw this." Besides that, you're too sad? Aw, poor baby Stephie. Had her human rights violated.

"I'd rather my fans not read this version of Midnight Sun. It was only an incomplete draft; the Pagsulat is messy and flawed and full of mistakes."

Huh... Well then, how do you explain the last four books, Meyer? Seriously, Midnight Sun is written in the exact same way as the nakaraan books in the Twilight series. The actual Pagsulat isn't any better or worse (thank god it's not worse) than in the other books.

I absolutely hate the way that her fans are pagganap like it's not her fault. It is. Really. Here's a lovely quote from the internet that puts this into perspective, expresses my feelings on this, and shows just how stupid Meyer is for doing this:

In other news, Barack Obama has declared that he no longer feels like being President after his inauguration speech was leaked onto the Internet.

"If I tried to run the country now," he said, "we'd probably stay in Iraq for another term and the economy would collapse completely, which doesn't dovetail too well with what I wanted to do with [the country]."

And just look at how depressed you've made your fans, Meyer. OMG!!WE CANT LIV WITHOT IT!!!11!!! LITERALLY DIE1!1apple!!!11! There are those idiots, and then there are the fans who are coddling her like she wants them to and starting up all of these "I support Stephenie Meyer" things. No, stop it. You shouldn't be doing that. That's not what she needs. What she needs a matunog na halik upside the head. Things are leaked all the time. Where are all of the support groups for those people? Oh, right, they don't exist because they are adults who were mature enough to be reasonable and get the hell over it. One fan's reaction:

"I cried tears today when I read that Stephenie wasn't going to ilathala Midnight Sun. It was a very unexpected reaction. First I cried for me, then I cried for her because of her sadness at someone's illegal actions."

I can't believe the way that people are treating her over this. Yes, it was illegal and wrong and shouldn't happen, but it does happen. All the time. So shut the hell up and get over it. Especially Meyer, because she is the one letting down all of her fans, not whoever leaked Midnight Sun.
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