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 The letter we have all been waiting for
The letter we have all been waiting for
Hogwarts was, until very recently, the 100-percent fictional boarding school in J.K. Rowling’s popular “Harry Potter” books. But thanks to an untold horde of would-be wizards, Hogwarts is now — if not exactly “real” — then something approximating it.
Hogwarts Is Here is the newly launched, fantastically elaborate brainchild of 24-year-old Web developer Keith Cardin, and it’s essentially a volunteer-run MOOC (massive open online course) for Muggles who wish Potions and History of Magic were actual academic pursuits.
When you enroll and receive your electronic owl — “Due to the increasing use of technology of Muggle-born students, Hogwarts is introducing a new digital interface,” it explains — you’re instructed to sign up for seven nine-week courses. There are actual syllabi. And textbooks. And graded assignments. My first essay for Defense Against the Dark Arts, in which madami than 16,000 students are currently enrolled, requested a two- to five-paragraph essay on “why defensive magic is important.” I can’t even view the segundo lesson, “Simple Standard Spells,” because I haven’t naisumite the first essay yet.
hp 3
All of this obviously begs the question: Why, in Dumbledore’s name, would I or anyone else write an essay on a thing that does not exist?
Easy, says Kelli Cleveland — in real life, a 17-year-old high school junior from Nebraska, and on Hogwarts Is Here, a first-year Ravenclaw. She’s enrolled in all seven courses and has completed every posted assignment thus far. Sometimes they take longer than her actual homework. She recently wrote a three-page essay for Potions class.
“For fans that have loved HP for years this is a dream come true,” she wrote in an e-mail. “Ever since I read the first book, I have wanted my letter to come … When I turned 11 and my letter didn’t come it was sad. Now I can go to Hogwarts and study the lesson I read about and loved.”
Plus, she adds, “it’s just fun.”
Many, many people apparently agree with her. Since Hogwarts Is Here launched, madami than 62,000 students have signed up, Cardin says. madami than a quarter are in that Defense Against Dark Arts Class I signed up for, with Professor “Lillian Mae.” Lillian, whose real name is Kristen, is a 21-year-old Florida college student studying theater disensyo and teaching. She spends “a few hours” Pagsulat a new class lesson each week. On tuktok of that, she grades student assignments with the help of a dozen teaching assistants and sagot e-mails from a class with madami students than some actual colleges.
“I usually spend any free time I have working on the course and the site,” she said. “It’s fun, though, and that’s why I don’t mind the hours.”
hp classes
But the fun of “going” to Hogwarts doesn’t exactly ameliorate the conceptual weirdness of it. We are all familiar with other extravagant expressions of fandom: tagahanga fiction, costumed conventions, even sports’ pantasiya leagues — but those are, for the most part, all in good fun. Hogwarts classes are work. Work that ultimately goes nowhere. It echoes a critique the psychiatrist Drew Ramsey made of fandom last October: fan’s passions are problematic, he told Vulture, because they offer “no chance of rewards.”
That doesn’t sit well with Katherine Larsen, a professor of tagahanga studies at George Washington University, co-author of the book “Fangasm,” and a devoted Supernatural fan. Research suggests plenty of concrete rewards for fandom, she notes, from identity and social group formation to feelings of pleasure and belonging. (Kristen, the HIH professor, is also quick to point out that her class teaches creative writing, critical thinking and research — “skills you can apply in the real world!”)
Every semester in her tagahanga studies class, Larsen kicks off the course sa pamamagitan ng assigning an essay called “Fandom as Pathology.” It runs through all the classic stereotypes and criticisms of fans: They’re too invested, they’re loners, they’re hysterical — they are, in other words, fanatics. Then the essay switches gears and analyzes academics. Frequently, they engage in the exact same behaviors as fans: the obsessive research, the constant fixation, the devotion of endless hours (and dollars!) to the subject of study.
“The only difference is the object of interest,” Larsen sinabi sa pamamagitan ng phone from Chicago, where she’s attending a national convention of academics in pop culture. “It’s fine to memorize and quote Shakespeare. But it’s not fine to quote a ‘Star Wars’ episode. The discomfort arises from the object of fandom itself … from a belief that some subjects are somehow madami edifying.”
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And it’s not just that some subjects are madami edifying. Consider the different attitudes toward, say, an obsessive football tagahanga and a 17-year-old girl enrolled in every class on HIH. It’s okay, even cool, for the football tagahanga to paint his entire body in team colors, memorize the stats and life story of every player, spend hours online perfecting his pantasiya — think about that, pantasiya — team. But spending 45 minutos on a Potions essay? The knee-jerk response is “get a life.”
That’s because, Larsen says, “Harry Potter” is seen as childish, often feminine. And across the pop cultural spectrum, the subjects that earn the most disdain — One Direction, “Twilight,” anime — are often the things primarily liked sa pamamagitan ng women or children.
Cardin doesn’t know if madami women or men have registered with Hogwarts Is Here, since the site doesn’t ask registrants for their gender. madami than 67 percent of students are older than age 18. And after a few hours on the site, it’s easy to see why people of any age would get on board: The lessons are entertaining and imaginative, like the books themselves. The Web site, with its layers of forums and profiles and clever nods to the series, feels like a madami productive — dare we say, creative? — sort of tagahanga fiction or role-playing game.

And the fans, well — the fans are great. HIH is run entirely sa pamamagitan ng a corps of roughly 90 volunteers, who write the textbooks, teach the classes and keep the Web site running when it’s swamped sa pamamagitan ng gawkers. Cardin says a team of 80, led sa pamamagitan ng 15-year-old Mallory Harris, wrote the class textbooks. Seven professors and 81 assistants teach classes. (Cardin himself does all the development and graphics — it’s taken three months so far.) Cleveland, the Nebraska high-schooler, says she already made friends. She has also started volunteering herself, as a professor’s assistant in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and she’s graded madami than 100 papers.
“Some people put a lot of time and effort into them and that makes me really happy,” she wrote. “It is a lot of fun because I get to see the great ideas and creativity of the other students … I am planning on staying in this for all seven years.”
Maybe seven years seems like a long time. And 100 papers seems like a lot of reading. But why should someone else’s dedication make us uncomfortable?
“There’s a tendency to present people who are passionate as somehow damaged, but I think that should be celebrated,” Larsen said. After all: “What’s the alternative? To live with no passion at all?”

This is an artikulo by
 The classes we have all been waiting for
The classes we have all been waiting for
added by koolamelia
added by vanillaicecream
posted by Flickerflame
I was asked to do this sa pamamagitan ng lorythefangirl after I responded to her earlier one.

1. Most of them did believe they were choosing the winning side at the time
2. They would likely be killed if they refused, or otherwise punished.
3. If they come from old pureblood families which share the Death Eaters' beliefs, joining up would help maintain family harmony
4. If they're naturally malicious it gives them an opportunity to kill and torture

1. Most people wouldn't want to be forced to murder. They might be pushed beyond their own limits, e.g. Draco Malfoy.
2. They'd get imprisoned in Azkaban if caught, or could be killed in self-defence
3. Leaving isn't an option once you're in
4. After they lost, those who'd survived would lose favour even if they avoided punishment
5. Voldemort doesn't seem to be a nice boss
6. It's a story really, and in most stories, the bad guys do end up losing and being punished.
[Chapter 2] Diagon Alley: Ferrets and Pranks

The susunod few weeks just flew by. Maybe it was because I had something to look pasulong to. Hermione and Ginny had been Pagsulat regularly. All of Hermione's letters were about how much we would have to do as N.E.W.T. students. She had scored eight 'Outstandings' and an 'Exceeds Expectations' and was still disappointed! That girl...she is just...extraordinary! Ron and Harry had done fairly well, failed only in two subjects. They seemed to be having fun at the Burrow, the four of them. Then Ginny sinabi that Phlegm spoilt all the fun. At least they were...
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201. I will not melt if water is poured over me.
202. -Neither will Professor Umbridge.
203. I do not have a Cyberman Patronus.
204. I am not a Wirn animagus, either.
205. I will not ask Aragog if he came from Metabelis III.
206. -Or if he has any pretty blue crystals.
207. "Nessie is actually a cyborg created sa pamamagitan ng the Zygons" is not an appropriate thing to say in Care of MagicalCreatures Class.
208. While it is appropriate to refer to Voldemort as "Master" while in his service, Voldemort and The Master are not one and the same.
209. I cannot substitute Prydonian robes for my Hogwarts uniform.
210. -Nor...
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The world around me was covered in a blanket of white. The magnificent trees towered over me making me feel small…so small. In spite of the snow on the ground and the surrounding areas, I didn’t feel cold. Apparently, I was somewhere near the Shrieking Shack, but that was forbidden! What I was I doing there, I do not know. As I examined the place, I saw a tall figure at a distance. He was clad in black, such a contrast to the surroundings. His skin was pale too, almost as white as the snow. He reached out his left hand towards me and I mimicked his action subconsciously. When I did so,...
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posted by jeniffer2200
Floo powder was invented sa pamamagitan ng Ignatia Wildsmith in the thirteenth century. Its manufacture is strictly controlled. The only licensed producer in Britain is Floo-Pow, a company whose Headquarters is in Diagon Alley, and who never answer their front door.

No shortage of Floo powder has ever been reported, nor does anybody know anyone who makes it. Its price has remained constant for one hundred years: two Sickles a scoop. Every wizard household carries a stock of Floo powder, usually conveniently located in a box or vase on the mantelpiece.

The precise composition of Floo powder is a closely guarded...
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posted by peppergirl30
I awoke the susunod morning to pandemonium.


As usual, Aimee wasn't prepared for the start of term. ''Just relax, Aimee, we'll find it.''

We searched the Dormitory, under beds, on beds, between blankets.. but no book.

''How could I lose it? I have DADA first this morning!''

''Just borrow one from the cabinets and order a new one, I dunno! It's obviously not here.''

Aimee was being grumpy now. ''I'll just write tahanan and see if I forgot it..'' She grumbled.

When we finally got all our stuff, Lizzie, Aimee, and I went into the Great Hall for...
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I've seen the HP films madami times than I can count but there are still some things that are hard to notice until you're like, "bajillianth" time watching the movies. I had an HP movie marathon recently, and I was so surprised sa pamamagitan ng all the things I'd missed. Here are some that I noticed. (By the way, I didn't notice all of these--I don't think anyone could notice all this just sa pamamagitan ng themselves--I only noticed some of them, and afterwards my mga kaibigan told me some things they noticed, to help with this article)

Philospher's/Sorcerer's Stone:
1) Harry is wearing the sweater Mrs. Weasley made for him in...
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This text is not meant as critisism to anyone, but only to ponder how much wizards/witches really differ from muggles, and how much of it is only a trick of mind.

In HP related discussions and wikipedia sites, there are often speculations and thoughts painting the magical folk as madami different from us than they actually are. I think such habit comes from how the books give a extreme general image; as if the two groups of people had some sort of basic difference with their entire existance.
And I think that somewhat misleading image comes from how no one of the main character trio grew up in...
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posted by Twilight-girl-x
~Hope you’re all enjoying this so far, it does take me a while to update sometimes but I apologise for that. Tell me what you think in a review. Thanks.~

~Chapter 8~
~Just close your eyes
The sun is going down
You’ll be alright
No one can hurt you now.~

The door to the empty building slammed closed as the edge of the balabal as dark as the night it travelled in whipped through the gap. The owners in the flat above never even realising that someone had passed through their shop. The normally crowded village was empty and dark; the only lights were the result of a few of the still open pubs....
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posted by dawnisbeauty
Yep.You HP fans know the moment Im talking about.You know,that moment when Hedwig's Theme played for the last time,when you wanted to cry and cheer,scream and weep at the same time...that time you knew it was ending yet refused to accept it.That moment,when all the boundaries vanished,when we all rose together from different places,from different countries,we all came together,clapping,smiling and crying at the same time.That was the moment when we found that,nothing has really changed,despite everything that has.Amidst the thunderous applause and the shouts and cries in the theater all,we knew that there has never been anything like Harry Potter.And there never will be..and that the oak doors of Hogwarts will always ugoy open to us in welcome...
posted by cutechibineko
Ways to piss off Lord Voldemort!
1) Steal his wand and tell him Nagini ate it.

2) Whenever he speaks to you, bow low and say, "Yes, sensei."

3) Replace your Death Eater mask with a Dark Vader mask & insist that, "Tom....I am your father."

4) Sign him up as a kindergarten teacher.

5) Tell him Dumbledore has a ring like his.

6) Tell him you are worried that his obsession with Harry Potter isn't healthy, & he should just confess his pag-ibig for him.

7) Skip around Malfoy Manor rapping as loud as you can, "H to the A to the R to the R to the Y, what does that spell? HARRY!"

8) Follow him around all...
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harry potter is now logged in
harry anyone here i bored and can't do Magie
ginny w has now logged in
ginny yea am here this is why better then are old owl lol
harry huh? lol wants that tell ron isay hi d hi
ron w has nowlodgedd in
ron hi harry wazs up and ginny get out of this chat room
ginny u can't make me
harry ron ginny be nice and can any one till me what lol and waz means
ginny lol meanslaughh out loud and wazwantt is up
ron lol meanslaughh out loud and wazwantt is up
ginny you took the words right out of my mouth
luke has now logged in
luke hi any one in here
harry has now logged out
ginny has nowlodgedd out
ron now has logged out
luke nope iGuesss not
luke has now logged out

am not a nerd and it only took 3 mins to make am just a big harry potter tagahanga tell me want u think sa pamamagitan ng the why its is post to be funny happy brith araw 45th j.k and happy 30th harry
posted by britmovietours
All aboard as we take you on a 10 oras adventure sa pamamagitan ng bus to some of the Harry Potter movie locations which were either used in actual scenes from Hogwarts School or served as an inspiration to the film makers.

We’ll stop for lunch at a pub which will give you time to stretch your legs and soak up the history.

Learn how the films were made, discuss the books and hear trivia about the magical world of Harry Potter. Along the way you’ll have the chance to get off the bus, take pictures and see the locations up close.

Tour highlights include:

-Walk in the footsteps of Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) around...
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posted by elsafan1010
This artikulo is my own thoughts about Lavender Brown, so basically I'm reviewing her here. She isn't that big of a character, but definitely has the right to be analyzed here because she has something to do with Ron.

Lavender Brown
We can start sa pamamagitan ng introducing Lavender, and look in to her backstory a bit. Lavender is a pureblood witch that got sorted into Hogwarts, and wasn't noticeable for the first films but in the "Half Blood Prince" she appears to be a character that has a crush on Ron. She has blonde and curly hair, blue eyes, has a chubby face, usually ties her hair and wears cute headbands....
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added by HermioneRon343
Source: Tumblr
The forthcoming Harry Potter telebisyon remake on HBO presents an opportunity to correct the missteps of the film adaptations, notably addressing a vexing alteration in Prisoner of Azkaban.
harry potter
fix past missteps
screen rant
added by lilcherrywine
added by linhousepotter
Source: www.hgnetwork.co.uk