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Yes, this is it, the moment you've all been waiting for so long - the interview with the amazing huddysmacked/Regi!
What's left to say: Take a seat, grab some papkorn and enjoy.

Before answering this, I would just like to say that I’m not a smart fan. You know, like Missy or OM that they analyze every action House does and the way he speaks,etc. I just take it as it is. That means no deep analysis from my part. Like you know, I’m so rational I don’t look out for double meanings on the actions (unless they are super obvious) so you may not find anything really interesting here. Yeah, I just had to state I’m not a smart tagahanga at ALL. And yeah you will see me saying (writing) a lot of like/you know.

1)Tell us what you think about the season 6 finale. You mean the whole ep?
Well, I really liked it. It was very strong concerning House and Cuddy and me being a Huddy shipper found it totally amusing but Huddy shipper aside, I thought it was a bit weak. *hides from the rocks*
I mean we’ve been getting finales like Both Sides Now and Wilson’s puso and then they throw Help Me. The pagganap was fabulous but the ep wasn’t as shocking as the other two mention before. I was expecting more, I guess.

2)What was your reaction to House/Cuddy becoming a couple and how do you think their relationship will be like?
Ok so here’s the official reaction: link

I mean, I was super happy. I remember that susunod araw I had to go to school and all I could think was Huddy happening. I swear I smiled the whole day, you can ask my friends. But I don’t know when I settled down to think about it, I felt it could have happened differently and in other circumstances. I mean, yep it was beautiful and I feel joy every time I watch the scene, but I was hoping Huddy would happen later, you know kinda like in season 7 or something. It felt rushed in my opinion that on the same araw Cuddy has a proposal from her boyfriend she says yes and suddenly she realizes she loves another man and runs to his arms? I found it a bit weird.

I think their relationship will be House and Cuddy. They are really complicated characters and there’s a bunch of complicated stuff coming to them, so I expect a lot of sex xD a lot of discussion and fights and I want to see how seriously they are taking this, and that, my dear, is what I think we’ll get.

3)In your opinion how many seasons should the ipakita have and why?
I’ve always thought it would be 10 but at the moment I want only 8/9. I mean, season 7 will be all about the Huddy relationship and then they’ll break up and season 8 will be used as the season to get Huddy together again and TADAAA! But I don’t want House to end up with Cuddy. *runs again from the rocks*

4)Tell us how you think the ipakita will end and how you wish the ipakita would end?
My dream series finale: I have this sick picture in which House should end dead. I know, I know, it’s cruel but it would be majestic. I’ve always wished for the last season to be a hallucination season. Meaning let’s say at the end of season 8 House gets into a crash. Season 9 opens with House in a wheelchair and getting better and all season it’s like that, but then weird things began to happen. House realizes he’s hallucinating again and he feels vulnerable, then his own hallucination tells him he’s in a coma and when he wakes up, it’s to late, he’s dead.

You know not exactly like that but I do have the whole picture in mind, I mean, I even know what character is the one that House hallucinates and I even tried to make a fic about it but you know I’m kind of like one of the worst fic writers on earth so I droppes it. Am I confusing you?

Expected finale: I don’t have the slightest idea what to expect. The writers are so good they’ll figure an awesome way to end the series. But I don’t want it to be happy, I want to cry my eyes out on the finale.

5)What was your first impression of Wilson's ex-wife Sam Carr?
I liked her. I don’t know why but she was ok for me. Wilson needed a pag-ibig interest and even though I don’t approve of him getting with his ex-wife I think, she doesn’t want to harm him. But I think I have to see madami of her.

6)What do you think of Wilson dating one of his ex-wives again? Is it a good storyline or a bad one? Do you think the relationship will work or not?
Ok, so we have the whole past history. For me, when two people get divorced, it’s not because they necessarily stopped loving each other (in some cases they do but in others it’s just the circumstances) and I feel that Wilson never really stops loving anyone.

I mean, sure he’s a manwhore but I think he really did like Sam and I believe there was a lot of tension left after their divorce. The first pag-ibig will never be forgotten. And whether Sam was his first girlfriend or not, she was his first wife. The first one he wanted to be susunod to for the rest of his life. So she is special.
On the other hand, pag-ibig is complicated and I believe that when you break something up for whatever reason it’s stupid to go back to it. Well, you know if it’s too recent, like boyfriend and girlfriend fought broke up because of a stupid discussion and go for it again the susunod day, then I completely understand. But Wilson who divorced Sam, who had many meaningful relationships in his life after her, why does he go back to her?

He knows it’s not gonna end up well, and at the beginning of a relationship you will always try to make it work and be a better person, but then you just commit the same mistakes all over again. It’s like having a puppy, you are all excited when you get it but then you forget to feed him, you don’t want to take him out for a walk, etc. And if he went through it once, why again? People don’t change, not really.

7)How do you think Wilson will react to House and Cuddy being together?
He’s obviously gonna be shocked, and sa pamamagitan ng the promos if that’s the way House tells it to him, I guess it’ll be even madami shocking.

But he’s gonna be the supportive friend he always is. I think he’ll be really happy but he’ll want to get to know how serious everything is and other stuff. You know, typical Wilson.

8)What do you think about Taub/Rachel, a couple that not many fans seem to care about?
Seriously, I like Taub but I am against what he is doing. And I want to throw a rock to Rachel’s head.
I don’t think people are giving this couple the importance it has. It reflects what many families go through on a daily basis. I guess people don’t like seeing things that are so common but really all those women that accept that their husband cheated are plain stupid in my POV.

Like, where’s the feminism? If a man cheats on his wife, it’s ok and the wife forgives him. But if a woman cheats, they call her whore, slut and they leave her just like that.

Like I said, pag-ibig is really complicated but if anybody cheated on me (and they did on 6th grade, I know I know, depressing), then let her/him go. I believe in monogamy (probably the only idiot) but I do so I really want to just send a rock to Taub and Rachel’s head.

9)Tell us about your paborito season 6 episode.
I loved Broken. Beautifully written, beautiful acting. No need to say more.

10)Which is your paborito season so far and why?
SEASON 3! It had everything I could have asked for. It had interesting patients. It had a little bit of everything for everyone (Ham/Huddy/Chameron). I don’t know but it was the best season.

11)What are your 3 paborito House MD ships and why do you like these ships?
I don’t really ship a lot of things so I just have one paborito ship in House MD. Like I do with every show, I ust shp Callian from Lie To Me and Smacked from CSINY (shed a tear) but besides from them I don’t have any other ships. So I’ll just say the one I ship and 2 other I like.

Huddy I, just, don’t know how to say it. It’s that kind of pag-ibig story that makes you suffer and I pag-ibig suffering. If you don’t suffer it’s not worth it XDD Their tension, their chemistry, how they care for each other. Everything.

Wilber I liked them so much. I suffered like you have no idea! And I think they complemented each other really well.

Chameron Chase being so interested on Cameron made me really happy. It was a very sweet and likeable ship, too bad it ended that way.

12)Who is/was your paborito of the "new" ducklings and why? (Taub, Thirteen and Kutner) KUTNEEERRRR! He was fabulous.

13)Did you like Amber? And did you like her together with Wilson?
Yes and yes, no need to add anything more.

15)What do you think about Chameron's wedding and the shortly afterwards divorce? Why do you think the writers gave them such an unhappy ending? Why didn't the relationship work out?
I think the writers pag-ibig to write people happy just to turn them unhappy. The writers pag-ibig pain XDD I thought that it was too early for Chameron to marry so I did really believed thing wouldn’t go so easy afterwards. It was a shame they destructed them like that. I really liked them together.

16)Your thoughts about Foreteen? Should they get back together?
NO. I don’t dislike them but it just really didn’t work out and I didn’t feel the pag-ibig between them.
Though I know people did like them *coughMissycough*, I just couldn’t at the time and at the moment I can’t because I discovered I dislike Thirteen. A LOT. *runs away from the rocks for the 78587687 time*

So, yeah every ship with Thirteen is not ok for me.

17)Why do you think Kutner committed suicide? Did you like that the writers never really explained why he did it?
I hated that they never told us. Kutner was such a happy character and he suicides? Like really? Why would he do that? Maybe he was living like a segundo life and pretending to be someone he wasn’t when he was around House but at tahanan he was 360° different. I don’t know. I hate when they don’t explain things, because I don’t understand them. See my rationaliness is bad XDD

18)Which of the ducklings (old and new ones) do you think is most like House and why? Foreman, definitely. But he doesn’t have the charm House does. Omar Epps is amazing, too bad everyone hates his character.

19)If you could choose a crossover with another tv show, which ipakita would you choose and why?
LIE TO ME. *tries to not scare everyone* I pag-ibig the ipakita so badly. Imagine my two paborito TV shows together *dies* But I don’t know I think it could be cool. Because Dr. Lightman will have a lot of confrontations with House and imagine Gillian talking to Cuddy, Cuddy would give her advices as to how to adopt a child. AWWWWW
Yeah, deffo Lie To Me.

20)Do you watch any other medical shows besides House?
Tried to watch Grey’s Anatomy but that’s not something you can call medical so I dropped it.

21)A lot of great songs have been played on the show, which of them was your paborito and which ipakita do you wish would be played in a future episode?
I loved As Tears Go By- The Rolling Stones. I loved You Can’t Always Get What You Want- Rolling Stones too XD I loved Hallelujah. I loved Cuddy’s Serenade. I pag-ibig every time House plays the piano. I loved that Dancing reyna is the ringtone for Wilson <3

I hope they would put something from The Strokes, or Arctic Monkeys. Mmmh or Thriving Ivory and of course Mika :DD And ABBA. That would be my dream come true.

22)There have been awesome episode titles. Tell us about some titles that stuck in your head because you found them particularly funny, interesting, clever, dramatic, stupid... TB or not TB. Insensitive. Let Them Eat Cake (I especially pag-ibig the ep and the pamagat of the ep XDD). Lucky Thirteen (I didn’t like the ep but the name is cool).

I don’t know I always pag-ibig ep names because they have so much meaning, and may I share the ep name I pag-ibig the most from all TV Shows? It’s called ‘Pie-lot’from the awesome series of Pushing Daisies (which got cancelled in the middle of its segundo season :’()

23)Who is your paborito character and why? It’s between House, Cuddy and Wilson. They are all amazing. They are all different. They are all funny.

I can’t get all smart and analyze the characters but I just know I pag-ibig them.

24)Tell us what you thought about the Cuddy centric episode "5 to 9".
link XD Nope I was really glad that they did it. I mean it was just fair, Lisa Edelstein deserved it and her character too.

I mean she’s the lead female and in normal episodes she gets about 2 scenes. I’m glad that she got the chance to do this and of course it just gave me madami reasons to pag-ibig Cuddy.

25)Tell us what you thought about the Wilson centric episode "Wilson".
I liked it. Wilson is such a teddy madala :3 But again it has got me wandering why RSL hasn’t win an Emmy yet.

26)Did the ipakita change your nakakita on some things?

I guess it did in the medicine. It got me to be a little bit madami logical and philosophical. But I’ve always been like that XD So about real life stuff not so much. But for example it got me to change my nakakita about the whole pagganap business. Thanks to House I’ve gotten see a madami real side of what pagganap is.

I mean, things like Hugh faking an accent. Heck, that’s one of the hardest thing for an actor to do, because it’s not only learning how to pronounce in that accent, it’s also saying the lines and pagganap in front of the cameras with that accent. I don’t know how to explain it but I’ve taken a lot of pagganap lessons so I know it’s not easy at all.

I mean, I’ve seen 6 season of awesome acting, I think I’ve learnt a lot from that. I know, I know weird. But I found myself respecting madami every single actor, even the ones that appeared for 3 seconds, even people like Nurse Jeffrey. You have no idea how much they worked to get to those 3 segundo of screentime.

28)Who was your paborito patient of the week and why? The autistic guy in Lines in The Sand. I pag-ibig everything revolving about autistic people or savants. I think they are so interesting. And the PSP gift :3 Awwww.

29)What's your paborito quote from the show?
“They didn’t break me. I’m broken” It’s just magical!

30)In general, which patients do you like most - Adults, teenagers or children? Is there a gender you prefer?
Adults, they are madami interesting. Because teenagers are always portraited as brainless and stupid so yeah I dislike that.

31)Who was your paborito of the original ducklings and why?
Cameron. Oh, yeah I admit it. I really did like her character because it’s so easy to fall in pag-ibig with someone who is your boss/teacher. It happened to me actually XDD And I really liked that she was the only one that showed her feelings. She was really cool.

32)Which disease are you most scared of?
I forgot the name! It’s this one in which you get sick and then you die XD No, I’m terrified of cancer. I’m scared of any brain disease, because you really can’t feel the symptoms. And I am afraid of madness. You know being crazy, but like really out of your mind. I couldn’t deal with it. I need to be conscious.

33)What's harder - dying or watching someone die?
For me it’s dying. I watched my grandpa die last taon in summer and it wasn’t that bad. I mean sure, it hurts but it’s just madami relaxing because you know they won’t be in the pain they were.

Dying for me it’s the hardest thing on earth. No one can accept it unless they are suicidal but really? The end of your life. I mean, I’m an atheist so I don’t believe in no God, nor in any other afterlife things or heaven, etc. For me, dying is the end of everything. I just can’t take it that easily. Dying is a big deal, to everyone and I know that if I were about to die, I wouldn’t be able to control myself. It’s my biggest fear.

34)If you could bring a new character into the show, who would it be and who would he/she be played by?
Melina Kanakaredes. Lisa Cuddy’s sister XDDD I just need to see that greek beauty on screen.

35)Is there something you don't like about the show? If yes, what is it?
Thirteen XDDDD Well, I actually like the character but I don’t know there’s something about OW that I can’t stand. I think her beauty gets to my cells and make them hate her. I mean I pag-ibig beautiful people and who doesn’t? But I hate that they have to hire someone pretty to then ipakita that she can act too.
I just have something against pretty actresses. I mean I hate them XDD I pag-ibig Meryl Streep and Kelli Williams, and they are not ugly but you can’t call them GORGEOUS (well actually yes you can with Kelli XD). I hate Megan Fox, Angelina Jolie, Olivia Wilde. I don’t know. My brain is weird. If someone is pretty I just can’t see beyond that. I mean Olivia Wilde is a beautiful person, but I can’t give a judgment in her pagganap because I get distracted sa pamamagitan ng her beauty.

I’m complicated so just ignore me XDDDD

36)Which of House's interactions with a patient of the week did you like best?
One araw One Room. Nough sinabi :’)

37)What are you most interested in out of these?: Nephrology, Endocrinology, Sports Medicine, Internal Medicine, Oncology,
Intensive care, Immunology, Plastic Surgery and Neurology.

Neurology. I think that if I were to be a doctor I would be a neurologist. Brains are so interesting. They are so powerful and amusing. Although they are ugly XDDD

38)If I tell you: Think of a House MD scene! - Which is the first scene that comes to your mind?
The season 5 final scene. It just shocked me so much it has stayed in my mind forever.

39)If you would have to choose a disease for an upcoming episode, which disease would you choose and why?
I want someone to have bloody swine flu. And that the hospital has this epidemic and they have to shut down. Wouldn’t it be cool? And of course the original carrier has to be Mexican :DDD

40)Why do you think the ipakita is as popular as it is? What makes people pag-ibig the show?
Right now? I think it’s because the Huddy fandom has expanded a lot and they got Olivia Wilde, which meant people could see a gorgeous face once in a while. Ok, I’ll try to be smart. The ipakita is amazing. Simply like that. It’s beautifully written, it has AMAZING actors (not to mention attractive). It has good storylines. It has everything.

I mean there are plenty shows like that but House is so unusual that it attracts people. You have this protagonist who acts like the antagonist, that’s genius! It amuses me soro even allowed that.

41)The writers go to you and say: "Regi, we need madami viewers, what should we change about the show?" - What is your answer?
You want madami viewers? Like really O__o Talk about greedy XDD I don’t know, make Melina Kanakaredes Cuddy’s sister. She’s perfect! And people who watched CSI:NY will watch House. See? They got Sela Ward, so go and get MK!

42)Anything else you'd like to add?
Since I didn’t really got to introduce myself.
(caramelmilk: sorry! >_> that totally slipped my mind, honey) Hi, I’m Regi. Thank you for voting for me (if you voted), if not well that’s ok, I’m pretty boring. I like a lot of things [Meryl Streep, ABBA, Mika (who is mine BTW XD), Chocolate, mani Butter, Lady Gaga, etc.]. What I like the best is House and Lie To Me. Since you watch House, watch Lie To Me *runs off*

*pokes head* Yeah, well that wasn’t a very good ending so I’ll just say: Thank you Cami, though slow very effective and well done job. Thanks everyone and special thanks to salemslot who is the one who brought the idea (at least to the House MD spot, or am I wrong?). Now, state your complaint below : )
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