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Sandstorm was dead. Stormkit couldn't believe it. His mother was dead. No! She couldn't be dead. She was alive just that morning making him get off of Dawnkit and making them take naps. No. She just couldn't be dead.

Dawnkit and Brightkit were still sobbing. Stormkit went over and nudged them both. "Sandstorm isn't dead. She's just sleeping. Jayfeather made her better."

The other Pusa were still crying and wailing. Why? Stormkit thought. She's only
Dawnkit looked up quivering. "No Stormkit. She's dead!" Jayfeather walked up and meowed sadly "Your sister's right Stormkit. I'm sorry but Sandstorm is dead. I can't heal every sick or hurt cat."

Stormkit looked up at him. "But she was alive this morning!" "Yes. She was. But she went to fight Breezingclan. Remember? And she got hurt. She Nawawala too munch blood for me to-" "NO! Your lieing!" Stormkit cried. Every cat was watching him now but Stormkit didn't care.

"Stormkit. He isn't lieing." Brightkit wailed.

Stormkit was shaking now. He was scared. Hurt. Mad. Sad.

"Yes he is Brightkit!" "No he isn't Stormkit!" She yelled. Why did no cat believe him?! He couldn't handle it. "Your all lieing! All of you know Sandstorm is alive! Why are you lieing?"
He didn't wait for someone to answer. He ran out of the camp, Pusa calling his name. But he didn't stop.

He ran past tree's and bushes and scared off prey. He didn't care. He was now running blindly through the forest crashing into bushes and running into trees. Every paw step hurt to take but he still went on running.

I have to get away! I have to get away from them all!

He could here Pusa running somewhere behind him now. He twisted his head around to see who was following him but tripped over a weed and fell into a soro hole. He coughed. It was deep and reeked of foxes but the smell was old. And it would cover his scent.

The Pusa got closer and Stormkit crouched down hoping they wouldn't see him. He sniffed hoping to define the Pusa but the soro stench covered everything. "Where is he?" Stormkit heard Rosepetal. "I don't know but if we don't fine him soon... well who knows? Their still may be Breezingclan in the forest." Brackenfur meowed. "Well I've Nawawala his scent." Toadstep replied. The Pusa sighed and kept running.

Stormkit sighed with relief. They were gone. He crawled out of his soro hole, covered with bloody bruises and aching all over. He sniffled some, then layed down head on paws. Tears started dripping down his face. He knew Sandstorm was gone. Somehow he just knew.

He knew he would never here her stern but fond voice scolding him. He would never feel her ruff tongue going over his back as he snuggled up agents her stomach. She would never tell them stories again.

The tears came faster. Never again would she comfort him. Never again would she tell him how munch he reminded her of Firestar.

He would have to sit in the nursery now, watching Thornclaw bring Berrykit fresh-kill. Watching Blossomfall tell Berrykit stories.

He was now sobbing. "Why did you leave me Sandstorm?" Stormkit sobbed. Then he felt a pelt brush agents him. But their was no cat. I didn't leave you Stormkit. I never will.

"Sandstorm!" Stormkit gasped. He knew that voice! It was his mother! But his tail soon dropped. She was whispering to him from Starclan. But she still wasn't their.

"I'm sorry Stormkit." Stormkit jumped around and saw Mistystar. He couldn't handle it. He ran over to her and started sobbing again. "Wh-why did s-s-she leave me? U-us?" Stormkit asked. Mistystar layed down and nuzzled Stormkit.

"Oh Stormkit. She didn't have a choice. This is something that could've happened to any cat."

"B-but why h-her? Was Starclan ma-mad at us? W-were they mad a-at San-Sandstorm?"

Mistystar gave a sad, quite laugh. "No Stormkit. It was just her time. She gave her life protecting her clan. But she's in Starclan now. Watching you. Standing susunod to Firestar."

Stormkit sighed, laying susunod to one of his clan leaders now. He was starting to feel a little better. "Misty-Mistystar? Wh-what will h-happen to us n-now?"

Mistystar thought for a moment then replied. "I have an idea Stormkit. I know of a Hurricane Clan she-cat who's Nawawala all of her kits. But I'm sure I could talk her into mothering you, Dawnkit, and Brightkit easily enough."

"B-but we'll be O-OK?" Mistystar nodded. "Yes Stormkit you'll be just fine. Now come on back to the clan. Tonight we say our good-bye's to Sandstorm." Stormkit noded and stood up. "Y-yes Mistystar."

But then he stopped. "M-Mistystar? Sandstorm made y-you promase som-something? What?"

Mistystar stopped then replied "I'll tell you one day."

That was enough for Stormkit. He wanted to say good-bye to Sandstorm.

Thanks everyone!


Stormwind's Story - Part 4: Wondering: link

Stormwind's Story - part 2: Loosing it all: