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added by yui1234
added by yui1234
added by yui1234
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added by Ionelia
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added by axeper0302
added by yui1234
added by Ionelia
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added by yui1234
posted by iloveakatuski
 Konan's first shown origami piece
Konan's first shown origami piece
Konan was stoic, calm, and level-headed (much like her partner, Nagato, was). As a child, she was bright, compassionate, and relatively cheerful, in comparison to Yahiko's tough attitude and Nagato's sensitivity. However, the traumatic events since then have led her to become a very serious person, and she never spoke during Akatsuki meetings. Nevertheless, she has always placed the safety of her team-mates above her own. Konan also showed romantic feelings towards Yahiko, caring for him and wanting to be as close to him as possible.