Kuchiki Byakuya Club
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Jamie was placed in chains and hoisted into the air. Spread eagled and then the two left the room, the temperature then slowly dipped and kept on drifting down and down till her apoy blood started having to heat her body. Ice formed on the floor and walls; she felt a hand touch her face and heard a hiss of pain. She looked up; into a face made of ice, holding onto a reforming hand. Jamie let her blood heat up even more.
"If you would have stuck to me and not gone rogue..." Ice snarled and made to hit her across the face but stopped short as he remembered what happened before. " You weren't producing anything for us anymore, we needed fresh blood. Though what you have recently shown it seems things have changed. What tripped the switch?" Jamie sneered. "Why don't you come closer, and I'll whisper it in your ear." Ice smiled widely. "No, my fountain of youth, my goddess of advancement. I may have always been a bit slow in remembering my lessons, but I do learn. Now just how much can you take, I wonder?" The temperature flew down till the steel turned blue, Jamie's blood burned hotter. "My, my, you are quite the specimen." He hit a button and a hole in the floor opened up beneath her. She could hear a torrent of water at the bottom, if it was moving it had to be warmer then up here with Ice.
"You think down there is bliss, a warmer climate then with me? I'm so sorry to disappoint you. Liquid nitrogen is very hard to freeze. It's what I use when I have to go outside for brief moments. It's not as good as blood, but then what is. Shall we see how well you can take it?" Jamie snorted. She remembered well enough just how well, she looked down her nose at Ice who had moved further away as parts of him were slightly melting even as it was reforming. "Having problems?" The chains released and plummeted her mere inches above the ulap of freezing fog. To her embarrassment she let out a screech. "Oh, that's right, you don't like sudden drops. Up we go." Ice laughed as she was pulled up every couple of 100 feet and then dropped to just above the clouds. "I think I've found my new yo-yo of the buwan and this one won't shatter so easily!"
added by RAICAL
added by MusicMaker95
Source: artists on deviantArt
added by MusicMaker95
Source: artists on deviantArt
added by RAICAL
added by LidiaIsabel
added by LidiaIsabel
added by michellepotter
added by ichigo_155
added by RAICAL
added by Fitch
added by michellepotter
added by LidiaIsabel
added by michellepotter
added by Fitch
added by Fitch