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Lucifer Recap: A Whole New World — Grade the Season 2 Finale

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Fanpup says...
I remember visiting this website once...
It was called ‘Lucifer’ Recap: Season 2 Finale — [Spoiler] Leaves Earth | TVLine
Here's some stuff I remembered seeing:
The pieces finally came together, literally, as Season 2 of Fox’s
came to a close on Monday night. But with conflicting family agendas at hand, what ultimate use was made of the Flaming Sword?
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In fact, assembling the Flaming Sword, even with the key now found, was easier said that done, seeing as Amenadiel needed some time “to process” his demarcation as the Favorite Son. As he saw it, it was his job to protect the key and not let it play a role in unconscionable uses of the sword — such as to, say,
, as Mom aims to do after slicing open the gates of Heaven.
While Amenadiel attempts to work through his internal conflict via Dan’s improv class, Charlotte has other issues to deal with — namely, the fact that she accidentally charbroiled Chet after he stabbed her in the stomach, allowing her amassing power to burst out. Charlotte employs a “cleaner” to dispose of the body, but Chloe of course catches the case once the curious corpse is found. Lucifer does his best to impede any investigation of clues that might point to his “stepmother,” but his behavior actually leads Chloe to wonder if he’s protecting his “stepmother.”
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Charlotte meanwhile has turned to Dr. Linda to “patch her up” after the stabbing, having done a temp job with a stapler. Linda can only improve upon that surgery with good ol’ duct tape. Linda however does more harm than good when blurting out her immediate assumption that Lucifer was the attacker. Charlotte doesnt let go of that strange comment, and later tortures the truth out of the shrink — that Lucifer plans to double-cross her once the gates of Heaven are open.
Knowing that her body, teeming as it is with explosive power, poses a threat to humanity, Charlotte leverages Lucifer to meet her at the Santa Monica Pier, where she is in the company of Chloe, with the Flaming Sword. Meanwhile, Maze finds the brutally tortured Dr. Linda in her office, and enlists Amenadiel for help. After surmising they don’t have enough time to get Linda to the hospital, and seeing distraught Maze’s desperation, Amenadiel — who apparently got some of his mojo back, as the Favorite Son — summons the power to slow down time, affording them the chance to transport Linda.
same moment, Chet’s vengeful brother had shown up to fire a bullet at Charlotte and Chloe. Lucifer notices the slowed-down time and pulls Mum down to the beach, where he fires up the sword and argues there must be a way to avert the inevitable war/casualties caused by any family reunion in Heaven. So he uses the sword to create a “tear” in the universe, inviting Mum to “move forward” and create a world of her own — “Let there be light” and all that. Mum complies, and her essence is sucked into the portal, leaving a dazed Charlotte Richards behind. Later, Lucifer arrives at the hospital to apologize to a recuperating Dr. Linda for what she has been through, but she very magnanimously acknowledges that she knew what she was getting into with such a dysfunctional family!
In the wake of this latest crisis, during which he again found himself withholding the whole truth from Chloe, who has made clear she accepts him, flaws and all, Lucifer phones the detective to say that he is on his way over to tell her everything, to finally open her eyes to why stranger things happen around him, why he is so “magnetic.” Alas, no sooner does he leave that message than he is knocked out by an unseen assailant. And when he comes to, he is in a barren, sun-roasted desert — shirtless and blistered, but again sporting the angel wings he long ago had Maze chop off.
What did you think of the finale, and what do you make of the final scene?
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This was a really good episode, the best of the season. Although, if this really is the last we’ve seen of “Mum” I’m going to be disappointed.
Agreed. Tricia is definitely the “eye candy” in the show! Maybe Charlotte will go to work for the DA’s office.
Tricia;s the eye candy? Nah- disagree. Dr, Linda is SMOKIN’ HOT.
There’s plenty of eye candy. Every cast member is ridiculously good looking.
Are you implying that a woman over 30 can’t be eye candy??? I disagree!
Please tell me Tricia Helfer is back next season?
Do you actually watch her acting throughout the season? She has a scene with like 6 lines and needs to look at the cue card for everyone of them. Just watch her eyes constantly jumping to the cue cards: cards to face, cards to face. She had incredibly lazy acting in the whole season.
They don’t use cue cards on shows like Lucifer. You either know your lines or you don’t.
Cue cards? Lol… You obviously have never seen BSG. Tricia Helfer is an amazing actress. You are just spoiled from all the superficial actors nowadays that you don’t understand what good acting is.
Are you kidding? She’s great in this. And the scene last week where Lucifer was “trying” to help her lie to Chloe was fantastic.
Her character is reading the world, trying to figure things out as she goes along, not reading cue cards. Pretty cool you caught that subtext. I missed it. She did an amazing job, imho.
She should be back next season on way or another. If they didn’t want her back, she wouldn’t have woken up after the portal incident. Shows don’t hesitate to kill off characters they are not interested in using any more.
Loved it !!! One of the best performances from everyone .. fantastic finale and season three can’t start soon enough !!!
Such a good episode. Liked the way they handled Mum. Loved loved the Chloe/ Lucifer scenes . However I am just a tad bit tired of Lucifer getting knocked around. He needs his mojo.
With his wings back the sun shouldn’t even be hurting him; and unless Chloe was at the hospital a blow to the head shouldn’t knock him out. Too much plotforce in the episode for me.
Unless the person responsible for knocking him out, dragging him to the desert and reattach ingredients his wings is a divine creature. They’ve already established countless times that divine beings can hurt each other.
I’m assuming that it was Maze’s doing as a payback for what happened to Dr. Linda.
Demon isn’t devine, she’s a spawn of hell, so I doubt she would be used by “Dad” to help Lucifer, even if she offered. It’s probably one of Lucifer’s brothers.
Could also be one of his siblings aka other Angels or a demon, because we saw that both demons (Mazekeen) and angels (Uriel/Amanediel) could both hurt him, even if Chleo wasn’t present.
The “No more going backwards” Thing got me thinking. Maybe when we see Lucifer with wings at the end that is a flashback to either his fall from grace or when he first left hell (Before Mazikeen removed his wings) That could explain the burns on his skin.
That does make a lot of sense but maybe God desided it was time for lucifer to stop going back and move forward and be an angel again. He came down or sent and angel or demon down to reattach his wings so that chloe and everyone else could see that lucifer has his mojo back and he is still the king of hell
Being a flashback to him first arriving on Earth actually makes perfect sense.
He arrived on the beach it was discussed in the first season when he burnt his wings.
I don’t believe he burned his wings in “wingman”. I believe he burned the fake wings that were being auctioned. His wings are safe and sound.
Absolutely. He never burned his real wings. And the black glove hitting him is most likely Maze. Especially after seeing that the first episode of the next season is Maze having a wrong identity and hiding (from the released title), all those make sense.
They have said that one of the four episodes that were originally ordered for this season but were moved to next season is a standalone about Lucifer and Maze’s first day on Earth, so maybe. But I do think it acts weirdly as a cliffhanger if it does turn out to be a flashback.
But it was never meant to be a cliffhanger, there were meant to be four more episodes. So this episode was probably originally meant to be a lead into that flashback episode, nothing more, but Fox made a stupid decision thus forcing this to be a cliffhanger.
And if they are pushing those four episodes to next season does that mean they will make four fewer new ones but still come up with their full season order?
It has already been confirmed that season 2 was originally conceived to only be an 18 episode season and that they decided to add those 4 new episodes they made to be a part of season 3 as they touch on some of the major plot points for that season. And yes they confirmed that they are being added on top of the 22 episodes for season 3 for a whooping 26 episodes so hopefully this means there will not be 3-4 two to three week breaks on top of the mid season finale. I swear I am tired of shows doing this as code black and lethal weapon did the same thing.
The broadcast networks keep trying to stretch show from September to May with fewer and fewer episodes per season. They really need to give up that model or risk losing even more viewers to streaming media.
But in the Wingman episode, Lucifer tells Amenadiel that the beach they are standing on is where he landed post Hell. Not Death Valley.
Best show ever!!!!!!! Phrase come back soon!!!!!! I hate these breaks, LOL!!!!
I can’t say how much love this show. Fabulous finale. I’m going to miss all those characters, once more. I can’t wait for S3.
One of the best yet, can’t wait to see how this turns out. Great show !!!
I really enjoyed this ep. Tom Ellis’ performance when Lucifer is threatening his mother with the sword was excellent. I was surprised to see not only Charlotte’s body remain, but also that she was alive after that ordeal. Wonder how she felt waking with staples in her belly.
I thought the mother took over bodies of the deceased so how can the original person still be alive?
Maybe because she was possessing her body for so long it brought it back to life.
first, this is one of the best shows on TV and I’m super happy it is coming back next season. Second, great finale but what the hell happened to Lucifer (a pun that actually works in this case lol) why is he in death valley with his wings back. Argh! I hate having to wait three months to see how things play out. Awesome season. I wonder if they are going to delve into the comics a little more next season and it would be freaking cool if they could get Matt Ryan to play Constantine for an episode or two. I’m pretty sure they had dealings in the comics.
if it was a flashback of him after having been cast out, why is he wearing his slacks? i don´t think angels wear designer clothes in heaven:-))
Nothing to do with him being cast out (that refers to him being cast into hell) and everything to do with him and Maze coming to earth from hell.
No they arrived on the beach not the desert, it’s seem more likely it was Maze did it to him as punishment for what happened to Linda
I was surprised as well about Charlotte. I was half expecting Lucifer to push her through the portal. We did see Lucifer burn his wings, I thought it would be awhile yet before he got them back if at all. This show always surprised me. You think it will go one way but it is not so predictable. Can’t wait for S3. I also wish there were more episodes per season.
I will bet good money that not all 26 air next season.
ok this was an awesome espidode, season. It has to be someone with divinity that knocked him out. and we are talking a bout lucifer. just like his mother, her host coult not contain her being so she was explosive. same could be said for luci. His wings could be a simbol for his amaizing powers return and decaying his skin. who knows. can’t wait for season three.
Good show. Kinda a bummer about Mum. So after Lucifer told Chloe its his step mother and now Mum is gone to this new place, the old Charlotte Richards with NO memory of who Lucifer is, so how is the writer going to explain that not to mention the Charlotte Richards character admitted to killing the dude in her office and hiring someone to clean up the mess, so her character for all purposes should end up in some mental hospital for murder etc.. This was the lame part of the show that left a huge hole with Charlotte Richards returning next season.
She never admitted to killing anyone. Go back and watch the episode again. She admitted that she was involved with the first murder and definitely not involved with the second. The second murder was done by the brother and then the police also mistakenly pinned the first murder on him. The story is perfectly logical even though it is kinda unrealistic. Just remember to put on your listening ears and thinking cap next time.
Season finale was really good & emotional. Glad Lucifer send his mom somewhere where she wouldn’t cause anymore trouble. Glad Amandiel use his power to stop time for Maze to get Linda to the hospital. Good Linda is gonna be ok. Not good about the ending! I guess someone doesn’t want Lucifer to tell Chloe his big secret. Can’t wait to see what happens in season 3 this fall!
My god what a great finale. Great use of all characters in this episode. Now the worst thing is to wait for next three months for new season. Hell begin
It was odd that they brought (the goddess-less) Tricia back to life after she had initially been dead and her body had just recently been stabbed. The goddess could have healed her after leaving her body but what about her soul?
been snoozing away, most likely…I wonder if her stomach is still stapled.
I think this sets the series up for a really great storyline not season. Lucifer telling Chloe that he is the Devil will open new story lines of “to believe in the devil you have to believe that there’s a God (regardless of religion)” right now they have it where Chloe doesn’t really believe. So even if Lucifer were to show himself, would she “see” him? Excited for next season!
Awesome episode and season!! I can’t wait until season 3. Hate having to wait until September!
I was a little worried at first. But I found the humor was very entertaining. I like the portail of trust issues and the unconditional exceptance of another person. That there can be good in all things.
Anyone know the name of the next to the last song, (sang by a guy), in this ep? Thanks.
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