Michael and Sara Club
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Sara: Hello?
Michael: Sara...it's me.
Sara: What do you want?
Michael: I don't have time to talk, there's every chance their listening to this call right now. But there's a lot I want to say. Please don't hang up on me.
Sara: I don't want to talk to you.
Michael: I heard about what happened. I want you to know, how sorry I am, for everything.
Sara: Sorry's not going to do me a whole lot of good with what I'm up against right now.
Michael: Listen, anyone with any ties to me and my brother is in danger now.
Sara: I have no ties to you and your brother, anymore.
Michael: There's a way I can protect you. It's already in your possession.
Sara: What, are you talking about?

Michael: It was real Sara...you and me, it's real.
Michael: Michael?
[Scene ends with Michael closing his phone.]


Scene #1

Michael: Hello, Sara.
Michael: I wasn't sure you'd come.
Michael: I didn't have a choice.
Michael: This isn't going to be easy for you.
Michael: You sinabi in your message, you had a plan to make this right, I need to know what that is.

Scene #2

Michael: I've arranged for us to get to Panama, were meeting up with my brother tomorrow.
Sara: Wait...that's your plan.
Sara: To run away to Panama with two of the most wanted men in America. Michael, I came here because I thought you were gonna have real sagot for me.
Michael: This is an answer. And right now it's the only one we've got.
Sara: Running away into the sunset with the man who lied to me. Really? I mean, did you know about the other guys? Did you know that I would be putting T-Bag back out on the streets?
Michael: I never meant for that to happen. I was doing what I needed to do. My brother was gonna die.
Sara: My fathers, dead.
Michael: I am sorry about your father. I'm sorry for a lot of things. For what I did to you. I have many regrets. But that's the biggest.
Sara: That doesn't help me right now.
Michael: I'm sorry for that too.
Michael: I didn't expect you to forgive me. But I don't want you to be alone in this.
Sara: I don't want to be alone.
[This is when they see Mahone racing down a dirt road.]
Michael: Let's go. Get in the car.
Sara: We can't get out this way.
Sara: Michael, that's the only way out of here.
Sara: An, that's the way were going.
[Chase begins!]
Michael: Hold on, just hold on.
Sara: Michael, what are you doing?
Michael: Just hold on.
Michael: You alright?
Sara: He's still behind us.
Michael: Hold on.
[Car crashes into a building, Michael helps Sara out of the car and they run into another building.]

Scene #3

Sara: We got to get back to my car.
Michael: It's too far.
Sara: If we go now, before he get's madami people.
Michael: He's not going to call for backup. He wants his privacy.
Sara: Why?
Michael: He's not trying to catch me, he's trying to kill me.

Scene #4

Sara: I don't want to get trapped in here.
Michael: There's got to be an exit on the other side.
Michael: You go on.
Sara: Michael.
Michael: I'll be right behind you...go!

Scene #5

Michael: I bought us some time.
Sara: You, okay your bleeding
Michael: Let's go.
Sara: Your seatbelt.

Scene #6

Sara: Okay, first aide kit, disposable phones and toothbrushes.
Michael: What about the hotel?
Sara: They charge sa pamamagitan ng the oras so they didn't ask for id.
Sara: Do you have the keys?
Michael: Yeah.
Sara: Need your hat?
[Michael, shakes head no.]

Scene #7

Sara: This isn't going to feel good.
Michael: I have a high tolerance for pain. You know that.
Sara: I do. And your not a diabetic are you?
Sara: Right?
Sara: Michael tell me something. You think there's a part of you that enjoys this.
Michael: Peroxide in an open wound? No.
Sara: I mean escaping from prison, being on the run and the danger, the fear, the rush all that. It feels to me like, chasing a high. And I know what that's like. And I should know better, sa pamamagitan ng now.
Michael: I never thought about it like that.
Michael: I know you've heard this before. But it won't always be like this.
Sara: From everything you've told me...it's just getting worse.
Michael: They can't chase us forever. The guy who caught up with us today, he stops at the border. That's why we have to get across. And I have the people in place to help us do that. We're meeting them tomorrow. One madami araw Sara, one madami day. That's all I'm asking.
Sara: Then go get cleaned up. Keep this dry.
Michael: Sara, I'm glad you came.

2.16 - CHICAGO

Scene #1
Sara meets up with Michael and they then embrace in a hug.
Sara: Well, yeah. (Referring to her short hair).

Scene #2

Sara: You actually think we have a shot.
Michael: It depends on what your father gave you.
Sara: This fell out of his pocket, but I don't recognize the insignia.
Michael: No, but uh...Sara we've got someone working with us now.

Scene #3

Kellerman: Hey, Sara...what's done is done, we all what the samething.
Michael: You didn't tell us you left her to die.
Kellerman: I was scarring her, I was going to pull her out.
Sara: No, you left me in there to drown.
Michael: I wonder how long you can hold your breathe. Maybe we should find out.
Kellerman: You need me and you know it...You need me...You need me to keep going.
(Michael then lets go).
Sara: Why do we need him, we have the key we'll find out what it's for.
Kellerman: I can tell you what that keys for right now. It to a private cigar club.
Lincoln: Where?
Kellerman: Chicago.

Scene #4

Michael: You okay
Sara: Yeah

Scene #5

Sara: Michael, do you know if there's any way I can get any water.
Michael: Yeah, I think there's a bathroom down stairs. I'll check.
Sara: Thanks.

Scene #6

Michael: Sara...settle down.
Lincoln: Hey...
Kellerman: One of them, just get one of them...one.
Michael: Calm down (referring to Sara).
Kellerman: Just so we're all clear, she tries that again...
Michael: You'll what?
Lincoln: Just stay on the other side of the car.
Sara: Nothing personal Paul.

Scene #7

Michael: uy Sara!
Sara: Not now.

Scene #8

Michael: uy Sara.
Sara: Come on in.
Michael: Hey.
Sara: I'm sitting here evaluating...I uh jumped bail, I'm on the run and I just tried to take a man's life. I'm not using, which is actually quite an accomplishment. But three weeks nakaraan I was a doctor.
Michael: You can get that back, all of it. I need to believe that.
Sara: You believe that. You think you can all get it back.
Michael: I choose to have faith. Cause without that I have nothing. It's the only thing that's keeping me going.
Sara: Well, I've got two things keeping me going. First is I want the people that took my dad. And actually the second, ironically I probably wouldn't even say if I hadn't Nawawala him, but um you should know...uh, the first thing they tell you when you take the job (cough) is uh...never fall in pag-ibig with an inmate.
(They then began to kiss).

Scene #9

Michael: You want to take a walk.
Sara: Yeah.

Scene #10

Michael: Oh, Sara. About before...me too.
Sara: Yeah.

2.17 - BAD BLOOD

Scene #1

Sara: You sure about this.
Michael: No.
Sara: Either way you still owe me dinner.
Michael: Is that so.
Sara: Yep, first week in soro River you promised me if you ever got out of there you'd take me to dinner.
Michael: Well maybe after we balutin this up, we can stop off and get you a burrito on the way back to Pope's house.
Sara: Scofield, I don't know what your use to but anything short of a filet mignon is not going to cut it with me.
Michael: It's a date.

Scene #2

Sara: Here we go.
Sara: You think its a conversion.
Michael: One they don't want us to hear.
Michael: You ready.
Lincoln: Let's do it.

2.18 - WASH

Scene #1

Sara: Oh my god!
Michael: (nods)
Sara: Yeah.

2.20 - PANAMA

Scene #1

Sara: Hello.
Michael: Hey, are you alright?
Sara: Yeah, I'm fine just heard about the President, what does it mean?
Michael: It means, its time to go.
Sara: Okay...when?
Michael: 10 minutes. How far away are you?
Sara: 5.
Michael: Listen Sara, Linc and I are on the ship...this is it there's no turning back now so uh I know its not what you wanted from your life, but in case your interesting there's room for one more.
Sara: Michael Scofield, you asking me to sail off into the sunset with you.
Michael: Well it's madami of a fretter, but uh yes.
Sara: I'll be there.
Michael: See you soon.

Scene #2

Sara: Yeah.
Michael: Sara, what's the matter, the ship is leaving.
Sara: Michael!
Michael: What's wrong? Sara?
Sara: I'm already on board. I'm sorry I must of just missed you, where are you?
Michael: We're on deck.
Sara: Great. I'm on my way up...Love You!

2.22 - SONA

Scene #1

Sara: So I got your message. Thank god I found you guys.
Michael: Thank god is right.
Sara: Michael, Lincoln's free.
Lincoln: What?
Sara: Uh, its all over the news. Paul Kellerman, came pasulong and he had everything documented and he made a full confession.
Michael: Are you serious?
Sara: Yeah.
Lincoln: Everything.
Sara: Everything, all charges.
Lincoln: Whoah...Man what a...
Sara: You don't have to run anymore.
Lincoln: What about Michael?
Sara: Ugh, a friend of my fathers getting into it, but he's pretty confident that under the circumstances nobody's going to pursue you on this.
Lincoln: I need a drink.
(Sara laughing)
Sara: I'll go see what I can find.

Scene #2

Sara: Michael I took a man's life
Michael: Don't think about that now. You and I've got a date, remember. Two limes a couple beers don't forget that. Give me the gun.
Sara: I took a man's life.
Michael: We're going to walk out of here together. And we'll tell them exactly what happened. Look at me...Look at me. We're going to tell them what happened.
Sara: Okay.
Michael: We're going to explain everything. And I'm going to do whatever I can to help you. Okay.
Sara: Yeah
Michael: Now give me the gun.
Sara: Here.
Sara: I pag-ibig you
Michael: I pag-ibig you too, Sara.
Sara: Okay
Michael: Alright
(Michael and Sara then ilipat outside where Michael takes Sara at gunpoint).
Michael: Don't move! I'll shoot.
Sara: Michael, what are you doing?
Michael: Nobody move...Nobody!
Michael: You sacrificed everything for me once.
Sara: No!
Michael: No, don't move!
Sara: I can't let you do this...Michael...Michael!
Michael: Now it's time to say thank you.
Sara: No!
Michael: It was me...It was me!
Sara: No, he's done nothing wrong, he's innocent.
Michael: It was me...I did it...It was me!
Sara: He's done nothing wrong, he hasn't shot anybody, he hasn't hurt anybody. Michael...Michael, tell them the truth! MICHAEL...he's done nothing wrong!

Pahinga sa Bilangguan
michael and sara
sarah wayne callies
wentworth miller
sara tencredi
michael scofield
added by georgiapeach91
Video sa pamamagitan ng wentie90
Pahinga sa Bilangguan
michael and sara
sarah wayne callies
wentworth miller
michael scofield
sara tencredi
added by raliza
added by Kate-Jane
added by IceWomanPro
Pahinga sa Bilangguan
michael and sara
sarah wayne callies
wentworth miller
added by AdaLove
Source: fuckyeahmichaelandsara.tumblr.com
Pahinga sa Bilangguan
michael and sara
sarah wayne callies
wentworth miller
All rights to: Music sa pamamagitan ng Ramin Djawadi; Original pictures sa pamamagitan ng 20th Century soro *fan-made*
Pahinga sa Bilangguan
michael scofield
wentworth miller
sarah wayne callies
sara tancredi
lincoln burrows
mj scofield
dominic purcell
season 5
Pahinga sa Bilangguan
michael and sara
Pahinga sa Bilangguan
michael and sara
sarah wayne callies
wentworth miller
added by mcewen_girl
Pahinga sa Bilangguan
michael and sara
sarah wayne callies
wentworth miller
added by CatarinaSantos
Pahinga sa Bilangguan
michael and sara
added by raliza
added by raliza
added by raliza
added by HoltNLucy4Ever
added by AdaLove
Source: fuckyeahmichaelandsara.tumblr.com
added by AdaLove
Source: fuckyeahmichaelandsara.tumblr.com
added by AdaLove
Source: fuckyeahmichaelandsara.tumblr.com
added by sophialover
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