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Kai-Lan's Royal Adventures
Season 1, Episode 12
"The Mystery of the Hasty Fish"

[[The episode begins with Rintoo, Hoho and Tolee in the front yard of the palace, playing a game of Go Fish.]]

Hoho: Rintoo, do you have a six in your hand?
Rintoo: Hmm. No, go fish. How about you, Tolee?
Tolee: I don't think so. Unless I've looked really hard. [[Tolee looks really hard at the stack of cards in his hands. He then notices a six in his stack.]] As a matter of fact, I do.
Rintoo: I'd realize that.

[[Tolee lays the card down on the pile.]]

Royal Advisor #1: Emperor Rintoo! We have a very big problem.
Rintoo: What is it?
Royal Advisor #1: You know those little catfish they've been selling in the flea market?
Rintoo: Yeah. What about them?
Royal Advisor #1: It turns out that they've been popping out around the town, and in the river, and everywhere else.
Hoho: How many are there anyway?
Royal Advisor #2: Just about 850 crates. All of them were last seen at the boater's dock just about 2 days ago. They were rare and acquiscate. You wouldn't believe what it taste like in your mouth. It's just so...mmm!
Tolee: They're really good, aren't they?
Royal Advisor #2: They sure are. I've never tasted anything like it. But the fact that over 800 crates of that isda is out there on the streets. It just makes me wanna faint. [[faints]]
Hoho: Don't faint just yet. Because if it's a mystery, then I'm the person to solve it. Just call me the detective of China. I can find any clue, anywhere. When did you guys first notice the isda disapperance?
Royal Advisor #1: I say around a couple of hours ago. It wasn't anything to personal, but it was spreading from country to country.
Hoho: Spreading from country to country. That does sound interesting. Anything else?
Royal Advisor #2: Nothing else but these sack of knives that were left over sa pamamagitan ng the kidnappers.
Tolee: What would robbers need with knives?
Rintoo: I was gonna ask the same question. It's unusual, but strange. Now you realize that people can be very suspicious.
Royal Advisor #1: We might have to recall the situation with that white trophy you guys won in that inventor's competition.
Rintoo: Please don't recall that day, because the susunod thing I want to do with that guy is take him all the way to Alaska, where he can freeze himself to death.
Tolee: Wow Rintoo, that was kinda harsh.
Rintoo: I know, but that's just how I feel right now.
Hoho: Alright, what else did you see?
Royal Advisor #1: Okay, I think I might have saw a big statue that sinabi "Welcome to Frenchise Bay". It was really big. I should really say that this statue was big as the Statue of Liberty.
Royal Advisor #2: I don't think that it weren't big as the Statue of Liberty.
Royal Advisor #1: Ok, Mr. Smarty Pants. How big do you think it was?
Royal Advisor #2: About as big as this entire palace.
Royal Advisor #1: That's bullcrap.
Royal Advisor #2: But it's true. You guys should've seen it. We were just coming out of that building. It's not as big as the Statue of Liberty, at least, according to some of us.
Royal Advisor #1: Look who's talking. The same person that just two days ago, sneaked some of that isda into the palace. Now tell me that what you're talking about is bullcrap. Tell me that instead!
Rintoo: Now hold on. Maybe there was something going on before the isda started to go awol. Have you ever thought about thinking things over before all of this happened?
Royal Advisor #1: I suppose there were some sort of alternative pinagmulan to all of that. But there's no telling if they're still there. Who knows? It might be a fluke.
Hoho: If anyone's gonna call something a fluke, it's gonna be the detective, which I might say again is me. And right now this is not a fluke. We're gonna keep searching until we get this case in point.
Tolee: But what if we don't crack the case? What do you think will happen to the entire isda supply? What'll happen to the town? And worst of all, what if there's no isda every again?
Rintoo: Calm down, Tolee. I'm pretty sure that there's no gonna be a isda shortage in China. Besides, if there was no fish, I don't know what to say. But I do want to say this. What isda were you talking about?
Royal Advisor #2: What fish?
Rintoo: The one he sinabi you sneaked into the palace? The one that none of us knew you had? [[looks over his shoulder]] The one that you have in that crate?
Royal Advisor #1: I knew it! You were smuggling isda into this palace! You sick, sick man. You should be ashamed of yourself. Smuggling isda when we're facing a serious situation that could put China in double turmoil.
Royal Advisor #2: Look your heinous, I can explain.
Rintoo; Go ahead.
Royal Advisor #2: Umm...I was coming from the baya and I just happened to spot it and picked it up. It wasn't anything that I wasn't gonna regret.
Royal Advisor #1: Which is.
Royal Advisor #2: Can I finish what I have to say? I was just craving some fish.
Rintoo: Why didn't you ipakita it to us? You know we enjoy that isda jus as much as you do.
Royal Advisor #2: I wanted it to be a surprise.
Hoho: Can we get back to the mystery, please?
Rintoo: Hoho's right. What do you think we should start at?
Hoho: I don't know. It depends on where it begins. And I think I know where that place is.
Everybody: Where?
Hoho: The peer. Maybe some of the fisherman can tell us something about what's going on. If anyone knows what's going on with the isda deliveries, it's those guys.
Rintoo: Hmm. They can give us some clues on the whereabouts of the crate. Come on.

[[The scene cuts to the peer, where the four are trying to ask a fisherman about what had happened to the crates of fish.]]

Rintoo: Excuse me, sir. We were wondering what was happening to this year's stock of isda that was suppose to come in earlier this week.
Fisherman: Oh yes, the fish. I don't know what had happened to that crate. They were suppose to be here a couple of hours ago. They must be stuck in some rocks or something, or they must not have everything ready.
Hoho: Well, they must stuck in something. It just won't be the same without the fish. And even if they do ipakita up, everybody will be asking why they not getting to the dock.
Fisherman: I just don't get it. Those men are never late for anything. It's likely for them to miss such an important deadline.
Royal Advisor #2: Is there anything we can do until they ipakita up?
Fisherman: Well, you guys can keep an eye open for them. If they ipakita up, then give me the signal. I'll be in my shed. You four take care now. [[The fisherman walks away.]]
Tolee: Are you sure you know what you're doing, Hoho?
Hoho: Of course. Why wouldn't I?
Tolee: I hope so, otherwise we're messed up.

[[The scene cuts to the other side of the peer, where the four guys are trying to keep a lookout for a bangka with some fish.]]

Tolee: How long have we been out here?
Rintoo: About an hour.
Tolee: Are you sure? Because it feels like we've been here for madami than an hour.
Hoho: It's probably just your imagination.
Tolee: You think so?
Hoho: I guess. We still got until the break of morning to find the whereabouts of that boat. Who knows, it might not ipakita up.
Royal Advisor #2: That's impossible. It has to ipakita up or we won't be able to enjoy that fish. Who knows, we may not get to eat that isda ever again! That can't happen!
Rintoo: And we're not gonna let it happen. Whether we eat the isda or not, we can still find out what's going on and we're gonna get to the bottom of this.
Hoho: Rintoo's right. And if we fail, we can always make the isda ourselves.
Royal Advisor #1: Are you crazy? Do you know how much work has to be done to give that
isda the real taste as if it came from the Pacific Ocean? It's not that easy.
Hoho: Easy or not, we can still do it.
Royal Advisor #1: I guess. But it just won't be the same.

[[The phone rings. Rintoo walks over and picks it up.]]

Rintoo: Hello.
Kai-Lan: uy guys. Lulu told me you guys were at the peer, looking for some sort of isda delivery. How's it going?
Rintoo: Not so good. We've been out here for an oras and we still haven't found where the bangka is at. It probably might take us a while for it to ipakita up.
Kai-Lan: Whatever it is, I'm pretty sure somebody will get to the bottom of the mysterious situation. If anybody, it should be Detective Hoho.
Rintoo: [[laughing]] Well of course he'll solve this mystery. There's no better mystery solver than Detective Hoho.
Kai-Lan: That's for sure. Well, I better get baack on duty. See you later.
Rintoo: Alright. [[hangs up the phone]] How are we doing?
Royal Advisor #1: Not so good.
Tolee: We still don't have any sight of that boat. Guys, I have a feeling that that bangka is never going to ipakita up. We might as well just give up and go back home.
Royal Advisor #2: Are you nuts?! We can't just leave the freakin' dock and just give up like that! I'm not gonna let it happen! You know why? Because that isda is all I care about and I don't give a damn whether you want to give up on the bangka paghahanap and go home! No, that's not gonna happen! We're staying right here and that's final! [[Everybody looks at Royal Advisor #2 as if he's losing his head.]] Okay, maybe that was a little too much to the extreme.
Royal Advisor #1: Oh yeah. Now we believe you.
Royal Advisor #2: Hey, I'm serious about the isda thing. We're gonna stay here whether you like it or not.
Royal Advisor #1: Since when have you cared about that fish?
Royal Advisor #2: You know goddamn well I've been caring about that isda ever since they started coming here! Now if anything you would care about it.
Royal Advisor #1: I do care about them, but not that much.
Royal Advisor #2: Alright then! We're even!
Rintoo: Come on, guys. I'm pretty sure you both care about the fish, because right now, I'm starting to care madami about that fish.
Royal Advisor #2: See. Rintoo is starting to care about the disappearance of the fish. Anyone else? Anyone at all?
Hoho: I'm starting to think this is going to be a hard mystery. I don't think I'll be able to solve it before daybreak.
Royal Advisor #2: WHAT?! Oh you can't be serious.
Hoho: I think I am. This is not gonna get any better. Tolee might be right. We might as well just stop right where we are and go home.
Royal Advisor #2: Is everyone trying to back to back out of this situation?! Do you guys not care about the sake of China's isda supply?! If that bangka dosen't ipakita up, then that means the end of catfish sales at the flea market. Can this night get any better?

[[Just then, a bangka with approximately 850 crates shows up at the dock, unexpectedly.]]

Royal Advisor #1: Oh look at that. A bangka with about 850 crates.
Rintoo: Wait. Is that the bangka with the exact same number of isda crates?
Hoho: There's only one way to find out.

[[The guys walk over to the boat.]]

Hoho: Excuse me, sir.
Fisherman: How can I help you fine gentlemen on this fine night?
Hoho: We're looking for a bangka with exactly 850 crates of catfish. Is this that exact boat?
Fisherman: I don't know. Is it? Let me check. [[The fisherman walks over to one of the crates and prys it open.]] H-hey, guess what?
Royal Advisor #2: [[gasps]] It's the fish! It's the fish! I don't believe this!
Tolee: Wait a minute. If you were delievering the fish, why were you late?
Fisherman: It's a long story. I was coming over to this peer to deliever the crates to the flea market, but all of a sudden my bangka ran out of gas. I drove it over to the nearest gas station to fill it up, and this strange guy came up to me and offered me this big delivery. He sinabi I had to deliever 30 crates of some of this here dough so that they can bake the tinapay for the catfish sale. But then, I got stopped again, sa pamamagitan ng this mysterious stranger who wanted me to take some of his merchandise to the other side of the peer. It took me about three hours to get both delieveries taken care of, and still make it back here just in time for the big sale.
Rintoo: So it wasn't a kidnapping. It was just a late delivery. It all makes sense now.
Hoho: Rintoo may have a point. This guy was just stopped several times to maKe some extra deliveries for other people, making him late on the isda delivery.
Royal Advisor #1: That still dosen't explain the kutsilyo we found.
Fisherman: I can tell you all about that kutsilyo plain and simple. That kutsilyo was left over here at sea sa pamamagitan ng one of the chief fisherman. I suppose they were trying to load up one of their boats and left this behind. They're probably looking for it right now.

[[Another bangka shows up looking for a kutsilyo that fell out their boat.]]

Chief Fisherman: Have any of you guys found a kutsilyo that I left here?
Tolee: You mean this knife?
Chief Fisherman: Oh yes, that's the one. Thank you so much.
Fisherman: We appreciate it. You take care now, and we'll see you back here for the annual catfish sale.
Chief Fisherman: You better believe I'll be back here for that sale. [[drives off]]
Royal Advisor #2: You see? I told you if we stayed a little bit longer, we could find that boat, and we did. Now we can look pasulong to something tomorrow. And I've been waiting all taon for this.
Hoho: Looks like somebody is ready for this sale.
Royal Advisor #2: You're damn right I'm ready for this isda sale.
Fisherman: And you're gonna like the isda even better, because you're getting an entire malaking kahon full of it.
Rintoo, Royal Advisors, Tolee, Hoho: What?!
Fisherman: That's right. As a special offer, I'm offering an entire malaking kahon full of North Pacific catfish to the emperor and empress of China.
Rintoo: Awesome!
Royal Advisor #2: I don't believe this! We're getting some of the fish! This is a miracle come true! I'm so excited I could just...WOOOOOOOO!!

[[Everbody laughs as Royal Advisor #2 parades around the dock.]]

End of episode.

Copyright © 2013
Sony Pictures Television, Inc. and Twentieth Century soro Film Corporation
All Rights Reserved
added by hornean
added by caesar213
ni hao kai-lan
nick jr.
Kai-Lan's Royal Adventures is a tagahanga made spin-off of Ni Hao, Kai-Lan. The series will center around Kai-Lan Chow as the empress of China, with Rintoo as the emperor. Along with them is Hoho as the prince, plus Tolee and Lulu as the king and reyna and many more. The ipakita will also include new characters. It will be produced sa pamamagitan ng HarringToons Productions and Beacon Pictures in association with 20th Century soro telebisyon and Sony Pictures Television. The ipakita will premiere sometime in fall 2011 or spring 2012.
posted by pbj2309
Kai-lan: oh hi there uy look it's night, and that means its kama time are stories had sitaw Read Now a lullaby.
(Music begins)


The Earth is spinning, slowly spinning


The stars and moon now fill the sky


Magic glow, the night's beginning


So sing a la-la-la-lullaby

[Peanut halaya mantikilya Brobee Kai-lan Milli Spyler Tubb Sploshy Finbar Terrence Winona Reg & Amelia]

La la lullaby
La la lullaby


Sing, sing to myself a la-la-lullaby


The Earth is sleepy, very sleepy
The ocean rocking baybayin to shore


In each house, igloo and teepee
La-la-la-lullaby some more
continue reading...
Kai-Lan's Royal Adventures
Season 2, Episode 5
"Rintoo's Finest"

[The episode begins in Tolee's castle. Him and Lulu are in their playroom, ribbon dancing.]

Lulu: Okay Tolee, do you think you can do a mega twirl?
Tolee: I don't know. How do you do a mega twirl?
Lulu: Check it out: you get in a good position, and you gotta get in the mood. Everything that surrounds you must be in pretty goood range. And...proceed with the mega twirl.

[Lulu begins the mega twirl. The mega twirl starts with a big leap in the air, followed sa pamamagitan ng a double spin, and it finishes off with big ribbon twirl.]

Lulu: See. It's not...
continue reading...
added by caesar213
Season 2, Episode 3

Kai-Lan's Royal Adventures
Season 2, Episode 3
"The Humble Emperor"

[The episode begins with Kai-Lan and the gang looking at some of the new toys they have in the toy store.]

Lulu: Hey, look at this one.
Hoho: Wow, that's one big racer. What does it do?
Lulu: It says that it can go up to a speed of about 80 miles per hour.
Hoho: Just think, how much fast that car can be. I bet that thing is faster than Rintoo.
Rintoo: Hey!
Hoho: I wouldn't consider it being as fast as you, Rintoo. Who knows, it could be.
Rintoo: I don't know. But all I know is nobody can be able to catch me with me...
continue reading...
added by 9532687022
added by caesar213
added by hornean
added by hornean
Kai-Lan's Royal Adventures
Season 1, Episode 5
"Tolee, Portrait of a King"

The episode begins with Tolee and Lulu getting ready for a potrait.

Tolee: How do you think I look?
Lulu: You look amazing.
Tolee: Phew. I thought for a segundo there I was about to freak out. I mean, this is the first time we'll have a picture taken.
Lulu: [[laughs]] I know. It's like we've never done this before, except we have, five times.
Tolee: Oh yeah. I forgot.

[[The photographer comes in with a black bag and a camera.]]

Photographer: Hi, are you King Tolee and reyna Lulu?
Tolee: We sure are.
Photographer: Oh, thank God. I...
continue reading...
added by 9532687022
posted by pbj2309
Buddy is a light blue colored elephant, created sa pamamagitan ng mantikilya as an imaginary friend in "Sherlock friends." she never appeared in any other episodes. Only Baby mantikilya knows exactly what Buddy looks like, in her imagination anyway. "Buddy" is also her only response to mani and Jelly's queries when they try to figure out what happened to their missing stuff in "Sherlock Otter." Trying to figure out just what Buddy is, halaya thinks that he could be a puwang alien. For his part, mani suggests that "Buddy" could actually mean "bunny," which elicits a loud bit of giggling from Butter.
Buddy's gider is unknown
Female to brobee halaya marino cinnamon axl kai-lan pallette x & Milli
Male to gagamba mani spyler
he or she to Massimo & zero
added by 9532687022
Except... I’m not a flying squirrel.
Peanut your not?
Monkey king nope im really.
Others woah.
Monkey king…the Monkey king
Others Monkey king!.
Rintoo awesome
Brobee wow!!
Hoho Yay!.
Peanut cool.
Kai-lan look it’s the monkey king he’s are paborito super hero.
Monkey king and you’re my paborito mga kaibigan
Brobee laughs he lives way up in the clouds
Milli And… he can do all kinds of super magical things!
Spyler: And… he’s are friend!
Monkey king: I sure am! And I need your help with a big problem.
Spyler oh, no what’s wrong Mr. Monkey king?.    
Monkey king I’ll...
continue reading...
posted by pbj2309

Look at the clouds
What do you see?


I see an elephant
High in a tree

Looking around
What could it be?


Maybe a goat
On a bangka sippin' tea


Look at the clouds
Whaddya know?
A giant on stilts
And a blue buffalo


Lookin' about
Wow what I see
So many wonders
It's hard to believe

[Spyler cinnamon & mouse]

If you open up your eyes
Looking high into the skies
Wondrous things, imaginings
Come soaring sa pamamagitan ng and by


Turning around
Look what I found
A moose and a goose
Playin' cards with a clown


And over there
High in the air
A flying baboon
No! A madala in a chair!

[all 3]

If you open up your eyes
Looking high into the skies
Wondrous things, imaginings
Come soaring sa pamamagitan ng and by.
added by caesar213
ni hao kai-lan
added by caesar213
ni hao kai-lan
season 2
princess kai-lan