Numb3rs Club
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It all started when the two brothers where sitting on the sopa their dad was just leaving on a business trip with Stan. Both Allan and Stan where going to Colorado to give a presentation on designing a bridge. Allan was set as a consultant for the project but he didn’t want Charlie tahanan alone for some reason every time he left Charlie alone he felt as though abandoning him on his own he knew it was silly but he did. So that’s why he asked Don to stay with Charlie in which don sinabi rather dryly “sure pop I guess could do that but I do have work”. Then Charlie got in on it which Allan may have decided wasn’t the best thing that could happen because Charlie decided he could take care of himself and told them so then adding sarcastically “just for the week and a half dad I promise I won’t touch sharp things while you’re gone”. Three days later Allan left after agreeing to Charlie that he could take care of himself but pulling Don aside and telling him too keep an eye on Charlie then he left saying good bye to his sons and got in the car to go to the airport with Stan then leave Colorado.

“Wow dad can be bit over protective” Charlie sinabi still waving Allan off. “Well Chuck he is an over protective dad believe it or not” Don sinabi smiling at him. “Oh then what’s your excuse then Don-IE” Charlie sinabi putting emphasis on the IE to annoy Don then sitting down on the sopa beside him. Don looked straight at him with a frown then smiled “I don’t know what you are talking about little brother” He sinabi patting Charlie on the shoulder. “Oh of course you don’t Don of course you don’t” Charlie sinabi shaking his head and smiling “and that guy you punched I guess wasn’t calling me anything or rather saying stuff about me to get you pissed” Charlie added looking Don in the face. “Nope he was talking about other stuff not about you” sinabi Don lied looking serious about it. “Oh and you yelled and I quote ‘don’t talk about my brother like that’ for your health huh” Charlie smiled as he knew he had Don at an impasse he couldn’t say anything to deflect the words. Don smiled evilly and looked away from the TV and at Charlie “yes it was for my health, my psyche person sinabi I needed to lose some anger and I did I just simply used those words because I saw you walk in” then the Dons evil smile was gone and he turned back toward the TV. “Fine, fine, don’t tell me what he sinabi over protective big brother” Charlie sinabi turning to the TV as well. “But yes Charlie big brother always got your back” Don sinabi laughing and putting his arm around Charlie’s shoulder. “Oh really ok I’ll keep that in mind Don when something bad happens” sinabi Charlie pushing don off the sopa and taking his spot. “Hey I was sitting there bud-” sinabi don before he was interrupted sa pamamagitan ng his phone vibrating “Eppes”
“Hey boss it’s me” sinabi the female voice
“Oh uy Nikki anything new on the case” asked Don standing and walking around watching Charlie dodging his slap to the back of the head.
“Ya boss I would say we had a breakthrough with this case someone confessed to the murder of the 42 taon old female, it was the woman’s daughter 20 years old, but that’s not it we need you at the FBI and quick there is a meeting.” She sinabi in an irritated voice.
“All right be there in ten minutos tops Betancourt” sinabi Don who went from big brother tone to FBI tone in less than 5 seconds. Then they both hung up their phones and don looked at Charlie apologetically “sorry buddy gotta go what about hapunan tonight my treat” Don sinabi with a smirk on his face. Charlie smiled and nodded “ok but I get to choose what it is last time you got Thai pagkain I was sick for like a week” sinabi Charlie as Don picked up his amerikana and left. Don drove sa pamamagitan ng a car sitting sa pamamagitan ng the neighbors drive way and didn’t recognize it but thought nothing madami of it seeing as it was a holiday and drove straight to work once there he went to the war room where the meeting had been taking place and entered quietly and sat in a chair in the back as the meeting went on explaining a guy who escaped from prison.
Back at the house just after don left Charlie
Charlie sat in the chair he had just pushed Don out of watching something about polar bears and grading papers just then there was a knock at the door. Charlie groaned as he got up and walk over to the door “what did you forget this t-” he didn’t get a chance to finish, as the door came flying into his face. He was blown back holding his nose as he hit the ground and yelped in pain as he fell on his wrist. There were three guys that came in all in the same black attire black masks and black suits. One of the guys had a video camera and was filming the whole scene. “Is this the Charlie guy we’re after the genius he doesn’t look like much why would Archie want him” asked one of them. But at the mention of his name, Charlie struggled to back up madami and once he confirmed he had backed up enough to run up the stairs he ran upstairs as fast as he could to get his cell phone. Getting into his room had really never been much of a problem before, but when it adds three guys in black masks and trying to get into the door before they grab you. Let’s just say it makes the adrenalin course through your body. To this fact Charlie ripped open the door and grabbed his cell just as one of them grabbed him and threw him to the ground. His nose was still bleeding and the guys did nothing to help when they started to kick him as hard as they could in the stomach, one of them grabbed him sa pamamagitan ng the hair and lifted him from the ground as Charlie stood to follow were his hair was being pulled but another kicked him in the back of the shin. He fell with a scream as one of the others picked up the cell. Then they dragged him down the stairs sa pamamagitan ng his hair. Leaving a blood trail in their wake not a big blood trail but enough to let someone know something bad defiantly happened to him. This made Charlie wonder how hurt was he. Coming down the stairs Charlie noticed all the furniture turned over on the floor and that the house was completely trashed. His last remaining thought before he was knocked out was ‘I wonder if don will find me dead in the house coming over tonight.’

Back at the FBI Don
The meeting was still going on like it had been going on for an oras already and it was drawling pretty close to lunch time and finally they sinabi it “The reason while why you are all here is because we need to find this guy” in which the speaker pushed a button and a picture showed up on the screen of a bald man with a scar above his right eye. “Dismissed” a man beside the speaker sinabi and they all went back their desks to get some work done just sitting down don noticed his phone vibrating in his dyaket pocket pulling it out he looked at the caller ID and noticed he had 11 missed calls from Charlie and evidently Charlie was now calling back “what is it Charlie I know your tahanan alone but I can’t-” don stopped in his tracks on hearing a man’s voice that wasn’t his brother. “Awe now ain’t that just precious little brother scared of being alone? Well now no one has to worry about that” asked the bad guy in a sadistic voice. “Who is this?” don asked angrily. “Shouldn’t you be asking where your brother is? Vise let the little freak go we got big brother on the line now” sinabi the man coldly. In the back ground he could hear something fall to the ground with an ‘oof’ and a short cry of pain. “what are you doing to him” Don asked as now agents all over the room were now looking his direction David came up beside him and Don pointed at the phone repeatedly and mouthed ‘trace the call’. “Now then agent Eppes you should know that you should now ask what we want instead now shouldn’t you”. Don heard another cry of pain in the back ground “before anything I want to talk to my brother” sinabi Don eagerly. “I’m afraid professor Eppes is a little busy at the moment” sinabi the bad guy and another cry of pain and a short whimper in the back ground. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HIM” Don demanded walking fastly into the war room and putting the phone on speaker. “Why agent Eppes you have to work on your temper or someone could get hurt” just then a loud cry, screaming and Charlie talking or madami like scream talking was in the back ground. Don couldn’t tell what all Charlie was screaming but he could understand the tone which was pain “OK I’m sorry” Don sinabi through gritted teeth. Then the screaming stopped “very good Agent Eppes you just might get your brother back in one piece after all. Vice hold him down, Agent I’ll let you speak to your brother now, but understand one thing and understand it good you’re not in control I am” sinabi the voice. “I understand” sinabi Don looking down at the phone. Then Charlie’s came over the phone “Donnie…” the voice was of hope a type of hope a child would give a superhero then it turn into soreness and guilt “Don I’m sorry, I didn’t know who was at the door” then the voice was full of pain and hurt. “Its ok buddy I’m not mad. Are you ok?” asked don real and true concern in his voice. “Ya” sinabi Charlie taking a deep breath, it was an obvious lie and Don knew it. “Don’t worry buddy I’ll get you outta there ok” sinabi Don not sounding hopeful then he tried again “I’m gonna get you tahanan ligtas ok you’re gonna be fine buddy” sinabi Don trying hard to make his voice sound madami hopeful ‘but one problem still standing we don’t know where to look for you buddy’ he thought to himself. “Ok Donnie” sinabi Charlie in a sore and tried voice. “Now buddy tell me the truth are you ok” Don was surprised sa pamamagitan ng the calmness in his own voice. “Don I tried really I did I knew that it probably wasn’t you or dad but I opened the door any way. I’m sorry really Donnie it was my fault for not looking out the door but I didn’t-” Charlie paused and took a deep breath in “think about it I mean think of the odds Donnie that they were after-” Charlie stopped again to take another deep breath. But before he could continue on his rant don interrupted him “buddy are you ok” his voice rose in anger but not at Charlie madami at the guys who had Charlie. “What yes sorry but the odds are pretty slim Don” Charlie sinabi trying to continue his rant before taking another breath in and started to pant and cough. “DAMMIT CHARLIE TELL THE TRUTH ARE YOU OK” Don yelled frustrated. “Owe don keep your voice down” Charlie flinched then lowered his voice to a whisper “of course I’m not fine Don every place on my body hurts but I don’t want them to know that cause-” Charlie sinabi about to finish as one of the bad guys grabbed the phone “Agent Eppes or would you prefer little Donnie” sinabi the bad guy with a snicker. “You can call me Agent Eppes and what should I call you” sinabi Don behind gritted teeth. “Oh Donnie, little Donnie, little bitty Donnie what are we gonna do with you. You know we are going to do to Charlie here will be in for some torcher and then we will ipakita him some bidyo of something interesting after words well we will send it to you” sinabi the voice then it sinabi “you have a week or a buwan which ever I decide and in that time we will have a monitor a video camera on a website a buwan or a week to find your brother before we kill him or sell him. Oh and each araw the torcher gets worse. oh and he’ll be getting one meal a araw maybe if we don’t forget” sinabi the bad guy “professor how many days can you survive with only a gallon of water a week and maybe one meal a day” sinabi the voice and handed the phone to Charlie. “For-four weeks five days and four hours but it depends on the person and what health, shape, and size the variables out come to a longer function” sinabi Charlie hesitantly. The voice came on again “well put yourself in that equation then let me know and Donnie you had better hurry” then the phone went dead. “David take Colby and go to the house see if there are any clues to why someone would want Charlie” sinabi don grabbing his phone. “Boss are you sure you’re ok to have tactical command he is your brother” sinabi Nikki. Don knew she was right he was way too close to this but he felt sure that he could handle himself “Colby, David go to the house and see the damage. Nikki go get started on getting a listahan of names of enemies of Charlie has and a listahan of students Charlie failed over this semester” don repeated answering Nikki of further questions. “On it Don” sinabi David and Colby leaving the war room. “Alright boss” sinabi Nikki walking to her desk

To Charlie at the bad guy hide out
One of the bad guys Charlie knew to be vise was the tallest but not the ring leader. They came in with what looked to be a mesa with cuffs attached to it and soon he found himself strapped to the table. It was then they came in with three boxes of DVD’s and VCR tapes and popped one in. which it was of a little boy who was walking three feet behind two other older boys ‘Charlie didn’t recognized it immediately ’until the little boy was left at a crosswalk and it showed LA high school on the sign. The video’s where of him every hard ship he had to endure as a young genius laid out before him like some sort of show. “How did you get this?” Charlie demanded to know. Unfortunately he was answered sa pamamagitan ng a shock from all sides and a “shut up while the movie is playing” sinabi vice that lifted up the mask to his mouth to eat a handful of popcorn. ‘The nerve of this guy actually eating papkorn to my high school life then shocking me and telling me to shut up before I have any real answer’ Charlie thought bitterly ‘I hope Don finds me soon’ thought Charlie as he watched the younger version of him getting pushed down in the hallway or shoved onto a locker which the tape was all of one araw he started to think back to that day.

It was in the morning and Margret just woke both the boys Charlie had been just about to start 9th he was nine going to turn 10 in ‘May the 17’ he was excited he had math with Donnie 3rd period and 5th oras history together and 6th Science. He was so excited that he gets to spend some time with Donnie and that Donnie was going to walk with him there. Charlie could be considered the happiest little boy in the whole world. But Donnie didn’t look too thrilled about it he kept complaining about Charlie every week of the last buwan of summer. “Donnie hold your brothers hand at the tumawid walk ok?” sinabi Margret. “whatever mom” Don sinabi waving her goodbye as Charlie dashed out the door after giving their mother a goodbye halik “CHARLIE HOLD ONTO YOUR BROTHERS HAND OK” Margret yelled after her youngest and blew a halik Charlie and Dons way. Then grabbing onto his big brothers hand they were off. But as soon as they were out of sight Don pulled out of Charlie’s grip and ran to meet his best friend. “Hey Don what’s with the twerp bringing him to araw care or something” ask Derek smith glaring an evil look at Charlie. “No I’m not in araw care I’m in high school you know that” sinabi Charlie proudly. “I was kidding runt” sinabi Derek a little too harsh. “Come on let’s just go to school and get this araw over with” sinabi Don dryly and walked 3 feet in front of Charlie. They walk for about 3 madami minutos until they got to the tumawid walk in which Charlie sped up to them and reached for Dons hand, Don jerked his hand back and Charlie looked up at him and looked across the road. “What do you think you’re doing Charlie” asked Don in an almost whisper. Charlie didn’t know what to think “Donnie?” Charlie asked puzzled “I’m-I’m supposed to hold your hand.” Charlie sinabi still looking up at him. “Charlie I told you not to call me Donnie in public” Don sinabi angrily “Hold your own hand Charlie” he sinabi shoving Charlie’s hand away again. “But Donnie I have to hold someone’s hand” Charlie sinabi biting his lower lip. “then hold your own hand twerp” sinabi Derek walking toward a group of mga kaibigan “come on Don there waving at us you don’t want to be seen babysitting your baby loser brother do you” sinabi Derek, Don shook his head and left Charlie standing there and moved toward his friends. Charlie just stood there as Don walked across the kalye with Derek after standing there watching them walk away Charlie ran as fast as he could across the kalye then not even looking back. Once to the other side of the kalye Charlie went to go find Don. It wasn’t even five minutos before Charlie found him and Don sinabi “Charlie go away we are playing something you can’t cause your too young go find mga kaibigan your own friends” sinabi Don kind of harshly and he felt bad about it but he let Charlie leave anyway. After first and segundo oras where over it was third oras the oras Charlie most looked pasulong to all araw because ‘now I will ipakita don that I can be just like him and not a weird freak’ Charlie thought happily. Stepping into the math building Charlie had a huge smile on his face seeing Don and immediately going to the back of the room to sit sa pamamagitan ng him. Only to get told off sa pamamagitan ng one of his mga kaibigan and shoved to the front of the class room sa pamamagitan ng a few other boys while Don pretended not to notice. As class started he heard all the guys talking about him and it was not the friendly kind of talk they mostly called him freak and probably adopted because the no one else wanted him. After listening to all of this Charlie put his head on the desk, but he soon lifted up his head and looked at the teacher who was handing papers out. “Sweetie I think you have the wrong class you should be in elementary” sinabi Mrs. Cleven. “No mam they put me here after saying that I was too smart to too stay in those classes. Ask Don he’s my big brother” sinabi Charlie proudly looking back at his big brother. The teacher started to walk back to Don and Don hid his face from view “well is he supposed to be in here” asked the teacher. Don just nodded his head yes then looked down at the paper she handed him ‘damn it Charlie I hate you so much right now putting me on the spot like that’ thought Don bitterly. The teacher just nodded and handed Charlie his paper “Ok class this paper will not be a grade it is just to see how much you know” sinabi the teacher looking sympathetically at Charlie cause she handed out such a hard paper. But within five minutos he was done and the laughs and names they called him in the back of the room started to get to Charlie again and he raised his hand “Mrs. Cleven I have to go to the bathroom” Charlie sinabi trying not to listen to what the other boys in the class sinabi about him. “Can you wait till you finish your test Charlie” asked Mrs. Cleven. “I’m already done see look” Charlie sinabi handing her the paper. “Charlie did you guess cause let me tell you right now we do not take just guessed answers” sinabi Mrs. Cleven sternly though she felt bad for the poor boy. “No I didn’t” sinabi Charlie while shaking his head and looking at Don for support. But Donnie seemed to busy talking to the boys in the back. “Right let’s just see about that” sinabi Mrs. Cleven grabbing his paper “Ricky what did you get for number 3” she asked a boy in the back. “Ummm 3 over 4 to the segundo power” answered Ricky. “How far did you get to Ricky” asked Mrs. Cleven. “All the way to 13 teach why?” asked Ricky. “Ok what’s the answer to 13” asked Mrs. Cleven. “52 squared 1 remainder” Ricky answered. “Alright Charlie go to the bathroom” sinabi the teacher taking his paper back to her desk. Once outside the math building Charlie ran to the bathroom only to stand there with the sink running pretending to wash his hands just in case someone where to walk in. After five minutos Charlie went back into the room and sat down in the same spot all alone in a corner of the room where the older kids pushed him. ‘Wow what happened to don’t worry Charlie you’ll get lots of mga kaibigan what happened to that. I don’t want to be the freak with no mga kaibigan at all’ Charlie thought sadly and looked down at his new books and sighed ‘at least I have them right’. 4th oras went sa pamamagitan ng slower because it was English Charlie didn’t hate English he didn’t like it either. But soon the kampanilya rang and Charlie pushed past people in the hallway only getting pushed down twice and once shoved into a closed locker but he got into the lunch room, and smiled at Don and got his tray and sat down right beside Don. That is until everybody moved away and a “sorry Charlie got to go” from don. ‘They moved away from me but how could they not I am the freak in the high school’ thought Charlie sadly. So Charlie basically ate lunch alone. Then he went outside because he wasn’t one for giving up so easily, so he looked for Don yet again. But trying to get past two older boys who pushed him to the ground “hey kindergarten is on the other side of campus” sinabi the very tall boy. “I’m in high school” Charlie mumbled to the older boy looking only at his feet. “What was that kid I didn’t quite catch- wait your that freak in third oras aren’t you” sinabi the guy pushing Charlie to the ground again then picking him up and pushing him again. “Stop it your hurting me” Charlie yelled in the boy’s face. “I’m sorry did I hurt you here let me help you up” the guy sinabi sincerely enough and held out his hand to Charlie, who nodded yes ‘to say yes your hurting me’ and held out his hand but was surprised to find the boys hand wrapped around his sando and lifted him into the air. “LET ME GO!!! LET ME GO!!! PLEASE!!! DONNIE, DONNIE HELP!!!” Charlie shouted before getting hung in the basketbol goal beside the tree. And having basketballs thrown at him and calling him names “stay off are turf freak” sinabi the shortest boy there besides Charlie himself. Charlie hung there looking around for Don when finally seeing him he screamed as loud as he could. “DONNIE!!! HELP PLEASE!!!” Charlie’s nose was bleeding and he had a fat lip “Donnie please…please help” Charlie pleaded tuta dog pout. Don looked around to see who was calling his name and noticed Charlie “HEY LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE” yelled Don running over there as a path was made for his entry. The two older boys knew how popular Don Eppes was and looked back at the little boy “we’re not done with you” sinabi the tallest actually wanting to take Don on. But the other kid wasn’t going to even try “we will finish this later kid lets go josh” and they both ran but josh looked back and made a fist at Charlie and punched him in the stomach. Once Don got there he and a senior girl got Charlie down and Don Thought that it was odd when they got Charlie down he wasn’t crying he just mermer “thanks” and left although a little sniffle followed in his wake. It seemed Charlie finally got the hint and that made Don feel worse. Charlie had to go to the nurse’s office which made him late for 5th oras the teacher asked him about and he told her what happened to she excused the tardiness the sixth oras kampanilya rang “quickly” it felt like it had been at the most five hours. Don had even saved a upuan for Charlie, but he sat up in the front alone anyway. Don was still feeling guilty for the lunch scene so he decided sixth oras he would try to make it up to Charlie sa pamamagitan ng letting Charlie sit sa pamamagitan ng him and be his science partner so he kept the mesa to the side of him clear and as he saw Charlie walk in he expected him to walk back and sit in the desk. Charlie saw the mesa and looked at it longingly ‘he quickly thought about it and decided that don meant it for one of his mga kaibigan and not for him’ so Charlie sat in the front in which all the people in the front moved away like he were some kind of contaminate. So instead Don moved up to sit exactly sa pamamagitan ng him and smiled at him. “What are you doing Don who put you up to this?” sinabi Charlie nervously. “I just wanted to sit sa pamamagitan ng my little brother that’s all, and see how your lip and nose is” sinabi Don shrugging his shoulders. “Fine I’m fine now go away before I make you uncool or something” sinabi Charlie putting his head on the desk. “Charlie what are you talking about” don asked confused. “like you don’t know, you and everyone else has been avoiding me like I have something wrong with me” sinabi Charlie as the teacher walked in “hello class my name is Mr. Lee I know you are all excited to be here NOT so we are going to do something different then you all have been doing in your other classes” sinabi Mr. Lee just then noticing Charlie “uh what’s your name” he asked pointing at Charlie. “Charlie Eppes” Charlie answered looking down. “Oh umm I think you may have the wrong class or are you that genius that everyone has been talking about” sinabi Mr. Lee smiling. “Yes he is sir a genius and my little brother” Don sinabi trying his best to look proud even though he was jealous. It seemed to work cause the light of genius came into Charlie’s eyes again and he looked like he was about to burst out in energy and run around the building. “Alright as I was saying before we are going to do things differently” he sinabi smiling at Charlie “you all get to pick your lab partner so choose wisely good luck students” he then walked back up to his desk. The light that was in Charlie’s eyes before had just gone out again as he realized that no one would want to be his partner even if he was science smart. One of Don’s mga kaibigan came up to Don. “Come on Don you can be my partner” sinabi Darnell. “Sorry Darnell I have one Charlie already asked me an opportunity I can’t pass up” Don sinabi which surprised Charlie. “You actually sinabi yes to him do you really want people to see you hanging around him” ask Darnell shocked beyond belief. “Yes they already see us together so what do I have to be ashamed of” Don sinabi smiling at Charlie who still had the surprised look on his face. “Ok Don but I hope this doesn’t push your social life down sa pamamagitan ng catching something like freak disease from him or something” sinabi Darnell picking up his pencil and marking dons name off the paper. “My brother does not have a disease, just because he is socially awkward doesn’t make him a freak” sinabi Don grabbing onto Charlie’s mesa and pulling it roughly over toward his. “Don you don’t have to do this you can partner up with your friends” sinabi Charlie looking at Don with a tuta pout look. “Charlie we are partners and that’s that” sinabi don as he wrote his and Charlie’s name down on the piece of paper and handed it to the teacher. “You and your brother huh this should be exciting” the teacher smiled and put the paper down in the pile with the others.
Charlie could remember sitting in the boy’s bathroom for the rest of lunch and don being so nice to him after that at least for a week or two longer as he was pulled from his memories sa pamamagitan ng a powerful shock. “Did we say you could fall asleep” asked one of them and then they popped in a new video of a much younger Charlie about four years old. ‘Oh man I remember this how long have I been here’ he thought bitterly.
Back to dons office araw 2
“Did any one find anything yet?” yelled Don as his computer screen came on. “Why agent Eppes you sound mad I’m here to give you a first clue to who I am…. I am a person you went high school with and I did not like Charlie but who did now enjoy these video’s they are stolen from various place such as the hospital, the place your brother was tested for his genius at, and high school, a few cameras around your house, a camera that was stationed on the way to our school, and let’s not forget Derek, and Billy’s video camera all bidyo of little Charlie enjoy” sinabi vise with an evil laugh at the end.
The screen went blank for a minuto then static and then a hospital in which a very pregnant Margret came into with Allan and Donnie. “Allan we should probably wait my water broke only a few minutos ago” sinabi Margret breathing in and out holding don’s hand a little too tight sa pamamagitan ng the look on his face. “Margret you’re water broke while you were in the car” sinabi Allan getting Margret a wheel chair. As Margret was sitting she felt the baby ilipat and smiled “just a little longer sweets just a little longer” sinabi Margret cooing her unborn child “can we at least get someone to pick up Donnie” she asked Allan as another contraction came. “No time but I got a nurse how are you doing Donnie” asked Allan in which both Margret and don nodded as the nurse came out “oh sorry for the wait can you tell me how many minutos between contractions miss” asked the nurse as Allan rolled his eyes. “Uh my water just broke I guess a few” Margret sinabi rubbing her stomach. “And your water just broke we are going to take you back now and have it looked at one person can come with her” sinabi the nurse as she looked back and saw the parents glance at each other than down at the five taon old boy who was now looking up at his mom . He smiled real big “mommy don’t worry about me just get my wittle brother out of here” don sinabi poking her belly. The nurse about busted out laughing as he sinabi that “umm I’m really not supposed to but if you want you can bring him I don’t think that should be too much trouble he’s small enough not to get in the way so I don’t think the doctor will mind, or I can look after him personally in the waiting room and he can come in and see his baby brother then and your husband can stay with you” sinabi the nurse who could tell that Margret was having another contraction sa pamamagitan ng the look on her face when she nodded and touched her stomach again. “I know my contractions are five minutos apart I think that this little guy is madami excited to come out then Donnie is excited to see him” Margret sinabi with a smile ruffling Don’s short hair. “Alright shall we go” asked the nurse rolling Margret into a room with one other woman. “Ok you can get changed behind this curtain if you want Donnie you can come with me I think we can find some cool toys and other stuff” sinabi the nurse smiling down at him. “No I stay with my mommy and daddy and wittle brother he will need my pwotection scary things like aliens and, and monstews and, and the bad guys so I stay and pwotect” don sinabi with crossed arms and a serious look on his face. “Donnie it’s alright me and your mother will protect him for right now because every super hero needs a brake” sinabi Allan with a smile and laughed a little when don nodded his head and grabbed the nurse’s hand and let her hesitantly drag him away. It was along while and the contractions kept speeding up and Margret and Allan both were worried now the doctors talked about their baby like if he wasn’t going to make it so as the doctors came in Margret sinabi “Allan go check on Donnie please I’m sure it won’t take but a minute” she sinabi it with a smile but Allan could see the fear in her face. “I’m sure he is f---” he started to say as she silenced him with a ‘mad at you glare’ he sighed “I’ll be right back then” as he walked out he looked at the doctors angrily. “Mrs. Eppes I’m sure you’re aware that we are having some complication’s and my concern is I think we may have to have a sea section” the doctor sinabi then looked down “but that’s not the problem my concern is it might be sterile a fetus and we would then have to abort it” sinabi the doctor looking sympathetic. “Charlie is going to be fine and he will be born today” Margret sinabi angrily before the doctor left. The woman to her right looked at her sympathetically “is he your first one” asked the woman in the right side of the room. “No my second” sinabi Margret looking down at her stomach and put her hand on it he moved a little then stayed still as she rubbed up in down her stomach. “I’m sure he will be just fine” the woman sinabi with a smile and maybe our two could play together sometime my name is Whitney” sinabi Whitney smiling. “Margret this ambitious little guy will be Charles Edward Eppes” Margret sinabi rubbing her stomach as another contraction came. “Oh that’s a nice name mine’s a girl her name is Charity Ann Miles her father is with her she is already a few hour’s old” Whitney sinabi with a smile. “That’s a nice naME” Margret yelled at the last as the contractions came rougher. “Are you ok” Whitney asked worriedly. “Ya I’m fine he just moved a little too sudden” Margret as another one came and another she realized then that she was now having him as her roommate pushed the button for the nurse. “Me and Margret Eppes are in the same room her baby is coming NOW WE NEED HELP” sinabi Whitney in a rushed and worried tone “Margret just breathe in and out in and out you’re doing fine” she sinabi trying to ilipat her kama a little closer. The doctors came bursting into the room “we need to get her to the operating room now” yelled one of the doctors a male Margret thought. “No time this baby’s coming and he is coming now” yelled a female doctor as Margret started to go into labor “your name is Margret right” a nod from Margret “ok we need you to push ok” with another nod she pushed. The camera then flashed to don and Allan “hi daddy what are you doing youw supposed to be pwotecting chawlie” sinabi don frowning. “Oh umm your mother sinabi for me to come watch you for a little while until there done prepping her for the baby to come” Allan sinabi almost sadly. “What’s wong daddy” don asked getting up and moving toward Allan. “Nothing son why would you think anything was wrong” Allan sinabi sitting down in a chair. “Did the monstew come and take chawlie cause if it did don’t wowwie I get him back” sinabi the five taon old banging on his chest in which made the adult agent Don Eppes blush. “I know you would” sinabi Allan shaking his head then put a hand on don and smiled “why don’t we go visit your mother and see how everything is going I know that you will cheer her up” sinabi Allan getting up. “Ya and maybe Chawlie will be back to” don sinabi jumping up and grabbing onto Allan’s hand and basically dragged him toward the room. “Ya maybe he will” Allan sinabi ruffling Dons hair “thanks for looking after him mam” Allan called back to the nurse she smiled and waved. When they got back to the room it was hectic the doctors were running around shooing them out, and Margret had I oxygen mask on and they had towels, there was talk of aborting the baby in which Margret took off the oxygen mask and sinabi “you are not aborting my baby he will make it” and after a few madami hours of doctors rushing in and out. Charlie was born but he wasn’t breathing they were going to pronounce him when Margret came back to as they were pronouncing him. “Give him to me” Margret sinabi holding out her hand. They handed her the baby and she held him patting his back “come on wakie, wakie Charlie” she kept patting him till they heard a scream from the door “mommy is that my little bwothew” and as soon as those words were out and don jump on the kama which shook the baby a little rough the baby’s head shook hard and that seemed to wake up him and he looked around the room at every one then started to wail like nothing had ever happened Margret was beyond relieved she hug Donnie and let him crawl up there in the kama with her and Charlie. While Charlie was asleep Margret took time to look at his features, he had a mop of curly hair and he was pretty small even though he was right on time and the doctors had no idea what made Charlie do that when he was first born but they figured it was stress from the way he was born so they sinabi they would keep him a few weeks in the incubation ward and then release him. After a few weeks of the incubation they did release him with a clean bill of health but if any problems were too come up they were to bring him back. With that the video clicked off and the agents were sitting down stunned “we had no idea that Charlie had actually died once that is a big shock I felt like I was watching a soap the hole time” sinabi Nikki. “Ya it felt like a horror movie or something Charlie is like a little brother to me” sinabi David finally standing up. As another video flashed on, which made him sit back down and look back at the screen. Then a child came on. Don was stunned at the wires that where attached to his four taon old brother at this time’s head. Little Charlie was in a room filled with toys and such thing that every little boy would want as they told him that if he were a good little boy he would get to play with them. Charlie shook his head no to ‘state that he didn’t want anything to do with those toys’ but the man in there proceeded to put madami wires on his head. Then the man proceeded to ask Charlie various math tanong like 1,000 times 400 was 400,000 or 1,000,000 divided 4 was 250,000 and stuff like that. But when they asked about Charlie’s tahanan life Charlie decided to say no and that he wanted to go tahanan there would be a zapping sound and Charlie would scream. But being stubborn little Charlie as he was, he would leap into his world of numbers and stay there, every once in a while he would scream out for his mommy or daddy or just curl up into a ball and say he wanted Donnie. After fifteen madami minutos of being zapped and asked different tanong which had switched back to math they finally let Donnie back in they let him in there few times before and then sent him back out and Don would always go to the toys but now it was different cause he noticed Charlie curled up out of the corner of his eye he immediately picked up a dinosaur and went over to Charlie who he had noticed the wires all over his head “RAWR the dinosaurs gonna eat you chuck you better run” but once Don noticed Charlie was crying Don stopped and crawled over to Charlie “what’s the matter buddy” asked Don immediately. Charlie tapped him real hard on the shoulder (expecting something to shock him once he touched don) but once nothing happened he grabbed Don around the waist and cried harder “DO-hon-NNIE” Charlie cried into his big brother’s chest. “What is it Charlie” sinabi Don worriedly. “They put this, this snakies on m-my head they bit me Donnie hurts” he sinabi grabbing the wires attached to his head to ipakita Don. Who already noticed them “awe buddy come here” Don sinabi holding out his arms. Charlie quickly crawled into them and Don turned him around to take the things off Charlie’s head “hold still buddy I’ll get them off” sinabi Don pulling softly at the wires. “Owe Donnie that weally hurts” Charlie sinabi with a whimper. “It’s ok now all gone Charlie no madami snakies, come on lets go tell mommy about the snakies ok” sinabi Don wrapping his arms around Charlie. And all Charlie did was nod against Don. Once they did tell Margret, she slapped the guy and took Charlie from Don “let’s go Donnie evidently these idiots wouldn’t know how to treat a child if they had one themselves” she sinabi then mumbled to them “putting electric wires on a child’s head you stupid idiots you sinabi he would be placed in a room to play and interact with toys not shock therapy” she sinabi before leaving still holding a very teary Charlie. Then the video went blank and static and another video came on, one of Charlie in kindergarten. “I’m so sorry that I can’t come in with you on your first araw I have a work emergency but don’t worry you’ll see Donnie at lunch and you’ll make lots of new friends” sinabi Allan to the five taon old genius. All Charlie did was nod as Allan unlocked his door Charlie opened up the door and ran inside not really knowing where to go. He frowned as he whirled around looking for his class as went up to a big kid for advise on where to go “I don’t know where my class is could you ipakita me please” Charlie asked looking hopeful but to his surprise the big kid picked him up sa pamamagitan ng his shirt. “Where’s your mommy huh?” he asked in a not caring voice. All Charlie could say was “work emergency” before being punched in the gut Charlie fell to the ground and curl into a little ball as the older guy pick him up once again. All of a sudden Charlie dropped to the ground “owey” he sinabi rubbing his arm as his big brother stood up from where he tackled the bully “Donnie” he cried as his big brother now picked him up from the floor. “Hey buddy I thought dad was bringing you to school and ipinapakita you your class” sinabi Don in a confused voice. “He was but there-re was a work emergency” sinabi Charlie holding on tight to Don. “Well buddy do me a big favor susunod time and stay away from him ok” sinabi Don in a dead serious pointing at the bully he just tackled. Charlie nodded against his shoulder and they both went to the office and Margret came to get Charlie from the school. There was another video that flashed in one it looked summery and don recognized it a 13 taon old and five of his mga kaibigan and a lonely 7 taon old in the front seat. “Hey you guys I think it’s on now” sinabi Derek as the camera flicked on Charlie looked back at them “what are you looking at geek I can’t believe you wanted your brother to come along I mean how lame the freak is” he whispered to don. “Dude you think I want him here your wrong about that Derek I tried to talk my parents into caging him up then letting all of the people that actually wanted to see my lame brother come and take pictures of the twerp” Don sinabi trying to whisper through his anger only it was loud enough for Charlie to hear you could tell at the 7 taon olds broken expression. “Hey Charlie why don’t you read me my directions now I’m almost positive that you could find a shortcut” sinabi Allan who obviously heard Don, and Derek at the tone of his voice. “ok” Charlie sinabi still sounded hurt then sighed “um if you take the susunod left up here and then go straight until high way 21 we should get to the camp site in at least 45 minutos which is better time than the 34 high way which would way take 1 oras and 57 minutes” Charlie sinabi trying to get comfy in his seat. The camera zoomed in on Charlie in the back ground you could hear the boys whispering then shifted “if you look to your left you can see our driver” the camera zoomed in on Allan “if you look to your right you can see a loused freak in the front seat” the camera again zoomed on Charlie who looked in the back. “We’re almost there boys get ready to set up camp” Allan sinabi changing the subject and patting Charlie on the knee with a smiled. They pulled in the camp ground which was fairly empty there were a few people like girls that had a campfire already burning even though it was the afternoon. “Ok boys four to a tent” Allan sinabi as they started to set up camp. “Awe dad does Charlie have to room with us what if he wets the kama or something” don sinabi with a laugh, sounding as if he was trying to ipakita off to his mga kaibigan at Charlie’s expense. “Donnie I don’t wet the bed. Promise I was potty trained when I was 2 I stopped wetting the kama when I was 4 and that one time I was sick you know that” Charlie looked down and sinabi it with a hint of embarrassment in his voice. “Donnie could you come here a moment please” asked Allan who sounded a little angry. “Ya dad what do you need” asked Don no longer smiling. “Ok here’s the deal you take care of Charlie and I will keep an eye out for your friend ok” Allan still a little angry at Don for saying stuff about Charlie so he could ipakita off to his friends. “But dad that’s not- - -” don was interrupted sa pamamagitan ng Allan “Donnie that’s the deal if you want we could go home” Allan sinabi watching past don as Charlie tried to help put up tents but the others weren’t helping him do that much as every time he picked something up they would take it from him and soon he gave up trying and sat over sa pamamagitan ng the river. “Alright fine dad” don sinabi reluctantly and made a face at Charlie. “Keep an eye on Charlie and no madami embarrassing him I mean it” Allan sinabi and started to build his tent to. Don went back over to his mga kaibigan his mga kaibigan “man you guys I have to watch Charlie on my birthday” sinabi don with distaste. “Man that sucks I would hate if my little brother where yours I wouldn’t change them for the world” sinabi Billy. “Trust me I would change him out for normal little brother any day” whispered don where he was sure Charlie couldn’t hear him. “I don’t blame you I would wish that as your wish tonight if I were you” sinabi Jackson. Charlie came up to don running and grabbed onto his sleeve and tried to pull him “DONNIE, DONNIE look what I found” Charlie yelled excitedly sounding proud of himself. “Let me go Charlie” don sinabi furious and pulled back and got his friend’s camera Billy didn’t argue just handed it to him. “But Donnie I found something cool I swear you will like it” Charlie sinabi smiling real big. “No Charlie I’m busy” sinabi don playing with the camera. “Oh ok” sinabi Charlie looking disappointed and was about to walk away as don looked at his disappointed face and broke. “Fine I will see what this awesome thing you found is” sinabi don rolling his eyes. Charlie jumped up with excitement and dragged him over to a the edge of the river “look” he sinabi pointing at all the isda jumping sa pamamagitan ng it was actually quite awesome but don decided to look less impressed than he was. “Fish Charlie you dragged me over here to look at fish” sinabi don in his best annoyed tone. “Their birthday isda Donnie cause they came out on your birthday look their bigger than the coy isda back home” Charlie smiled real big at don. “Whatever” Don sinabi pretending not to be touch bye what Charlie sinabi walking back to his friends. “So what did squirt find” asked Tod as don handed the camera back to Billy. “Just some isda and that’s it really” sinabi don. Then the camera shut off and then back on only it was night and they were playing something with teams like marco polo three to a team there were five boys six including don but seven including Charlie so Charlie was left out left to sit with a camera till it was his turn but after an oras sitting and doing some pacing he got tried and ran up to don with the camera in his hand not pointing at anything but the ground but you could hear them talking “Donnie is it my turn yet I haven’t got a turn and it’s been an oras and fifteen minutos and ten segundos you sinabi I could have a turn in half an oras and your forty-six minutos late” sinabi Charlie a little hope in his voice. “Just go back over there chuck and I’ll come get you when it’s your turn to play alright POLO” don sinabi as he heard someone yell Marco. “ok” Charlie sinabi and mumbled something incoherent on the camera and sat down on the log as it past another thirty minutos he could hear them all giggle and stuff and it didn’t take him long at all to figure out they were talking about him. “fine if that’s the way don want’s it I’ll just go tahanan cause dad can’t take me with a bunch of kids left behind so, so I’ll do it myself” where Charlie’s last words to the camera then it showed feet walking past it and away from the woods. “Hey where’s Charlie I found Derek’s camera but not your brother don” sinabi Jason. “He probably ran to get don’s dad to tell on us that we wouldn’t let a dork play Marco polo” the camera shifted as it was picked up. “Ya you’re probably right lets go get it over with” sinabi don miserably. Once to the camp Allan looked over the kids “where’s Charlie Donnie” was the horrid words out of his dad’s mouth. “What he isn’t here dad I thought Charlie came back to camp before we did” sinabi don worriedly now and started to shout “CHARLIE, CHARLIE COME OUT THIS INSANT” he yelled. “We have to call the police and Margret” was Allan last sinabi words before Derek and Billy shut their cameras off. The camera came back on to ipakita Charlie being taking out of a police car and don being the first over there to scold Charlie who was shivering a bit. The tape blinked off then screen turned off and a voice came on “just think Eppes he doesn’t have you to protect him now does he then static” and it went back to a computer screen. “I didn’t know he had such a hard life I can see why your so protective over him he seems to be so vulnerable now after watching all these don the big brother there to protect him from the cruel world I hope whiz kids ok he’s like a kid brother to me too” sinabi Colby awkwardly. The smile don just had went away in an instant “those asses I swear if they hurt him that they will have me to deal with DOES ANYONE HAVE ANYTHING” yelled Don angrily. “We do actually” sinabi Colby and David walking out of the room to get what they had “Larry and Amita found this in the garahe and called us” they both sinabi walking into the room holding what looked to be a VCR tape they popped it inside and it showed everything that happened in the house to Charlie just right after don left.
Going back to the bad guys hangout 6 days later
Charlie was sick from the torcher when they blind folded him “I want to go home” sinabi Charlie ‘wow I sound kind of sound like a kid’ he thought to himself. “Shut up or you’re going to regret ever having a tongue to speak with freak if you don’t shut up” sinabi one of them. Charlie sinabi nothing after that until he heard a girl speak “where is the merchandise Archie” she asked looking down at the blind folded person on the ground. “Who is she” Charlie asked curious. “I sinabi shut up freak or your tongue will get cut out of you head” whispered vise in his ear. The girl walked over to him and lifted his face and looked at him “like him he’s hot where’d you get him” she sinabi smiling “I wasn’t really hear to buy him, you say he is a genius I might buy him instead of the maps” she asked letting go of his face as Charlie jerked back. “Yes he is very much a genius” the guy went over to Charlie and yanked him up sa pamamagitan ng his hair he got up suppressing a yelp. “Wait you sinabi don had a buwan before you sold me this is hardly a Mon-” sinabi Charlie interrupted sa pamamagitan ng a manuntok to the face “I’ll shut up I’ll shut up be good I swear” Charlie sinabi his voice very childlike and scared having had enough of the torcher. “HEY I sinabi I would buy him instead of the maps but I don’t want my merchandise broke how much do you want for him” sinabi the unknown female. “The other guys thought about this for a while and we came up with 59,000 dividing it in four ways we each get 25,500” sinabi Archie. “I’ll have your money to you sa pamamagitan ng this Sunday which is the araw after tomorrow” sinabi the female.