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added by Saejima
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added by TVfan97
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added by Saejima
Source: jamesrayna@tumblr
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added by Charmed_Luver
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1. Regina Mills

Anyone who has seen me on this spot probably knows that I pag-ibig Madam Mayor madami than I probably actually should. :P And a few people probably want to know why. A while back I wrote an artikulo on the matter, I've been meaning to re-type that so I'll do so here.

For one I pag-ibig the complexity and back story she gives to Disney's original Evil Queen. I like how Once took a character who tried to kill a girl simply for looking better than her and turned her into a character whose mother abused her (verbally for sure and implied physically) and killed her love. I like how she's not...
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Everywhere you look on the internet there's really strong opinions on these characters and the way they interacted with each other and who was in the wrong, who to blame etc. and I just want to lay out the situation how I see it.

Rumplestiltskin and Milah were married in a time when honor meant everything. Honor Before Reason and Honor Before Death were the tropes that society lived by. We saw this when Rumplestiltskin talked about how difficult his life was because of the cowardly actions of his father and how he was forced to live with that shadow. In this scene he had a wife who seemed to...
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added by nermai
Source: farfarawaysite
added by nermai
Source: farfarawaysite
added by nermai
Source: farfarawaysite
added by LLheart