Garbage removals in Bradford telephone number,

                                           for individual families


                                           01274 790227


if you have too much garbage contact this number to clean your garbage,

I am only helping with your garbage, I am not a garbage removal company, and I am not the charity fund holder of the UK

you have raised 500 million pound on this blog, it was published on British television

if you think you don't have money to remove your garbage contact the council to remove it for you free of charge

you keep spying on me and circulating my news,  fake or not to the media,

for your election games, and health and drug investments, which is becoming scams,  fraud, and abuse

which is very unacceptable ,

every day on this TV there is  endless  diagnoses propaganda

in connection with healthy diet, and physical fitness,

 if you are health genius, you need to stop claiming benefits and  go back to work !

I had many times flue, I had many times chest infection, I had many times, tonsil infection, I had many times cough, I had many times sore throat, I had many times, back pain, beside accidents, I am very sensitive, get, burning, itching, or swelling, beside high blood pressure, with etc..I am not a robot janitor with learning disability, you understand, that faking diagnoses, and faking education is a criminal issue, health fraud and health scams is still a criminal issue, bribing people to fake diagnoses for health investment is still criminal issue, does not matter, which ethnic group you are, before I left my country, I had to pay all money of my education, because etc... that was the law at that time, I have done many education courses in this country,



our street needs wall maintenance, and fly tipping removal, which been there for 4 years, the drain at the bottom needs cleaning, the council said it is Yorkshire water responsibility to clean it for  free, but the Yorkshire water said it is responsibility of the council to clean it for free

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the council should ask neighbours to allow neighbours to have temporarily DIY  maintenance access to their properties,  or they have to maintain it for free, properties  needs to be checked from all sides.


I watched the news today, they are going to share patient data for better health, you have already shared my data with complete strangers  with out my knowledge, or my consent, you are on purpose  making people vulnerable to crime of all types,  and they are going to  give pills to  make patient  loose appetite to loose fat, you have already put tax on sugar and fat,  this is not a logical law,  which is targeting individuals only, the people were laughing at your law today, they find it comical, the house of common need to share their data with the public, and what they are doing with tax payers money, people need public services  not targeting individuals with war craft  games,  don't the house of common staff, the media staff, the health staff, think they are  becoming very intimidating toward the public individuals life,  you might  call it bullying and harassment towards individuals for  the fun of it,


this BBC staff, you said long time ago, Katonah money was scammed, by her Black boy friend,  and she was given sedative drugs to make her happy,

you said her drugs make her eyes deranged, so she had to have a plastic surgery to correct her eyes, we had enough of this subject, can you change this subject please, you are damaging people's  brain with  this media, you constantly going on this subject over  and over again ,in my personal view, anyone interfere in anyone's health and if they die, this person or persons should be held responsible for their death, you are not targeting a sheep,


you have recently been showing some ancient  art and ancient buildings, some fashion designs etc..

this is the right media to improve people's talent, just stop targeting individuals, let these individuals contact you when they want to publish something