kaluluwa mangangain Soul Eater: New Start

TheAdventGhost posted on Apr 22, 2021 at 02:36AM
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kaluluwa mangangain 1959 ang sumagot

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sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"I mean it's progress! I'm sure as you keep doing it, you'll get stronger when using it! I believe that you can." Akiko smiles at her.

Kay nods, "It is. Seeing the city from the springs must be really pretty too..."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: *She nodded* Yeah, I'm going to master this eye... That much I do know...

Jin: Definitely is.... *He continued until he made it* Here we are... *He looked at the spring on the top of a mountain* Here we are.... A special spring.... My favorite....
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Good! But, in the mean time, you need your rest.." Akiko sits beside her.

Kay gets down from his back, looking at the spring. "Wow.. Even just from looking at it you can tell how relaxing it is... You should go in first, especially since you need it more than I do.." She turns to watch the view of the city from the mountain. "I've never actually seen the city from this high up before..." She said to herself.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
*Vanessa nodded as she looked up with her left eye*
Vanessa: Thanks Aki....

Jin: *He took his clothes off as he entered the spring* The city from here is one of the best views ever... Even from sitting in the spring... The view, is so nice.....
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"No problem!" Akiko put out a thumbs up.

Kay turns back to see Jin already in the spring. She removes her clothes as well and let's her hair loose from her ponytail and goes into the spring with him. "No wonder this place is so special to you then..."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: ...... Hey..... Do you think.... Do you think the real Jin...... Is as benevolent and great as our current Jin?

Jin: *He looked at the city and moved to the part of the spring to look at the city* Yeah... A relaxing spring with a view... *He then turned back around as he lowered his body and only his head was showing* Wash so much of your worries away.... Your worries, your wounds..... Everything....
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"I mean I would hope so... But, if you think about it, they can be the same physically, but in terms of the way they act, it could be completely different..."

Kay giggles and pats his head, "I can tell, I'm glad this is making you feel better now... It's makes me happy to see the stress coming off your shoulders.."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Exactly what I mean... I don't know if the real Jin is actually the same as ours.... When I was opening the rift to send the pod over... I could.... Feel something.... Something.... I don't know, that just wasn't right...

Jin: It's definitely a load off...A load off my shoulders... It's so nice..... *He looked at Kay* Hmm.....
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"I guess that's why we must keep it protected then... If Vyper were to actually be able to get away with his plan, who knows what would happen... We would probably get a completely different Jin, but different in a bad way.."

Kay looks at him and blushes a bit as she tilts her head. "What's wrong?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Yeah... That's what I'm afraid of.... We'd be trading our good Jin for a possibly bad Jin... But, it's nothing to worry about.... With everything in my Soul Scape, I can assure that he's protected.... [At least... I hope..]

Jin: ....... *He closed his eyes as he looked up* When you pat my head.... You remind me.... Of someone I used to know..... Someone I adored.....
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Yeah, I'm sure we'll be ok, I mean there's no easy way for Vyper to be able to go into your Soul Scape, right?"

Kay moves closer to continuously pat Jin's head. "Hm? And who's that? I guess it's a little odd for me because I like doing this, but you seem to be the only person I do it to..."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Only the Marrow family is allowed access... Even if you try to take their eye, it won't work unless you're part of of bloodline...

Jin: It's strange..... I can't.... Remember her name...... I don't know why....
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Then we should we fine then in the meantime! Is your eye feeling better?"

"Well, you may not remember who now, but I'm sure you'll be able to remember eventually..." She says, smiling at him.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: *She unveiled her makeshift bandage and opened her eye again, it was back to normal and the bleeding stopped* Yeah... It's starting to feel better now...

Jin: I hope so.... *He opened his eyes, looking up at the sky* .... Another me..... I wonder what kind of experiences he's been through.....
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Yay, that's good! Then we can go whenever you want to then!"

"Aye..." She lightly punches his shoulder. "We shouldn't be thinking about that, remember? It's better if we not talk about it... I don't want you to end up worrying about it again, at least not now..." She gently places her hands on his shoulders, lightly brushing her hands against them to kind of help soothe him. "Think about other things at least..."
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: *She stood up as her eye opened and revealed her Eye of Marrow, which then opened a rift* Alright, let's go. *She said as she went in and it took her back to her living room* Home.... *She sighed happily*

Jin: Sorry Kay..... *He closed his eyes as he continued to be soothed* Curiosity got the better of me for a sec...... You know..... It's almost strange.... Even if I'm just doing a Soul Resonance with V, I still feel like there's another person I'm resonating with...
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
Akiko follows behind her as they made it back to Vanessa's apartment. Akiko looks around for Kay but doesn't find her anywhere. "I guess Jin and Kay went off somewhere... We should probably just wait until they come back." She says, as she goes to sit on their couch.

"Hmmm, Jin, I feel like that's still a thought related to the situation... But, I'll let it slide..." She loosely hugs him, leaning the side of her head against his, not really sure if this is a good idea to do or not. "I mean couldn't that just be because of Vanessa since she has two souls...? That's a possible reason why you feel another person..."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Yeah... *She sat down on the couch* Man, I have to admit.... I really didn't see my year playing out like this...

Jin: Of course..... That's the reason I can draw out her second weapon.... I guess not having the other person physically present.... Is just odd ya know? You're..... A lot closer to me than usual.... Then again, I have carried you...
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
Akiko sighs, "I don't think any of us has... It took a really random turn all of a sudden... But I'm honestly more concerned for Kay than I am for myself. She believes her parents are after her and although she hides it well, I know she's concerned... I just hope she'll be ok as well..."

"I'm sorry... Is this too much?" Kay blushes a bit. "I guess just being here is really calming to me and it sort of just felt right... I don't really know how to describe it... but I can move back if you want me to?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: If Jin will be okay from this... Then no doubt Kay will be alright too... They may have histories, but they'll beat this... Without a doubt...

Jin: No.... Stay just like that.... It's fine... It's nice this way...
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
Akiko nods, "Yeah, you're right... I just hope everything will actually go back to normal soon but who knows how long that will take... We should all take a vacation together after everything calms down.."

Kay smiles, "Alright, I will.. Just... Let me know if anything.." She stays there with her arms wrapped around Jin and starts tracing random figures on his back with her finger, lightly pressing her body against his.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: *She looked at her with a grin* Now you're talking my language... A vacation would be really nice... I know... Oh, let's go to Europe... Or.... We could go to China or something....

Jin: *He started to blush a little* Hey Kay? ........ Is there anyone in this world.... That you can say that you love? And if you did, how would you describe them?
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Oooooh, yes! We can decide on places when we're all together but we can probably book hotels to stay at and go to so many different restaurants, beaches, landmarks... It would be so much fun.. We have to convince them to agree with us to go on one."

"Love..? Platonically, there's definitely someone I love. But... I rather not describe them, I think it would get me too emotional... If you mean romantically.. then maybe... But I think it's too soon to say so.." Kay says, still tracing her finger around his back. "What about you..? Is there anyone you can say that you love?"
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Don't know if it'll take much convincing.... I'm sure Jin would be ready for a vacation at this point...

Jin: Love...... It's an interesting concept.... Truth be told.... I don't know.... I can't really make it out.... Love..... A boundary past friends, but different for family...... I don't know..... I love this world... Is love.... Why Vanessa does the things she does, or even you...
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Might be a little hard for Kay considering it means she'll have to be far from her workshop... But I'm sure I can find out some way to get her to agree!"

"Well..." She moves back a bit to face Jin, placing her hands on his shoulders again. "I can't really speak on behalf on Vanessa... But for me.." She blushes, "I guess you can say love is why I do what I do... But, at the same time, love is a really strong word for me so I don't know..."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Oh, I get it... But, would she not be able to come up with a way to bring her work with her? Then again, why not just leave it behind...

Jin: I see.... I think I get it.... Alright, then I'll keep fighting... I'll keep going... For everyone...
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"I think she worries too much to just simply leave it behind... I've been in there a few times and there's a locked door. She's never told me what's inside but all I know is that it's something significant to her.. That's probably the main reason why she's so scared to be far from it and I don't think it's something she'll be willing to take with her... I would have to speak to Kay. If that's the case then we'll probably have to find a way to ensure to her that it'll be kept safe."

Kay smiles and pats Jin's head again. "That's good... But, don't push yourself too much either, I don't need more reasons to worry about you... Are you feeling better?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Hmm, I do see the problem here now... I would say that I can just rift it... But, she probably wouldn't want that...

Jin: *He looked at her with a smile* Yeah, I am... I'm much better now... Thanks a lot for this...
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"I can run the idea by her, but like you said, she probably wouldn't want to.. Especially since she doesn't really let anyone go inside... I'll try figuring something out for her, maybe a way to just keep the door hidden enough if anyone goes in." Akiko smiles, "And once we have that covered, I'm sure she'll agree to come with us!"

"No problem! Although it was mainly your idea to come up here, Jin... I may come up here more often now if I ever feel too much tension on myself.... Do you think you're ready to go now or do you want to stay a little longer?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Heh, you bet she will... Come on, it should be illegal to pass up a vacation...

Jin: I think it's about time we get out of here... *He then looked up* Why don't you get out first, I'll follow once you're changed back into your clothes...
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Honestly, especially now with everything going on now..."

Kay nods and gets out of the spring. She dries herself off and puts her clothes back on. "Alright, you're able to come out now!"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Seriously, if it were me I'd just go straight for a vacation... R&R is the biggest key to revitalization..

Jin: *He got out of the spring and dried himself off before changing back to his clothes* Alright, let's get rolling...
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
Akiko nods, "Agreed. I guess too many things just goes on through Kay's mind to even think of a vacation."

Kay ties her up back into a ponytail and looks at Jin, "Do you mind carrying me again?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Probably so... A workshop, family business., the academy... Now this... She's got a lot going on.. So, maybe the idea of vacation just isn't in the cards for her.... We could always douse her with sleep powder and just bring her with us... *She said jokingly*

Jin: Of course I don't... *He readied himself to carry her*
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Now that you list it out like that, it really makes me realize what she has to handle... Maybe we will have to use that sleep powder idea if she stays resistant against the vacation idea," Akiko says, giggling. "I guess now we kind of just wait until she comes back and see what she'll say.."

Kay gets on his back, wrapping her arms around his neck to stay put. "I'm good to go now!"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: *Shs nodded* They'll be back soon... I wouldn't doubt I know where Jin is actually.... At our spring...

Jin: *He got her legs to support her and he began to building hop to make his way back* You really like admiring the view like this huh? *He said, jumping from building to building*
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Ooooh, that sounds relaxing..." Akiko slowly starts daydreaming about being able to go to a spring herself but then realizes, "If they went to a spring then they technically have already gotten a head start to a vacation! See, now they really can't deny our idea.."

Kay nods her head yes, laying her head onto his shoulder. "I do... It's really calming to look at and honestly helps me appreciate the city a little more than I already do... It makes me feel at peace.."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: I'd say, but she may have only went with it because of Jin...... He does like going there to take the edge off..

Jin: So, appreciating the city like this... It's like your version of the springs huh...
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Hmmm, possibly... Especially since seeing Jin like that probably worried her. But, maybe going with him probably has helped her too, right? So not only did it help them relieve stress about our current situation, but just anything else that Kay is thinking about too."

"I never thought of it that way, but now that you say it, I think it is... From the top of the DWMA staircase to the top of the springs... You can see the city from so many perspectives that it's just mesmerizing..."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: *He looked at her with a devilish grin* Think she has a crush on him?

Jin: Agreed... Sometimes you never realize just how nice Death City really can be... Given its name...
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Oooooo, you know what, that's very possible. You probably can even tell from when he carried her up the stairs... I would have to poke some fun at her and see if I can get that out of her or not..! But isn't there something between you and Jin or no?"

"Honestly, and that's why it's so nice seeing the city this way... I'm honestly glad I'm able to live here and be a student at DMWA.. or else I probably would have never seen any of this... or even meet any of you guys.."
last edited sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Well... To put it bluntly.... Jin's... A bit dense... Which now that I think about it... Could be a side effect of the cloning... So, it's hard to say if Jin really loves me in that way....

Jin: Without a doubt, me and V... As well as Aki... We're all glad that we could get an opportunity to meet you.. Especially considering how close we all are..
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Hm, so if Kay does actually have a crush on him, it'd probably be the same situation with her.. So I guess you two would kind of be stuck in the same position then, huh?"

Kay hugs him tightly, "Thank you.. I really appreciate it and.. it's really nice to hear as well... I honestly couldn't have asked for more..."
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Maybe.... I wouldn't mind being rivals in love over Jin... Even if he is... Dense...

Jin: It's no problem at all Kay... ,*He made it to the house* Here we are... *He entered with Kay in his back*
Vanessa: Jin, Kay.... Oh, I see... So you've both gotten closer huh?
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Well, speak of the devil... I guess you really do have a little competition then.." Akiko whispers to Vanessa as Jin and Kay walk in.
Kay nods to Vanessa's question, "Yeah, I guess we have... How about you guys? Was it ok going back to the vault?" She asks, getting off from Jin's back.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Vanessa: Uh... Well, I haven't moved that much stuff before with my rifts... So, it took a little bit... But other than that....Everything turned out fine...
Jin: Good, at least we've got a safe place for everything....
Vanessa: Agreed.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"And this is progress for Vanessa when it comes to getting better with her eye!" Akiko says, showing her support and encouragement for Vanessa.
"Is there anything else we need to do? Other than having to get my hands on their reports..." Kay asks.
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: No, I think we're clear for now...
Vanessa: But..... There should come a point where we all take a nice vacation... Just saying...
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas LillyBlack said…
"Yes! Vanessa and I talked about this while you two were out relaxing.. Everything has taken such a sudden turn that we thought it would be a good idea for us to go out somewhere out of the city for awhile!" Akiko mainly focuses on Kay, being curious about her answer.
Kay hesitates a little bit, "....Vacation? I'd be fine with it but... O- out of the city? I don't know if I co-"
Akiko cuts her off and jumps off the couch to speed towards Kay. Akiko tightly wraps her arm around over Kay's shoulder, bringing her close. "I'm not taking no as an answer from you, you're coming with us!"
Kay tries to escape from Akiko's grip, "But I really can't... I can't just leave my work-"
She cuts her off again, "Which is why we're going to leave it protected! Again, you're coming with us and we're not going without you.. Right, guys?"
sa loob ng isang taon na ang nakalipas TheAdventGhost said…
Jin: *He nodded* If we're gonna go, we're all gonna go together!
Vanessa: Leaving you and going on vacation would leave a poor taste to everything... You really should come with us.