bituin Wars: Clone Wars Club
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posted by kelseyjayne25
These are possible names and personalities of Clones we never saw.

Trigger: likes rifle-like blaster-blue armour;gruff

Blazon & Torch: Flame-thrower

Sith-hunter, Scout, Scope & Sleuth: scout troopers

Thirty, Forty, & Hundred: after #

Marx, Target, & Arrio: Sharpshooters

Fliin, Dodge, Shadow & Rog: pilots

Wrench: mechanic

Yellow: commander known for pausing midstride whenever he realizes something

Wasp: poison expert

Croc: green armour

Mission: b/c he's always first to ask what it is

Shrub: green armour scout

Bristle: resisted commands when young and doesn't like to be teased

Contest: he loves games

Encom: since he ends communications ASAP

Northeast & Southwest: they like specific directions

Buzzard: gloomy, bigger than most clones

Burge: big gun

Thro: likes grenade

Crack: likes trying new things; a joker

Offtrack: tends to do this when talking or walking alone

Jaie: blue armor; interested in birds

Gage: a captain good at seeing big picture

Herc: hero/arc trooper

Dusty: likes to get dirty;mechanic

Elek: likes big animals

Kurt: sharp-tongued

Storm & Cloud: stormtroopers

Bluff: known for teasing ways

Shelet: supply mover

Misser: b/c he missed madami shots than normal as cadet

Blade: has a knife

Turbo: likes fast vehicles... jetpack trooper

Helmsman: navigator on Cruiser