Stefan & Elena Club
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I think it is ligtas to say that Stefan and Elena are destined to be together for all of eternity. That goes for the novels and the TV show. The way I see it, the growing support for Delena (which mostly came from the CW show, let's face it) will, in my opinion, have absolutely no influence on the epic pag-ibig story that is Stelena. Even though Delena seems to be the so-called "majority" in terms of popularity, let's not forget that just because a majority of fans ship a couple, doesn't make that pairing better then the couple who has the supposed minority support. I say this because I have seen a constant pattern in terms of ships and fandoms. And I'm going to use some examples.

A really good example of this is the OTH shipper wars between Leyton fans VS. Brucas fans. This shipper war was pretty brutal IMO, and I would know because I was a part of it. I shipped L/P hardcore and I endured a lot of attacking and bullying online because of it. And so did a lot of other L/P'ers. Why? Because at the time, L/B was the so-called majority ship within the OTH fandom. In all seriousness, almost EVERYONE I knew was shipping L/B. And not only that, the Brucas tagahanga base was inherently very rabid and OTT for the most part. They had the tendency to speak the loudest and they were indefinitely the most outspoken tagahanga base within the entire OTH fandom. LP'ers on the other hand, were a lot madami like S/E fans; quiet, passive, and relaxed. L/P and S/E, in my opinion, are what I consider the under-rated ships. Stelena doesn't get that much attention, the same way that Leyton didn't get much attention. And there is a reason for this. Because it is apparent to me now madami then ever, that with the TVD shipper wars when it comes to SE VS. DE, that most people within the fandoms tend to NOT ship the couples/pairings that are "destined/meant to be". Now, what do both SE and LP have in common? BOTH OF THESE PAIRINGS ARE DESTINED/MEANT TO BE PAIRINGS. Both of them have the starcrossed lovers/destined mga manliligaw connection and because of this, most people within the TVD and OTH fandoms don't support or did not support these couples. Why this is the case, I have no idea. But all I know that is for all the time I have been shipping TV couples, it has been an incessant pattern for most people to not ship the destined couples or the couples that are right for each other or make sense. In a way, I call it sort of a "shipper fandom rebellion". The people who oppose the ships or couples who are meant to be are basically trying to go against the grain. Because they KNOW deep down within themselves that the couple that they are shipping (in TVD's case, Delena) will have absolutely NO chance of actual success, so they ship it obsessively because they know that when it does happen, it will be incredibly short-lived. The same way that on OTH, Brucas was short-lived. So, people ship the couple that is not the meant to be pairing as a form of rebellion, the way that I see it. Because from what I have seen, destined or meant to be pairings are not normally the popular pairings. They are normally the under-rated ships.

Another example of this is the Smallville shipper wars between the Clana fans VS. Clois fans. This was also another pretty brutal shipper war that I was a part of. Of course, I was and still am a die-hard Clois shipper and because of it, I often got attacked sa pamamagitan ng herds of Clana fans because of it. As well as other Clois shippers too. But Clois shippers weren't the only ship being attacked sa pamamagitan ng the Clana tagahanga base. Chlark fans were also often bullied sa pamamagitan ng Clana fans as well. Like the comparison I made between Leyton and Stelena and Brucas and Delena, I see the shipper wars between S/E and D/E to be rather similar in nature. In my opinion, Stelena is Clois and Delena is Clana. Not only do I feel that the ships of Stelena and Delena are similar in terms of dynamics but also the shipper fandoms for both of these couples are also very similar. In the beginning of Smallville, EVERYONE shipped Clana, even though there were Clois shippers. This is because Clois didn't come till later on. In the first three seasons of Smallville, EVERYONE was shipping Clana it seemed. And even when Lois Lane came to Smallville in Season 4, the Clana support was still excessive and OTT. Clois was the underrated ship of Smallville if I'm being honest, the same way that I see that Stelena is the under-rated ship for TVD. Both Delena and Clana, in terms of fandom support, are very highly similar. But aside form that, what makes these comparisons between these couples so legit is the dynamics of the couples. Stelena, like Clois, is a destined/meant to be couple, while Delena, like Clana, is a doomed from the start/ill-fated couple. Clois was always meant to be from the very beginning that Lois Lane came to Smallville, and even before Lois Lane came to Smallville on the TV show, everyone knew that Clois was meant to be because of the nakaraan versions of Superman. Everyone knew, Clana fans included, that LOIS LANE IS AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN CLARK'S KENT'S ULTIMATE SOULMATE. The same way that everyone knows that Stefan Salvatore is and always will be Elena's Gilbert's one true beloved and ultimate Soul Mate. Yet the people who support Delena, like those who support/ed Clana refused to admit it. There are still people who support Clana to this araw and are still arguing against Clois on Smallville, even though they are meant to be and are indefinite endgame. This is exactly what is happening within the TVD fandom right now. You have the majority of Delena fans trying to claim that Delena are "meant to be" or are "destined to be together" or them repeatedly and incessantly trying to call Delena "Twin Flames" (in which they are indefinitely NOT, because I know A LOT about the subject of TF's), because these DE supporters KNOW deep down inside themselves that Stelena are the actual destined/meant to be pairing and that their couple has absolutely ZERO chance for success. I don't know how many times I have to say this. LIKE CLARK/LANA, DAMON/ELENA IS A DOOMED FROM THE START/ILL-FATED COUPLE. Damon and Elena will NEVER work on TVD, the same way that Clark/Lana never worked on Smallville.

So, like I said, when it comes to shipper fandom and couple support, most people do not ship the actual meant to be or destined pairing for some apparent reason and to be quite honest, I have absolutely no reason why. This is why Stelena receives so much under-rated support and also why they receive so much OTT hate and bashing within the TVD fandom. Because most people within this fandom who are trying to oppose Stelena all together, know deep down inside themselves that they are the actual meant to be pairing, the same way that Leyton and Clois are. And it's the same way that the supporters who ship Delena, Clana and Brucas, couldn't or can't admit that they are supporting a doomed from the start relationship. They know that their couple has little to zero chance of success but they still ship it blindly for completely ridiculous and illogical reasons. Because let me just assure you. Most people who ship Delena within this fandom are mainly only shipping DE because of Ian Somerhalder and the fact that he is the hot bad boy. And they automatically ship him with the classic female protagonist who is the "pretty good girl susunod door". While most people find that fascinating, I find it incredibly cliche and boring. For me, it is actually refreshing for the girl to choose the Mr. Right, or the good guy or the guy who is actually right for her for a change. Because IMO, that seems to be a rare thing these days. With that being said, when it comes to Damon, he deserves pag-ibig and happiness too, but it isn't and NEVER has been Elena.

Elena will NEVER make Damon happy. Why? Because Elena is ALWAYS going to pag-ibig Stefan, no matter what. The kind of pag-ibig that Elena has for Stefan (and Stefan has for Elena) is UNCONDITIONAL AND ETERNAL. It is a divine and special and rare kind of love. Their pag-ibig will never, ever die and their pag-ibig will never, ever fade. If any Delena tagahanga thinks other wise or any Delena tagahanga tries to tell you otherwise, or even thinks that Elena will EVER pag-ibig Damon madami then she loves Stefan, they are in serious denial and they are ultimately fooling themselves. For Elena, IT WILL ALWAYS BE STEFAN, ALWAYS AND FOREVER. As long as Stefan Salvatore is walking this Earth, it's always going to be him. And even if Stefan were to tragically die, it will STILL be Stefan for Elena, BECAUSE SHE WILL DIE WITH HIM. If you have read the novels, you will understand clearly that THERE IS NO ELENA WITHOUT STEFAN. If any of you have read Midnight (the kamakailan TVD novel that came out in March), you will notice how at the end, even though Damon died and she admitted that she loved him and that she will never forget him, she still managed to find happiness and contentedness with Stefan. Even though Elena and Stefan were grieving over Damon's death. Because this only proved that as long as Stefan and Elena have each other forever, they will always find happiness, no matter what obstacles come between them, no matter what tragedy occurs, no matter if they are separated from each other or how far apart they are from one another; THEY WILL ALWAYS BE HAPPY TOGETHER ONE WAY OR ANOTHER. They will always be a part of each other for all of a eternity. Because that is just the kind of connection that Stefan and Elena have. The connection that Damon and Elena have WILL NEVER, EVER compare. That goes for both the books and the TV show. STEFAN IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE ELENA'S FIRST CHOICE. Damon will never measure up to Stefan in Elena's eyes and will always be segundo best.

This is why I repeatedly say that Damon needs someone who loves him and ONLY HIM. Someone who is going to pag-ibig him and accept him unconditionally, no matter what he does. And the reason why Elena will never be that person is because not only does she unconditionally and passionate pag-ibig Stefan but Elena only loves Damon under condition. She doesn't "love" him unconditionally the way that she does Stefan. She doesn't accept Damon wholly, all of him, all of his flaws and imperfections, the good and the bad of him. She only loves and accepts Damon under condition. And this is why Elena and Damon will never work and this is why Damon and Elena are not right for each other or aren't destined to be together. Damon will never be happy as long as he is obsessing over Elena, because that is what DE is when it comes right down to it; it is purely an OBSESSION. It is an extremely selfish, toxic and obsessive unhealthy kind of connection that they have and ultimately, whatever connection Delena has isn't selfless and unconditional. It's all about getting, not giving. Real, true pag-ibig is selfless and unconditional, like Stelena, like Clois, like Leyton. And this is why all of these pairings are meant to be or destined. Because they all "fit" each other", they are all perfect for each other.

In the novels, Elena has always been searching for that one thing, that one indescribable thing (the thing being a person) who could fill in that emptiness and loneliness that she has felt basically her whole entire life and was even madami highlighted after she Nawawala her parents. This is the reason why before Elena met Stefan, she was deemed to be promiscuous. She dated around and had been with a lot of different guys, because she was desperately seeking this "special thing". And she never ever found it, UNTIL SHE MET STEFAN. As soon as she met Stefan, she became "alive" again. This is the same for the TV ipakita but I am just solely talking about the books right now. Stefan and Elena awakened each other and triggered each other's spiritual journeys and evolvement. This is the same way that I feel that Damon and Bonnie's unexpected and unusual meeting in After Hours mirrors the Stelena meeting/dynamic, in the sense that Damon/Bonnie also triggered each other's spiritual journeys and evolvement. But I'll get to that a little bit later. Elena suddenly became awakened from the inside because of her unexpected meeting with Stefan. She felt an immediate, intense, indescribable and chaotic connection to Stefan and she couldn't explain it. So did Stefan, but for Stefan, the connection was so incredibly overwhelming for him, that Stefan ignored Elena in the beginning and chose to run away from her instead of facing their intense connection. But because Stefan did this, it caused even madami personal pain for him because he chose to deny his connection with Elena. Elena and Stefan were in deep and significant pain because of the constant push/pull dynamic and connection between them. Why did this occur? BECAUSE STEFAN AND ELENA ARE EACH OTHER'S MIRROR. They are each other's mirror saying to each other "Wake up!" Stefan and Elena are Soul Mates/Twin Flames/Twin Souls. Don't believe any Delena tagahanga out there who tells you that Delena are Twin Flames, because the truth is THEY ARE NOT. They couldn't be farther from it. I would know because I know a lot about the subject of SM's/TF's because my Aunt, whom I'm extremely close to and who basically raised me, brought me up with this stuff and she is a fortune teller/psychic. So believe when I say, I know what the true paglalarawan of TF's is and I can tell you without a doubt that Stefan/Elena is a TF relationship/dynamic. But back to what I was saying, as soon as Stefan and Elena let go of pulling away from each other and being scared and denying the connection (mostly on Stefan's behalf), they have experienced nothing but pure and ultimate happiness, bliss and joy with each other or whenever they are together. When Stefan is away from Elena or Elena is away from Stefan, they are absolutely MISERABLE. Take Shadow Souls for instance. Elena was absolutely MISERABLE throughout the books and extremely out of character. The reason why she developed a connection with Damon and developed some feelings for him is because of the absence of Stefan. Elena was desperate for Stefan's pag-ibig so badly, that she used Damon as a replacement and she knew deep down within herself, deep within her puso and soul, that Damon would never compare and that Damon would never take Stefan'a place. Even though Elena was with Damon through the entire book of SS, she was still absolutely miserable in and in excruciating pain. ELENA CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT STEFAN. Even though Shadow Souls was a terrible book which looked like a badly written Delena fanfic, it really did prove that Elena can't live without Stefan at all. Stefan is her EVERYTHING, her one true beloved, her equal and her opposite. Without Stefan, Elena will never be ultimately happy or feel complete. And this is the major reason why it will ALWAYS be Stelena and it will always be Stefan for Elena in both the books and the TV show. The main reason why Elena developed a connection with Damon in the books is because of her deep and overwhelming pag-ibig for Stefan and the fact that Elena's soul and puso are bursting with overwhelming happiness, pag-ibig and joy because of Stefan, SHE FEELS THE NEED TO SHARE THIS LOVE. This deep and unconditional pag-ibig that she has with Stefan, Elena is basically trying to use some of it that she has developed inside of herself because of her pag-ibig for Stefan, to help heal Damon. Elena is ultimately trying to save Damon sa pamamagitan ng trying to pag-ibig him, but in my opinion, that is only destined to fail in the end. A person can't save someone, they have to want to save themselves first. This especially goes for Damon on the TV show. So ultimately, it's not about Elena loving Damon madami then Stefan when it comes to his series, in my opinion. It's about the eternal, deep and overpowering and undying pag-ibig that Stefan/Elena have for each other and both of them using this pag-ibig to help heal Damon so that he can find his way back to the light, to find ultimate happiness and joy for himself. And also, for him to find someone who will pag-ibig and accept him wholly and unconditionally.

In regards to Damon, he's always going to be sad and miserable when it comes to all things concerning Elena. Elena is NEVER going to make Damon happy at the end of it all. And it makes me really sad for Damon, both on the ipakita and in the books, because Damon is always so miserable and unhappy because of her (Elena). Elena stifles Damon; she stops him from letting go and letting the real true pag-ibig in (which is and always has been Bonnie from the very start). I know that not all Stelena shippers ship Bamon but as someone who is a die-hard shipper of both S/E and D/B, I can assure you that Damon's ultimate happiness in this entire series is and always has been Bonnie. In the books, it is so evident that Damon/Bonnie are destined to be together and that they have had this intense, indescribable, deep connection with each other since the very beginning of the series (After Hours, which was a short story written sa pamamagitan ng L.J. Smith about their very first unexpected and unusual meeting, before the TVD original series was even written). Yet, Damon chooses to deny his feelings for Bonnie because he is so inherently obsessed with possessing Elena. In my opinion, Damon loves Elena with his mind, but Damon loves Bonnie with his puso and soul. His mind is constantly and has been constantly telling him that Elena is the one he's really truly in pag-ibig with when that is not the case whatsoever. The way I see it, Damon/Bonnie need each other, the same way that Stefan/Elena need each other. If you have read Midnight, you would know that Damon made the ultimate sacrifice for Bonnie. He died to save her life and that is the MOST selfless thing/act that Damon has done in over 500 years of his entire existence, both as a mortal and as an immortal. If that is not real and true pag-ibig (Damon and Bonnie), then I do not know what is. Can any Delena supporter actually tell me that Damon would selfless give up his selfish existence and life for Elena Gilbert? That he would do something genuine for her without wanting something in return? That Damon would selfless act for Elena without thinking selfishly beforehand? The answer is no, they can't. And if they tell that they can, then they are lying. Because for as long as I have been pagbaba this series, there has not been ONE instance where Damon has not been completely and totally selfish when it comes to Elena Gilbert. And there has not been one instance where Damon hasn't been completely selfless with Bonnie. This is why Stefan/Elena is a healthy relationship because they are ultimately selfless with each other and would do anything for each other, would die for each other, would sacrifice themselves for each other. Stefan loves Elena so much that he would be willing to give her up if that is what she really wanted (as in Midnight for example). To me, the selflessness that exists in Stelena's relationship mirrors the unconditional selflessness in Bamon's connection/dynamic/relationship. And this is why I strongly believe that in this series, it will ALWAYS be Stelena and it will ALWAYS be Bamon.

I know I went a little off topic when I started talking about Bamon, but I just thought that I should include the reasons why Damon/Elena will never work and why it will always be Stelena (and Bamon) in this series, both on the TV ipakita and in the books.

Thank you for reading.
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