Steve and Tony Club
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There it was. That look of being defeated. Suddenly Steve felt a new confidence he'd never felt hardly before in his life, glancing to the door it was closed, he had only one chance with both of them here alone. Taking a step to Tony they were already in a close proximity, he leaned down, and could already see the other starting to tense up. He was taking a pretty big risk here because if Tony didn't feel the same way.. Tony may never speak to Steve again. But he was willing to take that chance, "Tony, theres...something I need to tell you." His voice was shaking a bit as he looked down at the man. Tony just stared, only nodding slightly, maybe that was a good sign? "...W-Well.. You see over time I've come to find myself growing madami and madami close to you. Since Bucky had already enlisted- but you know that. I told you that. I've much with you I never though I would with anyone. Even Bucky. But I had gotten me to comfortable in my old body...and encouraged me while I was in this new one." He sinabi with a smile twitching at his lips, hand raising as he touched Tony's stray hairs pushing them back to that Tony Stark style that everyone was so familiar with.

"Ah, well, Rogers you..what are you getting at?" Tony started to feel a bit anxious for him to hurry up, it was only a matter or time before someone came to knock on the door and give the curtain call for Steve. "You might want to hurry up whatever you have to say Goldie Locks." He teased slightly, smirking slightly in that Stark way. Steve took a deep breath and as he just opened his mouth, there was a knock at the door.

"Two minutos Rogers, I'd stop your dillydallying if I were you and get out there!" Oh at least he didn't open the door to find out what he was doing. Steve looked to Tony and walked away heading to the door but stopped, his hands reached behind his neck and undid the dog pananda that rested so peacefully there. He had dreamed of the araw he could have dog-tags, to ipakita he was a actual trooper. But now he wanted something else for them. Once removed he turned and tossed them to Tony who instinctively caught them.

"Keep those ligtas for me Stark. I'll be back to get them in a few months when I finish this war." He gave a charming smile, then a double take as he sighed before heading out the door leaving a dumbstruck Tony standing there in his room. He looked down to the dog-tags and set them in his pockets carefully.

With that Steve had started down the hall, only the echo of his footsteps dwindling in the air. His mind doused with ideas, pounding doubt into his head as he wondered if he should really leave so soon? He didn't want to but he did. If he didn't, whose to say he wouldn't put it off even longer? He had to do it. He choose tomorrow for a reason, it wasn't some big sacrifice for his birthday or anything like that seeing as he had no family and Bucky his closest friend was already in the midst of war. It was for defending his home, defending America when she needed him most. Though, as he reached the back of the stage where his introduction was being ibingiay sa pamamagitan ng Dr. Erskine, Steve's mind pondered just what could have happened if they hadn't been interrupted? His cheeks flushed at the very thought,

"Now presenting, Steve Rogers are newest addition in the army. A complete success that will get us results on the battlefield!" Hearing his name the soldier himself quickly got composed and marched on stage, back straight and standing tall. As he made his way to the doctor applause had erupted. Looking to the crowd, he was somewhat having his few segundos of fame and glory, but everything silenced as a gunshot boomed into the air, overpowering the applause which had come to a abrupt stop. Steve himself stopped short, head turning quickly as he saw just who had gotten shot. And there it was, the doctor himself, grabbing hold of the microphone stand, slowly his grip tightened and loosened while his feet gave out. The blonde stood nagyelo for a moment before he ran to his side, quickly trying to help him lay down but the German man simply grabbed hold of the front of Steve's uniform, trying to say something.

All he did though, was point to his chest, reminding him of something he had sinabi one particular bad araw of training.

"Because a strong man, who has known power all his life, will lose respect for that power. But a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows compassion."

At the time, Steve didn't know what to think at that moment but now he felt he might know. As he felt the doctors life draining away, the color of his skin already paling as a thin layer of sweat was found on his head, he saw the light very slowly fade away. Staying there for a moment, the soldier hung his head, biting his tongue, he let someone else take hold of the doctor as he stood looking around. The perpetrator was gone. He wasn't going to let this happen again, but as he looked at the stun and horrified looking crowd, he glanced down to the doctor and took the microphone.

"Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. I .. I wont let this happen again. I.. the doctor.." he was never one for public speaking but glancing to the doctor as they had started to carry him off he closed his eyes, then looked out to the crowd. This didn't look good but he wanted to gain there confidence. "I will avenge all those we have Nawawala because of this war! I wont let them get away with what they've done, you can count on that everyone. I will promise you all that, I wont come back until this war is finished and our boys can come home!" From the way Steve's voice carried over the crowd, he could see he had gotten through to them, a roar of applause broke out again as he sinabi as his closing words, "I will fight for America and serve her with my very last breath!" Setting the mic back down, he quickly hurried off stage.

The Following 2 Days

One araw was covering the Doctors death, the susunod was preparing for the fireworks festival. But he hadn't seen Tony once, mainly because they had no madami training to do. Steve had kept himself busy with going around his old neighborhood and just talking to some of the people he knew, he had quite a few farewell parties. And well, he wasn't too surprised once he thought about it. After all Tony was a very busy business man and now that his work there was done he probably went off to the company he now owned.

He could already smell the mansanas pie now, he could hear the children once again, playing. Steve had a kouk bottle and was wearing his uniform, he had about most of it left, madami than half at least and it was a nice cold one too with a sunny araw starting to come with a nice warming sunset. The weather was slightly humid, not too dry but it was hot with his army outfit. The damo didn't have a strong smell surprisingly, maybe because they mowed it far ahead of time so that it wasn't really short and spikey but not tall damo lands either around the park that everyone gathered to for this festivity. Though Steve had a secret spot only he and Bucky knew about, or at least went to. Because most of families would go closer to the fireworks thinking it would be a better experience, while couples sat in cars and well, did couple

"This upuan taken?" That voice. Turning quickly, he spotted the very man that had plagued his mind for quite some time now, "Hey there sunshine." Tony sinabi as he didn't bother waiting for the shocked soldier to speak up, though soon as he planted a upuan susunod to him he surely did.

"M-Mr. Stark, ah wow its um..nice to see you? I mean, I thought you left. For your company and everything.." he sinabi waving his hand slightly while Tony only smiled at him, shaking his head slightly as he sighed looking to the sunset. Squinting his eyes he took his time to reply, so much time Steve even decided to speak up again, "...Is it maybe your not ready for such a demanding task?" That had gotten the mans attention as he turned to look at him with what seemed to be a annoyed look.

"No its not. Trust me, I could run that company in my sleep. Its not that, nice guess though. Well...not really, you should know sa pamamagitan ng now. I don't run away from things that are so easy and come naturally from me. I'm Tony Stark." Steve only smiled a bit himself seeing that oh so natural Stark smirk on Tony's face. It was the complete feature that was needed to see Tony in his true form, and it almost felt like one of the romance pelikula when the sun was starting to leave for the day, the orangish rays shinning off Tony's face shadowing some other features. High lightening others, his eyes the most affected with the gleam that was set off in them. Looking down he felt his cheeks heating up as he took off his hat, starting to fiddle with it in his hands.

"Right, sorry. It was just a thought... I wouldn't blame you. Having to....make such a big transition and all..but I'm really glad I got to see you one last time Tony." Steve sinabi smiling as he looked back up at Tony. And surprisingly enough, he wasn't looking at Steve, but the dog pananda in his hand that Steve had ibingiay to Tony earlier. The blush on his face darkening considerably he was glad Tony wasn't even looking at him right now, only the clinking of the metallic neck-wear was the thing keeping from certain silence. Finally, Tony spoke up.

"What was with giving me these...these things Rogers? You do know that soldiers give them to there dame or they outta keep them. Why give them to me?" He finally addressed him with a questioning and calculating gaze, one that always seemed to send shivers down his back as he swallowed thickly yet not breaking the gaze. He sighed slightly and ran a hand through his hair, the other holding his hat tightly.

"Your ..someone special to me you know. I mean you are a very important person in my life, a great friend!" He was failing right now, "I care about you and I- uh I mean that in the most acceptable way!" Failing miserably at that. "You just seemed so sad to hear about my leaving so... I thought maybe my dog-tags would comfort you. Didn't they?" Steve sinabi clearly done with trying to make any sense. Tony had taken that in, a bit of a surprised look on his face as he glanced down with his kastanyas eyes and examined the pananda once more, looking them over in his hand before closing it tightly. A smile on his face, not a smirk but a actual smile that he had hardly ever seen- if ever.

"Alright, alright I get it. Your making me out to sound like a fragile woman you know.. but thanks Rogers. It did help." He sinabi looking to Steve and as he did Steve noticed the sky was now a darkening purple, stars soon becoming visible in its darkness. "Something on your mind?" Looking back to Tony, he noticed he scooted closer, smiling nervously he chuckled dryly.

"Fireworks should be starting soon... um and...w-well Tony, I think we need to have a talk. There's something that's been on my mind for quite some time and I just need to get it off my chest." He had cleared his throat and paused, he needed to say this. His ride would be here soon, he told them where to go and when to honk, he wanted to see the fireworks before he left. Looking to Tony, Steve rested his arms on his knees as he stayed seated. "I-"

Being cut off, Tony snatched Steve's hat and sighed, "Shut up." Leaning in Tony used the takip as a bit of a shield while he leaned in halik the corner of Steve's lips but not there directly. The blonde being completely stunned, Tony only lingered there a moment, his breath tickling Steve's cheek as he pulled away. Giving his hat back he sinabi quickly, "You aren't allowed to confess anything to me until you come back alive. You got that? You aren't allowed to go out there and die in action. So just win the damn war and come back tahanan and we can talk." Steve touched where Tony had kissed and then, as he opened his mouth fireworks started to explode into the night sky. Different types of colors, mainly blue, red, and white lit up the sky.

"Oh and, happy birthday Steve." Tony smiled as he took a pie he had sitting beside him in such a sneaky way. Steve's own face lit up as he noticed it was his favorite, grabbing his soda that was resting on the other side of him he took a drink and sighed.

"Thank you Tony." And as he took a pre-cut piece with his hand as a plate, he had heard a car honking. That was too soon, but as he glanced he knew it was his ride. Taking a single bite he got set the piece on his leg, got his hat on then stood taking the piece in his hand. "I've got to go now Tony... duty calls. I'll write you. Thank you for the pie, better than any cake I could have wished for." He smiled thoughtfully and nodded to Tony who stayed seated looking up at Steve.

"...yeah, your welcome. You kick some asno out there Rogers. I expect you to be done soon so hurry your asno up." His grin had reassured Steve that Tony would be fine. He would be. Finishing his pie, he downed some of his kouk and offered his hand to the other, who took it gradually and was hoisted to his feet. Pausing he shook his hand, letting it stay like that until the car had honked again. This was the most they would allow themselves for now. "Better get going. Don't want to be left behind, right?" His voice a bit madami drained of that charisma Tony usually had, the fireworks continued to go off as he sighed squeezing Steve's hand then, let it go.

"Alright.. well, I'll be back Mr. Stark." With that he turned and sprinted off to his car ride, hopped into it while he was greeted with fellow comrades as Steve held his hat looking back to where he left Tony standing there, almost helplessly. As the car continued off, Tony grew farther and farther away, the fireworks lights barely being enough to where he could hardly see Tony anymore. Until he was gone.

2 Months Later

Tony had been receiving letters each week, one per week from Steve telling him about the life he was living now at War and how he was getting closer and closer to the real action. He had told him of the first time he'd killed a man and all the conflicting feelings he'd gotten. He told him when he saw one of his comrades killed and how he dealt with it. He even told Tony when he found and rescued Bucky, and how they were doing. Tony was happy for him, missing him and worried about him. Though he did have a company to run, he could spend thirty, forty, even a oras to write the guy a letter. He told Steve how things about Stark Industries were going, how he was doing in general and made little jokes here and there.

But all of the sudden, he stopped receiving letters. At first he thought maybe it just had gotten Nawawala in the mail. No biggie. Though Tony had gone to the post office and checked his mail constantly, he didn't get too upset or concerned. Okay, mildly concerned. But when it had been almost a entire buwan of no letters, even with his sending letters and checking the mail, he had finally gotten the guts to call and ask. But there phones must've been down because no one ever answered, it never went through. He had half a mind to go there himself and find out what the hell was going on. Though one of his scientists that worked under him a Doctor Banner told him it was a bad idea, and tried to comfort Tony with science but the mans efforts were in wasted. One day, when Tony was distracting himself with paperwork he had been alerted sa pamamagitan ng his butler, Jarvis of a visitor.

"Sir, a Mr. Barnes is here to see you." Jarvis had sinabi as he paused, looking his employer over with a bit of a sad expression. Tony hadn't really been himself lately, and it worried the man. "He says he has to see you. Its about Mr. Rogers." At that, Tony looked up quickly. Part of his stomach churned in natural worry, but he sinabi while trying to not seemed so concerned.

"Ah, let him in Jarvis, let him in!" His voice may have been a octave or two too high but right now he didn't care. He was actually too far into his curiosity and worry to care. "Please." He sinabi once more, and Jarvis had a very expressionless look right now, but gave a simple nod as he turned and left the room to escort the soldier in. He was dressed in uniform, hands behind his back as he walked in. He had a few bandages, a black eye, bruises that were visible and obvious injuries that he held no concern for. His own expression was one of grief. That had already made Tony flinch inside, catching sight of this man that was only known to him as Steve Roger's best friend.

"...Your Tony Stark right? Of course you are, sorry stupid question.. I have something that was supposed to have been mailed off but.." he trailed off, eyes casting downwards as he cleared his throat and took a few madami steps until he was standing in front of the rich man's desk, then produced a letter that was stained with dirt from behind his back, slightly crumpled up with faded stains of blood. "Its..from Steve. He meant to send this off but we were ambushed and.. here." He dumped it on his desk, but Tony sa pamamagitan ng now had put the pieces together because there was another letter in the man's hand, one that was clean and crisp and that had seemed to give Tony goosebumps.

"...." Speechless, Tony took the letter, his face contorted with anxiety and with fear. He opened it, noticing his hands shake he didn't stop. He opened the letter, noticing the beautiful penmanship that Steve always used in his letters, he read over most of it before he noticed how short this was compared to the usual two paged letters he had gotten. This one was half a page and the final words on it were puso wrenching.

"Dear Tony,

Things have been getting pretty shaky lately. Are ammo is getting pretty low out here and I don't know how much longer we can last. We thought we were on the verge of a big win from what we've been hearing about Russia and the how the Nazis are going down there, how its like a tide ripple effect or something with us here. But I don't know, maybe its just our squad because theres only a few of us, me, Bucky, Hank, Phil and Clark. We've been out on a paghahanap and rescue mission for a while, we still haven't found them yet and we're on a limited time frame but you know I live sa pamamagitan ng that "no soldier left behind". Maybe to everyone else it sounds stupid but I just can't abandon these men. What if it were me? What if it was Bucky? I'd never be able to live with myself or sleep at night knowing I could have maybe just saved at least one of them.

Something just happened, I better get going. I'll try to send this out soon as possible. And for some reason I have a feeling this might be the last letter I send you for a while. And seeing as things are really getting harder and harder I doubt I can keep my promise and come back there so I'll tell you this now. I pag-ibig you Tony.


And it happens to just get sloppy towards the end. That never meant anything good. And those last words...what the hell made Steve tell him that? Now here Tony was, hands shaking violently, cheeks damp and puso aching all at once as his stomach dropped at another letter dropped on his oak table. Looking to it, he didn't release the letter in his hand opening this new one with one hand. It was a bit difficult only because his hand wouldn't stop shaking. But as he did, he grazed over it quickly, then his hand gripped it tightly and he threw it aside. The genius ran his hand down his face as he took a deep breath, licking his lips.

"... We..can't find him. We were ambushed and ...we had gotten separated. Everyone was found but him. We even found the guys who went missing..they sinabi they saw him and leaded him back to us but he was nowhere to be found. I just..assumed you would need this letter..." he tried to say more, the silence was there and Tony didn't need to look at him to tell that he wanted to try and say something but both souls right now were struggling. So he only heard Bucky's footsteps as he left, and when the man was gone, Tony let the tears fall not able to hold them back anymore.

Because Steve was gone. Steve was gone and he'd never get to say; "I pag-ibig you too..." he croaked out, resting his arm over his eyes as he tightly kept them shut, grinding his teeth down after those vile words he'd been desperate to say were completely meaningless. All he wanted to do was look into those beautiful blue eyes, so clear and vibrant he could see himself and just know he was there. He wanted to tell Steve what he had been longing to tell him, wishing he could tell him to stay like he wanted to. Oh how he regretted it now because now all he wanted was to look in his eyes and know everything would be alright with him there. Because it always seemed to feel that way, but now? Now he had nothing it felt like. Something he always wanted was now, truly out of his grasp.

To Be Continued
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