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posted by Dean-girlx
 Ambra's current user icon!
Ambra's current user icon!
Alright! Here we go! :) FOTM interview with link

First off – introduce yourself!

Hi people :DDDD!!! *waves hand*
I’m Ambra, I’m 19 but I don’t look like 19 at all, I’m so short that I look madami like one of the smurfs, I’m from Italy, I started unibersidad this taon and I’m studying law! I love…..SPN, reading, surfing the net, SPN, watching Tv, Travels, SPN, Winter, pasko and snow, SPN, pizza, coke, coffee and ice cream, SPN, swimming, vidding, talking on the telephone, SPN,meet ing new friends, music, SPN .. have I mentioned SPN???? :P I think that’s all :D ah of course this spot :P

What is your favourite thing about the Supernatural fanpop spot?

Everything??? No, seriously…..seems banal, but really the people who are in this spot, in the months I’ve met sooo many great people, so many great friends…..people here are different, always so friendly, so kind, cheerful, lovely, supportive, and crazy(in a good way) that makes them even madami awesome! People here are made of WIN! And that’s why I pag-ibig being here so much besides other things :D <3

When you received your fanatic medal – what was your reaction?

Well first of all, I didn’t expect it at all…I opened my bista sa tagiliran as usual, I looked down and I saw “fanatic (1 club)” and I was like O_O I stared in shock at the red dot for like 20 minutes. I didn’t believe it, when I kinda of realized I started screaming and jumping, I was soooooooooo happy! I smiled like an idiot for 2 days! Seeing the red dot still makes me so happy, it’s something I can’t get used to :D

 I have four big actor crushes and Jensen is the biggest!
I have four big actor crushes and Jensen is the biggest!

If you could spend a araw with Jensen, Jared or Misha who would you choose and why?

Ouch….mmm……hard…..they all are awesome….I’m sure a araw with Misha would be a crazy, full of laughs day, same with Jared….but honestly I have four big actor crushes and Jensen is the biggest so I’ll go with him :) I mean one araw with him….of watching him (yeah I’m that superficial) of admiring his smile….of getting Nawawala in the sound of his voice….shh…..don’t disturb…..I’m dreaming….*sigh… Is it enough as explanation??? Joking :P besides he’s a very smart guy,and very sweet and funny, it would be an amazing talk with him, and I’m sure I’d laugh a lot with him too, of course pretending that I wouldn’t die in the exact moment I’d see him :P

If you could ask Eric Kripke one tanong – what would it be and why?

Just one….mmm……*straining my head……mmmm……I think I’d ask “Why do you like torture the fans so bad???? :P sorry I’ve sinabi it……..I’m that superficial :DDD

 I decided to be positive and trust the writers.
I decided to be positive and trust the writers.

Are you excited for season 6 or disappointed that SPN didn’t end in season 5?

Excited????I’m super extra excited…now!!!! Well I changed my mind a lot about this… first excited, then worried, now again excited….I have to admit I’ve been worried,I’ve seen so many shows loose their quality for going on too long… and of course Kripke stepping down as showrunner didn’t help a lot, and I also thought after the Apocalypse where do we go?? But then, Kripke at the end isn’t going anywhere and Sera has been on the ipakita as long as him, and honestly I like how Sera thinks too, and the idea of a woman as showrunner of SPN is thrilling, and the idea of the after Apocalypse and a madami intimate season is good, back to the start to end it, I like it… so I decided to be positive and trust the writers, they have never let us down, and they won’t this time either, so I’m back on mode super excited, besides I don’t know what I would have done if last week’s episode was the last ever, so I’m soooo looking pasulong season 6!!!

 No contest here, Sierra McCormick!
No contest here, Sierra McCormick!

Which Supernatural child actor/actress is your favourite?

No contest here, Sierra McCormick is def my fav! I mean she’s just a child, but her acting…brilliant!!!! She was soo soo creepy…..she scared the hell out of me,I held me breath through all her scenes!!

Which do you prefer; young! Mary’s charm bracelet or the boys’ protection tattoo?

I like a lot the bracelets,but the tattoo… Awesome!!!! of course not just because they have it,but the whole image is beautiful, plus I’ve always liked suns as tattoos. Now I’m proud to say that I’m gonna get it!!! YAAAYY! My parents sinabi it’s ok, so happy, well they kinda of trapped me, because they say it’s ok, but you have to pay for it, but I’m alredy saving money :DD

What is your favourite Supernatural related spot? (besides the actual SPN spot ;))
 my favourite spot is the Cas spot!
my favourite spot is the Cas spot!

Well….it kinda of changes from time to time,LOL… It’s the Jensen spot, last buwan it was the Lucifer spot…..but in general,considering how much I’m devoted to it, I’d say my favourite spot is the Cas spot!

Out of Dean, Sam and Castiel who is your favourite Supernatural character and why?

Agh… I knew this was coming,I was afraid of this tanong :P ok, promise I’ll try not to write too much. Well I’ve always sinabi I can’t choose between Dean and Cas, it’s true I pag-ibig them both equally, they’re two great, profound characters, but as much as I’m denying this to myself, it’s possible that Dean topped Cas, even if the difference is very very very very small,but very very very very very very very small! Why? Well of course because,he’s funny, sarcastic, smart, hot in an undescribable way, but mostly because I pag-ibig how Dean is sooo imperfect, soo human and yet with an inhuman strength,if this makes any sense :P I pag-ibig how he’s able to pag-ibig so deeply, how he’s ready to give everything, really everything for the people he cares about, how he’s always there for them, no matter how much they let down him, his only need is to be loved, the fact that despite he has seen the worst, he has lived through hell, despite how broken he can be, how near to giving up he can be, he never does that, he always finds the strength to fight, to not let go….*sniff….well I’d probably say thousand other things, and talk about this for ages, but I guess briefly that’s it :P

Out of all the Supernatural villains – who was your favourite and why?

 .. Lucifer!
.. Lucifer!

Well SPN has always had awesome villains,but my absolute favourite is definetely Lucifer. I loved his attitude, his being always so calm, so nonchalant, so persuas ive, that you can almost feel sympathy for him,before you remember that he’s just messing with your mind LOL! So sneaky. and his sarcasm,he was made of win,he has so many awesome lines. But at the same time,when he showed his real nature….oh…so scary,but so badass!When he killed all the Gods, I was shocked because he even didn’t blink, but at the same time I was screaming ”Badass badass”!! plus both Jared and Mark Pellegrino did an amazing job portraying him, but honestly I have a soft spot for Mark!

Young!Mary or older!Mary?

Older!Mary. Always have liked her the best, but I like Young!Mary too.

Young!John or older!John?

Always and Forever older!John, first because of Jeffrey Dean morgan :DD then because I think older!John is such madami profound as character,not that young!John isn’t a good character, but he was so naïve,so…young…I just pag-ibig madami twisted, broken John :P

What is your favourite episode from each season and why?
 ..Sam and Dean firework scene
..Sam and Dean firework scene

Agh…….other hard hard question….because sometimes it’s hard to me explain why, I’m very istinctive in this, but I’ll try:

Season 1: Wendigo. Because I’ve always felt that this episode he’s the real start of SPN, when they really decided to do “the job”, to stick together, to be Sam and Dean as the team! Plus the Wendigo was awesome, and Dean dirty with fireguns…..;D

Season 2: Everybody Loves a Clown. Wonderful episode. We got Ellen and Ash,I loved them both since the first time, a freaking scary monster, some really funny scenes, and two of my favourite scenes ever:Sam and Dean walking together and fighting about their dad and Dean breaking the Impala, which is IMO one of the most emotional and powerful scenes ever! <3

Season 3: Red Sky at the morning. Bela!!! This episode always makes me laugh a lot, the plot is nice, we get to know something madami about Bela, her interaction with Dean is priceless (I have a soft spot for them together) I liked the story,and Sam with the old woman is EPIC!

Season 4: agh……don’t know I pag-ibig pratically every episode…..but I guess Lucifer Rising. I’d say just because they killed Ruby LOL! But the episode is all amazing,kept me on the edge the whole time,and the twist that was Lilith the final seal,waa pure genius! and Cas rebelled! :DD

Season 5: Dark Side of The Moon. Perfect!! The memories,Sam and Dean firework scene,ASH!!!Pamela!!! Cas heartbroken, Dean throwing the amulet out, Sam’s broken face, do I need to go on?

What are your three favourite Dean quotes?

1. I hope your mansanas pie is freaking worth it!
2. Hey, saved your ass!
3. Sammy? It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here, i'm here. I’m not gonna leave you ..I’m not gonna leave you! <3

What are your three favourite Castiel quotes?

1. That’s just how I roll!
2. I’m the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition!
3. I don’t understand … Why do you want me to say my name?

What are your three favourite Sam quotes?

1. Dude you’re confusing reality with porn again!
2. I Nawawala my shoe…
3. Dean. This is a very serious investigation. We don't have time for any of your blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah... blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah!

In your opinion what would be the WORST possible season 6 ending?

The brothers apart, I can’t think of anything worse. I really don’t mind if dead or alive but they have to end together…… I would hate,for exaple, them choosing to live normal life apart or at the end of everything,one dying and the other staying alive, keep living without the other, they must have their ending together!
 they must have their ending together!
they must have their ending together!

If you could change one thing about Supernatural, what would it be and why?

mmmm……don’t know, I think that SPN is perfect the way it is, but maybe I would have kept Bela alive a little more,I loved her soo much,she was annoying in a priceless way, and have her around more, keep bothering the boys, I’d pag-ibig it! And I wouldn’t have killed Andy either, it’s one of the things I will never accept, he didn’t deserve to die that horrible way :( but nothing else :D

Do you prefer the boys’ relationship with John or Bobby, and why?

It may seems strange but I prefer Dean relationship with Bobby,but Sam relationship with John :P Dean with Bobby because I kinda of always felt that John sometimes really didn’t treat Dean like a son,but madami like a soldier, not that was really his fault, he tried to raise the boys the best he could, but he put really too much on Dean shoulders, he denied Dean his childhood, he always has been too hard on him, he expected too much, sometimes denying him the understanding, the chance to felt really loved,which is IMO something that Bobby gave to Dean. While I’ve always thought that Sam realationship with John was madami a typical father-son relationship, the fights, never agree on something, it’s something that is normal between father and son, and I’ve always seen Sam-Bobby madami like uncle-nephew kinda of relationship… don’t know if this makes any sense,I suck sometimes at explaining things :P

 .. in that moment they are whole again.
.. in that moment they are whole again.

Favourite Supernatural hug?

Sam and Dean hug in Lazarus Rising! I pag-ibig pag-ibig pag-ibig that hug, it’s so powerful!! I pag-ibig that both ilipat towards each other at the same time, how strong they hug each other, like they can’t let go, like in that moment they are whole again, like if this way they can say all the thing they would never be able to express in words <3

Who is your favourite Supernatural couple/pairing? And why?

Def Dean and Carmen, I know she’s not real, and they weren’t actually a couple, but I like them,d on’t know why exactly but I think she was the kinda of girl Dean needs. I know as explanation sucks :P

If you had to describe Supernatural in three words, they would be ….?

O_O……..mmm……..mmm……mmm……Addictive, Dramatic, Sexy!

Who was your favourite Supernatural Angel (besides Castiel)?

Gabriel/Trckster. One hell of character!

Do you own any Supernatural merchandise? (posters, books, etc)

Yep! A poster of Sam and Dean from the Promotional Photoshoot of the segundo series, but I wish I could have madami things, but I can only buy them online. Where I live,I’m lucky to find the DVD boxes :(

What are your tuktok five episodes?

Ok,let’s say it’s a particular tuktok 5,these are my fav episodes of all the times and I just can’t choose!

1] What Is and What Should Never Be/On The Head of a Pin/Swan Song
2] A Very Supernatual Christmas/The End
3] Point of No Return
4] Mystery Spot
5] After School Special/Shadows

Which scene is the most emotional, in your opinion?

I have to go with sisne Song, the whole Sam/Luci punching Dean, while Dean keep telling Sam that he won’t leave him, and Sam having flashbacks of their moments together and thanks to that, taking control of his body, was one of the most emotional scenes I’ve ever seen, the death of my heart!

 the pure pag-ibig of a mother!
the pure pag-ibig of a mother!

What character death was the worst/most emotional?

Changed my mind tons of times about this, but at the end I think the most emotional was Ellen and Jo's death, especially for Ellen heroic act, her choice to die with his daughter, to not let her die alone, the pure pag-ibig of a mother!

Do you have a favourite moment/scene that always makes you smile? If so, what is it?

Yep!! The first time Sam and Dean say “Jerk-Bitch “ to each other in the Pilot! That scene always put a big big big smile on my face, cuteness!!!!!!

Favourite Supernatural season premiere?

Lazarus Rising… Dean comes back, Cas' first appearance!

Favourite Supernatural season finale?

sisne Song … no need to explain I guees ;)

 I have an evil twin..
I have an evil twin..
Two favourite supernatural quotes, sinabi sa pamamagitan ng a guest star?

Lucifer: Don’t go anywhere! Not that you would if you could!
Andy: I have an evil twin…


Anything else you’d like to add?

Well first of all I wanna thank you Ally for this amazing interview!!! The tanong were all amazing,I enjoyed so much answering them, a lot of them made me strain my head a lot, so thanks thanks thanks, couldn’t have asked madami *hug. And then I want to thank all the people who chose me as FOTM, really guys,thanks soo much for giving me this chance to be interviewed, means a lot to me *sniff pag-ibig you all sooooooo much!!!!!! *gives every single one of you a big squeezing hug. Hope I haven’t bored you too much :P
 .. The family business!
.. The family business!
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