TDI's Gwen and Trent Club
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Bridgette's P.O.V.

Woe, what a trip that was when we left Duncan's house! I can't believe how much of a jerk he was. But when Gwen told me the whole story about how the discussion became a fight, I could see that she was really serious. Poor Gwen, the only thing that saved her was the fact that his door was open and his siblings were home. I mean, dang it, God was really on her side.!

"I just can't believe how much of a jerk Duncan really is."Bridgette said,"And to think, you actually wanted to be his beau."
"And I thought that he would be a little sincere and trustworthy,"Said Gwen,"I guess I was wrong."
"Now Gwen,"said Bridgette, "you should have known better than to trust a man like Duncan! What were you thinking!?"
"I don't know Bridge,"said Gwen,"we had so much in common. It seemed like we were perfect for each other. Even after he seduced me."
"But Gwen,"she said,"did you truly pag-ibig him?? Or did you pag-ibig him because of his bad attitude?"
"I don't know Bridgette!?"Said Gwen,"Can you please just take me home? I'd rather talk to you about it there."
So when they finally got to Gwen's house, she told Bridgette everything. Bridgette was shocked and surprised at Gwen. Not because she broke up with Duncan and he attacked her. But because she was going out with the wrong person in the first place. Even though he seduced and fascinated her.
"Oh my god, I can't believe you fancied him so much."said Bridgette."And I still don't understand what you saw in him.!"
"Bridgette, please I really don't want to talk about my mistake anymore."said Gwen."I'm just glad it's over with."
"But Gwen,"said Bridgette,"I've just got to know what you saw in Duncan.?"
Gwen sighed and said,"I don't know Bridge, I guess I just like bad boys as well as musicians and fighters."
"Well I guess we can say you definitly found out how bad he was when you tried to talk to him."she said.
"Uh yeah,"said Gwen,"and that's why I don't want to talk about it anymore.! sa pamamagitan ng the way, who besides Geoff, Owen, Harold, and you were at Trent's house?"
"Nobody else except Courtney,"She said,"she was with us too."
"Oh yeah,"said Gwen,"what was she doing over at Trent's house?"
"Oh nothing much,"said Bridgette."Just helping Trent calm down and feel really good."Oops, big mistake, Bridgette thought. She immediately smacked herself in the mouth because she knew she wasn't supposed to tell Gwen anything about last night.
"Say what!?"Gwen asked.
"What, what.?"said Bridgette.
"You sinabi something about Trent and Courtney, didn't you?"She asked puzzled and confused.
"No I didn't."said Bridgette, trying to cover herself up.
"Yes, you did,"said Gwen,"now what were you talking about?"
"Nothing Gwen, honest.!"she said, scared like.
"Bridgette!!"Gwen snapped."You'd better come clean.! After all,we are best mga kaibigan aren't we?"
"Well, yeah."she sinabi looking scared.
"Then tell me the truth!"said Gwen, angrily."Then tell me the truth.! What was Courtney doing with Trent?"
"How did you know Gwen!?"She said, mow looking surprised.
"You slapped your mouth after saying something about Courtney making Trent feel good."said Gwen."now, Tell me the truth!"
"O.K., o.k. I'll talk,said Bridgette,"but promise me you won't get mad, alright?"
"Alright Bridgette,"she said,"I'm calm,(sigh) I'm relaxed, o.k.? Now spill it!"
"Well you see Gwen, before we left, I had to go back into Trent's house to get my cam-quarter. Suddenly, I heard voices coming from down the hallway at Trenton's house. susunod thing that happened was that Courtney was halik and hugging Trent. After that, Trent was hugging Courtney a little bit as she was crying on his shoulder."Bridgette explained.
"Really,"said Gwen,"then what happened?"
"Well,"said Bridgette,"I could barely hear them both making out again. At that point, they both disappeared into his room."
Gwen got a little shocked and upset when she heard this. She said,"Didn't you do anything to stop them!?"
"Well no."said Bridgette.
"Then why didn't you!?"Gwen asked, angrily.
"Because Gwen, when I got up with the cam-quarter, I tripped over a footstool and fell down. The cam-quartet was ligtas but ouch, what a klutz I was. Soon afterwords, they helped me up and that's all that happened."
Gwen just stood there with her eyes and mouth wide open. She then walked slowly over to the sopa and sat down. As she sat down, she glared into outer puwang and didn't say another word. Bridgette began to worry about her.
So she quietly walked over to the sopa and sat susunod to Gwen. Then she asked,"Uhh, Gwen, are you o.k.?"
Gwen sunk her head a little and said,"I'm alright Bridgette, I'm alright."
"Are you sure?" she wondered.
"Yes Bridgette!"she sinabi as she looked at her."Look Bridge, I want you to do me a favor."
"O.K. Gwen,"She asked,"what is it?"
"I want you to get into your car and just go home, please.."said Gwen.
"But why Gwen,"she asked,"do you hate me now
"No Bridge, It's not that.!"Gwen explained ."It's just that I'm going to need some time alone. You know, I just need a little me time fight now, o.k..?"
"Alright Gwen,"she sighed,"if you insist."
And with that, Bridgette sadly headed towards the front door. There was nothing madami that she could do and she felt like she had a big mouth. But before she left, she waved and sinabi good-bye to Gwen.
Gwen turned around and said,"Hold on a minuto Bridge, don't blame yourself for tel;ling me this stuff. I forced you into telling me what you know. So don't feel bad about it, o.k.?"
Bridgette smiled and said."Thanks Gwen, you're so cool.!" And then she left for home.
Now Gwen was tahanan alone for a while until her mom and her brother came back. But while she was sa pamamagitan ng herself, she had a lot of things to think about. Especially what she heard about Trent and Courtney.

Gwen's P.O.V.
I can't believe this, twice this has happened to me. It's bad enough that I broke up with that lying, hot headed bastard, Duncan. Who lied to me and tried to control my life. But to make matters worse, I Find out that Courtney's made it passed first base with Trenton! I'm going to find out madami about this and when I do, someone is going to pay for this. And It's not going to be Trent.!

So the susunod day, it was 11:30 in the morning, when Gwen decided to give Bridgette a call. She had just gotten tahanan from church and she needed someone to talk to. So when she got home, she changed her clothes, and called Bridgette.
"Hey Gwen, how's it going!?"Said Bridgette, after she answered her cell phone.
Oh so-so."said Gwen.
"Why Gwen,"Bridgette asked,"and how come you sound so miserable?"
"I don't know Bridge. Maybe I just can't get over the fact that Courtney started hitting on Trent Before I could."said Gwen.
"Oh Gwen you've got to get over it for a while, Besides, you'll get Trent back somehow."
You really think so?"Gwen asked.
"Of coarse girlfriend and I mean it.!"she said.
"Thanks Bridge, I'm feeling much better now."Gwen said, feeling relieved.
"O.k. Gwen, sa pamamagitan ng the way, are you hungry for lunch?"
she asked.
"Well yeah, why do you ask?"Gwen pondered.
"Because, I was thinking that you should come over to my house. And have lunch with me."Bridgette said.
"Oh on Bridgette,"said Gwen,"I'll just stay tahanan and make myself a sandwitch."
"Oh please Gwen, you've got to come over to my house and have lunch with me?"she said."We'll go swimming after we eat. Besides, you have got to try this sandwitch spread my dad made me."
At first she felt a little bit reluctant about going to Bridgette's house, But then she thought about relaxing in her heated pool. So she said,"Welll... o.k. Bridgette; I'll be over at your house in 20 minutes."
"Cool,"said Bridgette,"I'll see you then."
So after Gwen sinabi good-bye to her mom and her brother, she headed over to Bridgette's house. Although her mom wanted to drop her off at her mga kaibigan house, she insisted on going alone. And even though she didn't win any of the prize monies, she still earned her keep to afford her own car. Her car, however, wasn't much madami than a used VW bug, 4 door.
When she arrived at Bridgette's, she pulled into the curb and walked over to the front door. After she knocked on her door, Bridgette came and greeted Gwen. Gwen was also very glad to see her too.
"Hey Gwen, how's it going?"She asked as she hugged her.
"Oh, everything is o.k. Bridgette.!"She sinabi with a smile and laughter."How are you?"
"Oh, I'm fine Gwen. So tell me,"said Bridgette"are you hungry for lunch?"
"Yes I;m starving. But tell me, after we've had lunch,, are you sure you want to go swimming?"she asked.
"Absolutely Gwen,"said Bridgette,"don't tell me you forgot your swim suit?"
"No I didn't Bridge,"Said Gwen,"But enough talk, let's go and eat."
So they headed towards the kusina and sat down on the barstools susunod to the counter. There Bridgette pulled a plate with 2 sandwitches on it. She said,"Here Gwen, have a bite. You'll pag-ibig it.!"
At first, Gwen began to feel a little bit fidgety about eating the sandwitch. So, she asked,"Are you sure about this Bridgette?"
"Gwen, come on just give it a try, please??"she begged.
With that Gwen stared at her sandwitch for a moment, then she finally took a bite out of it. As she ate that first bite, she began to realize how delicious it was. She could taste the kulay-rosas salmon and the dressing all blended together, just right.
When she finished that first bite, she smiled at Bridgette, Then she said,"M-M-m-m, that wads really good."
Bridgette smiled back at Gwen. Finished her first bite, and said,"No Gwen, that's delicious."
So they sat back and had lunch together. Enjoying each others company. However, when Gwen got to half of her sandwitch, she began to wonder about Bridgette. So she started to talk to her.
"Bridge,"said Gwen,"I know you like this sandwitch spread as much as I do. And believe me, I like it too. But there's something that I don't understand?"
"What's that Gwen?"Bridgette asked, as she ate half of her sandwitch.
"I Thought that you were supposed to be vegan or vegitarian?"Gwen pondered.
"Well, to tell you the truth Gwen,"said Bridgette,"I'm neither. I'm madami of an animal activist. Infact. you can blame my dad for getting me into eating this stuff. Not that I don't like it, I do, it' just that you're right. It goes against my principles of not eating meat. But my daddy insist that I get a little madami protein in my diet."
"Well it's really good Bridge."Said Gwen,"Infact, I'll bet that some of our mga kaibigan would really like it too."
"Yeah Gwen,"said Bridgette,""you're right. Infact,I know exactly who'd like this salmon spread.!"
"Who?"she asked.
"Courtney,"said Bridgette."After all, she does have a thing for sea food. I mean, don;t forget how she ate Alejandro's sea pagkain during the mang- man chi contest."
"Yeah, I remember.! Especially how she puked after he puked when he finally took one bite of that gross stuff.!"Gwen laughed

Gwen's P.O.V.
Wait a minute, this gives me an idea! If Courtney still likes sea food, then maybe, just maybe, I can talk Bridgette into inviting her over to try this spread. Not that it taste awful or anything like that. It's just that I need some information and some puwang to make my moves on Trent. And perhaps if Bridgette can talk her into coming over for a while. Then maybe I can talk her vinto leaving Trent alone so I can get him Back to me.

"Say Bridgette, why don't you do that?"Gwen suggested.
"Do what?"asked Bridgette.
"Why don't you give Courtney a call and invite her over for lunch. I'm sure she'll like this salmon spread."said Gwen.
"Well I don't know Gwen, are you sure this isn't a trick?"she asked.
"What do you mean, Bridgette?"Gwen asked, puzzled.
"Well,I know you Gwen. And I know how much you really want Trent back."she explained.
"Oh come on Bridge, It's no trick."Gwen explained,"I really think that she'll like this salmon spread. And besides, I don't want to fight with her, I just want to talk to her. And maybe make peace with her."
"Wellll..O.k. Gwen,"said Bridgette," you've talked me into it."
So Bridgette gave Courtney a call and invited her over for lunch. However, Courtney wasn't really that hungry for a sandwitch. Infact, she really tired, and didn't feel like traveling anymore. But Gwen was determined to speak to Courtney. So she reminded her about her pool.
When Bridgette told Courtney about her heated pool,she said,"O.K. Bridgette, I'm in."
"Then you'll be coming over to my house today?" She asked.
"Well yeah, I mean there's no point in letting you have all the fun.!"Courtney said."Besides, It's boring over at my house. And going for a swim in a heated pool would be so relaxing."
"Cool, then I'll be seeing you later then, Courtney."said Bridgette."Bye."
After they hung up, Bridgette said,"Alright Gwen. Courtney is coming over like you suggested."
"Cool,said Gwen,"then maybe I'll be able to talk to her."
"No hassles Gwen,"she said,"I don't want any trouble from either one of you.!"
Bridgette,"said Gwen, puzzled,"I'm not going to start any trouble! don't you trust me?"
"It's not that I don't trust you Gwen."She said,"It's just that you two have been hating each other ever since you hit on Duncan. Or should I say, he hit on you? Not to mention that he's a control freak and you want Trent back."
Gwen sighed and said;"You're right Bridge. So what do I do now, go home?"
"Of coarse not Gwen.!"she sinabi asuringly."But what I would suggest that you do, is lay low when she gets here."
"Where then?"Gwen asked.
" about my bedroom?"she suggested.
"Well o.k. Bridge,"said Gwen,"if you insist."
So after they had lunch, Bridgette took Gwen upstairs to her room. There, she showed Gwen her make-up and stuff. Gwen was really impressed sa pamamagitan ng ball of her accessories. She even wanted to borrow some of her stuff but Bridgette said,"Maybe later."
Suddenly, they saw2 Courtney heading up the driveway. Bridgette said."Alright Gwen, you know what to do so stay put. I'll be downstairs with Courtney. When were ready to go swimming, I'll let her know that I've invited someone else to sumali us. Just remember, no fighting."
"O.K. Bridgette, damn,"she said,"don't be such a worry-wart. I'm not going to start a fight with Courtney.!"
After that, Courtney rang the doorbell and waited for Bridgette to open the door. Bridgette didn't know if she could really trust Gwen not to get into a fight with Courtney. But she had no choice. So she ran down the stairs to let Courtney into her house. Although Gwen knew that she was to remain in Bridgette's room she couldn't help from eves dropping on their conversation. So sh left the door open a little to spy on them.
posted by trentgwenfan1
gwen *still crying*
trent *finds a note on the kids be that says I GO YOUR KIDS CHRIS * what that can't b posible
gwen trent whats wrong
trent cris go r kids
gwen what
trent i'll go try 2 find them
gwen trent u can't go alone i want 2 go with u
trent gwen i can't b worried about u 2
gwen trent can i plz come
trent ok
gwen what eles did the note say
trent it sinabi i was going 2 kill your kids in 12 hrs
gwen trent do we need 2 call the pollic
trent i already called him and they a seaching 4 chris ok
gwen ok
tremt CRAP!
gwen what
trent the car just died
gwen how r we going 2 get their

posted by tdigirl3496
10 min later at the park

Gwen was stitting on the bench. then she saw Duncan. she ran as fast as she could to give him a hug

hi Duncan sinabi Gwen

hay why did you wont to meet at the park asked Duncan

i have to tell you something sinabi Gwen

what lay it on me sinabi Duncan

well im pregnant she said

what who is the father. it not me right he said

no it trent she said

wow my best friend is going to have a baby before me he said

duncan she said

so what did your mom say about you being pregnant he said

she was mad reallt mad oh and she kicked me out sinabi gwen

what where are you staying he asked

im staying with Trent...
continue reading...
Gwen's pov!
i looked around. it was all burnt and torn down. wait a minute,this is the house me and Trent burned down. "welcome tahanan sweet heart."a raspy voice said. i turned around and met the cold eyes of the devil. "what do you want from me!"i cried. "i want YOU. i want to have you in my arms again."he said. "no! i`m married to Trent! i don't pag-ibig you anymore from what you did to me!"i screamed. "but i did that for love."he walked slowly towards me. "stay away!"i yelled as i ran away. Duncan tackled me and took me back to the house. when he put me in the burnt basement,he snapped his fingers...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
sematary: were killing him he is a bad vampire or as we should call him VAMP *takes madami air and human blood out of trent*
sematary: oh we will if you want thwe world to end do you know how dangerous this poeple are missy
sam: is the ded done i new blaming gwen would work
gwen: you little! uptite bratyy little BRAT! *tackels sa,*
gwen:*grabs a kutsilyo and stabs sam
sam: dies
sematary: *runs away but sets a boom when trent explodes*
gwen: trent trent! TRENT! can you here me
trent: y y ye yes i ca...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
trent *gets home* hi sweetie*kisses gwen*
gwen hi babe
duncan uy trent do u here that noice
trent what noice
courtney theres a noice comming fromyour room
trent ok i'll check *gose in his room ad looks at the new case on his kama * GWEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
gwen yes trent
trent what happened 2 my gatair case
gwen i got u a new one
trent i can c that i asked what happen 2 it
gwen i threw it in the garbage *says in a sad voice*
trent WHAT gwen y did u do that *gose 2 his room with his hhead dow*
gwen i was just trying 2 help
courtney whats wrong
gwen i think trent is mad at me
courtney y
gwen i got him that gutair case and he didn't want me2 get him on
courtney aww
duncan y would she do that
trent i'm not mad at her i'm just upset
duncan it's ok
trent i just want 2 b alone
trents pov

today me and geoff duncan and DJ were gonna watch these games and competitions from athletes around the world . sa pamamagitan ng the way the competitions are in st. thomas. when we got there it was full but thank god djs parents work there so they took us to the front row seats!!! when we got there we sat down and the entire stadium was getting filled up. Duncan: according to this paper first up is the women 100 meter dash race. Geoff: the competitors are cruz, reece, pattison, robinson, diaz (gwens last name) and finally vonn.

the women started getting in their places and started streching. i was...
continue reading...
posted by tdiCat
teacher: Alright have great college education and the ungaduates come with me. Trent:*carries me and spins me around and kisses me in the forehead*. Gwen: Finally college!! Trent: come on let's go, wait a segundo your wearing the gitara earrings!! Gwen: why wouldn't I I pag-ibig them? Trent : I knew you would. Gwen: let's go to our paborito place. Trent: you mean the park? Gwen: exactly.* walks towards the motorcycle* what are you waiting for, sexy? Trent: I'm just going to miss this place, alot.
Trent's POV
Alright we are at the park, I am going to take her for a ride to the tabing-dagat at night and finally...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
trent's dad: trent can we talk to you for a nubute
trent: ok dad
trent" mom: trent were moving cuz me and your father' jobs got moved to Denver Colorodo
trent: were moving when do we have to go
dad: in a buwan you still have time to say goodbye to your firends
THE susunod araw AT SCHOOL
duncan: whats wrong duude you look down
geoff: trent tell us whats wrong
trent: well i'm moving to denver coorado
duncan: thats crazy
trent: but i am really moveing
geoff: are you going to tell gwen
trent: i don't know when or how i don't want to hrut her
duncan: well its easy for me when...
continue reading...
posted by trentgwenfan1
trent:*get pushed on to gwens window*
gwen: huh whos their
trent:*runs away*
gwen:*gose outside*
trent: what do you want
gwen: nothing who are you
trent: my name is trent
gwen: my name is gwen
trent *grad my hand
gwen: why
trent: just grad it
gwen:*grads trents hand
gwen: TRENT!
trent: hold on
gwen: what was that how did you do that
trent: i can't tell you
gwen: you can tellme you can trust me i wont tell anyone i promise
trent: fine*wispers*i am a dark vampire
gwen: why
trent: my dad made me and i didn't want to be one and if i get cauaght i could get killed
gwen: i wont tell anyone ever i swaer
trent: good*kisses gwen*
gwen: i pag-ibig you
trent: i pag-ibig you to
posted by trentgwenfan1
Gwen:trent i am going to be late i'll be tahanan aroung 8 ok
trent:ok i pag-ibig you
gwen:i pag-ibig you to*leaves*
gwensmom:*runs in with a3 blads and a knif*
mom:*pushes trent on the floor
trent:ow!*puts his hand on his head*
mom:*stabs trent**cuts him on his forhead and both of his arms* die!
trent: *gets knocked out sa pamamagitan ng all the beleeding*
(at work)
gwen:what why are you here
james:mom was at your house and she killed trent!
gwen:WHAT!*tears up*
James:i called the ambulansya and their at the hospital
gwen:*runs out*
(at the hospital)
gwen:what happen to him*crying*
docter:he got...
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posted by trentgwenfan1
ON FRIDAYduncan om trent and gwen r comeing 2morow and we need 2 trun inn their rent *duncan truns in the rent
trent gwen r u packed
gwen yes sweetie we need 2 gertt on the plan in 1 hr
trent ok *kisses gwen*
WHEN TXG GET tahanan
trent runs in * guys i am going 2 get gwen her wedding presnt
duncan dude u aredy married her is that enough
trent i don't know what were is her presnt i swer it was right there
duncan i though that was the rent form
trent yes he did i told him were it was...
continue reading...
posted by trentgwenfan1
carlose: no i must kill you sa pamamagitan ng doing this!
i heard loud screaming and yelling it sounded excatly like gwen she needs my help
trent:*runs insideGET OFF OF HER!*pushes carlose off of her and shots hin*
gwen:trent your here*hugs trent* i pag-ibig you*crys of releaf*
trent: i pag-ibig you to whos idiea was this
gwen: my moms*they leav
*they get on aplan*
trent: why did your mom do this
gwen: she hates me
trent: did anyone else come with you
gwen: my younger brother but he didn't make it*crys a little*
trent: i'm sorry*hugs gwen and kisses her*
gwen:thank you
*they get home
baylor: ma wa ware wur wu
trent: its along story
trent: you tried
trent:*puts baylor to bedyou feel ok
gwen yes i'm fine
*they halik and go to bed
posted by trentgwenfan1
Gwen: why do we keep time traeling
trent: i don't know but it is going to be ok*kisses gwen*
Gwen: we need to find some where to stay
trent: i thubnk i see a hotel right over there
Danny: why are you here
Trent: who are you
danny: danny
trent: you look just like are firend duncan
danny: i know i am duncan's great great great grndfather
trent: that makes sense*gose to the other room*
danny: oh what is your name princess
gwen: gwen why are you hitting on me
danny: cuz i have a crush on you
gwen: i have a husbend
danny: i know
gwen:then why are you trying to hi ton me!
dannyz cuz you are not right...
continue reading...
oh yeahh yeah ummm
u had my hart and well b nothing world apart not even in magazines we r in venaty

cuz when u in the dark u can't c chiny cars thats when u need us their with txg all always share

bcuz when the sun shines they'll shin 2ghter told u well be fans 4ever sinabi i'll always b your tagahanga nothing much stick out 2 the end

now their fighting madami than ever as long as we got echother

u can stand under my un=mdrella u can stand under my umbrella

their diffrnet teams well never come iiin between were a family 4 infenaty

and when the wold takes supreis

and when the wollld takes supries

continue reading...
posted by trentgwenfan1
Trent: Gwen do you want to go
Gwen: can we stay here of a while
Trent: fine
Danny: i pronis you trent that Gwen will be mine
Trent: no she will not she well never fall for you
Danny: don't speak to soon
Trent: *gives him a angry look*
Gwen: what was that about
Trent: you don't have a crush on that guy do you
Gwen: no of corse not i pag-ibig you
Trent: i pag-ibig you to *kisses gwen* i think we should go now
Gwen: trent i don't want to
trent: what just a few minuts nakaraan you sinabi i don't like it here and now yo want to stay
gwen: i guess so
trent:are you stayig cuz of him
gwen: ye i mean no
trent: just forget it*gose...
continue reading...
posted by gwendiamond
Song:Together Forever

You are the redness in my Heart
WE shall never be apart
We shall be together
Forever and Ever.

Together Forever
Together Forever
My pag-ibig for you
Your pag-ibig for me
We shall be...
Together Forever

Our puso shall never Break
Neither shall our shake
Our puso shall always be stuck together
Just like our brains and our love.

Together Forever
Together Forever
My pag-ibig for you
Your pag-ibig for me
We shall Be...
Together Forever

May a monster atackk you
I will defend you
May you die
I'll be sa pamamagitan ng your side

Together Forever
Together Forever
My pag-ibig for you
Your pag-ibig for Me
We shall be...
Together Forever

There are nights were we just stare into the sky
Side sa pamamagitan ng Side
Our puso as Red as Ever
We shall be together Forever

Together Forever
Together Forever
Together Forever
We shall be....
Together Foreverrrrrrrrrrrr.

I hope you like my Song for TxG
and may they be together forever in our hearts!
posted by trentgwenfan1
gwen's p.o.v.
well its been a taon that me and trent are dating he is going to take me to as movie then a reteruant baylor is going to sleep over at trent's parents house
no ones p.o.v.
trent:you ready babe
trent:ok*kisses gwen
(after theor anafersari)
gwen*gets a call*hello
mom:gwen tomorrow when you wake up come to my house ok
gwen:fine*gose to bed
*the susunod dsay at gwens moms house
mom:ok your here i want to talk to you about trent
gwenLwhat about him
mom:he is not what you think he is
gwen:what are you talking about
mom:look at this*pulls up a web page about vamps*
that says(vamp history) vamps...
continue reading...
posted by cartooncudly999
first off I would like to say that I'm not that good at this but please read it
*Gwen's P.O.V*
I looked around my room. I looked at the clock 6:00. Did I have enough time to get ready. Of course I did. I looked in my closet and thought to myself "I can't believe I'm actually doing this"! I picked out a black dress with matching shoes. This should be good. Then I decided to take a nap.
Trent's P.O.V
"Hmm,should I wear this tux or this one". I said. You know what, i don't think it really madders. I just took a walang tiyak na layunin one and laid it down on my dresser.
8:30 Gwen's P.O.V
"oh crap I over slept" I sinabi then I rushed to put on my dress.
Trent's P.O.V
"Where the heck is Gwen"he sighed. "Maybe she doesn't like me after all"
posted by cartooncudly999
This is part 2 of my story. This type it's in Trent's POV.

I got a call on my phone. The caller I.D was Gwen. I picked it up "LOOK DUNCAN STOP TRYING TO PRANK ME sa pamamagitan ng MAKING ME THINK GWEN STILL WANT'S ME" I yelled but then the conversation went like this.

Gwen:no,it's really me and I do want you back
Trent:are you for real
Trent:did you already break up with Duncan
Trent:what did he say
Gwen:do you wanna go on a petsa tonight
Trent:how about 8:00
I hung up. This is the best araw of my life.

Please read part 3. Sorry its so short
posted by cartooncudly999
ok so i havnt made part four yet in forever (of trent and gwen forever or whatever its called XD) because i dont feel like im good at writeing this and i had a much better idea before for Mike and Zoey so yeah stay toon for that and bye also if you like this dont get mad im doing what I fell is good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!