TDI's GwenxDuncan Club
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(Duncan's P.O.V.)
I guess I've kinda forgotten what it's like. Cameras being shoved in my face, having two cool girls around, getting the constant feeling that you're gonna die- Yep. Good times.
I saw Gwen talking with Courtney in the first class compartment. They were smiling at each other. Then, Courtney pulled out a small sheet of paper, which unfolded into a gigantic sheet of paper. I heard her say, "he will be perfect." I sometimes HATE that chick.

.::Confession Cam::.
Gwen: Ahhg! This is horrible! The moment I become "friend-ish" with Courtney, I
kiss her boyfriend!! I am a horrible person! If it happens again, I'll tell her... Ohhh, is it wrong that I really REALLY want it to happen again? AHG! Horrible person!
Courtney: It's so nice to have a
girl to talk to. Especially no that Duncan's back. Gwen probably still has a crush on him. Who wouldn't? *taps chin* But she also likes her teeth. *makes fist* A LOT.
.::End Confession Cam::.

I woke up hearing Tyler about to tell Al about what he saw. So, I stretched and yawned. "Ahg, that was a deep sleep! Ah, sleep of the dead!" I let out a chuckle. "You know what I mean, Tyler? DEAD." I said, pointing at him. Tyler looked like he was about to pee his pants. Alejandro smiled evilly and rubbed his chin with his finger and thumb suspiciously.

.::Confession Cam::.
Duncan: Tyler saw me and Gwen kissing, and now he's all freaked out. *rolls eyes* But he
knows better that to talk about it. He BETTER know better. *makes a fist*
Tyler: *rubs chin nervously* I'm bad with secrets.
Alejandro: Hmm, Duncan and Tyler. I must figure out what's going on there, and use it. *smiles evilly*
.::End Confession Cam::.

We were all forced to go to the dining room, thing, to meet up with Chris McDork, for where we were going to be tortured- I mean going, next. I walked in with Owen, Tyler, and Al. I looked across a small mesa to see Gwen, Sierra, Courtney, Heather, and Cody.
Chris walked in and told us all that we're having a simple challenge (for once). Courtney clapped, Gwen clasped her hands together and brought them up to her chest, and I grinned at my teammates. I glared at Tyler though. If he blabs to everyone about mine and Gwen's kiss, he is SO dead. "Today, we're recreating the original Olympics!" Chris announced, grinning. Everyone's smiles faded into confused and worried looks. "So today, we're going to-"
"Greece!" Courtney said, raising her hand. "Atlantis?" Sierra suggested. "Mount Olympics?" Owen offered. "Wrong," Chris sinabi pointing to Courtney. "fictional," he pointed to Sierra. "and WHAT?" He said, gesturing both hands towards Owen. "We're going to Rome! Italy!" Owen gasped. "Pizza party!" He shouted. I rolled my eyes. Dude is obsessed with food. Al sinabi that Courtney was right about that, and Gwen interrupted Chris before he could say Alejandro was wrong. "Greece, they're right." She said, smiling.
Chris took out a stack of papers, threw some to his side, and squinted at some of the words. "INTERNS!" He shouted. Two interns rushed to his sides. He glanced at both of them skeptically. "Everyone should probably hang on to something," he started, rolling up the papers and hitting them on his palm. "everyone except YOU." He said, poking the intern on his left with the papers.
Without even thinking, I quickly grabbed Gwen's arm and grabbed the table. Thankfully, it was bolted down to the floor. The plane took a violent dip to the left, letting the left intern get dumped out of the plane, without a parachute. I kept my eyes closed, and my grip tight on Gwen's arm, until I felt the floor level out again. Before anyone could notice, I let go of Gwen's arm, and pretended that I had been on Team Chris is Really Hot's side of the floor the entire time.
"Prepare yourself, for battle!" Sierra said, eyebrows pointed down, pointing at us dudes. "Child's play!" Alejandro said, crossing his arms. "There's no WAY we can loose to a team with no men!" He chuckled when he sinabi no. Cody groaned, and Sierra harrumphed, crossing her arms across her chest.
Heather came over to Al and poked him in the chest, bragging about a medal she hasn't even gotten yet. I looked over at Gwen. She smiled, lowering her eyebrows. I raised my eyebrows twice at her. She smiled sweetly at me, but then her eyes widened, noticing that Courtney was glaring at her. Oh GOD, Court!! I thought, as I rolled my eyes and left the room. I saw Courtney had stopped Gwen before she could leave. I turned around and held up my fist, but Al and Owen grabbed my arms and pulled me out of the room. "Keep your temper, mi amigo!" Al hissed at me. "Hurting Courtney will do nothing for the sake of the prosperity of our team."
"Stick it, Aledorkdro." I muttered. I walked over to one of the economy class seats. I sat down and took out my pocket knife. "I need to draw..." I sinabi under my breath. "You draw with a knife?" someone asked me suddenly. I jumped in my upuan and fell onto the floor. I looked up and saw Gwen. She burst into laughter. "Dude, you are such a softie!" I glared at her and got up. "Am not! Shut it!" I muttered. I brushed myself off. I looked around at the doors. "Good." I muttered. I walked back over to Gwen. "You know someone saw us...?" I asked Gwen quietly. "What?!" she whispered fiercely. "Tyler." I said, looking angrily around us. I saw a camera peeking in through one of the curtains. I walked over to it and punched the lens. I heard a grunt from behind the camera. "I hope that gave you a black eye!" I whispered loudly.
Just then, a scratchy radio version of Chris's voice came up, and it said, "Everyone strap your butts to a seat! We're landing in 10 minutos in Athens, Greece!" then a click, then silence again.
"Shit." I muttered. "Gwen, get to first class." I said, pushing her into the first class compartment. "Duncan-" she started, grabbing my hand, but she was pulled into the first class compartment sa pamamagitan ng Heather. "Thanks, delinquent." she sinabi with a fake smile. I rolled my eyes in response, and buckled myself down to a seat. I looked across the room. I saw Tyler looking at me like he had just seen a ghost. I made a straight face at him, and looked over at Owen. "Hows it goin', big guy?" I asked him, patting his stomach. Big mistake. He burped, then he farted. "Ah, sick, man!!" I yelled, covering my nose. I heard hysterical laughs from Heather, Cody, Sierra, and Gwen, and a "Poor Dunky!" from Courtney.
After five minutos of coughing and covering of noses, Chris announced over the speaker, "Welcome to Athens, Greece, losers- I mean contestants!"
Well, this is going to be fun.

- - - - - - - - - -

We lined up outside of the, um, Python.
After a horrifying moment of Owen thinking he had to be naked for this challenge, we all moved onto the maze, type, thing, of columns.
Then McClean explained that we had to get a ginto medal. That was around a bear's neck. "So? Who's goin'?" Chris asked, closing his eyes, and gesturing to all of us with one hand. "Me." someone else and I said. I looked over to my right, and, almost like it was supposed to be on que, Gwen, Courtney and I said, "What?!" Gwen and I started blathering on at the same time. But Chris interrupted, "Gwen verses Duncan it is!"
"Wow! Isn't this... fun...!" Courtney sinabi in fake happiness.

.::Confession Cam::.
Alejandro: Now there's tension between Duncan and Gwen? Maybe Tyler and Gwen are secretly dating, and Duncan is... Ah... No no no. *smiles evilly* *touches finger tips together* Patience...
.::End Confession Cam::.

"What's the big deal?" I asked Chris, walking up to him. "Just let someone else do this!"
"My decision is final, Duncan."
"You sonova..." I murmured. "Excuse me?" Chris questioned. "I didn't say anything." I sinabi innocently. But, since I sinabi that, McJerk told me that I am not going to say anything, but I'm going to sing everything, and if I don't sing, Chef's gonna whip me with a towel. "Oohh, a towel! I'm soO scared!" I said, hopping up and down on one foot. "You should be. Chef?" And then Chef whipped me SUPER HARD with a towel. "OOWWW!!" I cried out. "Ouch! Really shoulda sung that ouch, bro." Then, Chef whipped me even harder with the towel. "Oww!!" I sung in a super high voice. "Much better." Chris mused. Chef tossed Gwen and I two trash can lids. "Good luck!" Chris sang.
Everyone left, and Courtney made a big fuss about me and Gwen being left alone. Together. With no one else around. Wow, she makes it sound like we're gonna make out or something while they're all gone.
Well, time to set out for that medal, I guess.

- - - - - - - - - -

(Gwen's P.O.V.)
Well, this has been fun now hasn't it? I get stuck with the info that Tyler knows about mine and Duncan's kiss, and now I have to be stuck with the info that I'm going up against Duncan in one of the competitions. That first part, totally lame, the segundo part, I can have bragging rights against him. Ha ha, HE'S GOING DOWN! But the boar-bear, thing, kinda scares me. Bears are very capable of mauling people. Cody proved that in season one.
Before starting, I came up to Duncan, and chuckled, "Try not to loose to hard out there, softie."
"Good luck, pasty." He chuckled, punching my arm. "You are SO going down." I grinned evilly, gesturing with one index finger downwards. "In your dreams! Just like you and I actually getting together without Courtney freaking out." He laughed, winking at me, and then he ran in one direction. "Jackass!" I shouted, laughing, and running the opposite direction.

- - - - - - - - - -

I gripped my "shield" and walked backwards nervously, saying, "Heeere, bulugan bulugan boar..." the camera guy following my every move, but then, I bumped into something behind me. "Ahh!" I cried out. Yeah, pretty obviously, and I should've guessed, it was Duncan. Duncan sang, "Oh uy I just..." as I said, "Hey, um hey, I..."
"You go first..." He sang, smiling nervously at me, gesturing towards me with one hand, and I sinabi at the same time, "S-sorry you-" we sighed in our failed attempt to communicate. We smiled at each other.

.::Confession Cam::.
Duncan: WHY... IN THE HELL... *angry face* DIDN'T I halik THAT GIRL EARLIER. *angry face melts into a dreamy smile*
.::End Confession Cam::.

Just then, wouldn't you know, we heard a kampanilya ding, and Chris popped out of no where. "Please continue, this time with music." He sinabi smiling. "Gwen, although this is a duet, only Duncan has to sing." He sped away, and I looked nervously at the camera, and Duncan looked off into the distance nervously.
Chef began to play his stupid little lyre, thing, and Duncan sang, "I know what you're thinkin', I'm thinkin' it too!" Where he came up with this so fast, I don't know, but I quickly racked my brain for a rhyme, and sang, "I'm not sure what you're thinking, so maybe that's true!"
"I don't know what happened, but I have no regrets." What? He didn't regret halik me even though he's still dating Courtney? I got all tingly inside. "For reals?" I asked hopefully, but then I remembered a different, less happy option. "Or because 'you-know-who' doesn't know yet..." I asked suspiciously, pointing at him. Duncan cringed and frowned. "Oh, it was just between us."
"Not exactly- Someone made a fuss!"
We walked up to a statue that had Atlas holding up the world. He looked strangely like Tyler. "They sure weren't meant to see, but that locked door, couldn't secure our privaceeeeee..." Duncan sang sadly. I put a hand on his shoulder reassuringly. He has such a wonderful voice. Why didn't he want to sing? I bet every girl will swoon for him after this season is over. We walked over to a statue of a girl that looked like Courtney playing a harp. Duncan gestured to it and sang, "Fine, let's do it. Let's clear the air." I cringed as I saw the boar-bear behind him. "Save it for later," I sang, then pointed at the madala and shouted/sang, "LOOK OUT FOR THAT BEAR!!"
"AHAHHH!!!" Duncan screamed, then the madala punched him. "The pain! The pain! Too much to explain!" He collapsed to the ground. "We gotta stop what we're doin', 'cause this is just insane!!" I yelled/sang.
"The bulugan bear's got me, and that's seriously lame!" Duncan was in the bear's mouth now, bruised, cut, and hurt.
"Thanks Mr. Boar-Bear," I hopped on the bear's back, and grasped the blue ribbon holding the ginto medal. "I guess I win this game!" I hopped off of the boar's back. I high fived Courtney. She began questioning me about what I had been doing with Duncan while we were alone. GOD Is she JEALOUS or something? But Chris interrupted her questions, luckily.
We had one challenge between Heather and Al. A hurdles race. Heather won. At the beginning, Alejandro bent his knees COMPLETELY BACKWARDS, to tie a parang buriko tail into his hair. NO MAN should be THAT flexible.
After that race, Courtney and I started to get anxious. "OK, seriously, where is Duncan?" Courtney questioned Chris when we got back to the Parthenon. "Duncan will sumali us soon. You know, if he's still alive."
"IF?! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN?!" I shouted in a seriously concerned voice. Courtney looked at me suspiciously. "Hang on a sec Chris." Courtney smiled at McClean. "You sounded really concerned there..." she turned towards me. "W-well, I-I know how you feel, so..." I sinabi smiling. "You know how I feel?" She asked. "Like, you get it? Or you feel the same way...?" She asked, her voice getting oh so suspicious. "Umm..." I tried to look for a distraction. I saw two huge pairs of wings on a kariton rolling towards us. "Uh, look! Wings!" I said, pointing towards them.
Apparently, they were meant for the challenge, but, after Tyler asked, "Are those even safe?" and Chris said, "Of course! Chef spent an entire hour working on these!" the wings fell apart. The intern pushing the kariton pulled the kariton away, and started sucking up the feathers with a leaf blower. "We're gonna need some madami wax! So, who's going?"
"I'll do it!" Cody sinabi proudly. "For all of you." He said, leaning towards me. I cringed, but Sierra grabbed him in a head lock and screamed, "Eee! Ha, thank you, Cody!" In a dreamy voice. "I'll do it!" Tyler said. "Oh, and before you start," Chris said, pulling out two ridiculous red and ginto costumes. "please step into these authentic Spartan battle costumes."
"Eee! Costumes!" Sierra exclaimed.
A few minutos later, after they were done changing, Tyler and Cody had on the most stupid costumes ever. Sierra gasped. "He's like an angel!" she sighed. "Those costumes aren't authent-" Alejandro began, but Sierra put a hand over his mouth and said, "Shh!! No one cares."
I looked back and saw Owen conversing with Al. He got a concentrated look on his face, then he sinabi something, and he walked over to Tyler. "Time to repay that favor!"
Oh shit.
"Please tell Courtney what you know about Duncan and Gwen." Al sinabi with a satisfied smile. Courtney gasped, turned towards me, and glared at me.
Tension built up as Tyler kept it in. Then, it all came out, one simple sentence that would ruin my life forever. "I-I-I SAW DUNCAN AND GWEN KISS!! Ohhh!!" Tyler sinabi with a relieved sigh at the end. "WHAT?!" Courtney exclaimed. "Oh, that's a load off!!" Tyler sinabi with a satisfied smile on his face. "He sinabi he saw..." Al started, but Courtney had gotten the message. "HOW COULD YOU?!" She shouted. "I THOUGHT WE WERE, FRIEND, ISH- I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU!!!"
"GO!" Chris shouted, releasing the arrow. Tyler started to fly with his wings, but Cody sat there dumbfounded. "Duncan? Duncan?!"
"You called?" Duncan rushed up to Cody. Man, was I ELATED to see him. "Heh, nice bikini!" Duncan laughed. But after that, Cody got his serious look on, and he punched Duncan in the eye. Then, Chef whipped him with a towel. "SING IT!" He commanded, even though Duncan was totally out cold. Sierra encouraged Cody to start flying, but Courtney only countered it with commanding Cody to stay. "But we'll lose!" Sierra complained, but then she looked at me, inhaled through the mouth, and sinabi "Oh. Cody, stay where you are!"
"You! Are SO. E-lim-in-ate-ed!!" Courtney enunciated. "She's got my vote." Heather said. "Agreed." Sierra said. My eyes started to water. See what I mean sa pamamagitan ng the sentence that would ruin my life? Everyone hates me now. I saw Duncan was now conscious. He looked up at me, and saw I had very visible tears in my eyes. He looked at me worriedly. Then Cody noticed I was crying. He began to fly. He flew, and he flew, until, after Tyler came crashing down, he grabbed the medal with his mouth, and fell on Tyler. "Yes!" I whispered, but I felt a searing pain on my cheek, and then darkness.

- - - - - - - - - -

I woke up in the first class compartment, all groggy. I heard Courtney bawling behind me. I felt so horrible.

.::Confession Cam::.
Gwen: The halik was great. Really great. *beams* But was it worth it? *beam fades* I"m certainly not going to last much longer, and Duncan's probably getting eliminated right now! *realizes* *gasps* *runs out the door*
.::End Confession Cam::.

I sneaked up behind the tiki so that I could see what was going on in the elimination room. Chris explained how they all got there. Tyler apparently got K.O.'ed sa pamamagitan ng Courtney (hilarious). Chris gave a parachute to an intern, who would eventually give it to the dude who got voted out. "You've all cast your votes, and made your decisions. But, tonight, the decision is mine. And the drop of shame will be taken by..." Chris pointed up in the air. I gasped. Please don't say Duncan, PLEASE don't say Duncan... "THIS INTERN!" Chris shouted. A look of confusion spread across the intern's face, but Chris pushed him out, a faint "AHHHH!!" coming from him. I heard Duncan laugh, Owen giggle, and Tyler groan. "As if I'm gonna send Duncan tahanan when the fun's just getting started!" Chris laughed. "Will Courtney and Gwen get things patched up?" Chris asked the near sa pamamagitan ng camera. As if on que, Courtney just shouted, "I HATE YOUUU!!" at me. "Will anyone survive these susunod challenges? Find out susunod time on Total, Drama, Woooorrrllld TOOOUUURRR!!!"
The cameras shut down, and Chris retreated to his private quarters. I made sure to stay hidden from all of the dudes as they left, but apparently I didn't hide well enough for Duncan not to see me. "You worried about me?" Duncan mused after he had grabbed my arm and pulled me behind the benches. "What do you think, cyclops?" I teased, pointing at the black eye Cody gave him. "That little twerp is gonna pay." Duncan muttered. "You sinabi it." I sinabi to him. Our eyes locked. Duncan leaned in a little closer towards me. "You know, that halik was pretty amazing." He chuckled. "I wouldn't mind feeling like that again..."
"Me neither... Where's Trent?" I teased. "Oh ha ha," Duncan punched my arm. "just halik me, Gwen." we were just about to kiss, when Alejandro and Tyler grabbed Duncan sa pamamagitan ng the arms and pulled him away from me. "Laters, pasty!" he shouted as he was dragged back into the economy class. "See ya, cyclops." I said.
Well, hopefully I won't be murdered sa pamamagitan ng Courtney while I sleep. This is going to be a long night.
(no ones pov)
Gwen:sees Trent and someone else on web chat.Trent:your so beautiful. ???: your so sweet Tod!!!!!Gwen:Oh my god its its LINDSAY!!!!!Lindsay: I <3 you. Trent:I <3 u 2. Lindsay:R u still dating Greta??? Trent:it's Gwen and yea SADLY but I'm duppin her tommorow
Thegothchick has logged on
Trent:Oh uy Gwen. Lindsay:Greta?!?!?!?Gwen:that's not my NAME!!!!!Lindsay::(. Trent:Gwen be nice. Gwen:stand up for me help me fight my battles not Lindseiots. Trent:don't call her that.
Juvieboy has logged on
Gwen:I know what your doin Trent and its not right :(. Trent:Gwenny what do you mean?...
continue reading...
posted by TaintedArtist
This is the little story I wrote for the picture I made, it was originally longer, but my computer deleted it so we this was basically all I could remember. I'm sorry, butstill I hope you all enjoy!:3

Duncan couldn’t exactly sleep.

It was hard to tell really, what was bothering him the anticipation or the adrenaline rush. Though the rhythmic jerking of the subway wasn’t exactly the most relaxing thing in the world either, he sighed heavily. The silence was beginning to irritate him as the only thing that could be heard was the violent screech of metal against metal. Multiple odors filled...
continue reading...
Story Time! :D Duncan and Gwen are dating, as Courtney gets jealous. She kisses Duncan in front of Gwen. Gwen breaks up with Duncan for cheated (he didn't) DXC hooks up but start to fight, Duncan and Gwen miss each other so they get back together
added by TaintedArtist
Video sa pamamagitan ng SimzMaster. It is a really good video about DxG and TxC!!!! YAY!
posted by trentgwenfan1
with Duncan and his dad
Duncan:*packing his stuff to go to millitary school*
Duncan's dad: Duncan you almost ready
Duncan: why becuase you're waitig to never see me again so you can celabreat!
Duncan's dad: DON'T TALK TO ME THAT WAY now awnser my question!
Duncan: yes i am happy!
Duncan's dad:Duncan i know you are upset but it is for the best
Duncan's dad: Dunan kabibe down
Duncan: how can i when i can't help my girlfriend wth our kid
Duncan's dad: you need to learn to be madami responseable
Duncan: and how the heck is millitary school going to help that!?!?!?!?!
Duncan's dad: just get your stuff packed we leave at 6:50 tomorrow morning
Duncan: that early
Duncan's dad: yes *walks ut of the room*
Duncan: can my life get any worse

[b] i know it is short again so what should happen when Duncan goes to millitary school and sorry if some words where spelled wrong [b/]
added by TDIlover226
Source: Me [TDIlover226]
added by tdifreak55
added by xRainbowNinjax
Source: xRainbowNinjax
added by xRainbowNinjax
Source: Me
added by GwenFanxxxx
added by bakes2389
Source: Total Drama Creators, CN, Teletoon
added by TaintedArtist
added by gwuncanfan
Source: Me
added by xRainbowNinjax
Source: I pag-ibig halik 3 :3
added by GwuncanLuver
added by GwuncanLuver