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posted by ceejay79
Dating is a precious time to get to know your partner and ultimately determine if you can spend the rest of your lives together. Sadly though ,others point out to some surface things such as; we like the same music, same movies,games and sports, or even we share the same birth months! But these traits are far from determining how compatible you are or you can be in future with each other. But take time to examine rather deeply on things such as, how much you agree, what happens when you disagree?Does your partner insist on his or her way even in the wrong? Do they use abusive speech ? How does the partner treat the family members? How does your partner handle you being broke? Ultimately if you see that you are not compatible,its better to leave the partner for someone else who is better. Why ? Its better to pass through the temporally pain of a break up than spend your entire life with someone you are not compatible with if you overlook some flaws and marry the person! So take time to know your partner well even in other aspects as well.