The Lovely Buto (The film) Club
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posted by KatiiCullen94
I am an ardent tagahanga of Peter Jackson's 'Heavenly Creatures' and rate it #1 in my tuktok 5 drama films of all time thus far. I was looking pasulong to seeing this film adaptation of Alice Sebold's novel - which I have not read - as it sounded like he was going back to his 'Heavenly Creature' roots with the story that was presented. I had read some disappointing reviews before seeing 'The Lovely Bones' so did not go in with much expectation but kind of hoping that the detractors may be wrong: unfortunately they were right.

Where to begin: 1/ I found the pagganap weak and forced. Mark Whalberg was miscast and was so obvious at playing emotional and serious rather than being the feeling, like much of the movie there was no finesse to his performance. Rachel Weisz had hardly much to do at all and her role seemed Nawawala and neglected - but I would put this down to editing choices. Stanley Tucci and Saorise Ronan fared better, but they are better actors than Whalberg so that goes without saying. Susan Sarandon was just a gross caricature.

2/ Like Sarandon's performance, there was no subtlety to the presentation of the film. It's like Peter Jackson was too concerned with making a great looking technically impressive film which has overshadowed the human element of the story. Personally, I found some of the CGI effects segundo rate like something I would find in a telebisyon commercial: it just did not grab me and was surfeit.

3/ While it appears that much effort had gone into the production disensyo with some meticulous detail, it looked overdone and so fake 70's the actors looked like they were playing dress up and pagganap like they were still in the 21st century. The supporting roles were nothing to write tahanan about at all and were just plain embarrassing to watch in some scenes. 'Heavenly Creatures' had strong performances, from then largely unknown actors and this film had nothing exceptional to offer in the thespian stakes, yet had a big name cast.

4/ I was not connected or emotionally involved in the proceedings, due to the over-importance of the pyrotechnics on display and the screenplay was choppy and all over the place; too much forced fed sentiment. Maybe I missed something, but the style of the film did not mirror the substance and potential that was on offer and what could have been a moving and distressing experience ended up being distanced and flaccid.

A huge disappointment!
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added by KarinaCullen
added by KarinaCullen
added by FadingSpark
Source: movie people
posted by KatiiCullen94
Peter Jackson’s Latest Suffers from Too Much Special Effects and Too Little Character Development

Peter Jackson’s newest release The Lovely Buto bears greater similarity to his smaller films (particularly the wonderful Heavenly Creatures) than to the sprawling, epic Lord of the Rings trilogy—but it’s unlike any film he has directed previously. Alice Sebold’s 2002 novel is a startling, sometimes brutal, and often touching tale of a girl whose life ends before she even has her first kiss. Unfortunately the movie, though beautifully filmed, is an incoherent mashup of the book’s most...
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Source: The lovely Buto website
added by KarinaCullen
added by KarinaCullen
the lovely Buto
music video
added by KarinaCullen
added by FadingSpark
Source: The lovely Buto website
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