The Vampire Diaries TV ipakita Club
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So, here we are at our March FOTM, and KatherinePierce is the winner! I'm sure you'll all agree with me when I say that she really deserves this, so congrats Corrie! <3

Here's the interview;

1. How do you feel about being nominated as TVD tagahanga of the Month?
Oh wow. It was so surprising. I honestly don’t feel like I deserve this. I can think of at least ten people off the tuktok of my head who are madami deserving. Thank you to everyone who voted for me XD I pag-ibig my TVD family.♥

2. Who is your favourite character?
My paborito female character is Katherine, and my paborito male character is Stefan. Katherine is
just so... awesome. Lol. She’s completely badass and crazy, but still (deep down) has a bit of a good side to her - mostly when around the Salvatores :). She’s not a pushover, and will fight for what she wants. A lot of people call her evil, but I don’t think she truly is; just like Damon isn’t evil. She’s done bad things, yes, but bad doesn’t equal evil. Klaus is evil; Katherine isn’t.
Unlike Klaus, Katherine does still have that bit of humanity left in her, and it does surface from time to time.
 "Katherine is just so... awesome. Lol. She’s completely badass and crazy, but still (deep down) has a bit of a good side to her..."
"Katherine is just so... awesome. Lol. She’s completely badass and crazy, but still (deep down) has a bit of a good side to her..."

And Stefan is... I just pag-ibig him. He’s so kind and caring almost no matter what, and would rather talk it out than throw fists. I know that some will argue that the last episode showed the opposite, but if you go back and watch, you’ll see that he had tried to talk to Damon before anything ever happened. He has his own way of going about things, and they just happen to be the less violent way. I really like Damon too, but what can I say; I’m much madami of a prince charming type girl than a bad boy girl.

3. Which couple do you ship?
All of them? Haha. I really do like almost all the ships on the show. I’m generally a very open person, and that helps me see all ships for their potential :) But my absolute favorites would have to be Stefan&Katherine / Stefan&Elena / Damon&Elena / Damon&Bonnie. Hehe. I’m such a multishipper.

4. Which is your favourite episode so far?
I’m going to answer this in seasons. In Season One, my paborito episode would probably have to be Blood Brothers. It had good development for my ships - Damon and Elena grew closer, Elena helped
Stefan work through his problems, and Katherine told Stefan she loved him- and also helped mend the brothers’ relationship a little bit. Plus, the flashback episodes are always nice :)
In season two... hmm. Much tougher to pick. I’d say it’s a draw between Memory Lane and Katerina.
Both of them probably because we got to see a madami human side of Katherine.Memory Lane was all
about how Katherine truly loves Stefan, and he brings out the bit of humanity she still has in her. In Katerina we saw that even back then, Kat was still Kat, and she did have her madami manipulative and self preserving side. But we also (again) saw her madami human and loving side, like when concerning her daughter and mother (Final tomb scene anyone? I nearly cried with her).

5. Are you in Team Vampire, Witch, Werewolf or Human?!
Team Vampire for the win! Haha. But yeah, as much as I looove Tyler and Bonnie,I’m going with the vamps. And all the humans are boring (apart from Alaric). Plus, I could never be on a team that’s against Katherine, Stefan, Damon, and Caroline.

6. If you could ask someone from TVD (Actor/Character...) one question, what would it be and why?!
To Julie Plec: why can’t we have an episode called “Shirtless Men”? Force all the hot guys of TVD to walk around without a sando on. Lol. I’m sure, regardless of ship, everyone would enjoy that :) Plus, Paul Wesley has been shirt-less way too few times for my liking. Him not being shirt-less for so long should be a crime. (I would say the same for Ian Somerhalder, but he’s shirt-less nearly every episode :)

7. Which character would you say that you related to the most?
Hmm... probably Caroline. I just see a lot madami of me in her than I do any of the other characters. Maybe a bit of Stefan too. Haha.

8. Describe The Vampire Diaries in 5 words...!
Unpredictable (understatement of the century)

9. What are your hopes for Season 3?
That Katherine makes it to Season 3 first off, ha.
I really hope the tatsulok will come into full play susunod season. Right now it’s Stefan/Elena with Damon on the side. Stefan loves Elena, Damon loves Elena, and Elena loves Stefan and cares about Damon. The show’s suppose to be about a pag-ibig triangle; I want her to come to pag-ibig Damon too (at the right time, of course), and not just care about him. I pag-ibig Stefan & Elena together, so this isn’t just me wanting Damon & Elena. But this ipakita is suppose to be a triangle, and right now its not.
I also really hope we’ll eventually get a Damon/Bonnie friendship. I feel like we’ve ever so gradually been building up to it, and I really hope they do become closer in Season Three. I kinda wish the writers would have stuck closer to Damon & Bonnie’s relationship in the books. They were much closer and worked well with each other. I don’t really like their love/hate relationship they have in the show. Granted, I understand it after everything that’s happened, but still, I’m hoping for a much friendlier relationship between the two of them. Maybe even setting up for a possible romance in Season Four...?

10. Finally, on a scale of 1-10, how much would you say you liked The Vampire Diaries?!
I’d have to go with a 9.5. It’s fantastic most of the time, but there have been a few moments that I wish would have been different, or that they would have taken the ipakita in a different direction. But, I can’t complain too much, because the writers are amazing, and I know in the end it’ll be wonderful :)
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