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posted by GwenTrentDude
 Noah & Emily<3
Noah & Emily<3
am sleepy lol the pamagat of chapter 6 was blah bkuz i couldnt think of sh!t! lol

Chapter 6: Blahh!

Courtney got up from kama and so did Cody. They both got out of their bedrooms at the same time. And it was only 5:30 AM. "Hey Courtney! Want to come joging with me? Lauren and Jared run in the mornings and sometimes in the afternoons with Andi and Emily. " " Oh no thanks w8 umm...Jared? Uh...sure.." "Kay get your watch an change into something else. " Mmmm...k." She came back out and they headed out. Courtney didnt know where but somewhere he must of known already. They where near a liqor and Jared and Lauren where there. Jared was suprised she was there... He didnt see it coming. She didnt think they'd be wearing the same color sando either. " Suprised to see me? " She sinabi as she curled her hair. " Yes... wheres your friend?" Courtney had thought he was intrested in Bridgette but then again he kept on turning a bit pink. " Sleeping...sooo wanna run now or what?" She sinabi as he took off and she ran behind him yelling out wait up. Lauren tied her shoes and Cody was kind of trying to ask her something imortant. " Um...Lauren...this is going to be kinda all of a sudden but...do you want to have hapunan with me at Roxxettes on Friday??" Her eyes opened and she felt like her puso came outta her head and her brain fell down to her stomach! She couldnt explain it but she knew what it meant. " Omgee yes Cody! Yes I would mar...err go out with you!" She snapped outta her pantasiya dream. Cody smiled in a relef. " Yes! Alright Friday at 8?" "Sure!" " Sweet...soo lets get runn-ahh!" Cody tripped before he could finish. "Am alright!"
Andi and Duncan where seeing the sunrise as she got up and ran and jumped into the water. " c'mon get in! its awsome in the morning!". He took off his sando and jumped in. " Are you kidding? Its god damn cold am getting out." " Awww you are only getting out because your affraid of the eels!" He looked at her and said, " What the hell you sinabi there was nothing in here!" " I lied... lol am kidding! Gosh you ruin funny things... uy dont you think Chris might ..." Duncan widened his eyes and got out the water and said, " Chris! He might be lookin for us! Or me! Crap!" She looked at him and stopped swimming. " I had fun! I need to go! Bye!" He ran off to the trail she mentioned earlier. Her face could tell it all... she was not sad but very angry... looked like she was going to have a asong babae fit.
Marlo woke up early and went to a small restaurant of 12 tables to eat early breakfast. She sat down on a chair and ate her pancakes. She was eating quietly like if she wasent there. She was thinking about everything. She was thinking about her mga kaibigan with these guys and girls and they wont be here in 2 weeks. She wondered what would happen. She drank her juice and saw Gwen and Leshawna pass sa pamamagitan ng from the resturant. She got up and left a tip and ran out the door. " uy guys!" They turned around and saw her and smiled and waved. " uy there... and your up early because?" Leshawna sinabi as she gave her a funny face. " Cause am not tired..?" She mubbled as Geoff and Duncan ran up a trail pass sa pamamagitan ng the supply store as she gave a confused look. " Uhhh..?? Are you guys going to do a challenge or something like that? Am sure Chris is sleeping like a baby." She sinabi with a laugh. " Yeah I bet but if it aint him, then its Chef...which is way worse.. Sooo umm we'll talk later alright? Maybe threw some coffee or something with the rest of the group." Gwen sinabi as she walked away and Leshawna gave a wink and turned around. She walked the other way and 3 minutos had passed sa pamamagitan ng as she saw Andi come from out of no where. " Heyy...did you go out for a swim in the mor-" " Yes! I did! And am soo mad at Duncan right now! He left without a propure goodbye and left me alone in the woods! Sure I knew where to get out but c'mon that was totally effed up! I mean seriously!" Marlo rolled her eyes. " Well are you going with him to the carnival?" Andi forgot about the Mclaine carnival. " Umm... well I was going to ask him if he.." " Dont..go with other guy, then he'll know he was dumb and try winning you back.. thats how the guys tick." Marlo walked away and Andi smiled. "Thanks Marlo, all so do that. Wait no bad idea...hmmm? Well I really dont know?"
Rikki went to the hospital to see if Trent was alright. They where talking for while the doctor took his blood sample. They sinabi he was alright and he could leave that very day. " Sooo Theres a carnival tonight and I was kind of wondering if you wanted to come with me?" Rikki sinabi as she turned red like a tomatoe. He turned kulay-rosas and said, " Sure...I would like to go. What time?" She was so happy, " Umm...6. Its way better in the night." "Alright." She drove him to the motel. And when he got upstairs no one was there until someone opened the door, it was Harold. " Jez that was a crappy challange! Trent where were you?" " Somewhere... everyone gots to get dressed! Theres a carnival! And I think its going to be in the open area." " Yo party? Am in!" Owen sinabi as he ate his chips. They told the girls and they all got dressed. They wore the best clothes they had as they all head out and saw some people walking to the carnival.

Chapter 7: Carnival Time

So Fine sa pamamagitan ng Sean Paul in background (you guys play it then you'll see everything in your mind xD)

They arrived at the carnival as they saw a dance floor, a ferris wheel, and alot more. They all split up to find some of there new mga kaibigan and some went to go have fun. Duncan, Bridgette, Cody, Lindsay, Leshawna and Harold hit the dancefloor as there was a compititon going on to see who was the best group dancers. Marlo, Andi and Lauren where there. They where dancing amazing! They where making sick moves, everyone was clapping for them. But another group where throwing unseen moves. Marlo, Andi and Lauren where getting tired. Suddenly Harold and Lindsay got in for them and became a team. Harold was dancing incredable. He was throwing badass moves. Everyone was whisling and clapping for his moves. Lindsay and Marlo break danced with Andi. Lauren started dancing wildly and the other team had no chance of beating them. Bridgette started getting down low as Leshawna started throwing her moves. And out of no where Trent and Rikki come and help them out. Trent found Rikki amidetly and asked her to dance, though now it was madami for there mga kaibigan to win. Then the big lights started flashing and the floor lights started blinking blue kulay-rosas and every color. It was weird because they where outside but they tried to win. Then the man with big weird hair came and announced they where the winners. They all clapped and cheered! They where happy! Until Duncan faced Andi, she rolled her eyes at him and he laughed as he said, " I dout you'll hold your grudge long.." She tried not to laugh but she did. " I knew it.." She laughed and stepped on his foot. he yelled out a small scream and said, " What was that for?" " For what you did! Lets go freak.. I wanna get on the ferris wheel." He nodded and said, " Not until I win one of those games and get a prize." She rolled her eyes and they walked away.
" uy Cody!" Lauren sinabi with a small blush. " Hey... I know our petsa isent today but how bout lets have it now?" He sinabi in his shy voice. " Of course Cody. Lets get some pizza then wait a bit to get on the rides." She sinabi as she got her bag. " alright then, I call pizza!" He sinabi as she turned to Marlo and said, " Marlo ama hang with Cody k?" Marlo smiled and said, " Alright ama keep on dancing for fun this time. Ama be with Harold and Leshawna!" "Kay have fun!" They left as the rest keep on dancing as Trent showed Rikki some of his moves. " Hahaha omgee your a good dancer! You got to teach me!" Rikki sinabi as he did the moon walk. " Ha alright lets start of with the moon walk.. you up for it?" She nodded her head as he grabbed her waiste and showed her what to do.
Emily and Jared where at the house of mirrors as they where bonding, until they saw Courtney, Katie, Sadie, Eva and Noah coming there way. Emily felt her face turn red as she saw Noah. He walked towards her but noticed it was a mirror and she was actually behind him, " Right here Noah! Hahaha" SHe sinabi as he turned red and in his mind he kept slaping himself. " Soo wanna ride the bumper cars with me? Jared hates getting on them and I want to have fun." She sinabi as she ate the small bag of pop corn. " Umm... I have never done that." He sinabi as she gasped, " What? Never? Well today you are!" She grabbed his hand and took him out of there as he could feel his puso pounding. Jared walked to Courtney as he drank his kouk and said, " Wanna get on the boat? The rivers right there... its really cool because theres a suprise at the end.. So you want to?" In her mind she thought it was The House Of pag-ibig or whatever it was called but either way she still had the same answer. " Sure... sounds fun!" "Alright thats the spirit girl!" They went out as the rest where confused and didnt know how to get out.
Dj and Tyler went to go shoot some hoops in one of the areas as someone covered Dj's eyes. It was Sumer. " uy Dee! Didnt think you where gunna be here! " " Well I didnt hear about it until Trent told us. So what are some fun rides here?" " Oh well theres bumper cars! Want to ride them?" " Hells yeah!" " Race you there!" She took off as he ran behind her.
Tyler keep on shooting hoops as Carly and Becca come. " uy wanna see who can make madami shoots?" Becca sinabi as grabbed one of the basketballs. " HA sure. " "Alright.." " Becca you better make it!" " Dnt worry its in the bag!" The timer set off as Tyler tried making the shots, Becca had made two. Carly staired at both baskets as she wondered who was going to make it! She couldnt take it so she got one of her own and started shooting hoops as well. The time was up, as the man got a big stuffed dog and handed it to Carly. " All right!" Becca and Tyler gave a confused face. " But you barly started!" Becca sinabi as she looked at the points. Tyler had 4, Becca had 5 and Carly had 7. " Umm... I got carried away?" Carly sinabi in a smile as she hugged her plush toy. She stood up and walked away. " She did that in 15 seconds.." Becca sinabi as Tyler nodded his head and said, " It was insanity that tamed the beast.." They both sat back down and did a redo. A girl came to take the susunod shift for the man. " Alrighty so another round for you guys?" "Yess, I wanna make sure I can kick his ass!" " Alrighty... Wait hey!" " Hahaha nice one Becca.." Tyler looked at her and said, " You guys know each other?" " Uh.. yeah this is Miranda from my history and gym class." " How many Miranda's do will I know in a my life?" " I dunno??" " Ughh.." Tyler did as he got a basketball. " What boy? Got a problem with it?" Miranda sinabi as she put her arm on her hip. " Nooo!" " Alright so shut your mouth and quit talking!" " No you shut up!" " No you!" " No you!" They're faces was an inch away and started kissing. They didnt stop its like they where going at it forever. " Umm...? Guys? Yeah can we start the game now? HELLO!?!" Becca got off the upuan and walked away as Tyler continued halik Miranda Girl.
Carly went to the pagkain area and sat down on a chair and saw Addrey and Sarah talking with Heather and Izzy. Carly walked over and sat down as Sarah waved and Addrey said, " Sooo let me get this straight... You and Heather.... are ....together!?" Carly and Izzy gave them a face as they both nodded. " Soo my best friend and my friend from a lifetime are together.... Weird... I seriously didnt see it coming!" Izzy looked at her and said, " Well I did! Kinda obvious for the mean girl to finally go for the layed back, easy going chic who doesnt hate!" Addrey looked at her and said, " That actually made sense!" Heather looked at Izzy as Arina popped out of no where and touched the table. " Ha! Base! I made it first!" Geoff ran after her and said, " Did not! You just got there before me! Doesnt mean you won!" Izzy drank her soda and said, " UH yeah it kinda does! She beat you fair-o and square-o!". " Ha see Geoff! I made it before you! So a big HAHA! To you!" " Fine all race you again! up to the rollercoaster!" " OH its on! ON your mark, get set, go!" They ran like a flash of lightnen as Geoff tripped and got back up. " Dudes theres something wrong with them!" Heather sinabi as she pointed at them. " Yeah... pag-ibig is whats wrong with them." Sarah sinabi as she ate her fry.
Emily and Noah chose the bumper car for two people. Emily sat at the drivers upuan and Noah sit at the passanger seat. He put the upuan sinturon and began to sweat. " Omgee its fun you'll see!" The man who was in charge of the bumper cars started the cars as Emily drove off and hit someone that very second. " What the hell you just hitted them!" Noah sinabi as he waved his arms in the air, " Hahaha thats kinda the whole point!" She drove offed and hit another persons car. " That was kinda cool! Oh hit those kids over there!" She smiled and said, " Am on it!". Noah finally got the hang of it, " Woah make it go a faster!" " Am trying! ahaha!" Geoff and Arina passed sa pamamagitan ng them as they yelled out " nachos AND SODA!!! WOOO GO SUCK THE GOAT! WOOO!" Emily looked at Noah in a confused face and said, " Yeah I dont know whats up with them.." " Are they huffing damo or something?" Noah sinabi as he scratched his chin. " No... I dont think they're that crazy!" Then Dj and Sumer hit them with their bumper car as Sumer said, " Yo didnt see me coming did ya!" Emily laughed and Noah said, " No but I bet you didnt see this!" Noah got the wheel and bumped into Dj and Sumer. " OH your asking for it!" Dj sinabi as they continued bumping each other.
Duncan and Andi where playing a game. He was trying to shot the targets but kept missing, she on the other hand kept on hitting them. The man had ibingiay her a kulay-rosas teddy madala and they walked away. " Here you go Duncan.." He looked at the plush toy with a laugh " Oh thank you for this bear, I will remember it always!" " Just take the damn thang! I won it for you.." He smiled and said, " Yeah well I tried getting one for you but I guess your giving me my hard work." " Hahaha but now can we get on the ferris wheel! I pag-ibig getting on them!" He rolled his eyes and said, " Yeah sure why not... all try not to break down yelling!" She pulled his arm and made the line to get on.
Jared and Courtney got on one of the boats. " This is kinda nice.." Courtney sinabi as she sat down. Jared was about to sit down til he saw a pretty rose on the ground. He picked it up and handed it to Courtney she thanked him as he sat down and got the paddel and took them off. She smelled the rose as she looked up the stars. He looked at the stars as well and said, " Do you think theres madami to life than just this?" She at back up and said, " Yeah but I dont think its ment to be found... I think that is for the lucky.." She sinabi in a sweet voice, her voice sounded like a peaceful song for the first time. " I dont think that... I think its out there you just gotta find it..." She sat susunod to him as he got nervous and fell into the water. " Oh sh!t are you okay!?" She sinabi as she pulled him out. " Yeah am fine no biggy!" he sinabi as he shoke his head as the water from his hair dropped. She started laughing and so did he as he pushes her into the water. She looked at him angerly as he said, " Oh crap I was jus-" She grabbed his arm and pulled him into the water again as she began laughing. He spit the water frim his mouth as he splashed the water onto her, and she did the same to him. She tried to get back into the bangka but she turned it over and fell back in.
Duncan and Andi got on the ferris wheel as she sat on one and he sat on the other. The ferris wheel started going up as Duncan looked down and so did she... she closed her eyes as he looked at her and said, " Why are you closing your eyes?" " Um... cause am affraid of heights!" He gave her a look and sinabi , " Then why did you want to get on?" She opened her right eye and said, " Because my mother liked getting on them with my dad.." He looked at the ground and said, " Well thats a weird reason to get on...Just hold my hand and you'll be fine.." She put her head on his shoulder as he hugged her and she looked up at him, " Promise you wont let go until we get back down?" He patted her head and said, " Promise.." She grabbed onto his as the ferris wheel stopped and moved. " Ah!" She yelled out as he grabbed her hand and sinabi " It only stopped! It didnt break down!" " Alright" She took her big breath and closed her eyes. He looked at her as the light hit her and the fireworks where right behind her. He could look at her forever. She opened her left eye and said, " Take a picture it'll last longer..." He rolled his eyes at her as she said, " Wow how original!" " What?" " Your not even enjoying yourself on one of the funniest nights!?" She sinabi as she looked down at the people. " Great now stuck with a mean girl whos being stupid!" She looked at him as she yelled out, " Look what is your problem?! What you couldnt handle Courtney now your being a ...a.. a DICK to ME!? What the hell did I evre do to you huh!?" She crossed her arms as her eyes got watery. He looked at her as he said, " Ughh dont cry! It wont solve anything!" "Am not crying! Just dont talk to me! God your such a jerk I swear I dont even know why girls like you!" He was stunned sa pamamagitan ng her words and sat susunod to her as she pushed him away from the seat. He grabbed her shoulder and turned her to him, " Kay am sorry for what I sinabi I didnt mean it!" She slapped him as she tried to hit him again he grabbed her arm and the other one as well as she said, "Let me go you sick mother fu-" He kissed her as she kicks him in the stomach. " God cant you be any madami disrespectful!" He got her arm as she said, " Let go of me! God let go in the name of Crist!" He kissed her again as she hitted im on the back of the head as she stopped and rapped her arms on his neck. Their lips seperated as she said, " How am I fool for you? A girl should never fall so easy.." " Thats because you cant stop feeling what you feel." " I still hate your guts... no matter what.." She sinabi as she sat back down. " Well you'll get use to the idea of me still being around.." " Ha in your dreams.." She crossed her arms as they got off the ferris wheel.

Am not finished with the carnival thing yet! Its just that the chapter is too long xD If you where not really featured before then nxt one you will ;)
 Lauren and Cody <3
Lauren and Cody <3
 Andi and Duncan<3
Andi and Duncan<3
added by DandC4evacute
Source: VaultMan
added by DandC4evacute
Source: DoodlezQueen-TDI
added by DandC4evacute
Source: TDI-Exile
added by DandC4evacute
Source: Twisted-Persona
added by CamilleTDFan
Source: Me
added by poptrop300
Source: Me for recolour deviantart user for actual image.
added by CourtneyGirl
Source: 1Courtney
added by Duncan-superfan
Source: Me; I edited.
added by creativegirl31
Source: NOT MINE!
added by Lolly4me2
added by TDItwin
Source: me (TDItwin)
added by TDIlover226
Source: Me and Sumerjoy's coloring pages
added by topez99
Source: Me
added by xxXsk8trXxx
added by sumosabs
Source: me
added by wetts2
Source: courtney
added by bubblegum05
Source: me
added by milorox18
Source: deviantart.com/
added by wetts2
Source: katei prom
added by iono1103