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posted by twilight-7
It was very quiet. I didn’t want to be the first to break the silence that enveloped us. sa pamamagitan ng us I meant Alice, Jasper and me. Jasper was driving somewhere. They hadn’t told me. I was particularly worried; I knew I could trust them. Also because Jasper was working his magic on me so it was hard to feel worried. So I was left with my thoughts to keep my company. It was hard being away from Edward. I had spent so much of my time with him that it felt wrong that he wasn’t sa pamamagitan ng my side. My puso felt like it had been ripped into tiny pieces and scattered across America. It would take a lot of time to find them but if Edward was with me, I knew that one look into his golden eyes would send those pieces flying back to me in an instant, making my puso whole.
I sighed and leaned my head against the window. The scenery outside flashed by. I didn’t pay much attention to it. It was of no interest to me.
What I had done to Charlie. I couldn’t even look myself in the mirror. How could I do that to him? How could I put him through that much pain? But would he have let me leave if I had told him the truth? Would he have willingly let me walk away with Alice and Jasper not knowing when he would see me again? Of course he wouldn’t. He would have tried to protect me and get himself killed. Charlie may think that he is up to it but I know that he would stand a chance. He was too old. Yes, he had his abilities but when was the last time he used them. His abilities only resurface when he thought the Cullens were a threat to me but the Cullens wouldn’t have harmed Charlie anyway so they aren’t much of a danger.
I jerked my head away from the window and looked outside. Did I see what I thought I had just seen? It couldn’t have been. It shouldn’t have been. They were no where near this way; Alice had made sure of that before we started driving.
From the corner of my eye I saw it again, but out of the window on my other side. A white blur that stuck out sharply against the green of the trees that dashed by.
“Alice?” I called uncertainly from the back. I was trying to look out of both windows at once but it was difficult as my eyes wouldn’t go in opposite directions.
“Yes, Kayla?” she asked, unconcerned from the front passenger seat.
Jasper’s gaze flicked from the road to me. He could feel my panic break through the calm he was pressing on me.
“I think I just saw-” Before I could finish my sentence there was a loud thud from above us. Something had landed on the car roof.
Jasper moved with speed. He turned the car off the road and into the trees that lined it. A hand broke through the metal roof and grabbed at me. It caught my hair and tried to pull me up but Alice was in the backseat susunod to me and her teeth clamped around the arm. The hand let go and retreated back up before Alice could bite it off.
“Stay here!” she hissed and she shot out the car. Jasper was out after her. I thought that it was foolish to stay here. I was like a sitting duck, an easy target. They could get to me easily if they could defeat Alice and Jasper? Wouldn’t it be safer to run? I could have a chance to escape, a chance to survive.
I could hear snarls and ripping noises from above me on the roof. There was a fight going on. But who was winning? I winced as there was a loud bang as something was slammed against the roof of the car. I looked up, scared that it might be Alice or Jasper who had been hurt.
My eyes averted, I didn’t see the vampire until it was too late. My neck stretched up and my head and eyes turned to the roof, I was exposed and unguarded.
I didn’t hear their footsteps nor see them as the crept into the car susunod to me. I only realised I was being ambushed when his cold hands were pinning me against the backseat. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I was terrified. I had never felt like this before. I had been scared when I fought the newborn in the forest but that was when I knew I would survive. But as Jared face inched closer to mine I knew I couldn’t. The fact that I could die when his venom touched my red blood cells blocked out any survival instincts. The only thing that went through my mind was death. My death. My horrible excruciating death as my puso attacked itself.
“Persephone wanted you badly,” Jared whispered and his cool breath blew onto my face. “But she wasn’t smart enough. She attacked too soon. But I waited.”
He could see the terror in my eyes and he loved it. Did all Bampira get pleasure from inducing fear into their victims?
“I knew that if I was patient enough I would get you.”
It was Persephone that had jumped on the car roof. It was Persephone who Alice and Jasper were fighting right now on the roof. It wasn’t me Alice and Jasper were protecting.
I knew I had to do something to defend myself but my muscles wouldn’t work. It was like they were paralysed with fear. I had never felt like this before. Never. I didn’t like it. Not one bit. I had to save myself. I would not die at the hands of Jared. I would die when I was old enough to die. Not at sixteen, not in the backseat of a car and definitely not sa pamamagitan ng this arrogant vampire.
I wrenched one of my hands free and punched Jared in the side of the face. He staggered backwards and I tried to make my escape. I had only reached the door when his hands were around me arm. I turned back and saw him smile at me. It wasn’t a nice smile. Evil sparked in his eyes. His head bent over my wrist and I screamed. I screamed loud and hard. But I was too late. I felt his teeth pierce my skin. I thought I could feel his venom stream into my veins.
It was my scream that alerted Alice and Jasper to my immediate death. It was only then that I noticed that the snarling and the ripping and the bangs had stopped. I don’t even think they were on the roof anymore.
Two strong hands gripped Jared’s shoulders and yanked him out of the car. His hands and mouth left my arm and he was dragged into the trees sa pamamagitan ng Jasper.
Alice jumped into the car susunod to me and saw crescent bite on my wrist. Jared had made sure he bit into a good vein.
“Oh no!” Alice’s voice was full of worry. “Oh no! This was something Edward warned us could not happen. Oh no!”
I wasn’t listening to Alice. I was worried about my arm. At my wrist, where Jared had bitten me, had gone cold. Ice cold. There was an almost burning sensation accompanied with it. I wondered how this could be. How could apoy and ice survive together? Didn’t they counter each other out? This ice cold and burning sensation was slowly travelling up my arm and I knew what had happening. It was my blood, contaminated with the venom, travelling along my veins. Soon it would reach my puso and I was dead. It was agonizing, this apoy and ice, but I didn’t scream. It wouldn’t help.
“Alice, I need the matches.”
Jasper was standing at the door of the car. He hadn’t registered our horrified faces or the bite mark on my wrist.
“Alice! Didn’t you hear me?”
It was only then that Jasper looked at my wrist.
“Shit!” he jumped into the car susunod to me and pushed Alice out. “You have the matches. Burn the pieces.”
“I can’t leave her!” Alice whimpered her golden eyes wide and staring at me.
“I’ll deal with her, you deal with them.”
Jasper took my wrist delicately in his cold hands. The apoy and ice was half way up my arm. It was excruciatingly painful and my arm was jerking with spasms that I couldn’t control. I bit on my bottom lip to stop myself from screaming.
“What are you going to do?” I asked Jasper. My voice was unsteady and shaking, like my arm.
He didn’t answer but was staring at the bite mark. It seemed he was contemplating something. The spasms were travelling along my arm to the rest of my body, faster than the venom. Soon my entire body was shaking uncontrollably and I couldn’t stop it. I fell off the upuan and landed hard in the back of the car. I curled up into the foetal position but the arm that Jasper held was extended. It was then that Jasper reached his decision. As I lay on the floor of the car, shaking violently. His lips closed around my wrist. I didn’t feel anything. The ice cold that was my blood and the burning that was the venom had taken over everything else so that I could feel only them. I closed my eyes against the pain.
A voice that I was sure I recognised was calling to me. It was so soft and velvety. But I couldn’t think properly. My body was shaking so much it hurt and the burning and ice in my arm was so painful.
“Jasper! What are you doing?” the soft velvet voice sounded angry. I felt someone beside me, holding onto my other hand. He was cold but not painful like the cold in my veins.
The apoy and ice that I felt so dominantly was lessening. I could feel it almost like it was travelling back down my veins, back to the crescent bite. But it was going fast enough. I was still in pain and I couldn’t fight it. It was taking over me, this apoy and ice. It hadn’t reached my puso but it didn’t mean it wasn’t agony.
“Kayla, honey, is it still hurting?” the velvet voice asked me. “Is your arm still painful?”
Yes. I thought it but I couldn’t form the words with my lips. When I opened my mouth the only thing that came out was an agonizing shriek.
“The venom’s still in her veins,” the velvet voice spoke to Jasper. I felt the burning lessen madami and the ice followed.
There was complete silence but the velvet voice seemed to answer an unspoken question.
“You will be able to.”
The apoy and ice continued to decrease in their torture. My spasms lessened to slight shudder.
“She’s stopped shaking so much so that must mean the venom is nearly gone. Keep going, Jasper, I know you can do this.”
I was beginning to feel drowsy. The ice cold was gone and the burning was faint. My shaking stopped and I was able to lie still on the floor. My body ached from the spasms.
“Kayla?” the velvet voice was whispering in my ear. “Open you eyes.”
I wanted to open my eyes but they were just so heavy. I felt so drained. I was going to blame the apoy that was torturing me but I couldn’t feel it anymore.
“Stop, Jasper, it’s gone.”
Stop what? What was Jasper doing? I could see Jasper in my mind with his lips on my wrist. He was drinking my blood!
“Don’t worry, Edward. I wouldn’t have killed her.”
Edward! That was who the velvet voice belonged to. My Edward. I tried to open my eyes to look at him but they wouldn’t obey me.
“Open your eyes, Kayla,” Edward told me.
I tried to, I really did but I couldn’t. I felt exhausted. The spasms had left me so sore and my body shattered.
Edward’s voice was fervent now.
“If you survive this Kayla, I will give you anything you want. You just have to open your eyes and tell me you’re ok.”
I felt my mind slipping. I needed to sleep. If I could sleep for just an hour, I could open my eyes and tell him I was fine.
“I’ll give you the Aston Martin.”
I willed my eyes to open. I could have that beautiful car if they would just open. Open! But it was too late; I was already drifting into unconsciousness.
10. Tell him he looks like a creepy stalker rapist.

9. Inform him, as politely as possible, that he has grizzly in his teeth.

8. Ask who wears the pants in his relationship.

7. Try to stab him through the puso with a stake.

6. Tell him brawn is out, scrawn is in.

5. Inquires as to how he feels to be the least-liked Cullen male.

4. When he is around, wonder aloud what Rosalie calls him in bed.

3. Ask if he is overcompensating for something with that Jeep.

2. Ask if he is overcompensating for something with those muscles..

And the Number One way to annoy Emmett Cullen?

1. When he denies the above two claims, respond with “That’s not what Rosalie saaaaaid!”

Source: link
Chapter 4 - Discoveries

    When the final kampanilya rang and I drove home, I thought about my day. Wow. It had to be the strangest araw in the history of weird days. First, my angel from my dreams shows up at my school the susunod day. Plus, he has all my classes and sits near me in every one. And, he asks me on a petsa when I’ve only known him for a day. Oh, I almost forgot about his mind pagbaba sister. I am SO taking a bubble bath tonight.
    I got tahanan and did the little homework I had before starting dinner. I made fried venison and when my mother got home...
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This is my story. It doesnt have a pamagat yet. Give me some suggestions. I hope u like it. Chapter 2 and 3 will be posted soon. Please comment!!!!!!!!

I could see my breathe as I stepped out into the frigid night. I tiptoed down the stairs of my back porch and headed towards the woods behind my house. They were dark and there was no moon tonight. I walked deeper and deeper into the woods until I couldn’t see any lights from my house anymore. It was well below freezing and I was wearing booty shorts and a tank top. Violent tremors shook through my body and my chattering teeth echoed in the silent...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
-------------------BLEED IT OUT----------------->
<----by: BuffyFaithfan1--------------------------

It has been a taon since Kandice's death. A lot has happened since then. Like I found Rachel, and she ran away from her mom and dad to help me out with myself and the loss of Kandice. I cried like a baby for a week. Maybe two I Nawawala track. Rachel doesn't know Kandice, but she tries to comfert me in SO many ways. And I cant help but refuse it. I try sooo hard to make the pain go away, and I never got to tell her what I was. But that doesn't matter now does it?
I loved Kandice. And now everything...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
The Wind Beneath My Wings PART ONE...
I walked across the sand, and then stood in silence for the longest of time. I watched the waves roll off eachother, and then devour eachother till madami waves came and splashed against rocks. And then repeating there first move. As if they didnt have a life to live. Or a brain to use. I crossed my arms, and held me tight as the chilly wind blew in. I then noticed something different. My eyesight was different. Not like Vampire eye sight, but human. I ran to the edge of the water washing in and out of the sand...
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posted by BuffyFaithFan1
There is this lyric from this song sa pamamagitan ng Fall Out Boy. The song is I'VE GOT A DARK ALLEY OUT BACK, AND A GOOD IDEA THAT YOU SHOUOLD SHUT YOUR MOTUH (SUMMER SONG) the lyric is: "joke me something awful just like kisses on the necks of "best friends" we're the kids who feel like dead ends and I want to be known for my hits, not just my misses I took a shot and didn't even come close at trust and pag-ibig and hope and the poets are just kids who didn't make it and never had it at all."...
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posted by CharmedVamp101
I sat down on the dresser as I watched her sleep. Listening to her dreams. She was dreaming about me, I mused. I remember that Bella used to dream about me, she talked in her sleep. It was interesting, the things she said, but she sinabi my name too often. Now I was glad she didn't choose me. If she had, I would have never met Liz.
She was dreaming that I was a vampire. That would certainly make it easier, the sooner she figured it out the better, she already had the slightest inkling that I was one. And I would follow through with my promise. I would ipakita her, and she would still pag-ibig me, hopefully....
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posted by sh0rtiinedward
i hope yOu like it!!!

i didn't know how my life will be has vampire, how things should work with Charlie and Mom, keeping my self away from then is torturing my self.
i felt like i'm trapped without a exit
the only thing thatr keep me strong is my family
Edward and Rennesme, nOw that they are not in mOre danger i feel madami in peace.
But what will i shOuld tell charlie when the time to ilipat arrive?
asarol he react to this, i think that he already know what we really are, but he is too scared to sinabi it or just think about it.
But what i really know right now is that we are ligtas and will start our Happy Ever After.
I think!!!!
posted by Twilight597
I know i am currently Pagsulat a lot of stories at the time! but im not sure when they will come out. dreamnapped is finished in a notebook because i write it in school but its not online yet i think instead of my slow typing i might get a friend to type it for me. the segundo one i am working on but have writers block and i figued 'why not write 2 at a time since im stuck on one'
im going to put an introduction to this one up today. it has to do with twilight and a band called Paramore(my two fav things-paramore and twilight)most of my mga kaibigan like my Pagsulat but when i do post i would like some criticizing comments for me to improve with.

<3 Danie
 Awesomeness x2
Awesomeness x2
Watch out, Robert Pattinson!
It sounds like Paris Hilton wouldn't mind sinking her teeth into you.
"I just saw Twilight last night for the first time, and I have to say that I think Rob is a beautiful man and an amazing actor," Hilton gushed to us at Cash Money Records' Lil Wayne party. "He's fabulous!"
Yes, Hilton realizes she's a little a late to the Twilight game...
"Now I understand all the hype," she explained. "I just didn't get it before, but now it all makes sense. I really enjoyed the movie and loved watching Rob in it."
In other celebs-loving-other-celebs news, we're told Paul McCartney...
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LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - "Twilight" director Catherine Hardwicke won't shoot the segundo picture in the fledgling vampire franchise.

Hardwicke had until recently been thought a candidate to direct the sequel, titled "New Moon," but word began to circulate in the industry that her relationship with series producer Summit Entertainment has not always been smooth.

On Sunday, Summit confirmed that Hardwicke would not direct the film, saying in a statement that its plans to release the film in late 2009 or early 2010 did not mesh with Hardwicke's required prep time.

The picture, whose start...
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The Twilight saga keeps going and going and....

On Tuesday, the film's bituin Kristen Stewart called in to Ryan Seacrest's morning radio ipakita in L.A. and talked about how excited she is to make the sequel to Twilight.

Kristen also revealed some exciting details about the just announced sequel, New Moon, (based on Stephenie Meyer's book sa pamamagitan ng the same name) saying production will most likely start "in March."

"A lot of the book takes place in Italy, and I think we're going to get to go to Italy-- which is so cool," Stewart, 18, says. "For a while there they were like 'Oh we don't know if we have the...
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Pattinson takes a bite out of fame; Stewart tells 'Twilight' fans to buzz off; Boyle gives back to Mumbai; crying over spilt 'Milk'

Get tickets, showtimes and madami at MSN Movies

As I began my interview with Robert Pattinson, the dreamy vampire Edward in the upcoming romantic thriller "Twilight," I reminded the 22-year-old Brit about our nakaraan conversation on the movie's set last spring and how enthusiastic he was at the time about the project.

Puzzled, Pattinson responds, "I was having a good time on that day? There was, like, a close-up in the script where [Edward] has a look that's 'demonic...
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posted by ilurvedward
i know this has already been posted.... but i am so moved that i have to put my two cents.

first off, i have to say that i am extreemly disappionted at whoever did this. the person that leaked the draft was trusted enough sa pamamagitan ng Stephenie to even HVE IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! if stephenie trusted that one dip---t enough to entrust them the draft, they shouldv'e respected her and the millions of twilighters out there and kept it to themselves.

now, the true fans, the ones who didn't give in to temptation and read the leaked draft, can maybe never get the satisfaction of seeing our Edward's book bound...
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posted by twilightlova13
If you have never read or heard about Twilight you should go to the book store right now and get it. There are two other books after it and the fourth book comes out August second. I'm so that is not even the right word to say. I have no clue what the right word is to say about how i feel right now so let's just say super super super super etc. excited about Breaking Dawn ( the fourth book) coming out. And I'm am so so so so so so so so excited for the movie to come out. I'm driving my family up the pader because I talk about it every day. I'm obsessed. I am a readaholic, but my...
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ok, i know she loves both but its probably ovious who she loves more, but im not sure is it edward or jacob.

i think that if she chooses edward like she did in eclipse, there will be pain for not being with jake, but she already went through not being with edward and it almost killed her, and at the end of elcipse she had pain but it wasnt as bad. like she sinabi when edward asked her,
" are you sure you made the right choice, i have never seen you in so much pain"
and she says "I have known worse pain"
does that mean, the worse pain was when edward left her

does anyone get what im trying to ask, if not ill try to explain better
posted by tubby2002
**Warning! Spoilers ahead**

**Still under construction. I will add madami sagot when I remember madami questions**

Q. How come Alice and Jasper can affect Bella with their supernatural powers, but Edward and Aro and Jane can't?

A. This tanong comes up at every single signing! The answer is explained in Eclipse, but I'm going to tell you all anyway, just so there's less confusion.

Bella has a very private mind. She can't be touched there. What Edward and Aro do is clearly a mental thing; Jane, also, works inside the head (Jane doesn't actually inflict pain on anyone's body, she just puts the illusion...
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added by rakshasa
Source: wolpeyper Abyss (edits)
added by rakshasa
Source: wolpeyper Abyss (edits)
fanvid sa pamamagitan ng RangerFan49
twilight saga