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dayami guys, enjoi this one, i had help from mga kaibigan at school.

The ride to the clearing was like every trip we take. It started out with Ben and Thai fighting over the front seat, and ended up with me there instead. All of us laughing, joking around, all of us having a good time…and then we got there. The smell hit us like a wrecking ball…more than one lot of vampires…and about a dozen madami werewolves.
“They brought madami with them…” Nate stated his eyes unfocussed as he looked ahead into the future. “There are three madami female Bampira and one male…” he frowned as he processed that. “And 4 new werewolves…but they’re different…they look…bigger than the Quileute’s…” his eyes flickered back to life as he came back to the present and looked directly at me.
“Are you sure you don’t want one of us to come with you?” he asked, eyeing me meaningfully, the emotion plain in his eyes, he didn’t want me in danger.
I sucked in a deep breath. I looked out the window, watching the spot that I would disappear. I tried picturing the two different scenario’s…one in which I went alone and one where one of them came with me…
I had to admit…the one with them felt better.
My eyes flicked to Thackery. He could see the indecision in my eyes. He smiled at me and nodded.
“Ben?” Thackery asked; his voice breaking the deafening silence.
“Yeah, boss?” he asked, looking between Thackery and me with a confused expression plain on his features.
“You go with Bella…” he was coming up with this from the tuktok of his head. “And Nate and Thai will patrol around the clearing, far enough out so that the Vampire’s and mga asong lobo won’t hear, and I’ll wait here in the car. If anything goes wrong, Nate and Thai will get you guys out of there and I’ll have the car ready…cool?” he asked us, though I don’t know why he had to ask. Of course it was cool…he came up with it…
No-one could refuse the Alpha.
Except our alpha rules were a lot different than the mga asong lobo one…if they refuse, they get forced to do it and get their will stripped away from them…if we refuse…we die.
Everyone was looking at me, and I looked at each of their faces in return and smiled.
“Let’s go.”
I opened the car door and I was flying.
I had never been good at much before I was a witch…I was okay at school…never good at sports and I’d never had much talent musical ability…but now I could do everything I couldn’t before.
I could read the mind of the teachers, so I got most tanong right…I was much madami coordinated now, so sports was a given, and now I had the musical ability of a siren…
But the fact that I could run like this…
Now I knew how Edward and Jacob were always happy while running…the speed was exhilarating and exciting…it gives you a sense of freedom, which is exactly what you need when you’re a prisoner in your own body…
Focus Bella, Ben thought anxiously…he’s such a worrier.
The scent was getting stronger now, and I could no longer hear Thai and Nate’s foot falls around me so I knew we were close. I could start to hear them talking…
“She’s not alone…” somebody hissed, Rosalie I thought, but I couldn’t quite tell yet.
“It’s probably just a precaution, Rose, she’s being cautious, just like us…” That was definitely Alice, we were almost there now, I could hear each person’s breathing…what surprised me was that most of the breathes weren’t animals…meaning that they Quileute’s were in their human form…weird.
How do we approach them? Ben thought tentatively.
I tried to think of a good way to do it…something tells me sprinting into the clearing wasn’t the best idea.
Slow down…I thought quickly, we’ll walk in…that way they wont get too freaked out.
I slowed to a brisk human walk and saw Ben do the same. We looked at each other, not saying or thinking anything…having a private conversation pagbaba each other’s facial expressions. He was worried and a little scared. I tried to convince him that there was nothing to be afraid of…but it was a Nawawala cause. He could see the fear on my face as well; there was no denying that I was frightened.
Is it the vampires? He thought tentatively. Is it them your afraid of?
I frowned and shook my head slowly.
He laughed and a sly smile spread across his face.
“Don’t worry Lil’ Red, who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?” his voice was amused.
I heard muted growls from behind the thicket of trees…they heard that. There were also light chuckles, from the Bampira I thought.
I rolled my eyes at him.
“Let’s go…” I sighed. As we reached the last puno I took one final deep breath, and walked through the trees, careful to avoid the moonlight…that was a completely different thing to explain.
They all stood in a loose circle. The Cullen’s closest to us, with 4 newer Bampira behind him. There were 2 blondes and 2 brunettes. One blonde had dead straight hair, like mais silk, and the other had curly, presa blonde shoulder length hair. Something burned to the surface, something Edward had told me once…about the Denali coven. That had to be Tanya and one of her sisters, either Kate or Irina…the others must be their newest members; Carmen and Eleazar. The Quileute’s were right susunod to them, backed up sa pamamagitan ng 4 monstrous beasts, that looked madami like a creature from my nightmares than a real animal. They growled menacingly as they took in the rooted figures of Ben and me.
“Say something…” Ben muttered.
I looked at him with panic in my eyes…I didn’t know how to start.
Carlisle coughed and took a slow step forward, with Emmet, Jasper and Edward shadowing him. My eyes flicked to them, though my head still faced Ben.
“Hello Bella,” his voice was oddly formal, and I could sense his uncertainty.
My eyes flicked back to Ben, who nodded in encouragement. I looked directly at Carlisle now and took a small step pasulong so that I was still in the shadows of the trees.
“Carlisle…everyone.” I addressed them loudly. “Thank-you for meeting me here tonight…I know you got a bit of a shock this afternoon, and I wanted a chance to explain myself…” I cringed internally at the formal tone of my voice. I took in the wary expressions of the people in front of me.
“I mean…” I scrambled around thinking of a new direction to take. “I’m sorry.” It was true. I was sorry. I didn’t like hurting them. “I know this is weird-”
Emmet cut me off.
“What are you?” his voice was harsh and ripped through me hard and fast; I flinched at his tone, before my own temper was ignited.
“Weren’t you paying attention before Emmet?” I snapped; my eyes and tattoo blazing. I heard Thai, Nate, Thackery and Ben all warn me to keep my temper. His eyes narrowed and he bared his teeth. “I didn’t quite grasp the concept as we were told to leave, so pardon me.”
“I’m a witch, moron.” I growled at him, baring my teeth in return. He growled at me and leaned pasulong in anticipation. I took a step pasulong as well, but Ben grabbed my arm and held me back.
“Bella!” he yelled at me. I looked at him and saw that I was burning him from my anger. I closed my eyes and took a step back, while I counted back from ten.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Jacob asked in a quiet, subdued voice.
My eyes opened to a glare. “Sorry, I didn’t think you really cared enough…what with the whole leaving thing.”
Pain shot across his features and from my peripheral vision I saw Edward look down in shame.
I made an effort to calm myself.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have sinabi that,” I sinabi the words as sincerely as I could. “I know why you left, and I would have done the same thing.”
Everyone was looking at each other. I looked at Carlisle who was looking meaningfully at Edward.
Think it’s legit? He was wondering whether I was telling the truth.
“Carlisle, when have I ever ibingiay you reason not to trust me?” I asked in a wary voice. “I am one hundred percent legit.” I added quietly.
His eyes widened briefly, as he took what I sinabi in.
“You can read minds can’t you?” his voice was astounded. I heard a small gasp coming from Esme.
I smiled and nodded.
“Can Edward hear yours?” he asked curiously.
“Only when I’m angry or upset…when my shield breaks.” I stated matter-of-factly. “That’s why he was never able to hear me, I had a shield but I dint know how to use it.”
There was a sudden calm surrounding me. I eyed Jasper meaningfully; obviously he felt the tension in the air, and decided to intercede.
Ben moved around me and sat on the wet grass, obviously madami relaxed now. He was careful not to be in the direct moonlight.
“So, why did we have to leave earlier?” Alice asked quietly. “I couldn’t see anything.”
Ben and I exchanged a glance. There was no harm if they knew right?
“There was…some family in town…” Ben started. “Not our family, but a family of witches…bad witches…” he trailed off looking at me. I met his gaze evenly. There was nothing to fear here. “They wanted to know if there were any others here…Thackery, knew them from when he first turned into a witch…”
Carlisle took a step forward, his eyes beseeching. “Are they are threat to you?” it didn’t escape my notice that all their eyes flickered to me as he spoke. “Do you need help with anything, of the fighting kind?”
I tried hard not to smile…and failed quickly, and absolutely. Ben started roaring with laughter, and I could faintly hear the laughter from Nate, Thai and Thackery.Yeah, rigght... they all thought in hysterics.
“They’re not after us…” I informed them, my grin fading. I could hear the story of what they did want run through my head. My grandma Marie used to tell me this story when I was younger…about three evil witches, who needed the life of the immortal to become young forever…the life of a vampire or werewolf for example.
The others heard the story, and it dawned on them too…that’s how they knew where we were…they had smelled the werewolf and vampire scent, and it had led them to us…we weren’t the target…
They were.
It was then I could hear the faint noise of footsteps running faster than any human could, running directly towards us. I scanned the thoughts in my head, checking to see if it was Nate or Thai. It wasn’t.
Bella, get them out of here! Thackery screamed at me mentally. Get them to the car! I could hear him start the engine as Nate and Thai got there.
Edward was looking at me, his eyes opened wide, with horror and wonder.
“Did you hear that?” I asked quickly.
He nodded mutely.
“Then follow us to the car!” I shrieked at him, and turned on the spot. I could hear them following me, and Ben was right at my heels…he must have filled them in quickly and silently in a vibration of his lips, like he used to talk to them.
There would be little room in the car; I prayed that Jacob brought the Rabbit.
“Jake!” I shouted as I ran, “Did you bring the car?”
I heard a growl from susunod to me, as I turned and gasped as a great russet lobo was inches from me, with several madami around him. He nodded, and I sighed in relief. But one of us will have to travel between cars…
Bella, that’s your job…Thackery amended quickly, as we broke through the trees, into the clearing.
I nodded one fast bob.
“Carlisle, Cullen’s? All of you need to get in this car NOW!” he shouted at them as I ran past, towards the wolves.
“Lead the way to your car…” I commanded, and followed as they took flight. It wasn’t far, which was good…not much difference in speeds.
I looked the opposite direction as they turned back to their human forms, and then quickly got them settled in the car.
“What about you?” Quil asked, as he left the door open and I stepped back.
“I have to run patrol.” I stated quickly. “Thai will be in the car with you, so don’t worry.” As I spoke, Thai burst through the trees and was at my side.
I touched my arm briefly and we exchanged a look. Not thinking or saying anything, but a moment of speechless communication happened between us.
Be careful.
He hoped in the car and Jacob began driving. I stood and watched them leave; quietly…I didn’t want to freak them out too fast. When they were a good distance ahead, I started running. I over took them in no time, and heard all the Quileute’s gasp in shock. I could hear Thackery and Ben running silently with me. We scanned the area around us, checking for immediate danger. I beat the Cullen’s car and Nate soon after that. They did not gasp, but I heard one of them call out to me in shock.
Bella, Ben? Thackery thought and he had my immediate attention. Swap with Nate and Thai…you guys are still new to this, and we need someone experienced in case it comes to hand to hand. Plus you guys drive better. He added, trying to ease the sudden hostility he heard from the tenor of our thoughts.
Okay, I’ll take the wolves. Ben muttered sullenly, and slowed almost to a stop. I sighed and slowed as well. Once I could sense the car close enough behind me, I jumped.
It was an exhilarating feeling, that even in a time of stress, I could feel this free. I landed on the roof with a low thud. The sun roof was open…
That was good.
I stuck my head in, and immediately regretted it.
Jasper’s face was inches from mine, and we both cringed away from the closeness. I turned until I saw Nate.
“Swapsies.” I sinabi in a childlike voice I used to use when we were little. He nodded.
“Carlisle, can you take the wheel for a moment?” he asked politely. Carlisle shot us a confused look, which turned to horror as Nate hopped up and out of the sunroof, past my head.
Be careful, I thought quietly.
I pulled my head out and jumped into the driver’s seat.
“Thanks Carlisle.” I sinabi as I moved him arms out of the way. I mashed the accelerator pedal down until it touched the floor.
“Since when do you drive like this?” Alice squeaked in her chirpy voice.
My mouth twitched. I remembered how slow I used to drive, and wanted to kick myself.
“Recently.” I replied, a smile in my voice.
Suddenly a large shout rippled through my head.
I looked ahead and saw the Sanderson sister’s waiting in the middle of the road. I slammed the brake, and slammed back into my seat.
Mina looked at me and smiled.
“Hello, beautiful.”
added by So-So
posted by runlikeawolf
"And you're sure that you didn't know them?"Carlisle was pacing back and forth in front of the staircase.We had just gotten back from discovering that newborns had invaded my house.
"No.We've never seen them before,"my dad said.I squeezed Jacob's hand,seeking reasurance.He smiled and rubbed my arm."They'll be back,but we need to intervene before the Volturi steps in,"he finished.
Emmet leaned forward,his eyes twinkling mishcheivously."Great!I could use a good fight!"Rosalie hissed.He rolled his eyes and muttered something unintelligable under his breath.
"No.We need to find out who they were...
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posted by -Darkness-xo
I promise to remember Bella

Each time I carelessly fall down

And I promise to remember Edward

Whenever I'm out of town

I promise to obey traffic laws

For Charlie's sake, of course

And I promise to remember Jacob

When my puso fills with remorse

I promise to remember Carlisle

When ever I'm in the Emergency Room

And I promise to remember Emmett

Whenever there's a huge boom

I promise to remember Rosalie

When ever I see something that holds pure beauty

And I promise to remember Alice

When I'm at the mall and a cute outfit spots me

I promise to remember Renesmee

When I see that beautiful bronze hair

And I promise...
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posted by jacob_lover5253
I'm sooo sooo sooo sorry i haven't posted in like forever but I have a MAJOR writer's block. I will try to post madami of my Unspoken story when i do not have writer's block


srry for all the extra space
posted by LexisFaith

I was so nervous. I was going to prom with all my best mga kaibigan who used to be my ex bestfriends and my boyfriend who used to be my ex But that wasn't why I was nervous. Edward Cullen was my date. Just saying his name made my stomach flip and flop. Why?

"I hope Emmett likes this dress." Rose was spraying her golden hair that was pulled up on the sides and tuktok in a saging clip what was covered sa pamamagitan ng her long curls. She was wearing a short dress. It was strappless and black. The torso was polk-a-doted with giant white dots. There was a vivid red ribbon tied into a bow onto...
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posted by a-jforever
Ok here's part 4. It rather short compared to the other bits I've posted but owell:

“You ok Clo?” Kim asked, looking concerned. I nodded.

“Yeah I’m fine.” I replied to my Mum, sticking the phone into my pocket, wanting to get tahanan earlier, but not wanting to be rude and leave.
After a while Paul announced he was leaving and I thought I would grab the opportunity to get tahanan myself, whatever it was Mum had to say had to be important because she wouldn’t just tell me she needed to talk to me tomorrow if it wasn’t.

“Do you want me to walk you home?” Paul asked, his eyes searching...
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posted by groovychicklisa
"Morning." Edward greeted as I got into the passenger upuan of the Camaro the following morning.

"Morning." I leaned over for my hello kiss, which he was only too happy to give me.

"You missed quite a ipakita at the house this morning." He told me, pulling out of the driveway.

"Oh yeah?"

"Rose suddenly decided that maroon wasn't her color, and tried to get the principal on the phone to force him to change the robes last minute." Edward chuckled at the memory, and I could almost see the scene in front of me. God help the person who tried to mess with Rosalie's fashion sense.

"Poor Mr. Greene." I felt...
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posted by basketballstar
I wrote this very short story based on Eclipse. It's told from Edward's point of view. I wrote it quite some time ago, and only decided now to put it out and see what people think of it. Please comment and tell me what you think (if you want to read others etc.) as I have some other similar short stories that I was thinking about posting aswell!

Undoubtedly Alice was my favourite sister. There wasn’t really any competition. I had annoyed Rosalie from the first araw she heard me speak; it went both ways. I loved Rosalie, true. But without a doubt, I adored Alice. She was annoying...
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my mind worled jacob my jacob was alive. so the dreams i was having wernt just me beeing crazy they were him. warning me.
which ment he still loved me.
"excuse me" i got up before anyone could ask me queastions.
i ran ran straight sourth till i hit them smell that told me i was in werewolf teritorie and stopped dead on the line i just hit and waited. they would have to be here soon.
then smell got stronger and closer. they were getting close i pepared myself . sam would want to kill me paul i dont know what would happen i just had to tell them he was alive but not how they knew it.
they were...
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posted by CarlislesLover
Hi guys. I'm sorry I keprt you waiting for part 9.
This part is 4 years on from the last part.
Hope you like it

I was in the woods alone. Edward was at work and Renesmee was at school. I was meant to be at work as well. But weird things had been happening lately. My closest possessions disappeared one sa pamamagitan ng one. But of course my closest possessions ever hadn’t disappeared yet. Edward and Renesmee. I had to find were these items were going because if Renesmee and Edward disappeared I would have to be able to find them. Pain lashed through me as I thought of them disappearing. Who was taking...
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posted by smileyfaceddude
I felt sleepiness sweep over me.
I just gave in gave in the pain. Gave in with the rest-or if I had any more-chances of contact with Father and the other chances.
Another thing I got from Mother, I'm an accident and trouble magnet.
But I couldn't stop tanong flowing through me. What will she do to me? What did she mean sa pamamagitan ng "feed and then, dispose of you"? Will my family get here before...? I hope so!
Cornelia stepped into my sight and the tanong stopped instantly when she did.
"Right, here." She gave me a plate with...? I'm not sure what it was honestly; it looked like porridge, but it...
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posted by eclipselov
So I like giving summarys so here it is:
The Voltri adopt a Special little girl.But what is so special about her?And Why does every vampire want her?Aro decides to hide the girl with an old friend. But with who?



As I watch Vannessa walk amongst us I can't help but wonder what the child will be like.Vannessa being 9 months pregnant I feel the tension.The child will be Powerful.I know it.
"Aro?" A small but firece voice says.
"Yes Jane?"I always wonder if Jane is jelouse of the young one about to sumali us.
"It's time."She states.I nod my head and head for Vannessas room.I can smell her blood from here.My throat burns with the thirst.This is the beginning of a new Era.
Hope you Liked IT!!!! PLease REview!!!!! MOre to come soon!!!!!!
posted by bella01
i realize the boy is not a human he is a werewolf.i can't believe it,does every mythical creatures i know live here in forks?before i know it the vision stopped.

{chapter 12}

"hey, miss ,hey"someone shouted at me.

"oh..what?"i asked still can not believe what i saw.

"are you ok?"he asked worried.he have black eyes and hair.

"yes"i said.

"are you sure?"he asked.

"by the way ,my name is jacob black"he said smiling,he gave me a beautiful smile but it did not top edward's smile.wait why am i thinking of him.

"hello jacob i am isabella swan but you can call me bella"; i said also smiling

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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I couldn't believe I had acually done this! Why on earth did I not keep running?? There was atleast 10-15 cops with theirs gun pointed at me! I was scared, I felt like I was going to throw up. Lay on the ground. Charlie sinabi coming closer to me. I laid down on the ground. Charlie was putting handcuffs on me when I saw all the whole pack in the woods looking at. I saw Jake, his face was filled with mixed emotion. Everything thing from sadness, madness, and even a hint of a smile. I think he thought that I desired this. Charlie lifted me to my feet and I felt a tear go down my cheak. I mouth...
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posted by Sk8bordNewMoon
I am so so sorry, I have no intire clues of what happen to chapter 21!! Thank you for telling me, I am sorry again. Sorry!! I hate that some of yall have read 22 before 21 because I has ruined it for yall but I will do me for this one to be good.  It is probably short, I cannot remember what I had in the chapter I am truly sorry!!

Taylor's POV
Why are your eyes so black? Jake asked me as I got ice water. I just gave in a weird look. Tay, I am being serious! Jake said. I went to the mirror in his bedroom to see what he was talking about. I was shocked, Jake was right! All the sudden waves...
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chapter 5 (Forced)

As soon as the door closed behind me everything changed, David started pushing me down the dark slimy stairs, every time I tripped he would yank me up sa pamamagitan ng my arm. The unknown guy and so called Shrek were behind David not saying one word.
“Where are we going?” I sinabi trying not to slip over the last step.
“Your a new boy Luke, Just do as your told and it will be easy” his voice was kind but demanding.
David pushed me through the door into darkness of the night sky. I shivered it was cold out here, the moon shined bright in the night sky.
“David?” I sinabi and turned round...
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posted by felinefan
Link on


Summary: Nessie's POV Had to get this down. What if when Nessie matures she falls for someone else instead of Jacob, One-Shot, no happy ending.

Leaving Our puso Behind

My dad always told me that one araw I would fall in pag-ibig and he and my mother as well as the rest of our family would go sa pamamagitan ng my decision no matter who it was. It was funny but when ever I would ask him what Uncle Jake would think he would always stiffen up yet say that he would always have my best interest at heart. Finally the araw came...
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1. Whenever you get a papercut, and it's bleeding, wave your hand around in Carlisle's face saying, "you know you waaaaaaant some."

2. Sneak into Edward's room and redecorate it, including rearranging his CDs

3. Provoke the Volturi and blame it on Jasper

4. Randomly yell "GODDAMMIT!" and whenever one of them asks what happened, say "nooothhinngg' >> with shifty eyes.

5. Give Emmett a teddy madala for his birthday

6. Invite Jacob Black over....

7....including Quil and Embry

8. Put some fake fangs in your mouth and put ketchup on them (for the blood) and run around going "Rawr Ima vampire! Rawr!...
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posted by xxEmo92xx
Bella came downstairs with Edward and took one look at Jasper and Jessica who were making out sa pamamagitan ng the counter."Jessica? Hi! Oh my Jesus! Why are you making out with Alice's boyfriend?"Bella said

"Because Jazzy is my boyfriend."

Bella looked confused. She walked torwards me.
"That skank is all over your dope."

"Bella, were you drinking last night?"


Remesmee started chanting "Jessie and Jasper sittin' in the puno k-i-s-s-i-"

"Nessie!" I interrupted

"Come on Erin we have to go shopping for dresses."

"Why? what's the occasion?"

"Ooops! I forgot to tell you? Your friend Danie I think...
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posted by angiehomas
alone in the dark i cannot breathe
where is my puso its locked inside of me
somewhere i cant go scared yeah i feel all alone
where did you go my only love

yes time moves on without me.
im not as strong as you want me to be
you tell me you dont want me
and that you must leave.
oh i fall on my knees
yeah i i cannot breathe

was it not enough to want you
forever and a day
i am sorry that you feel that way.
for i will pag-ibig you yeah till the end of time.
even then i my world you will still be mine.

ive cried myself out .im numb of the pain
null and void practicaly insane
yeah i hear voices all the time
only yours my pag-ibig and only in my mind
can you hear me screaming out to you
i pag-ibig you forever i will be here waiting for you